Hate Rampant in Germany, App Created to fight Nazism


VIP Member
Dec 9, 2014
German Watch:
Germans are responsible for 10's of millions of deaths in the 20th Century....including the attempted extermination of the Jews. That hate still exists, beware of the Germans.
MAINZ, Germany — An "anti-Nazi" app has been unveiled to help people counter far-right extremists.

It is being launched at a time when a planned home for refugees regularly triggers rallies by hatemongers in the Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The new app allows users to find the best locations to block the right-wing protests.

"We want to generate more public awareness and help more people to stand up against Nazis," Jessica Zeller from Berlin Against Nazis told NBC News. "Under the cover of grassroots movements, extremist groups are trying to spread their hate ideology and that needs to be countered."

Push messages alert users of the app to upcoming right-wing demonstrations in and around the German capital. On a Google Maps-inspired graphic, the planned route of the neo-Nazi march is shown in brown, while orange is used for the streets in which counter-demonstrators are scheduled to gather. An Android version of the app is already available and an iOS version is expected to be released on Tuesday.

In its attempt to make protests more mainstream, Berlin Against Nazis has also printed its messages on beer coasters and fluffy seat cushions for every-day use.
Want to Fight Neo-Nazi Hate There s an App for That - NBC News
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
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Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.

You seem to think the US has clean hands.

No way I'm defending nazi Germany or any of what that implies. I'm just saying "hate" is common throughout history and the modern world.

And that we still hate for the same reasons that worked so well for Hitler. He made people believe that Jews were the enemy, the reason why people didn't have bread. We see the same thing now with the mindless hatred of blacks and browns.

People's failures are not the fault of people of color. They're not taking jobs away fro anyone but many rabid, racist RWs believe they are.

I believe hate and racism is part of the human condition and that none of us immune.
I support blocking far-Right and far-Left protests in Germany. Fair is fair. :)
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Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.

You seem to think the US has clean hands.

No way I'm defending nazi Germany or any of what that implies. I'm just saying "hate" is common throughout history and the modern world.

And that we still hate for the same reasons that worked so well for Hitler. He made people believe that Jews were the enemy, the reason why people didn't have bread. We see the same thing now with the mindless hatred of blacks and browns.

People's failures are not the fault of people of color. They're not taking jobs away fro anyone but many rabid, racist RWs believe they are.

I believe hate and racism is part of the human condition and that none of us immune.
Again, the difference is that the German people, throughout history, have killed in the name of hate.

In America, sure we have our problems...that is because there are so many people of German ancestry that have infested our land with their hate gene.
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And there is still a major hate faction in Germany today...far worse than any racism and hate in the US.

Ask the hate mongers on this forum if they are of German ancestry...I bet most of them are!
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.

You seem to think the US has clean hands.

No way I'm defending nazi Germany or any of what that implies. I'm just saying "hate" is common throughout history and the modern world.

And that we still hate for the same reasons that worked so well for Hitler. He made people believe that Jews were the enemy, the reason why people didn't have bread. We see the same thing now with the mindless hatred of blacks and browns.

People's failures are not the fault of people of color. They're not taking jobs away fro anyone but many rabid, racist RWs believe they are.

I believe hate and racism is part of the human condition and that none of us immune.

as much as there has been mindless hatred against blacks----the libels never included---"they cause us to starve"------
different libels for blacks than for jews and gypsies and---this and that
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.

You seem to think the US has clean hands.

No way I'm defending nazi Germany or any of what that implies. I'm just saying "hate" is common throughout history and the modern world.

And that we still hate for the same reasons that worked so well for Hitler. He made people believe that Jews were the enemy, the reason why people didn't have bread. We see the same thing now with the mindless hatred of blacks and browns.

People's failures are not the fault of people of color. They're not taking jobs away fro anyone but many rabid, racist RWs believe they are.

I believe hate and racism is part of the human condition and that none of us immune.
Again, the difference is that the German people, throughout history, have killed in the name of hate.

In America, sure we have our problems...that is because there are so many people of German ancestry that have infested our land with their hate gene.

Oh jeeez.

