Have liberal, progressive, left wingers ever had a peaceful assembly the way Tea Party members do?


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
This is how right wingers have a rally.
Everyone is happy! Hell, bring the grand kids, maybe grill some burgers.

This is how left wingers have a rally.
Lefties are smart...they speak peace and only destroy property.
But Trump cannot be silent on a group such as White Nationalists who have violence as part and parcel of their platform.
Doesn't matter, we're in the first season of Reality America and alternate facts, just make shit up.
We are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Lefties cannot contain themselves and do become violent.
Nazis are like a silent cancer waiting to hurt, maim and murder.
Dear laffatlibs:
I can name 3-4 events that come to mind where liberals and progressives hosted peaceful effective events:

1. the anti-Klan PEACE rally organized by a Marxist professor where the crowds were kept SEPARATED
and the professor successfully sued the city of Tomball to agree to change their policies and not allow
public facilities used by groups to host another such event which discriminated against attendees by race.

2. the 1997 rally for Headwaters Forest where participants were required to sign agreements in advance
not to engage in any violence, vandalism or acts to provoke arrest. The coordinator had agreements with
the police in advance, where the only citation was Woody Harrelson driving without a seatbelt when he left the rally.

3. the past and current threats by liberal elitists to take over KPFT radio management and suppress dissenters
who voted and elected other managers fired and banned from the station to subvert the nonprofit policies.

The peace and justice activists have used the bylaws and lawsuits if needed to address their own revolts civilly.
These have remained nonviolent, though highly politicized makings of civil war among their own ranks.

Many of the same peace and justice activists have also held meetings with Occupy to spell out objectives and means
of working toward effective activism to achieve those goals instead of meaningless protests that only publicize the plights.

We don't see these peaceful meetings in the media because they are not violent news.
They take place in the community, where the real solutions are implemented. This takes
so much time and longterm effort, no news station could cover it. If it ends up in a documentary
we are lucky. The real successful activism takes years, and is not won by some overnight protest that gets in the news.

4. successful meetings between environmental activists and loggers to team up to stop
corporate destruction of the Headwaters Redwood forest. Before, there was violence and dangerous
protests against loggers, but through the workers union they were able to unite on a common cause
to save their jobs through sustainable logging that also preserved the indigenous species and ecosystems from destruction.
Judy Bari was the activist credited with this peaceful reconciliation to stop the violent protests.
her story is documented in "The Forest for the Trees"

5. Both the election of Obama and of Trump demonstrate peaceful civil means of
using democratic process to vote for mass social change and protest the govt administration.

When the Democrats had to unite around Obama instead of Clinton, there was plenty of uprising and coercing
the other supporters to stand down. But there was no violence, so it didn't make the news. With Sanders and Clinton
there were lawsuits against the Democratic party, which is still civilized nonviolent means. There were more
visible protests that got into the media, but even the protests against political abuses of manipulating the delegate votes were nonviolent.

At the last meeting to hear from Perez, Ellison, and other candidates for DNC Chair, again,
there are mass protests against Obama and Clinton for supporting the status quo;
but this is all done by civil democratic process. So with no punches physical thrown, it doesn't get into the media.
But that's where the real protests and fights take place. And where the real policy changes can happen
if we start taking and using the democratic process seriously, for empowering people to take back responsibility directly.
A synagogue had to hire armed guards after those "peaceful" NeoNazis threatened:

Charlottesville cops refused to protect synagogue from armed neo-Nazis

More "peaceful" extremist right wing nuts:


Thanks Peach I had to remind a friend who claimed rightwing protestors were never violent
that Dylann Roof shooting people to death in a Black Church was not lawabiding or peaceful.

If we agree that what these violent killers have in common is severe mental illness,
then let's agree to treat that illness and quit blaming race as the main factor.
The man who shot the reporters in Virginia was a mentally unstable black man who committed suicide.
Black or white, these shooters and the driver in the car who killed Heyer,
and the Arizona and Colorado shooters were all MENTALLY ILL.
The Ft. Hood Shooter, and the "undocumented immigrant previously deported" who shot and killed HPD officer Rodney Johnson, both got life in prison instead of the death penalty because they were MENTALLY ILL.
Asian shooters in California and Virginia Tech were MENTALLY ILL.
The shooter at Newtown was MENTALLY ILL.

And that's what WE ALL are going to be,
if we keep arguing about race baiting
and ignore the real sickness behind the murders.
I had to remind a friend who claimed rightwing protestors were never violent
that Dylann Roof shooting people to death in a Black Church was not lawabiding or peaceful.
He was not out protesting. He planned murder from the start.

That's how loners protest, alone. He planned to start a race war. So it was a political statement planned from the start.
That's what protests are for, to get a political statement in the media. that's his way of protesting. he's antisocial by nature, so he does it alone not in large groups.
This is how right wingers have a rally.
Everyone is happy! Hell, bring the grand kids, maybe grill some burgers.

This is how left wingers have a rally.
Nothing better than a mind made up
You know for sure these were left wingers?
You were there of course - dumb
Didn't see the millions women march on DC?.
At least they have brown people
According to a New York Times headline dated April 14, 2010, “Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated.” Shattering widespread myths, that survey revealed that Tea Party supporters were more likely to possess a college degree than their counterparts (23% to 15%), and also more likely to have completed post-graduate studies (14% to 10%). Tea Partiers were also more likely to have completed “some college” by a 33% to 28% margin, and substantially less likely to have not completed high school than non-supporters (3% versus 12%), or to possess only a high school degree (26% versus 35%).
We are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Lefties cannot contain themselves and do become violent.
Nazis are like a silent cancer waiting to hurt, maim and murder.
Yet, THEY didn't cross the line, but peace loving antifa did.
Like I said, a silent cancer; I should have included "patient".

Indeependent and I guess political parties are the "impatient" type. The GOP had everyone voting for war in order to respond to 9/11 using WMD as a compelling interest to push for urgency. the DEMS created a huge crisis over health care to push for urgency to get the ACA passed in violation of Constitutional beliefs of half the nation because the govt "had a more compelling interest."

So whole parties collude to violate civil rights by "patiently" using the democratic system. And when they become "impatient" they abuse media to alarm the people, create a compelling govt interest, and push legislation with biased agenda that overrides dissension.

How is this not unlike the fear of "Shariah Law" being imposed as a national established religion or agenda? Aren't both parties guilty of pushing their own political beliefs at the expense of democratic free choice of dissenting citizens?

But it's "okay" as long as the bullying and oppression is civilized and legalized? Then it's "okay" to conspire to violate equal civil rights, by using govt to make it "legal" to impose?
This is how right wingers have a rally.
Everyone is happy! Hell, bring the grand kids, maybe grill some burgers.

This is how left wingers have a rally.
Largest demonstration/protest march in American history was the Woman's March day after trump's so-called inauguration. No violence whatsoever in the hundreds of places it was held.

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