Has World War III Already Started in the Mideast?


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2013
There are a whole lot of countries dramatically falling apart in Sandland. There is no law that says world wars have to start in Europe: indeed, Japan's invasion of Manchuria had a lot to do with starting World War II.

The usual pattern is that the USA does NOT get involved right away: we wait a good year or two or three years and then are dragged into it all, kicking and screaming, which is exactly why we adopted the role of world policeman after WWII ended.

However, we can't stop all this going on: nobody could. Clearly the disorder is spreading, now to Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon. It's an out-of-control wildfire like the fires in California and Idaho. While the wars are all civil wars inside nationstates it's not so much of a problem, but when they spread to other states -- attacks on Israel, Turkey destabilized by refugees, Syrians blowing up Lebanon, the contagion spreading to oil-rich countries we depend on for fuel ---- that could become a big and sudden problem.

It's very hard to correctly identify the beginnings of huge conflicts: NO one knew WWI was starting till the last week in July 1914, a week before the Germans goosestepped over the Belgian border. Nobody took the "phoney war" seriously 1939-1940: until the quick conquest of France, and the Blitz started. Before that, war had been declared but nothing happened for months, so people thought, we can fix it, they'll have talks.

What's going on in the Mideast is HUGE. Anybody seen a lot of stuff happen in the world that's this bad? Because I haven't, and I've been watching for awhile. Is this WWIII?
I was thinking about that on my ride home yesterday. mind blowing concept!
I am not spiritual but I think that is a prophecy in the bible? coukd be wrong..
I was thinking about that on my ride home yesterday. mind blowing concept!
I am not spiritual but I think that is a prophecy in the bible? coukd be wrong..

answer to first question------yes

second question-----well----lets see what happens and then apply the
appropriate verses. Lots of prophesy of war in the bible---
because there were lots and lots of wars-----

PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)
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PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)

That would work....that would bring us in. And/or Europe.

I myself prophecy (I'm not sure of the spelling either!) that an attack on Israel will start things up bigtime. Could be Iran, but right now people are thinking of an attack coming from Egypt.

Then there is always Hezbollah attacking from the norht .....there have already been attacks inside Lebanon from the Syrian war, so it's spreading now.
I was thinking about that on my ride home yesterday. mind blowing concept!
I am not spiritual but I think that is a prophecy in the bible? coukd be wrong..

answer to first question------yes

second question-----well----lets see what happens and then apply the
appropriate verses. Lots of prophesy of war in the bible---
because there were lots and lots of wars-----

PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)

didnt the saudis start backing the Egyptian military? thank goodness! so I think u have something going lol
I was thinking about that on my ride home yesterday. mind blowing concept!
I am not spiritual but I think that is a prophecy in the bible? coukd be wrong..

answer to first question------yes

second question-----well----lets see what happens and then apply the
appropriate verses. Lots of prophesy of war in the bible---
because there were lots and lots of wars-----

PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)

didnt the saudis start backing the Egyptian military? thank goodness! so I think u have something going lol

Long ago----sometime in the pre 9-11-01 era----I encountered a saudi as a
colleague------we got on well-------he was a well entrenched saudi---in that
he was "highly educated" (keep in mind----there is a HUGE ILLITERACY
RATE IN SAUDI ARABIA) He was about as normal as Iranians were before
the cultural revolution ------which is very normal..... nothing like people of similar
educational level from places like Pakistan. I got the impression from him that
saudis are not as nuts as are the public pronouncements of their leaders or
their school books. Same seems to be true of most egyptians-----at least
those who are literate The big prize for radical muslim groups (all of them)
seems to be CONTROL OF THE LAND OF THE TWO MOSQUES I can imagine
lots of them who otherwise hate each other-----forming alliances

The Italians did not actually like the nazis----or even the germans----then again---
the Italians ----made very INEFFECTUAL NAZIS I got that from a colleague
who spent time in a concentration camp----in Italy where the inmates were
not so much as overworked or starved to death----let along "exterminated en masse"

I actually believe that Saudis are not all that into Jihadist murder and pillage campaigns---
and that OSAMA was a bit ODD ------HOWEVER---he was half yemeni
PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)

That would work....that would bring us in. And/or Europe.

I myself prophecy (I'm not sure of the spelling either!) that an attack on Israel will start things up bigtime. Could be Iran, but right now people are thinking of an attack coming from Egypt.

Then there is always Hezbollah attacking from the norht .....there have already been attacks inside Lebanon from the Syrian war, so it's spreading now.

