Hate preacher Franklin Graham launches string of lawsuits against UK venues for refusing to host his anti-LGBT+ events

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Good luck with that frankie boy. We have no obligation to provide a platform for religious extremists. Go and preach hate somewhere where you are more popular, like the C15th maybe ?
Do you think that the Muzzies in your "Kingdom" and i use that term loosely has hate for LBGTQ(mentally ill people)?

"You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do." Anne Lamott

"If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving. If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of Him." James Baldwin, 'The Fire Next Time'
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.

Just because the distinguished Theologian disagrees with the idea that taking it in the caboose should be glorified doesn't mean he "hates" anyone.

Its about time he grows up and realize men wrote the bible and their opinions. Its none of his business. Gays have been around for a long long time according to the bible.
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.

Just because the distinguished Theologian disagrees with the idea that taking it in the caboose should be glorified doesn't mean he "hates" anyone.
He is intent on stirring up hate against certain sections of our community. The government should have blocked his entry into the UK. Fake christian cults in the US represent a threat to all sorts of people around the world.
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.

Just because the distinguished Theologian disagrees with the idea that taking it in the caboose should be glorified doesn't mean he "hates" anyone.

Its about time he grows up and realize men wrote the bible and their opinions. Its none of his business. Gays have been around for a long long time according to the bible.

I think that all that Rev. Graham wants is for homosexuals to repent and escape post-mortem residency in Hell.

He doesn't hate them at all, if he hated them, he'd shut up and abandon them to burn in hades.
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.
Many people like you, have been deceived by Lucifer....The Progs like Hitlery and Obammy honor Lucifer...Making those two and those who follow them, EVIL as sin....Are you EVIL as sin Peabrainope?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.

Just because the distinguished Theologian disagrees with the idea that taking it in the caboose should be glorified doesn't mean he "hates" anyone.
He is intent on stirring up hate against certain sections of our community. The government should have blocked his entry into the UK. Fake christian cults in the US represent a threat to all sorts of people around the world.
Did Muhammad stir up hate against certain sections of your community by wanting all infidels like you dead?
Thank you. We don't want him back in the USA either.

Actually, we do. The Graham Family are national treasures, preaching the Christian Faith for many decades, unapologetically declaring Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden.
You actually believe these people? National treasures???? They are just cheap trash.
Thank you. We don't want him back in the USA either.

Actually, we do. The Graham Family are national treasures, preaching the Christian Faith for many decades, unapologetically declaring Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden.
You actually believe these people? National treasures???? They are just cheap trash.

When the patriarch of the Graham family died a couple of years ago, Democrat as well as Republican ex-Presidents attended the funeral mass.

You can disagree with the Grahams and the Christian faith , this is America. But it doesn't change the fact that Christianity is still highly respected in this country and even our Far Left ex-Presidents (Carter, Clinton and Obama) pay lip service to the faith.
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.

Just because the distinguished Theologian disagrees with the idea that taking it in the caboose should be glorified doesn't mean he "hates" anyone.
He is intent on stirring up hate against certain sections of our community. The government should have blocked his entry into the UK. Fake christian cults in the US represent a threat to all sorts of people around the world.
Did Muhammad stir up hate against certain sections of your community by wanting all infidels like you dead?
No, he didn't!
Muslims believe in the Bible from Adam to Jesus but see him as a prophet.
Muhammed was a great diplomat and negotiator uniting many tribes with disparate beliefs.
Jihad/'baptism by the sword' is reserved only for those who attack Islam.

Why don't you research his life instead of mouthing off in bigoted ignorance?
God loves you, Tommy, even though you are gay. God loves Franklin Graham too, even though he is not gay.

Not according to Graham.

Just because the distinguished Theologian disagrees with the idea that taking it in the caboose should be glorified doesn't mean he "hates" anyone.
He is intent on stirring up hate against certain sections of our community. The government should have blocked his entry into the UK. Fake christian cults in the US represent a threat to all sorts of people around the world.
Did Muhammad stir up hate against certain sections of your community by wanting all infidels like you dead?
No, he didn't!
Muslims believe in the Bible from Adam to Jesus but see him as a prophet.
Muhammed was a great diplomat and negotiator uniting many tribes with disparate beliefs.
Jihad/'baptism by the sword' is reserved only for those who attack Islam.

Why don't you research his life instead of mouthing off in bigoted ignorance?
Oh really?

By the way, from 1991 to 1996 i lived in Saudi Arabia, i had first hand experience knowing the laws of Islam.

Thank you. We don't want him back in the USA either.

Actually, we do. The Graham Family are national treasures, preaching the Christian Faith for many decades, unapologetically declaring Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the Garden.
You actually believe these people? National treasures???? They are just cheap trash.

When the patriarch of the Graham family died a couple of years ago, Democrat as well as Republican ex-Presidents attended the funeral mass.

You can disagree with the Grahams and the Christian faith , this is America. But it doesn't change the fact that Christianity is still highly respected in this country and even our Far Left ex-Presidents (Carter, Clinton and Obama) pay lip service to the faith.
And the grahams make a great living from the Christianity thing. Jesus travelled on a donkey, these charlatans have private jets.

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