'Hate Speech': The Left's Favorite Argument For Silencing Dissent

I wouldn't listen to her because she's an ugly woman...
/---- The Left's War on Women continues.
betty white.jpg
You want some good, old fashioned hate speech?

Just mention the words "Israel" , "Cop" or "Christian" to these very same snowflake fascists.
I wouldn't listen to her because she's an ugly woman...

No doubt, she wouldn't talk to you because you're ugly and more so because you're ugly in Missouri.
Gotta be ugly somewhere...Ann can be ugly in many places though, it's her job, like a male dog that marks every tire..

....and here I thought it was right wingers who were supposed to be the sexist pigs.
Can't let you guys hog all the fun..
It's worse than just standard hate speech label. It starts with such issues because it is easy to engage in, misrepresent and place agent provocateurs in which to rile people up. The use of operatives and supporters to infiltrate and present ANY group as racist, hateful and the like is as easy as pie. Anyone on this board could engage in such dishonourable and dirty tactics, you can be sure the most ideological, spineless do for sure.

So, you see someone yelling and screaming vulgar, offensive racist language at a right wing event. You associate the entire group with that one individual and thus that group loses support. It's a dirty trick campaign, perfected by socialists going back even further than the National Socialists of Germany in the 1930's, but it has been perfected with little investigation by media who are complicit in many cases, purposely or not.

It's become even worse in regards to how subtle it is. Remember the assaults and offensive attacks during Trump rallies? Tough to accept that as all being genuine and it definitely doesn't represent the main thrust of support for him then or now. How about accusations against strong conservative speakers such as Hannity? Coincidence? Considering the baseless and quickly disappearing accusations from a dozen women against Trump before the election in an effort to manipulate the female vote, who then quickly disappeared after the election, it's clear some have no limit as to what they will do.

Hate speech is hate speech. I don't particularly like Coulter, never did really, but I respect her right to speak. I consider her and Alex Jones provocateurs. This doesn't mean they aren't intelligent, curious and well meaning (in their own minds) in regards to their opinions, but they do come off as actively aggressive to rile people up. I still whole heartedly support their right to speak, as long as they aren't encouraging violence. Of the two, Ann has held herself up well in interviews and debate discussions and could really influence the right.

You can be sure as Conservatives, Libertarians and other strong supporters of the constitution fight to have their voices heard, big cash will be put in place on the other side in an effort to undermine America. You can't allow persecution of speech, it is starting a trend that does not end well. Just ask Russians and Chinese.
The trouble with lefties and especially ignorant left wing college kids is that they classify every idea and opposing view that they don't agree with as "hate speech". High profile hypocrites in the MSM and the democrat party promote the falsehood and that's why colleges and universities have become closed minded little replicas of Orwell's "Animal House". Lefties spent most of the 60's winning the "right" to deface the Flag and they called it free speech. Did you hear actress Ashley Judd's incoherent rant during the inauguration protests? It's insane that lefties spent a couple of days smashing windows and setting fire to cars and they lecture Americans about little Ann Coulter's alleged "hate speech".
Gotta love the hypocrisy.... preach 24/7 tolerance then say something I don't like and I'm going to label it hate speech and bash you over the head with a brick.
Violent leftists shutting down Ann Coulter was justified on the grounds her views are intolerable
- http://dailycaller.com#ixzz4fSXkRXKW

Hate Speech, according to snowflakes / Liberal 'Jihadists', is any view other than THEIRS. Any expression of views NOT authorized by Liberals and/or the Democratic party are not permitted.

“Hate speech” has risen to the fore of public debate recently thanks to the turmoil surrounding Ann Coulter’s just cancelled appearance at UC Berkeley. The famous conservative commentator had to pull out of her speaking engagement following dithering from the university and threats from leftist agitators."

"Considering the lack of a good legal argument for suppressing so-called hate speech, it’s a wonder how anyone can justify censoring views they deem offensive."
-- 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are hyper-sensitive, easily offended, intolerant, and who reject reality. THAT pretty much sums up how 'snowflakes' can justify censoring / violently shutting down Freedom of Speech!

"If hate speech eventually becomes a crime in America, its justification won’t be based on Constitutional grounds or really any historical precedent in this country. It will be all about how a diverse society like ours needs it in order to defend protected classes from opinions they don’t like. The scary thought is that argument might be enough for lawmakers to enact legislation to outlaw 'hate speech'."

They are going to get a LOVELY surprise tonight. Alt Right groups AND several speakers are showing up instead and they are ready for battle according to an article I just read in the San Francisco paper. I am hoping for some more busted Leftist skulls.
To the Members of the Berkeley Campus Community,

As I write this, I am aware of the uncertainty surrounding Ann Coulter’s stated intention to come to campus tomorrow afternoon. We will be sending out a separate message later today with updated information about safety arrangements, as well as our hopes and expectations regarding how members of our campus community should conduct themselves. For now, I want to share my thoughts about all that has led up to the current situation in which we find ourselves.

This university has two non-negotiable commitments, one to free speech, the other to the safety of our campus community members, their guests, and the public. In that context, we cannot ignore or deny what is a new reality. Groups and individuals from the extreme ends of the political spectrum have made clear their readiness and intention to utilize violent tactics in support or in protest of certain speakers at UC Berkeley. In early February, a speaker’s presence on campus ignited violent conflict and significant damage to campus property. In March, political violence erupted on the streets of Berkeley. In April opposing groups again violently clashed on the edge of our campus. While some seem inclined to use these events and circumstances to draw attention to themselves, we remain focused on the needs, rights, and interests of our students and our community. We cannot wish away or pretend that these threats do not exist."


"This is a university, not a battlefield. We must make every effort to hold events at a time and location that maximizes the chances that First Amendment rights can be successfully exercised and that community members can be protected. While our commitment to freedom of speech and expression remains absolute, we have an obligation to heed our police department’s assessment of how best to hold safe and successful events."


"Contrary to some press reports and circulating narratives, the UC Berkeley administration did not cancel the Coulter event and has never prohibited Ms. Coulter from coming on campus. Instead, we received a request to provide a venue on one single day, chosen unilaterally by a student group without any prior consultation with campus administration or law enforcement. After substantial evaluation and planning by our law enforcement professionals, we were forced to inform the group that, in light of specific and serious security threats that UCPD’s intelligence had identified, there was no campus venue available at a time on that date where the event could be held safely and without disruption."

New message from the chancellor about possible Coulter visit

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