So, its the "German hate gene".

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words. You're just another kind of ignorant bigot who judges all of a group by the actions of a relative few.
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.

You seem to think the US has clean hands.

No way I'm defending nazi Germany or any of what that implies. I'm just saying "hate" is common throughout history and the modern world.

And that we still hate for the same reasons that worked so well for Hitler. He made people believe that Jews were the enemy, the reason why people didn't have bread. We see the same thing now with the mindless hatred of blacks and browns.

People's failures are not the fault of people of color. They're not taking jobs away fro anyone but many rabid, racist RWs believe they are.

I believe hate and racism is part of the human condition and that none of us immune.
Again, the difference is that the German people, throughout history, have killed in the name of hate.

In America, sure we have our problems...that is because there are so many people of German ancestry that have infested our land with their hate gene.

Oh jeeez.

So, its the "German hate gene".

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words. You're just another kind of ignorant bigot who judges all of a group by the actions of a relative few.
A relative few? How many Germans did it take to fight 2 world wars? How many Germans did it take to attempt to exterminate the Jews? Only a few? You are kidding yourself! It takes a nation to take on the world. Not just a few. It takes a common belief and effort to rape and pillage other nations in wars where 10's of millions of people were killed.

No, it wasn't and isn't just a few. Read history...German hate pre-dates WWI!
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs.

Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure?

Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
The difference is...Germans acted on their hate by starting world wars, attempting to exterminate the Jews and killing and raping millions of people.

You seem to think the US has clean hands.

No way I'm defending nazi Germany or any of what that implies. I'm just saying "hate" is common throughout history and the modern world.

And that we still hate for the same reasons that worked so well for Hitler. He made people believe that Jews were the enemy, the reason why people didn't have bread. We see the same thing now with the mindless hatred of blacks and browns.

People's failures are not the fault of people of color. They're not taking jobs away fro anyone but many rabid, racist RWs believe they are.

I believe hate and racism is part of the human condition and that none of us immune.

as much as there has been mindless hatred against blacks----the libels never included---"they cause us to starve"------
different libels for blacks than for jews and gypsies and---this and that

No, that particular lie is usually reserved for those with brown skin.
Oh no! So...ummm, what should we do, what should we do? "Progressives" have probably massacred 80 million people since Hitler bit the dust, and they're probably going to murder a great many more before this fetid evil is wiped from the earth. Add a billion Muslims who don't give a damn what your politics are, who want to kill you just out of general principal, while wiping Western civilization clean from history's slate.

The German right is Western Europe's last best hope. Along with small cells in Britain, Sweden, Holland , and Norway, they're the only people left on that continent with any balls. Islam is winning there, and it's just a matter of time before Sharia Law supplants common law, just as is happening in England, France, Holland, Germany, and Russia. But the worst cancer that must be dealt with first, is communism/progressivism/stalinism or whatever other "ism" the cowards who practice this religion of slavery/massacre want to try to veil themselves beneath. Scum like the OP for instance.
Let me guess, Tommy, you are of German ancestry. I can feel your hate from here
Oh no! So...ummm, what should we do, what should we do? "Progressives" have probably massacred 80 million people since Hitler bit the dust, and they're probably going to murder a great many more before this fetid evil is wiped from the earth. Add a billion Muslims who don't give a damn what your politics are, who want to kill you just out of general principal, while wiping Western civilization clean from history's slate.

The German right is Western Europe's last best hope. Along with small cells in Britain, Sweden, Holland , and Norway, they're the only people left on that continent with any balls. Islam is winning there, and it's just a matter of time before Sharia Law supplants common law, just as is happening in England, France, Holland, Germany, and Russia. But the worst cancer that must be dealt with first, is communism/progressivism/stalinism or whatever other "ism" the cowards who practice this religion of slavery/massacre want to try to veil themselves beneath. Scum like the OP for instance.
I guess you are one to justify the attempted extermination of the Jews.
I guess you are one to justify the attempted extermination of the Jews.

I guess you are one to justify the legalization of rape against little children...like all good leftists?

