Hawking's Life's Work About to be Falsified

Westwall -

As I had thought might have become clear some months ago, I do not waste my time reading mindless spam from the spirtually broken, the intellectually bereft or the unbelievably truly obsessed.

I do not see your posts, do not read your posts, and certainly do not respond to your posts.

You stalk in vain.

"The danger is that global warming may become self-sustaining, if it has not done so already. The melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps reduces the fraction of solar energy reflected back into space, and so increases the temperature further. Climate change may kill off the Amazon and other rain forests, and so eliminate once one of the main ways in which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. The rise in sea temperature may trigger the release of large quantities of carbon dioxide, trapped as hydrides on the ocean floor. Both these phenomena would increase the greenhouse effect, and so global warming further. We have to reverse global warming urgently, if we still can. "

Stephen Hawking

Since we know that for the bulk of earth's history atmospheric CO2 was measured in the thousands of parts per million and there was no ice at one or both of the poles, that statement reeks of ignorance, political motivation, or both. He completely ignores 4,600 million years of earth history in order to make that statement.

Here is a quick view of the earth's temperature and atmospheric CO2 history. How much ice do you believe was at the poles when the global mean temperature was 8 degrees C warmer than the present which has been the case for most of earth's history?


The hard undeniable fact is that when on looks at the history of the earth and and then at claims that global warming has possibly become self sustaining at the present levels of CO2 and ice cover, one just has to laugh out loud at the idiots who make such claims and smile in pity at those poor gullible wretches who believe them.
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Westwall -

As I had thought might have become clear some months ago, I do not waste my time reading mindless spam from the spirtually broken, the intellectually bereft or the unbelievably truly obsessed.

I do not see your posts, do not read your posts, and certainly do not respond to your posts.

You stalk in vain.

Spoken like a true coward who has no actual argument and must silence the opposition for his own peace of mind. The internet equivalent of placing your fingers firmly in your ears and shouting LA LA LA with as much force as you can muster.

Since we know that for the bulk of earth's history atmospheric CO2 was measured in the thousands of parts per million and there was no ice at one or both of the poles, that statement reeks of ignorance, political motivation, or both. He completely ignores 4,600 million years of earth history in order to make that statement.

Just to be clear here - you do actually know more about physics than Hawking does right?

So when you took an approach to the Second Law of Thermodynamics that Hawking rejects, it was because you understood better than he does - is that correct?

I just don't think I have seen the words "ignorance" and "Stephen Hawking" used too often in the same sentence before.

btw. The reason I ignore Westspam, Gslack and Kooks is because they do not have arguments to present. They have nothing to say and no means to say it. Why anyone would read any of their posts I have no idea at all.
Just to be clear here - you do actually know more about physics than Hawking does right?[/uote]

Are you so stupid that you can't look at that graph of the temperature and atmospheric CO2 history of the earth and see that claims of self sustaing global warming due to our minute contribution to the atmospheric CO2 concentration are just plain idiocy?

So when you took an approach to the Second Law of Thermodynamics that Hawking rejects, it was because you understood better than he does - is that correct?

The second law says that neither heat nor energy will move from a cool region to a warm region and that entropy always increases. That is the approach I took. Which one of us (hawking or myself) is rejecting the second law of thermodynamics?

I just don't think I have seen the words "ignorance" and "Stephen Hawking" used too often in the same sentence before.

The graph reflects the temperature and atmospheric CO2 history of the earth...what else but a state of ignorance, or deliberate fraud could conclude that global warming at present, in modern conditions, had possbly become self sustaining?

btw. The reason I ignore Westspam, Gslack and Kooks is because they do not have arguments to present. They have nothing to say and no means to say it. Why anyone would read any of their posts I have no idea at all.

Again, spoken like a true coward with fingers firmly in ears shouting LA LA LA with as much force as you can muster. If you could counter thier arguments, you would have done so. Obviously you can't and don't like the way it makes you feel so in the ears with the fingers and out with the noise at maximum volume.
It's impossible to take seriously anyone who parrots the "no warming!" big lie. The instant you see something as dumb as that, you know you talking to a political cultist, and all you'll ever get from them is the dogma of the far-right-fringe lunatic cult.

But the far right "cult" is winning!!!

Because to people who dont have OCD abut climate change, this matters........

Spain braces for 'coldest summer in 200 years' - The Local

Until a week ago, New Yorkers had been freezing their asses off since late September of last year!!!

Indeed s0ns......reality is 95% perception.:eusa_dance:

Tell Spain that the planet is melting away!!!:lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::fu:

For lay people who dont know, SSRO drugs are amazingly effective at stopping the rumination of thoughts so pervasive in the climate obsessed. Trust me......Im in the field, the shit works fucking great. Theres a whole world out there beyond angsting day and night about "science" thats not going to change shit in terms of public policy. Oil, coal and natural gas are going nowhere for a long, long, long, long, long time no matter how many billions of CO2 posts are thrown up on the intanets.

Looking out your window tells you all you need to know about the state of the Global Climate.
SSDD thinks Hawking is "ignorant". You heard it here first.

You didn't answer the question. How can one look at that chart and claim that warming has become self sustaining?