I prophesize again------Saudi arabia will be attacked first------with the threat that
any intervention by the USA (which will take place) will instigate attacks on
Israel In fact, even Israel might intervene FOR the saudi rulers----another
reason for Hezbollah to bomb Israel The people who attack saudi arabia
NEED Israel ------in order to hold it something like a hostage

This is the era of islamic sectarian strife-----the big prize for all the sects and
subsects is STILL SAUDI ARABIA--------Israel comes after all that POWER
is gathered up into a combined force

Anyone out there know that the conquest of Kuwait for Sadaam was
actually a means of funding the FINAL SOLUTION TO THE ZIONIST
DILEMMA? Conquest of SAUDI ARABIA offer so much more----
I prophesize again------Saudi arabia will be attacked first------with the threat that
any intervention by the USA (which will take place) will instigate attacks on
Israel In fact, even Israel might intervene FOR the saudi rulers----another
reason for Hezbollah to bomb Israel The people who attack saudi arabia
NEED Israel ------in order to hold it something like a hostage

This is the era of islamic sectarian strife-----the big prize for all the sects and
subsects is STILL SAUDI ARABIA--------Israel comes after all that POWER
is gathered up into a combined force

Anyone out there know that the conquest of Kuwait for Sadaam was
actually a means of funding the FINAL SOLUTION TO THE ZIONIST
DILEMMA? Conquest of SAUDI ARABIA offer so much more----

Certainly one of the motives for Desert Storm after Saddam moved to invade Kuwait was that we supposed Saddam would go after Saudi Arabia next. Why not? If we let him have Kuwait, Saudi Arabian oil was an even bigger prize.

That the Saudis are very, very nervous right now about all the strife everywhere around them is well known. They are right to be nervous. I agree that invasion of Saudi Arabia would bring us into the area militarily.

Interesting point that the enemy (MB, Iran, whomever) might use Israel as a hostage for immunity against their attack on Saudi Arabia ---- I agree, though, that would not work.

The whole area is blowing up --- how can these obvious targets NOT be attacked, I am wondering.

My reading is saying that the whole Sandland crisis is about who wins: secularists and modernism, or the Islamists who want to live in the 8th century. I agree. Anyone else?
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sorta ----but not really. The essence of BAATHISM ----was revealed in the
video presented by tinnie-----Assad is a Baathist----as was Sadaam -----it is---
actually a totalitarian ARABIST ISLAMICIST movement-----fancied up a bit
with a kind of socialist glow--------and very much a totalitarian utopian
ideology which is fixed up in a way that islamicists can convince themselves
that they are ------"UNIVERSALISTS" ie ---something like Pancasila
Try to remember ---the koran is the handbook of caliphate and its evil
second cousin---PANCASILA Try telling the average muslim ---
out of date -----old fashioned---or NOT THE MOST ADVANCED AND IDEAL

What do you think Achmadinejad meant when he said that "ISLAM IS
THE RELIGION FOR ALL THE WORLD" ------that 'religion' which
he described does not refer to UNIVERSAL CONVERSION TO ISLAM ---
It refers to a system like PANCASILA OR CALIPHATE in which many
peoples reside-------but simply under islamic rule and control.

For a discussion of just how glorious is or was SYRIA for non muslims---
talk to christians and jews who escaped that place or who are children
of escapees-----there are lots around.

The very first detail I was taught about islam-----by muslims from
South east asia is------ "ISLAM HAS THE MOST TOLERATION"
well back then----"toleration" was a word-----in fact it still is----sorta---
but islam never had it

PS----some of the most ardent "ISLAM HAS THE MOST TOLERATION"
person I have known-----were very very secular ----its
a kind of nationalism thing
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PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)

That would work....that would bring us in. And/or Europe.

I myself prophecy (I'm not sure of the spelling either!) that an attack on Israel will start things up bigtime. Could be Iran, but right now people are thinking of an attack coming from Egypt.

Then there is always Hezbollah attacking from the norht .....there have already been attacks inside Lebanon from the Syrian war, so it's spreading now.

Israel can take care of herself. We nor does Europe need to interfere in any of her wars.

Iran is no more than a paper dragon. Weak airforce and navy, their missiles have to travel a significant distance and would be easily intercepted. Their only advantage would be their large ground force, but that force would have no way to get to Israel's borders.

Syria is a mess. Even when AAAASSSSad emerges as the victor, they will be in no shape to take on anyone. They will need to rebuild from the rubble.

Egypt has trouble feeding their population. So many internal troubles plague the country, losing another war to Israel is the last thing on their minds.

