Has Obama' policies put us in another recession?

would that include Obama-care?


Actually from what I have heard we could have been better off if it had not been passed but if you can prove your argument that it was indeed a failure then provide the specifics to do so.

Again some specifics?

How did that hurt? Got anyting specific or are vague generalities all that you have to offer?

you want me to go on?

I want you to start then IF you can provide something of substance then you can provide more IF you have it.

I can.

So much money spent and unemployment still at 9.2%

Any other questions?

So in other words you have NOTHING specific either. Thanks for the worthless talking points.

Actually from what I have heard we could have been better off if it had not been passed but if you can prove your argument that it was indeed a failure then provide the specifics to do so.

Again some specifics?

How did that hurt? Got anyting specific or are vague generalities all that you have to offer?

I want you to start then IF you can provide something of substance then you can provide more IF you have it.

I can.

So much money spent and unemployment still at 9.2%

Any other questions?

So in other words you have NOTHING specific either. Thanks for the worthless talking points.

Specific on Obama-care?
how specific is it being against the peoples will do you want?
and that the claim that a savings 500 billion in Medicare was going to help pay for it? (more debt than forecasted)
How specific
is the loss of 6 million jobs sense 2008 while our president spending about 800 billion dollars to prevent it (more than the Iraq war) and as far as bailing out the UAW to start with the way he did it by passed so many contract laws I do not know where to start
*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics
you really want more of this?
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524
you missed this one I guess
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His 1/2 of tarp

The dow is below 11,0000
deficits are so bad that S&P gave us a down grade

UE is getting worse
Are we all ready in another recession?
has real GDP growth began to go in reverse?
Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Absolutely.
DR wouldn't know the truth if it was attached to his nose. He continues to ignore all the numbers. Let just ignore him and move on he has nothing of value to add.

Actually from what I have heard we could have been better off if it had not been passed but if you can prove your argument that it was indeed a failure then provide the specifics to do so.

Again some specifics?

How did that hurt? Got anyting specific or are vague generalities all that you have to offer?

I want you to start then IF you can provide something of substance then you can provide more IF you have it.

I can.

So much money spent and unemployment still at 9.2%

Any other questions?

So in other words you have NOTHING specific either. Thanks for the worthless talking points.

those are specifics.

We spent 100's of billions of dollars
and we have 9.2% unemployment.

Sounds to me we made no gains.

Nice deflection you fucking moron.
GDP growth is below half of what it should be coming out of a recession. Obama has managed the Worst Recovery of the modern era.

Threats of higher taxes, disregard of lawful contracts in order to favor cronies, expanded entitlements, and heavy handed regulation do not foster economic growth.

Its that simple really

Only to a simpleton.

Threats of higher taxes? Yes but the job creators have had the taxcuts for years and cut jobs instead of creating them so that argument from the right is worthless. W's taxcuts were extended under that argument last time so where are the jobs?

Specifics on the lawful contract claim please.

expanded entitlements?? I can only assume that you mean the healthcare bill bedause in the midterms the right used the fact that part of the healthcare bill cut waste from medicare as a campaign issue to get votes only to try to destroy medicare as we know it once they came into office.

Heavy handed regulation?? Specifics??
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Considering lockstep do nothing Pubs have filibustered all his ideas since 11/2009. I would say it's their braindead non-policies...Pub Dupes!!

Standard lefty loon tactic: do not assume responsibility for anything. Blame it on someone else (or if that fails, blame it on bad luck).

When will the left grow some nuts and act like men?

Are you actually arguing that republicans share none of the responsibility in any of this??

It is a fact that they began filibustering after the dems lost the super majority on 4 FEB 2010 when brown assumed the seat that was formerly held by kennedy so why don't they share some of the blame?

Furthermore they control one of the chambers of congress and it's agenda, So besides passing a few peices of legislation whose only purpose is to cater to the far right base of their party even thought they had NO chance of actually passing in the senate what have they offered??

Where is their "personal responsibility" in all of this??
If it happened on his watch he would have declared 9/11 a national muslim holiday.

Speaking of 9/11 and whose watch it occured on, why did republicans try to blame clinton for 9/11 when it happened on W's watch??

For that matter republicans loved to blame clinton for ruby ridge when that occured befoer he was even elected but due to the fact that he inherited the trial and with waco on their minds hacks likerush limbaugh blamed clinton and the right went along with it.

Republicans love to bring up the "booooosh" bs but didn't W actually try to blame clinton by claiming that he inherited a recession from clinton??

Why is it that the right applies one standard to republican presidents and a different standard to democrat presidents?

you read these forums too much.
Republicans in general did not try to blame Clinton. The topic of why Bin Laden was around to plan the attacks came up and it was found that Clinton had a chance to take posession of Bin Laden and he opted not to. And to be frank, I assume he had good reason and I never questioned it...and I still dont question it.
Likewise, it was no Presidents fault. It was a well orchestrated attack and there was really very little that could have been done to stop it...even iof Bush was told straight out that terrorists were going to slam planes into buildings...what was he going to do about it?
I mean really...in the interest of a fair debate....do you really think that we, the people would have approved of our having our private parts fondled BEFORE 9-11? I mean....really? We have serious opposition against it now...AFTER 9-11.

So move on with that stuff....it wasnt clintons fault and it wasnt Bushs fault. It happened and we learned from it.

Thanks for the BS about the nonexistent offer of bin laden AGAIN (repeating it doesn't make it true) but I wasn't the one that brought up 9/11 and blaming someone else. If you have a problem with that see posters from the right side of the political spectrum for making that the topic.