Listen you ignorant POS, it's the German military/industrial complex that over the past 10 years, has given Israel half a dozen Dolphin class submarines specially equipped with aft cruise missile launch tubes, that now enable Israel to use this platform with nuclear Popeye cruise missiles, to level any city on earth. Ohhh...those scary German conservatives, just look what they've done to the Jews of late.

Why don't you keep up with current events, then you won't look like an ignorant useful idiot who has to fall back on worn out race-baiting cliches, when you realize you've just been made a fool of?
I guess you are one to justify the attempted extermination of the Jews.

I guess you are one to justify the legalization of rape against little children...like all good leftists?

Listen you ignorant POS, it's the German military/industrial complex that over the past 10 years, has given Israel half a dozen Dolphin class submarines specially equipped with aft cruise missile launch tubes, that now enable Israel to use this platform with nuclear Popeye cruise missiles, to level any city on earth. Ohhh...those scary German conservatives, just look what they've done to the Jews of late.
They also supplied scud missile parts to Saddam Hussein...who then turned around and launched them against the Jews.
Why don't you keep up with current events, then you won't look like an ignorant useful idiot who has to fall back on worn out race-baiting cliches, when you realize you've just been made a fool of?
Why don't you keep up with current events. Germans have been supplying weapons to terrorists and more. Do yourself a favor and do a search for German Watch on the forum and educate your ignorant self.

Like I said, you must be of German ancestory.

And isn't accusing people of supporting pedophilia against forum rules? Typical German...can't follow the rules because of that embedded hate gene.
I guess you are one to justify the attempted extermination of the Jews.

I guess you are one to justify the legalization of rape against little children...like all good leftists?

Listen you ignorant POS, it's the German military/industrial complex that over the past 10 years, has given Israel half a dozen Dolphin class submarines specially equipped with aft cruise missile launch tubes, that now enable Israel to use this platform with nuclear Popeye cruise missiles, to level any city on earth. Ohhh...those scary German conservatives, just look what they've done to the Jews of late.
They also supplied scud missile parts to Saddam Hussein...who then turned around and launched them against the Jews.
Why don't you keep up with current events, then you won't look like an ignorant useful idiot who has to fall back on worn out race-baiting cliches, when you realize you've just been made a fool of?
Why don't you keep up with current events. Germans have been supplying weapons to terrorists and more. Do yourself a favor and do a search for German Watch on the forum and educate your ignorant self.

Like I said, you must be of German ancestory.

And isn't accusing people of supporting pedophilia against forum rules? Typical German...can't follow the rules because of that embedded hate gene.

See moron, you haven't read the forum rules at all. You can't accuse an individual poster of being a pedophile, unless according to court records he is one, but if the political philosophy he/she's pushing subscribes to a pedophile agenda, then it's your public duty to out the creeps for the protection of helpless children. For instance, the democrat party has no problem with the existence of child rape organizations like NAMBLA, therefore all democrats are cheerleaders for child rape. See how that works?

Now in your case, you trumpet an organization that is an ethnic-specific hate group. You hate Germans, and with your diatribes you solicit supporters of your brand of ethnically-centered hate. You're a scurrilous hater who's promoting ethnic hatred. Thus with this post, I'm suggesting to admin that they kick your hate-agenda ass out of here and never let you back in. See how that works?
LOL...nothing new. You never answered, are you of kraut ancestry?
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs...
As well as rabid LWs who pretty much hate anybody whose political views differ from their own.

...Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure? Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
Yes. Supporting social work in the inner city for years, I've seen plenty of Black Folk (one color) put all the blame on White Folk (another color).
Not just Germans. Hate is rampant everywhere, especially among rabid RWs...
As well as rabid LWs who pretty much hate anybody whose political views differ from their own.

...Can't get ahead? Can't make gobs of money? You're a failure? Just blame someone else, especially those of color.
Yes. Supporting social work in the inner city for years, I've seen plenty of Black Folk (one color) put all the blame on White Folk (another color).
Must be another German on board. I see many a white person blaming Affirmative Action and blacks for their failures. How pathetic! You should start a German club and try to gas all of the black people for blaming whitey

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