Have republican voters devolved since Reagan left office?

Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.

Nothing in that absurd incoherent rambling is anything that even resembles a rational thought. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul
A simple "I know you're right" would have been fine.

Unlike you, I wont lie
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.

And yet we do all the time and you can't understand it.
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.
Your OP and 99 percent of what you post is a great example of it you insult and demean any and all who dare to have view or an opinion you don't share and then try and pass it off as intelligence and enlightened thinking. People who can't accept that they are not right about everything and that other people have valid opinions and points of view are the dumbest out there.
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.
Your OP and 99 percent of what you post is a great example of it you insult and demean any and all who dare to have view or an opinion you don't share and then try and pass it off as intelligence and enlightened thinking. People who can't accept that they are not right about everything and that other people have valid opinions and points of view are the dumbest out there.
Look, there is a huge difference in intelligence between simply being republican and being a Trump supporter.
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.
Your OP and 99 percent of what you post is a great example of it you insult and demean any and all who dare to have view or an opinion you don't share and then try and pass it off as intelligence and enlightened thinking. People who can't accept that they are not right about everything and that other people have valid opinions and points of view are the dumbest out there.
Look, there is a huge difference in intelligence between simply being republican and being a Trump supporter.
And yet again you prove my point I'm done for the night wasting time with people to blind to see.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.

It's less dumb than it is illogical. It seems liberals have no common sense. Let me give you a few examples:

45 million Americans don't have health insurance, mostly because they can't afford it. So our idea is to make a law that they must have insurance they can't afford, and when they can't buy it, we'll take their badly needed income tax refund away from them.

We liberals think there's a gun problem in this country, so our idea is to take the guns away from the good people, and the bad guys will happily give us theirs too! Most criminals obey laws.

We have a fat population, so what we need to do is force the food industry to put a calorie count on every item they sell in their menus, and that will make people realize that a big mac, large fry and large milk shake can make you fat, because they never knew that before.

So you see, no common sense whatsoever.
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.
Your OP and 99 percent of what you post is a great example of it you insult and demean any and all who dare to have view or an opinion you don't share and then try and pass it off as intelligence and enlightened thinking. People who can't accept that they are not right about everything and that other people have valid opinions and points of view are the dumbest out there.
Look, there is a huge difference in intelligence between simply being republican and being a Trump supporter.

You baseless opinion is not reality
Yes, they devolved. The party of Reagan isn't even remotely similar to the party of Trump. They used to have class and dignity, now conservatives are a bunch of angry, hysterical, violent children who get their information from Russian trolls and lash out when you introduce them to facts. They're raving kooks. Litterally the worst fucking group of people in existence.

They figured out the liberal game and stooped to your level.

So it's up to your party..

I was wondering how voters could "devolve" but it wasn't long before the bigotry and the old homosexual cliche about the Tea Party (tea baggers) that the giggly left loves to use ended up devolving the post. If the truth be known the alleged intellectual left has devolved into a crazy incoherent mob that thinks smashing windows and torching cars is a legitimate expression of free speech.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Conservatives' foreheads have become more prominent and their arms have lengthened permitting their knuckles to drag a bit more.

Debate me........pick a topic and let's see what ya got...thus far? Your fellow leftard pals avoid me because of the beatdown they get. Come one, come all.......

Conservatives DO NOT debate. Facts are involved in debates, and facts are not important or even relevant when conservatives open their pie holes. All you people spout are right wing talking points that have been used for the past four decades.

When you righties finally return to reality, begin offering empirical data instead of the same old GOP noise, and truly listen to the truth spoken by the opposition, any actual debates are impossible.

Now, let's hear about the success of "trickle down", which only conservatives are able to see. The rest of us live in a world of growing income inequality, stagnant wages, or wages that fail to keep up with inflation. To debate healthcare with conservatives is nothing more than listening to a child recite what he is told by his parents. Lies or not, the conservatives will swear the folks set them on the right track even as their train crashes.

Debate you, or any conservative? As much a waste of time as watching grass grow.

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Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Conservatives' foreheads have become more prominent and their arms have lengthened permitting their knuckles to drag a bit more.

Debate me........pick a topic and let's see what ya got...thus far? Your fellow leftard pals avoid me because of the beatdown they get. Come one, come all.......

Conservatives DO NOT debate. Facts are involved in debates, and facts are not important or even relevant when conservatives open their pie holes. All you people spout are right wing talking points that have been used for the past four decades.

When you righties finally return to reality, begin offering empirical data instead of the same old GOP noise, and truly listen to the truth spoken by the opposition, any actual debates are impossible.

Now, let's here about the success of "trickle down", which only conservatives are able to see. The rest of us live in a world of growing income inequality, stagnant wages, or wages that fail to keep up with inflation. To debate healthcare with conservatives is nothing more than listening to a child recite what he is told by his parents. Lies or not, the conservatives will swear the folks set them on the right track even as their train crashes.

Debate you, or any conservative? As much a waste of time as watching grass grow.


Hey, dipshit, I have just as much disdain for the neocons as I do the fabian socialists so don't even try and "categorize" me or attempt to put me in some neat little box because I have VERY few peers.......so, blow it out your ass. You want to debate this fiat debt based currency system, how it started, who runs it??? and if you wish to refute my claims? Bring some real game because I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can't deal with mine.....but you are welcome to try. I LOVE kicking commie ass....I do it regularly.........what say ye????

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