Things look bad over there, but I doubt their will lead to a world war. A world war is only possible if the US is drawn into a conflict with China. Although we are adversaries I don't see that happening anytime soon! China is too busy making money.
Things look bad over there, but I doubt their will lead to a world war. A world war is only possible if the US is drawn into a conflict with China. Although we are adversaries I don't see that happening anytime soon! China is too busy making money.

Riiiiiiiight.....the bankers won't allow it, they are making too much money with globalization.

That's exactly what people said before WWI. Can't possibly be a war.....people are making too much money.

But one month after the Serb shot the Archduke, KABLAM!
Things look bad over there, but I doubt their will lead to a world war. A world war is only possible if the US is drawn into a conflict with China. Although we are adversaries I don't see that happening anytime soon! China is too busy making money.

Riiiiiiiight.....the bankers won't allow it, they are making too much money with globalization.

That's exactly what people said before WWI. Can't possibly be a war.....people are making too much money.

But one month after the Serb shot the Archduke, KABLAM!

I am not saying it's not possible. Heck Twaiian could be a spark plug. Conflict btw China and Japan could also. An attack on Iran could also. A war between Russia and the US could also. There could be a world wide catrastrophe that is the spark.

Heck the Muslims could nuke multiple US cities aka Jericho style and that could be the spark plug.

There are many scenarios. The US economy is set for another big hit.
Pick a your spark:
(1) Student Loan Bubble,
(2) Renter's Market Bubble (commercial buyers are driving the housing marketing, they are buying SFH to rent, when traditionally they went after only condos and multi-units),
(3) Inflation/Skyrocketing Cost of Living Bubble (everything is costing more, food, healthcare, gas, rent, utilities, cars, college, clothes etc), wages aren't keeping up, loss of purchase power is going to sink many families. I mean $100K a year used to be a lot of money, now it's middle class income at best).
(4) Federal Deficit Bubble (Fed Deficit is not something that can be kicked down the road forever, eventually the tax man come collecting. When the crash happens, a depression will follow)
(5) Interest Rate Increase Crash (interest rates are crazy low, they eventually have to go up. When they do, even less residential buyers will be able to purchase a home. More commerical buyers will hit the market and competition for rent will be insane)
(6) Loss of Purchase Power (Cost of Living is going up, taxes will eventually go up, wages are going down, that leads to less purchase power. Less purchase power means lower consumer spending. Lower consumer spending means a shrinking economy)

When the economy goes boom, civil disobedience increases. Could it increase enough to the point of a civil war? Absolutely, we're a very fragment society. Not even so much on racial lines, but on political ideology. The feel-good liberal ideology is the path to destruction, but they are winning (see every large US city and their one party system).

A US civil war would could chaos across the globe. Europe is in a much worse economic condition, a US civil war would cause their economies to collaspe. Russia is dependent on them for raw material and energy exports, they would cause their economy to collaspe. China is EXTREMELY dependent on the US consumer. They would collaspe.

The ripple effect of a US civil war would engulf the globe!
you left out the real possible game changer-----EPIDEMIC

world war? matter of definition------even during world war I and world
war II------THE WHOLE WORLD was not in it. I do believe that we can
manage to have a conflict widespread enough to call a "WORLD WAR"----
which could start in Saudi arabia think how delighted Achmadinejad
would be------he would be at the well waiting for the kid mahdi to jump out.

USA, Saudi arabia------Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah ---from
the MANY countries which Hezbolllah has infiltrated (I have been told
Hezbollah even lives in Mexico) Maybe some of the countries of south
america will get involved -----Pakistan jumps in almost immediately---then
Malaysia --<Indonesia---etc etc It would be enough to be a
WORLD WAR even if monaco and Luxemburg stay neutral.

Considering the multitude of muslim enclaves in the USA_-----
New York and New Jersey alone-----we would probably have
a civil war--------starting in Queens NY-------the muslims vs the
hindus on points of policy
PS I PROPHESIZE (is that a word?) that the flashpoint this time
will be an invasion of saudi arabia-----by Al quieda jerks, hezbollah
jerks and MB jerks (I am never COMPLETELY wrong------I can
apply excrutiating sophistry to justify any idiotic statement)

That would work....that would bring us in. And/or Europe.

I myself prophecy (I'm not sure of the spelling either!) that an attack on Israel will start things up bigtime. Could be Iran, but right now people are thinking of an attack coming from Egypt.

Then there is always Hezbollah attacking from the norht .....there have already been attacks inside Lebanon from the Syrian war, so it's spreading now.

