Have You Ever Refused A Job


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
I did two years ago.

After being on another site for 3 years, the site administrator asked me if I would consider becoming a moderator. I asked him for a job description and after he explained it to me, respectfully declined the opportunity.

Why have you refused a job? :)
I did two years ago.

After being on another site for 3 years, the site administrator asked me if I would consider becoming a moderator. I asked him for a job description and after he explained it to me, respectfully declined the opportunity.

Why have you refused a job? :)

I met a prospective boss for and interview, and was asked to come to a second. The second was at the office I would work out of. I drove to it, and 2 days later was offered the job, but turned it down on the basis that the drive was a nightmare.
Thge wife asked me to take the trash out this morning. I refused. Later she asked me to dry the dishes for her. I refused. Then she wanted me to run to the Post Office. I refused. About 10 minutes ago I asked her if she'd like to go upstairs and get frisky. She refused. The nerve of that woman!:(
Several years ago I was offered (and accepted) a "dream" job. But after much consternation I called back and declined. I'm glad I did. The guy that took it is a much better fit and I w/have been stretched way too thin. No regrets. I do serve on the BOD (non-paying) which is fun.
I did two years ago.

After being on another site for 3 years, the site administrator asked me if I would consider becoming a moderator. I asked him for a job description and after he explained it to me, respectfully declined the opportunity.

Why have you refused a job? :)

Last week I turned down a job offer to come back to walgreens. I'm not getting involved in anything to do with the health industry.
I was looking for part time work a few years ago and applied at Gold's Gym to work in their child care facility. I could bring my youngest with me, it seemed like a good idea. After viewing the closest-like child care facilities and realizing that the hassle of the drive wasn't worth it, I told them thanks but no thanks. They continued to schedule me for the next three weeks anyway. :wtf:
I was looking for part time work a few years ago and applied at Gold's Gym to work in their child care facility. I could bring my youngest with me, it seemed like a good idea. After viewing the closest-like child care facilities and realizing that the hassle of the drive wasn't worth it, I told them thanks but no thanks. They continued to schedule me for the next three weeks anyway. :wtf:

It must have been because you're One Hawt Momma!!


I recently interviewed for a job. After researching the company, I had my THIRD interview with them and met the CEO.

In a tone just short of, "WTF???" I asked, "What is going on with XYZ Co?"

I was glad I did. The guy gave a very candid response, that lead me to believe the company wouldn't be something I'd like working with. Happily, I never got an offer.
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I was looking for part time work a few years ago and applied at Gold's Gym to work in their child care facility. I could bring my youngest with me, it seemed like a good idea. After viewing the closest-like child care facilities and realizing that the hassle of the drive wasn't worth it, I told them thanks but no thanks. They continued to schedule me for the next three weeks anyway. :wtf:

It must have been because you're One Hawt Momma!!


:lol: They called every week saying 'you're scheduled to work such and such' or 'why aren't you here, you're scheduled to work'. I kept telling them that no, I don't work there. I finally just started screening my calls and they gave up.

But yes, they wanted me because of my uber hawtness --- no doubt about it!!
Thge wife asked me to take the trash out this morning. I refused. Later she asked me to dry the dishes for her. I refused. Then she wanted me to run to the Post Office. I refused. About 10 minutes ago I asked her if she'd like to go upstairs and get frisky. She refused. The nerve of that woman!:(

Ha! Her plan is working....:lol:
yes i have....which is odd for me...she wanted me to go back to work for her...i had done that....still had the t shirt....shipping and receiving is my fav...i love to pack...i can pack priceless art or baseball hats...i dont care..it is all an adventure to me...i find it very challenging to get a 17th century porcelin to its destination without busting the hell out of it....i can pack a 6 ft christmas tree....but yea i turned down a job doing what i loved..cause she was simply a bitch....
yes i have....which is odd for me...she wanted me to go back to work for her...i had done that....still had the t shirt....shipping and receiving is my fav...i love to pack...i can pack priceless art or baseball hats...i dont care..it is all an adventure to me...i find it very challenging to get a 17th century porcelin to its destination without busting the hell out of it....i can pack a 6 ft christmas tree....but yea i turned down a job doing what i loved..cause she was simply a bitch....

