Health care to go to SCOTUS


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
The Obama administration chose not to ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to re-hear a pivotal health reform case Monday, signaling that it’s going to ask the Supreme Court to decide whether President Barack Obama’s health reform law is constitutional.

The move puts the Supreme Court in the difficult position of having to decide whether to take the highly politically charged case in the middle of the presidential election.

Read more: Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court - Jennifer Haberkorn -
The Obama administration chose not to ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to re-hear a pivotal health reform case Monday, signaling that it’s going to ask the Supreme Court to decide whether President Barack Obama’s health reform law is constitutional.

The move puts the Supreme Court in the difficult position of having to decide whether to take the highly politically charged case in the middle of the presidential election.

Read more: Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court - Jennifer Haberkorn -

Bear in mind that this is NOT about the entire health reform law. Only the part that requires people to take personal responsibility and do the right thing by purchasing HC and to stop expecting the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment.

From the OP link...........

The Justice Department is expected to ask the court to overturn an August decision by a panel of three judges in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that found the law’s requirement to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

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The Obama administration chose not to ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals to re-hear a pivotal health reform case Monday, signaling that it’s going to ask the Supreme Court to decide whether President Barack Obama’s health reform law is constitutional.

The move puts the Supreme Court in the difficult position of having to decide whether to take the highly politically charged case in the middle of the presidential election.

Read more: Health reform lawsuit appears headed for Supreme Court - Jennifer Haberkorn -

Bear in mind that this is NOT about the entire health reform law. Only the part that requires people to take personal responsibility and do the right thing by purchasing HC and to stop expecting the rest of us to pay for their medical treatment.

From the OP link...........

The Justice Department is expected to ask the court to overturn an August decision by a panel of three judges in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that found the law’s requirement to buy insurance is unconstitutional.


Is that the decision that threw out the whole law, because the 'mandate' was considered inseparable by the court?
Wow. If Obamacare goes to the SC in, say, September 2012????? Wow.
Bring it on
Yeah, because if the scotus follows the constitution, they will overthrow the part of the law in question.
And IF that part of the LAW is determined to be unConstitutional? The whole law to Obama will be worthless. They are counting on it to FUND it. The whole social experiment will be dead with NO funding except the $500BN diverted from Medicare.
from the link in the OP...
The Justice Department did not explain its decision, but there were strong reasons for it not to pursue the en banc hearing.

Possibly they thought they were going to lose, and rather than take that chance and certainly affect Obama's re-election chances, they decided to send it to the SCOTUS, hoping to draw it out as long as possible, maybe even until after the election.
Bring it on
Yeah, because if the scotus follows the constitution, they will overthrow the part of the law in question.
And IF that part of the LAW is determined to be unConstitutional? The whole law to Obama will be worthless. They are counting on it to FUND it. The whole social experiment will be dead with NO funding except the $500BN diverted from Medicare.

And conservatives can celebrate yet another nail in the coffin of personal responsibility. You guys kill me. We finally put forth a law that forces people to take some personal responsibility and you guys want to overturn it.

And talk about social experiments......I'm sure we can all agree that the "Trickle Down Economics" social experiment was a horrible and expensive failure. Time for Obama and congress to send it to the graveyard and repeal the MASSIVE tax breaks enjoyed by the rich over the past 30 years. Create jobs????? My ass.

Like JosefK alludes to....what happens if the SCOTUS overturns it? Then the conservatives will be seen as the party who got a law overturned that is already starting to gain popularity.

And if the conservative controlled SCOTUS doesn't overturn it what then?

Only an authoritarian dipshit would confuse the imposition of an authoritarian law with personal responsibility.

You can't legislate personal responsibility any more than you can morality. :thup:
Yeah, because if the scotus follows the constitution, they will overthrow the part of the law in question.
And IF that part of the LAW is determined to be unConstitutional? The whole law to Obama will be worthless. They are counting on it to FUND it. The whole social experiment will be dead with NO funding except the $500BN diverted from Medicare.

And conservatives can celebrate yet another nail in the coffin of personal responsibility. You guys kill me. We finally put forth a law that forces people to take some personal responsibility and you guys want to overturn it.

And talk about social experiments......I'm sure we can all agree that the "Trickle Down Economics" social experiment was a horrible and expensive failure. Time for Obama and congress to send it to the graveyard and repeal the MASSIVE tax breaks enjoyed by the rich over the past 30 years. Create jobs????? My ass.

Like JosefK alludes to....what happens if the SCOTUS overturns it? Then the conservatives will be seen as the party who got a law overturned that is already starting to gain popularity.

And if the conservative controlled SCOTUS doesn't overturn it what then?

Government subsidies and directing 1/7th of the US Economy by force is responsible?

Call me when you have bought a fucking clue. Healthcare is a Responsibility of the Individual...NOT for the Gubmint to enforce by force jackass.
Obamacare is now on life support.

We'd bring it in for some good old fashioned treatment, but unfortunately, Obamacare doesn't actually kick in until like 2014 or so.

So Obamacare might die on the table BECAUSE of Obamacare.
And IF that part of the LAW is determined to be unConstitutional? The whole law to Obama will be worthless. They are counting on it to FUND it. The whole social experiment will be dead with NO funding except the $500BN diverted from Medicare.

And conservatives can celebrate yet another nail in the coffin of personal responsibility. You guys kill me. We finally put forth a law that forces people to take some personal responsibility and you guys want to overturn it.

And talk about social experiments......I'm sure we can all agree that the "Trickle Down Economics" social experiment was a horrible and expensive failure. Time for Obama and congress to send it to the graveyard and repeal the MASSIVE tax breaks enjoyed by the rich over the past 30 years. Create jobs????? My ass.

Like JosefK alludes to....what happens if the SCOTUS overturns it? Then the conservatives will be seen as the party who got a law overturned that is already starting to gain popularity.

And if the conservative controlled SCOTUS doesn't overturn it what then?

Government subsidies and directing 1/7th of the US Economy by force is responsible?

Call me when you have bought a fucking clue. Healthcare is a Responsibility of the Individual...NOT for the Gubmint to enforce by force jackass.

And we all know that individuals have been nicely stepping up to the plate on this responsibility, don't we?

Call me when you get a clue that you have been paying out the ass for medical treatment for people who CHOOSE not to buy HC. They rightly figure that jackasses like you will gladly pay for it and even fight any efforts to make them responsible.

You're so fucking predictable.

This is about politics, not law. As Judge Sutton correctly noted in his recent ruling on the issue: just because a law is bad doesn’t mean it’s un-Constitutional.

Otherwise, 5-4 the ACA is ruled Constitutional – Kennedy writes the majority opinion.
Only an authoritarian dipshit would confuse the imposition of an authoritarian law with personal responsibility.

You can't legislate personal responsibility any more than you can morality. :thup:

No, but you can legislate away loopholes that people use to game the system.
Obamacare is now on life support.
We'd bring it in for some good old fashioned treatment, but unfortunately, Obamacare doesn't actually kick in until like 2014 or so.

So Obamacare might die on the table BECAUSE of Obamacare.​
But wait! It can't be over! Jumpstart it again!

It's gonna get shot down if the Court does its job honestly.

But, then again, there are a few too many libs on the SCOTUS, and the actual command of the Constitution may hold no sway.

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