*He Murdered Him*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Lookhere:

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Very well stated.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lookhere:

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Death by OD. Case closed.
Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.


*He Murdered Him*

No he didn't.

Those cops who were there are just as guilty.

No they aren't.

Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.

Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.


*He Murdered Him*

No he didn't.

Those cops who were there are just as guilty.

No they aren't.

Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.

Another thug succumbs to a self-induced overdose.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lookhere:

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Death by OD. Case closed.

Lethal injection? I'm not sure I agree that he deserves the death penalty.
Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

So why didn't he just taze him.
Would have caused an easier, quicker and less controversial method of killing a crackhead who swallowed enough Fetanol to kill a horse.
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.
Brother cops.
Conspiracy to commit murder.
Accessory before the fact.
Accessory after the fact.
Plenty to keep them in for life.

There's no getting out after 40 years for that stuff.
Self-induced OD, another thug off the streets, good riddance.
Sorry bout that,

1. It was cold blooded murder, plain and simple.
2. It can never be masked as anything different.
3. What we saw on film was a testimony to the killing on camera, like a snuff film, of maybe not a totally innocent person, but who is?
4. When Cain murdered Able, G-d asked him, "What happened to Able?"
5. Cain lied, but G-d still sees all, in the film we saw of Floyds murder, yes we saw.
6. No amount of some, greasy stretching the truth lawyer, will be able to change that.

Sorry bout that,

1. Lookhere:

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Death by OD. Case closed.

Lethal injection? I'm not sure I agree that he deserves the death penalty.
Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Why bother with a trial?

Now it's mob rule
Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Hey dimwit, how about just stopping the practice of....RESISTING ARREST!?!
911 was called and law enforcement presence was requested. Reason: He committed a crime and was behaving erratically.
Thus.....a police presence was necessary. While some may think that just because they are black, they are special and above the law.....THEY AREN'T!
Once some clown starts struggling, to not comply with an arrest, the situation only gets worse and a more negative outcome will result. In the case of Floyd (an addict who had overdosed on Fentanyl and Methamphetamine and who had just committed fraud), he RESISTED ARREST!
As for Floyd calling out that he couldn't breathe, you could see that he was repeatedly saying it as they struggled to get him in the police car...AND...didn't have their knees or arms around his neck. Add to this, during the trial, a medical expert said that "If you can repeatedly say, I can't breathe, you can indeed breathe. Try choking the person next to you until their trachea is closed off and instruct them to say, "I can't breathe." What you will hear is....a gurgling sound. The reason Floyd felt he couldn't breathe was because of a combination of his struggles to not be arrested and the drugs in his system, restricting his air intake.
Here's a radical concept, understand that all societies have laws and when you break any of the laws, you risk arrest and if law enforcement arrives to arrest you......DON'T RESIST ARREST!! If you haven't committed a serious felony, you'll be booked and sent on your way. If you commit a serious felony, well...at least cooperate and do your time. What's that old saying? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
But, resisting arrest is in "some" cases, the reason for highly negative outcomes when dealing with law enforcement.
If there are some laws you don't like, talk to your politicians about repealing them, if the request is logical.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Look here:
Minneapolis braces for violence over Derek Chauvin verdict as pig’s head left at former home of witness who defended cop (the-sun.com)

2. He killed the dude.
3. Just one man did it.
4. Not a people, they had some grievances.
5. Those cops who were there are just as guilty.
6. Chauvin did the deed on camera, and should forfeit his life for what he did.
7. Nothing easy for what he did, he earned it!
8. Those cops who stood by, 40 years each, no possibility for parole.

Hey dimwit, how about just stopping the practice of....RESISTING ARREST!?!
911 was called and law enforcement presence was requested. Reason: He committed a crime and was behaving erratically.
Thus.....a police presence was necessary. While some may think that just because they are black, they are special and above the law.....THEY AREN'T!
Once some clown starts struggling, to not comply with an arrest, the situation only gets worse and a more negative outcome will result. In the case of Floyd (an addict who had overdosed on Fentanyl and Methamphetamine and who had just committed fraud), he RESISTED ARREST!
As for Floyd calling out that he couldn't breathe, you could see that he was repeatedly saying it as they struggled to get him in the police car...AND...didn't have their knees or arms around his neck. Add to this, during the trial, a medical expert said that "If you can repeatedly say, I can't breathe, you can indeed breathe. Try choking the person next to you until their trachea is closed off and instruct them to say, "I can't breathe." What you will hear is....a gurgling sound. The reason Floyd felt he couldn't breathe was because of a combination of his struggles to not be arrested and the drugs in his system, restricting his air intake.
Here's a radical concept, understand that all societies have laws and when you break any of the laws, you risk arrest and if law enforcement arrives to arrest you......DON'T RESIST ARREST!! If you haven't committed a serious felony, you'll be booked and sent on your way. If you commit a serious felony, well...at least cooperate and do your time. What's that old saying? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
But, resisting arrest is in "most" cases, the reason for highly negative outcomes when dealing with law enforcement.
If there are some laws you don't like, talk to your politicians about repealing them, if the request is logical.
Politicians don't want to hear it--they'd rather incite people to riot to deny an accused of their right to a fair trial. Maxine Waters?

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