If it makes you feel better:

If you wanted to give me a......job, I wouldn't turn you down.:tongue:
I can't remember ever turning down an offered job when I needed a job, except on a couple of rare occasions I've had two offers to choose from.

I have taken the job that was available, even though it sucked, until I could find a better one. (These were all menial labor type jobs to pay the bills and that did not inconvenience the employer when I quit.)

I did turn down one lucrative job offer because I caught the interviewer in a lie and that made me suspicious. Turned out my radar served me well that day, because that company was later caught up in all kinds of malfeasance and I would have been caught up in that too had I accepted the offer.
I can't remember ever turning down an offered job when I needed a job, except on a couple of rare occasions I've had two offers to choose from.

I have taken the job that was available, even though it sucked, until I could find a better one. (These were all menial labor type jobs to pay the bills and that did not inconvenience the employer when I quit.)

I did turn down one lucrative job offer because I caught the interviewer in a lie and that made me suspicious. Turned out my radar served me well that day, because that company was later caught up in all kinds of malfeasance and I would have been caught up in that too had I accepted the offer.

Malfeasance, huh?


I can't remember ever turning down an offered job when I needed a job, except on a couple of rare occasions I've had two offers to choose from.

I have taken the job that was available, even though it sucked, until I could find a better one. (These were all menial labor type jobs to pay the bills and that did not inconvenience the employer when I quit.)

I did turn down one lucrative job offer because I caught the interviewer in a lie and that made me suspicious. Turned out my radar served me well that day, because that company was later caught up in all kinds of malfeasance and I would have been caught up in that too had I accepted the offer.

Malfeasance, huh?




Well okay. I guess I could have said that they were caught in all kinds of illegal shit, but 'malfeasance' sounded, I don't know, smarter?
I did two years ago.

After being on another site for 3 years, the site administrator asked me if I would consider becoming a moderator. I asked him for a job description and after he explained it to me, respectfully declined the opportunity.

Why have you refused a job? :)

Target wanted me to stock shelves, but I turned it down to be a Wal-Mart greeter. It's my true calling in life. Here's a buddy of mine. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.

I did two years ago.

After being on another site for 3 years, the site administrator asked me if I would consider becoming a moderator. I asked him for a job description and after he explained it to me, respectfully declined the opportunity.

Why have you refused a job? :)

Target wanted me to stock shelves, but I turned it down to be a Wal-Mart greeter. It's my true calling in life. Here's a buddy of mine. When I grow up, I want to be just like him.


The Walmart Greeter (gleaning from morning e-mail)

Charley, a new retiree greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Everyday he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean shaven, sharp minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their 'Older Person Friendly' policies.

One day the boss called him into the office for a talk. "Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang up job, but your being late so often is quite bothersome."

''Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it."

''Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear. It's odd though, your coming in late. I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say if you came in late there?"

''They said, 'Good morning, General. Coffee this morning, sir?'''
Yes the company couldn't meet my price, so i left. And i quit one a year ago, because the new owner couldn't meet my requirements, so i had to let him go.
I was hired and accepted a job at a 5 star hotel on the beach here in WA as the receiving and supply supervisor. All through the interviews I was treated with respect and interviewed in plush rooms, offered nice food ect.

First day on the job I get to the receiving area (which they would not show me before ) and it was a health and safety disaster. Everyone was angry, the place had no rational system of inventory and because it was a salary position I knew I would have to work weekend after weekend with no extra pay to attempt to fix it.

Still, I said give it a go.

Went to go to lunch, thought 'well at least we are on the beach that will be a nice break' and the hotel management told me we could not go to the beach on our lunch because our clients might see us.

I replied “how about the bar?” and they looked at me like I was crazy.

I quit right then and there, went to the bar, ordered a nice, ice cold Coopers Sparkling ale. I became a "client", flirted with the other "clients" and watched the blue waves roll in all afternoon.

One of the better decisions of my life.
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I did two years ago.

After being on another site for 3 years, the site administrator asked me if I would consider becoming a moderator. I asked him for a job description and after he explained it to me, respectfully declined the opportunity.

Why have you refused a job? :)

I have refused several jobs.
Main reasons were.
I did not feel I could adequately do the job.
Not enough money or too long hours.
I knew I would not like the job.
I was just in a pissy mood that day.

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