Have we reached peak conspiracy theory on the democrat virus ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Developed by China to kill the US in conjunction with the Dems and Soros.
Infiltrated into the US by muzzie extremists through Mexico and,er, luxury cruises.

Has Trump betrayed his base by stating that a flu variant is a big deal ?
Trumpsters and rightwingers are nuts, and that's putting it lightly.
Developed by China to kill the US in conjunction with the Dems and Soros.
Infiltrated into the US by muzzie extremists through Mexico and,er, luxury cruises.

Has Trump betrayed his base by stating that a flu variant is a big deal ?

1. The Coronavirus 19 was first discovered in China, so it is their virus.

2. China Government is responsible for not working more closely with the WHO when the outbreak was first reported.

3. China arrested the Doctor that died from the virus and placed him under House Arrest and later died.


My point?

Democrats did not create this Virus and it is not a hoax but Trump is not at fault for China Government failure to control, contain and then work with the WHO on this virus.

The crash of the World Economy is at China Government feet along with the sickness and deaths that have happened since the outbreak...
Yes, TT, I think the viral epidemic of partisan stupidity and conspiracy theories should decline, though it may mutate and return in different forms -- especially if the virus proves more resilient than expected. I am glad that our President has come around to taking this virus seriously.

Actually he now seems to be trying to grab the limelight and is eclipsing his appointed anti-Covid-9 czar Pence. Seems Trump is gambling that by November he will appear the conquoring General who led a war against our "silent enemy." If he is elected again he'll return to polarizing the country demagogically and scapegoating political enemies.

Hopefully "voluntary distancing" will sooner rather than later stop the virus spread -- even if Trump comes out looking good to his fans. Right now he seems to be following a bi-partisan policy endorsed by the experts, though the economy is certainly going to take a beating. These decisions would be difficult even for Obama.

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