And you dodged the question I'd who is denying the second law as well. You dodge a lot, don't you?
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Interesting diversions, but I'm afraid your gaffe is still there in black and white - you called Stephen Hawking ignorant.

Most self-respecting posters would log-off after that and wait several months until every had forgotten.

btw. If you had better reading skills, you might have noticed that Hawking never suggested warming IS self-sustaining, he said that it "may become self-sustaining". It would be good if you understood the difference there. It is amazing how much of a difference literacy makes on this board.
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SSDD and Walleyes are both frauds that pretend scientific knowledge. Essentially, they have none. Look at their posts. They refer, invariably, to people that have zero standing in the scientific community.

The Wilsonian Cycles are named for Tuzo Wilson. That is recognition well deserved.
There are a number of times in the geological history of the earth that a waming became selfsustaining, the PT extinction was just one of them.
Well, since few of us have the background to make competant judgements as to the accuracy of Crothers paper, we will just have to see how the general physics community accepts it.

Or, just a thought, we can read the short paper and form our own opinion.

I see. You have enough knowledge and education in Relitivity and Quantum Physics to judge such papers? Interesting.
OldRocks is smarter than everyone else in this thread, stop questioning him and his posts!

Thank a Vet!

Interesting diversions, but I'm afraid your gaffe is still there in black and white - you called Stephen Hawking ignorant.

Not a gaffe. Only an ignoramus could look objectively at the temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration history of the earth and claim that at present there was a danger of global warming becoming self sustaining. It was an ignorant statement based on either abject stupidity or political motivation.

btw. If you had better reading skills, you might have noticed that Hawking never suggested warming IS self-sustaining, he said that it "may become self-sustaining". It would be good if you understood the difference there. It is amazing how much of a difference literacy makes on this board.

May become at what level? When? We know that it didn't become self sustaining with atmospheric CO2 levels over 7000ppm and it didn't become self sustaining with a global mean temperature of nearly 22 degrees C. In what modern context does he think it may become self sustaining? Under what modern conditions? Do you see atmospheric CO2 rising to levels above 7000ppm under any modern senario?
There are a number of times in the geological history of the earth that a waming became selfsustaining, the PT extinction was just one of them.

Prove it. Lets see the facts. Upon what factual basis do you claim that the warming became self sustaining...and if it was self sustaing, why, and how did it stop?
It's impossible to take seriously anyone who parrots the "no warming!" big lie. The instant you see something as dumb as that, you know you talking to a political cultist, and all you'll ever get from them is the dogma of the far-right-fringe lunatic cult.

But the far right "cult" is winning!!!

Because to people who dont have OCD abut climate change, this matters........

Spain braces for 'coldest summer in 200 years' - The Local

Until a week ago, New Yorkers had been freezing their asses off since late September of last year!!!

Indeed s0ns......reality is 95% perception.:eusa_dance:

Tell Spain that the planet is melting away!!!:lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::lmao::funnyface::fu:

For lay people who dont know, SSRO drugs are amazingly effective at stopping the rumination of thoughts so pervasive in the climate obsessed. Trust me......Im in the field, the shit works fucking great. Theres a whole world out there beyond angsting day and night about "science" thats not going to change shit in terms of public policy. Oil, coal and natural gas are going nowhere for a long, long, long, long, long time no matter how many billions of CO2 posts are thrown up on the intanets.

Looking out your window tells you all you need to know about the state of the Global Climate.

That would be YOUR side. Every time there was a heat wave it was global warming. Every time there was a drought it was global warming.

You Sir, are hoist on your own petard.

Interesting diversions, but I'm afraid your gaffe is still there in black and white - you called Stephen Hawking ignorant.

Most self-respecting posters would log-off after that and wait several months until every had forgotten.

btw. If you had better reading skills, you might have noticed that Hawking never suggested warming IS self-sustaining, he said that it "may become self-sustaining". It would be good if you understood the difference there. It is amazing how much of a difference literacy makes on this board.

You're a proven liar and yet you spew your crap. What's good for the goose as they say....
SSDD and Walleyes are both frauds that pretend scientific knowledge. Essentially, they have none. Look at their posts. They refer, invariably, to people that have zero standing in the scientific community.

The Wilsonian Cycles are named for Tuzo Wilson. That is recognition well deserved.

You internet "experts" always talk about Vine and Mathews and NEVER once mention Wilson and he is the one who put it all together. That's the difference between me, a scientist, and you, a internet twerp. I KNOW what the hell I'm talking about, I WAS there .......as it was happening....unlike you.
There are a number of times in the geological history of the earth that a waming became selfsustaining, the PT extinction was just one of them.

There is ZERO evidence that warming caused the PT extinction. There's plenty that supports cold as a cause however.

Interesting diversions, but I'm afraid your gaffe is still there in black and white - you called Stephen Hawking ignorant.

Not a gaffe. Only an ignoramus could look objectively at the temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration history of the earth and claim that at present there was a danger of global warming becoming self sustaining. It was an ignorant statement based on either abject stupidity or political motivation.

Well I am sure no one on this forum would ever think that Hawking would have anything like your knowledge of physics,SSDD. He is definitiely an ignoramus compared to you.

But really - you are too modest!

Why not just admit that you are the most intelligent human being that ever lived?*

*Other than the fact that your reading skills are so poor that you don't understand what "may become" means.

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