Have Faith Patriots, Michigan has been SOLVED.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

I've done all of this research under the watchful eyes of thousands of programmers, IT specialists, hackers, mathematicians and physicists around the world.

If you want to debunk me, make your only video and show the world what a retard I am. Should be easy right?

Completed Paper of the Michigan Analysis: Analysis of Michigan Precinct Timeseries Voting Data

Patriots. Time is not on our side as of this day, December 29th. I need your help spreading this research.

The audio and video quality stabilizes about 5-6 minutes in. I had a lot of processes running simultaneously to simulate Michigan, while recording the full screen.

Starting Files and Spreadsheets (link is safe, ignore warning) Gofile

Link to the Polynomial Rotator: How to use Polynomials to Rig an Election

Link to the Polynomial used in Starcraft simulation: Starcraft Sim Polynomial Election Rigging

Link to the Starcraft II maps files: Gofile

You can download LibreOffice and Starcraft 2 for free to view and use these files.

Link to first video with spreadsheets (video was cropped!)

Smoking Gun 3: Behold, The Wheel of Michigan. Net total over 280,000 votes stolen from Trump!

Smoking Gun 3: Behold, The Wheel of Michigan. Net total over 280,000 votes stolen from Trump!

Link to Oakland's Residual Plot Generator: Oakland Pool Table

Oakland County: Trump suffers a net loss of 112,044 votes. Kent County: Trump suffers a net loss of 44,053 vote (in agreement with Dr. Shiva).

Kalamazoo County: Trump suffers a net loss of 15,910 votes. Ingham County: Unknown, since no prior timestamp contains a higher percentage for Trump than the first timestamp. Access to the tabulation tapes will be required:

Saginaw County: 10,286 votes minimum. Several precincts in Saginaw have no timestamp prior to their first timestamp with a higher percentage for Trump. Access to the tabulation tapes will be required.

Macomb County: Trump suffers a net loss of 70,944 votes.

The City of Detroit: Trump suffers a minimal loss of 225 votes; however, the distribution of Detroit’s ratios show that a different algorithm was used, using Random Number Generation to generate Trump’s initial starting state.

All remaining counties in the analysis: Trump suffers a net loss of 34,518 votes.
I put my faith in the long practiced use of manual recounts of paper ballots to appraise the validity of the election system in Michigan, Georgia and elsewhere in the country over ...
"the use of a quintic polynomial to assign Trump’s percentage of the vote in each precinct in each
county of Michigan. The initial quintic starts with two conjugate roots, with the other three roots at zero."
The fact that a huge % of Americans believe the election was stolen will prove to be a problem for Democrats.

The majority of Americans including 25% of Republicans believe the election was fair. Trump supporters refuse to accept it.
That’s because only america haters deny this massive vote fraud as well as the covid hoax.only an idiot would be clueless to the fact that vote fraud has gone on for DECADES now and this is not the first time that a president got elected illegitimately,thst this is just the latest in a long line of lists of presidents that were illegitimately elected.. :cuckoo: even our last great president kennedy,the last real president america had not a puppet for the establishment got put in office illegally. :uhoh3:
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The fact that a huge % of Americans believe the election was stolen will prove to be a problem for Democrats.
Yep,yep,and yep. :thup: these paid shills that have penetrated this forum with their lies this was the most secure election ever are so obviously paid shills on chinas payroll,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are though the fact such a huge portion of americans are awake that this was the biggest most massive vote fraud ever in mankind.
The fact that a huge % of Americans believe the election was stolen will prove to be a problem for Democrats.

The majority of Americans including 25% of Republicans believe the election was fair. Trump supporters refuse to accept it.
That’s because only america haters deny this massive vote fraud as well as the covid hoax.only an idiot would be clueless to the fact that vote fraud has gone on for DECADES now and this is not the first time that a president got elected illegitimately,thst this is just the latest in a long line of lists of presidents that were illegitimately elected.. :cuckoo: even our last great president kennedy,the last real president america had not a puppet for the establishment got put in office illegally. :uhoh3:
The paid troll is lying as always I see,after getting an alert I just came back to this post and I see she tells a blatant lie that most Americans think the election was fair,biggest fucking bullshit ever spouted out of her mouth and she fucking knows it having no conscience while getting paid to post outright lies,the fact it’s the other way around that most americans know this was the biggest massive vote fraud ever in history,miserable fail america hating commie lover.
Looks like someone thinks there was fraud and values the integrity of our elections.
Several Republican members of the House of Representatives have openly pledged to object to certifying the presidential election results when Congress meets next week. But Hawley is the first GOP senator to publicly do the same, thus forcing a debate and vote on the Electoral College results in both the House and Senate.
The fact that a huge % of Americans believe the election was stolen will prove to be a problem for Democrats.

The majority of Americans including 25% of Republicans believe the election was fair. Trump supporters refuse to accept it.
There was obvious and massive fraud. Fact.
:thankusmile: It’s on.y lying paid shills that have penetrated this forum sent here to troll by their bosses that blatantly ignore that fact.

Jovan Pulitzer, regarding Fulton County
At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we now have access through the devices to the poll pad–the system, but WE ARE IN.

And it’s not supposed to have WiFi and that’s not supposed to be able to happen so we’ve documented now it’s communicating two ways in real time, meaning it’s receiving data and sending data … should never happen, shouldn’t be WiFi, we’ve now documented it in real time.
That’s going on right there where everyone is voting.

This is coming through the polling pad device… it only takes one device where you daisy chain them together and do it. The most important thing is that shouldn’t be two-waying and even should even be accessible or on, and it’s there.

Statistically what can be going on when you have an operation like this is as that data is being exchanged and somebody is in it, can actually siphon off that data, modify that data and feed it right back into the system, or kind of do a pump-and-dump in real time.

Not only are you in the system, but then once you get into the machine you can do stuff in real time, changing it [with] intent. That’s what it opens up.

Armed agents from the SOS? Was Roger Stone there? These are gangster tactics or Communist tactics. There isn't much difference.
Near the end of her testimony, a Trump campaign lawyer asked Latham, “What steps the Secretary of State took when they came down to Coffee County? Latham responded, “Three people from the Secretary of State showed up with guns, and badges and handcuffs, and two Dominion tech reps.” She added, “They came with the intent of intimidation. She continued to explain, “Luckily the county attorney stayed with the supervisor so that she wasn’t by herself, and basically he said, ‘You want a recount, we’ll do a recount.'” Latham told the committee that there were no Republicans or Democrats present to watch the recount. The attorney who was with the group called on a group of high school sophomores from a private school to count the ballots. She explained that the Dominion machines wouldn’t scan the ballots and that the”Dominion reps sat on the floor for two hours with a Dominion manual trying to figure out why they couldn’t get the machines to do what they needed to do.” She ended her response by telling the attorney that even though Mr. Sterling assured her after reaching out to him by text that he would help her resolve the issue, he never helped them.

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