Israel can take care of herself. We nor does Europe need to interfere in any of her wars.

Iran is no more than a paper dragon. Weak airforce and navy, their missiles have to travel a significant distance and would be easily intercepted. Their only advantage would be their large ground force, but that force would have no way to get to Israel's borders.

Syria is a mess. Even when AAAASSSSad emerges as the victor, they will be in no shape to take on anyone. They will need to rebuild from the rubble.

Egypt has trouble feeding their population. So many internal troubles plague the country, losing another war to Israel is the last thing on their minds.

Things look bad over there, but I doubt their will lead to a world war. A world war is only possible if the US is drawn into a conflict with China. Although we are adversaries I don't see that happening anytime soon! China is too busy making money.

remember the good old days of the FERTILE CRESCENT---and THE NILE VALLEY---
when no one really starved ??? -------there was the INDUS VALLEY ---too........
-----grain for all-------all the time ------seems to me that the big fight will be over
bread and ----who gets to eat the blubber of the last whale
America is at her weakest since WWII having fought for over a decade in the sands of the ME. China, Russia, Korea, Iran, Syria, and Pakistan, in combination, could be a formidable foe in the ME and Asia for the US, Germany, England, and Japan. Obama has been unilaterally dis-arming America. Our Economy is in tatters. We are ripe for WWIII.
There are a whole lot of countries dramatically falling apart in Sandland. There is no law that says world wars have to start in Europe: indeed, Japan's invasion of Manchuria had a lot to do with starting World War II.

The usual pattern is that the USA does NOT get involved right away: we wait a good year or two or three years and then are dragged into it all, kicking and screaming, which is exactly why we adopted the role of world policeman after WWII ended.

However, we can't stop all this going on: nobody could. Clearly the disorder is spreading, now to Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon. It's an out-of-control wildfire like the fires in California and Idaho. While the wars are all civil wars inside nationstates it's not so much of a problem, but when they spread to other states -- attacks on Israel, Turkey destabilized by refugees, Syrians blowing up Lebanon, the contagion spreading to oil-rich countries we depend on for fuel ---- that could become a big and sudden problem.

It's very hard to correctly identify the beginnings of huge conflicts: NO one knew WWI was starting till the last week in July 1914, a week before the Germans goosestepped over the Belgian border. Nobody took the "phoney war" seriously 1939-1940: until the quick conquest of France, and the Blitz started. Before that, war had been declared but nothing happened for months, so people thought, we can fix it, they'll have talks.

What's going on in the Mideast is HUGE. Anybody seen a lot of stuff happen in the world that's this bad? Because I haven't, and I've been watching for awhile. Is this WWIII?

ZIONIST Propaganda on display! No is the answer to your question. We most of us reject these Zionist fear campaigns!
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There are a whole lot of countries dramatically falling apart in Sandland. There is no law that says world wars have to start in Europe: indeed, Japan's invasion of Manchuria had a lot to do with starting World War II.

The usual pattern is that the USA does NOT get involved right away: we wait a good year or two or three years and then are dragged into it all, kicking and screaming, which is exactly why we adopted the role of world policeman after WWII ended.

However, we can't stop all this going on: nobody could. Clearly the disorder is spreading, now to Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon. It's an out-of-control wildfire like the fires in California and Idaho. While the wars are all civil wars inside nationstates it's not so much of a problem, but when they spread to other states -- attacks on Israel, Turkey destabilized by refugees, Syrians blowing up Lebanon, the contagion spreading to oil-rich countries we depend on for fuel ---- that could become a big and sudden problem.

It's very hard to correctly identify the beginnings of huge conflicts: NO one knew WWI was starting till the last week in July 1914, a week before the Germans goosestepped over the Belgian border. Nobody took the "phoney war" seriously 1939-1940: until the quick conquest of France, and the Blitz started. Before that, war had been declared but nothing happened for months, so people thought, we can fix it, they'll have talks.

What's going on in the Mideast is HUGE. Anybody seen a lot of stuff happen in the world that's this bad? Because I haven't, and I've been watching for awhile. Is this WWIII?

ZIONIST Propaganda on display! No is the answer to your question.

Sherri I AM FASCINATED-----just what part of that post ---by Circe---which
seemed to me to be a review of actual events in europe-----seem to you to be
"ZONIST PROPAGANDA"? were you THAT offended by the line referring to
"nazis goosestepping into Belgium" I will try to put some brakes on circe and
his/her unfortunate lack of respect for the third reich---so ZIONISTIC OF HIM/HER

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