Has Trump ever taken responsibility?


Staff member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Yada, yada, yada............I'm disappointed in you, Hope. You can do SO much better than spewing THIS crap. Better luck next time.....
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Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
"I take no responsibility at all" Rump has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Not military service, not marriage, not numerous failed investments, not even the housing discrimination case he and his father lost. This is a creature who literally never even held a job in his life until January 20. 2017 when he was already 70.

If there is any instance of taking the heat for even the tiniest thing I've never heard of it.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
He did he banned people from entering this country from war torn countries and Eric holder and the left Sued him over it coyote.

Who are you trying to fool?

Who are YOU trying to fool?

Where's this "suit" then? And how exactly does "the left" have standing to file a lawsuit at all?
"I take no responsibility at all" Rump has literally never taken responsibility for anything in his life. Not military service, not marriage, not numerous failed investments, not even the housing discrimination case he and his father lost. This is a creature who literally never even held a job in his life until January 20. 2017 when he was already 70.

If there is any instance of taking the heat for even the tiniest thing I've never heard of it.

Oh please pogo if it was me I would sink those cruise ships and you would sue over it

Take one for the team.
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Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

Did he take responsibility for any mistakes or things that didn't go well?

That's not the same as things others criticized him for, because if he didn't think he did anything wrong - he doesn't need to take responsibility.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
You have NOTHING but BLIND HATRED for our wonderful president. It's SO disappointing. President Trump has taken responsibility EVERY day since he beat the Hildebeast in the 2016 election. He's shown MORE leadership than perhaps ANY president before him. It's a shame you can't see this because you've been blinded and brainwashed by our hideously biased media. You ARE a wonderful person, I KNOW this from our conversations, I just wish you could see what an amazing job our president is doing.
Not credit for - he does that all the time, but RESPONSIBILITY for something?

Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Reagan’s acceptance of responsibility in the Iran-Contra Affair in April 1987 when Trump was about to turn 40. Reagan took to the airwaves and revealed his role in the deal that used Nicaragua as the conduit for U.S. arms that were traded for Iranian-held hostages, something Reagan previously had denied. “There are reasons why it happened, but no excuses,” Reagan said. “It was a mistake. I undertook the original Iran initiative in order to develop relations with those who might assume leadership in a post-Khomeini government.” As with Kennedy, the public who genuinely liked Reagan accepted his apology and a potential impeachment was averted. His popularity also returned, scoring him a 64% approval by the time he left office two years later.

John F Kennedy:
John Kennedy’s acceptance of his role in the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961 when Donald was nearly 15. The CIA-run operation, begun under the Eisenhower Administration, resulted in the capture of over 1,200 insurgents and ultimately the strengthening of the nascent Castro regime. Kennedy blamed himself for approving the operation and in public held himself solely accountable. "There's an old saying that victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan ... Further statements, detailed discussions, are not to conceal responsibility because I'm the responsible officer of the Government.” The public liked what they saw from the young president and gave him a pass. Later Kennedy joked that if he had known how his poll numbers would have soared – into the 80s – he might have called for the invasion to occur sooner.

Barak Obama:
President Obama, by his own admission, failed badly during the rollout of Obamacare in fall 2013, more grievously due to the failures of HealthCare.gov. But he took responsibility and fixed it, launching an unprecedented number of outside programmers and tech specialists to overhaul the site and get it in working order. "I take full responsibility for making sure it gets fixed ASAP,” Obama said at the time. And so he did.

Here are a few other things Obama took responsibility for while in office:

Donald Trump:

Can anyone provide some examples?
Yada, yada, yada............I'm disappointed in you, Hope. You can do SO much better than spewing THIS crap. Better luck next time.....

I thought somebody with an IQ of 147 would easily be able to dispel the OP's assertion. Apparently not.
Responsibility for what?

I watched the liberal assholes this morning saying the messiah obama had a plan for an epidemic, he was quoting out of a 1990s movie

Hi Bear, good to see you again :)

Responsibility for things that didn't go well. "The buck stops here" type of responsibility.
Once again he banned people from war torn countries and the liberals used him over it.

And now you're already switching to "the liberals".

Show us the legal complaint where the plaintiff is named "the liberals".

More to the point, answer the OP question, or admit you can't.
Can you provide some examples then?

Taking responsibility is an important part of leadership.
You have NOTHING but BLIND HATRED for our wonderful president. It's SO disappointing. President Trump has taken responsibility EVERY day since he beat the Hildebeast in the 2016 election. He's shown MORE leadership than perhaps ANY president before him. It's a shame you can't see this because you've been blinded and brainwashed by our hideously biased media. You ARE a wonderful person, I KNOW this from our conversations, I just wish you could see what an amazing job our president is doing.

Six lines of text and you still can't name anything.
What I find telling is, my OP is getting a number of "dislikes" but none of them have come up with a single instance of Trump taking responsibility.

Responsibility for what?

Chinese messing around in there labs getting out of control?

Btw what is anyone affraid of you believe in christ, rose from the dead, died for your sins. Everlasting life

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