Have republican voters devolved since Reagan left office?

Yeah, we've devolved..... into the party that controls the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the White House, and more state houses and governors than any time in modern history.

So if Republicans are such backward idiots, where does that place you in the pecking order?
You devolved into a party that cannot cut any spending even with the WH, the Senate, and the House....

That's a pretty steep drop from the greatness the GOP had during Reagan and Gingrich eras...
You devolved into a party that cannot cut any spending even with the WH, the Senate, and the House....

That's a pretty steep drop from the greatness the GOP had during Reagan and Gingrich eras...

They never cut spending then and they never will. They can't.


This chart is from 2015. The right side of this chart is going to expand relentlessly from now on. Every day, 10,000 people go on Medicare. Medicare costs the government over $1,000 a month for each person enrolled. This inflow of eligible recipients is not going to stop for the next 20 years.

Social Security and Medicaid are sacred cows that will never be cut. Military spending will never be cut.

Non-defense Discretionary is the only area that can be cut. It was 16% in 2015, but you can be sure that it is closer to 14% today. This is the political battlefield in Washington: available loot. The rest of the loot is spoken for already. Politics cannot change the rest of the budget. Politics today, in terms of federal spending, is now down to under 14% of the budget, and it is probably heading toward 10% by 2022.....
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.

Nothing in that absurd incoherent rambling is anything that even resembles a rational thought. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul
Democrats should stop inflicting republicans on themselves. Split the country. They can have one without republicans that way.
Really, the pie chart can be reversed today IF illegals are taken off of the rolls, and it is used only for those it was designed for. SSAN will also be solvent if it is not made part of the general welfare fund. The idea is to get the free riders off, and use the money to expand jobs clean out criminals by on site execution of those who are violent, and deportation of ALL illegals. If they don't belong here send them packing. If they want to assimilate into American culture okay if they prove their intentions. If they are here to bring their culture to override the culture of the USA then give them the boot or the grave as needed. If liberals continue to try to fragment the basic culture of this country it is time to give them a little plot too.
They never cut spending then


Gingrich never cut any spending?


How'd we get to a surplus?

They never got to a surplus. That is all fantasy land bullshit. The national debt increased every single year under Clinton.

Fiscal Year -Year Ending National Debt- Deficit
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion​
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Democrats should stop inflicting republicans on themselves. Split the country. They can have one without republicans that way.

I suggested that some time ago. I even created a thread about it. Republicans were happy to chime in on how good our side of the country would be. Democrats were outraged that I even had that thought yet alone start a topic on it.

The Republican side of the country would be great. All the companies and industry would go there because of low taxation and regulations. Most criminals are Democrats so our side would be safe to live on. Our social programs would be for only those who truly need them so our taxes would be much lower than the Democrat side.
Yes, they devolved. The party of Reagan isn't even remotely similar to the party of Trump. They used to have class and dignity, now conservatives are a bunch of angry, hysterical, violent children who get their information from Russian trolls and lash out when you introduce them to facts. They're raving kooks. Litterally the worst fucking group of people in existence.
Yes, they devolved. The party of Reagan isn't even remotely similar to the party of Trump. They used to have class and dignity, now conservatives are a bunch of angry, hysterical, violent children who get their information from Russian trolls and lash out when you introduce them to facts. They're raving kooks. Litterally the worst fucking group of people in existence.

Yes they are. They started all those protests that turned into riots, destroyed public and private property, stopped traffic and even physically attacked people. They went to their opponents rallies to stop them from speaking and acts of violence there as well. Then they..........opps, sorry, I'm thinking of somebody else..
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.

Nothing in that absurd incoherent rambling is anything that even resembles a rational thought. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul
A simple "I know you're right" would have been fine.
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.

Yeah.. Only problem is -- Trump ain't no Conservative or Republican. So good luck with that. He basically HIJACKED the party and made it rain money to do it..
I always love the irony of the far left saying the dumbest shit possible while trying to claim others are so stupid. Smart people figured out long ago that doesn't impress anyone dumb people well they just keep on doing it blind to this reality.
But you can't explain why liberals are dumb.
Okay, so when Bush was president early on, I think the support from republican voters was acceptable on some intellectual level. After all, compared to Trump, Bush was mature, professional, and had a sense of dignity. It would be easy to over look his bad decisions as president within his first few months.

Trump is something remarkably different from Bush. The American people somehow managed to elect someone even dumber than Bush and not only is Trump very dumb; he has the emotional maturity of an 8th grader. This is a guy who went on 3AM Twitter tantrum because a beauty queen said something mean about him. The leftwing was bewildered when Trump became the republican nominee. How could they not? Bush at least developed psychosocial skills that an adult his age would normally have. Somehow, the standards of republican voters' devolved. Is it that Republican voters themselves devolved?
Was Bush simply the start of a new trend? After all, Reagan would be a liberal by today's standards based on the policies he pushed.

Are these voters so stupid that they chose Bush and Trump as their nominees simply because they could understand what they were saying? See, when Bush spoke during 2000 campaign season, republican voters probably thought "Okay, i understand most of what he is saying but not all. I guess that's good enough. He talks about lower taxes and that's all I need to hear really!"

Then their savior Trump came along. The man who talks like a 9-year-old and comes up with policy ideas just as simple. Republican voters thought "I understand everything he is saying! Finally, someone gets me! Wait, he wants to build a wall? I have one of those at home! Trump gets me! He has my vote!"

Now, how the teabagger movement fits into all of this is another subject, but what's apparent about that movement is that the corporate masters behind the scenes could easily manipulate the republican voter to support their agenda regardless of how much it goes against the republican voters' interests. Trickle down economic theory sounds like a good idea, so voters just went with it even though it's been proven to be complete bullshit. Bush and Trump merely facilitated this cult-like behavior more efficiently.
Conservatives' foreheads have become more prominent and their arms have lengthened permitting their knuckles to drag a bit more.
Yes, perhaps the primordial ooze will overtake them.

After last election I think it would be obvious that democrats can't overcome anyone.

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