Furthemore if it was only a few people on a message board saying it the why was the argument that W "kept us safe but clinton didn't" so widespread across the republican party? Your attempts to rewrite history are beyond ridiculous.

BTW I also love the part where you make excuses for bush even though republicans have held clinton accoutnable for ruby ridge, the first WTC bombing, our embassies overseas, and even the bombing of the cole but I have never seen any rightwinger ever offer the excuses that you offer up for bush until AFTER 9/11 happened. Even then many went out their way as you did above to try to shift the blame to clinton with made up bs about an offer that was created by mansoor ijaz a former foxnews consultant.

Do you really have such a selective memory?
It's a recession his policies doubled down on and created. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a recovery, they have not been adding jobs and unemployment has not changed much in almost a year. There is no recovery, only more finger pointing from the left trying to blame what they did on a GOP that was not in office nor had the ability to stop them when they did it. Socialism is a failed ideology as has been proven throughout history, all it does is destroy economies and wreck liberty.

And taking the queue from rightwing talking heads and presidential candidates you chime in with the vague "his policies" while failing to provide anything specific and showing HOW it actually did what you claim it did.

Thanks for NOTHING.

But I did..

You asked for specifics..and I gave you specifics...you ignored them...so here it is again....

100's of Billions of dollars spent and unemployment is at 9.2%.

How does that show SPECIFIC policies and HOW they have done anything that was claimed??

Please, I know that you are not that stupid so please stop pretending that you are.
what is your problem?
to start with being this far in debt and having loss 6 million jobs sense 2008 is enough
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524

*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics
contract law being ignored has not helped

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ADMITS TO FRAUD- Sebelius Tells Committee Dems Double-Counted $500 BILLION DOLLARS in Obamacare | The Gateway Pundit care/
this 500 billion has not been counted yet, yet anyone with a brain knows its debt forthcoming and the dam law is no yet made it thru constitutional law yet

Actually from what I have heard we could have been better off if it had not been passed but if you can prove your argument that it was indeed a failure then provide the specifics to do so.

Again some specifics?

How did that hurt? Got anyting specific or are vague generalities all that you have to offer?

I want you to start then IF you can provide something of substance then you can provide more IF you have it.

I can.

So much money spent and unemployment still at 9.2%

Any other questions?

Specific on Obama-care?

That would be a good start.

how specific is it being against the peoples will do you want?

So since we are basing everything on polls now can you please explain why republcians in the house ignored the FACT that polls showed that the"will of the people" wanted a balanced approach that consisted of both revenue increases and cuts to spending??

Why is it "the will of the people must be obeyed" when the right wants something done and then the polls are ignored when the polls don't match what republicans want to do??

That argument would have more validity if you followed it all the time instead of only when it suited your party's needs.

and that the claim that a savings 500 billion in Medicare was going to help pay for it? (more debt than foretasted)

Huh?? What are you babbling about and are you going to provide specifics for all of your claims or are you going to ask me questions instead of substantiating your own arguments?

How specific
is the loss of 6 million jobs sense 2008 while our president spending about 800 billion dollars to prevent it (more than the Iraq war) and as far as bailing out the UAW to start with the way he did it by passed so many contract laws I do not know where to start
*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics

an oped?? really?? WOW! From your own source.

(emphasis mine) [my comment]

you really want more of this?
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524

Uh you do realize that he only became president on 20 Jan 2009 don't you?? He was elected in Nov of 2008 but he did not assume office until 2009 so why are you trying to hold only him accountable for something that even you admit began on W's watch?

Still waiting on you to back up ALL of your claims with something of substance. Asking me if I want more of your faulty opinions and flawed interpretations does nothing to dissuade me.
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I can.

So much money spent and unemployment still at 9.2%

Any other questions?

So in other words you have NOTHING specific either. Thanks for the worthless talking points.

Specific on Obama-care?
how specific is it being against the peoples will do you want?
and that the claim that a savings 500 billion in Medicare was going to help pay for it? (more debt than forecasted)
How specific
is the loss of 6 million jobs sense 2008 while our president spending about 800 billion dollars to prevent it (more than the Iraq war) and as far as bailing out the UAW to start with the way he did it by passed so many contract laws I do not know where to start
*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics
you really want more of this?
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524
you missed this one I guess
*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics

Repeating something that has already been responded to as it was read instead of waiting on a response does nothing but make you look ridiculous.

Good job but spamming the board doesn't validate your arguments and OPINIONS.
Well, let's review. As a matter of policy. . . .

1. He could have taken a cue from almost ALL the competent fiscal experts and pushed to make the Bush tax cuts permanent for at least another five to ten years. He didn't.

2. He could have explained that the ultra rich are contributing far more to society than they take out and we need to find a way to make more 'rich' people and a lot fewer 'poor' people. He didn't.

3. He could have led by example by paring back his staff to bare bones, encouraging all of Congress to do the same, and implementing strict austerity measures during the financial downturn. He didn't. Instead he has increased the staff/aides,czars etc. to unprecedented numbers and increased their salaries and benefits to unprecedented heights, held lavish party after party, and taken cadillac vacations every chance he gets.

4. He could have kept his promises about open, participatory government instead of ramming a deeply unpopular job killing healthcare reform through in the dark of night and without anybody reading the damn thing. But he didn't.

5. He could have voted against the original TARP and he could have refused to spend the second half of TARP that he had to spend and he could have returned repaid monies to the treasury. He didn't.

6. He could have taken a cue from previous successful presidents, including Democrat presidents, and not pushed through a stimulus package filled with pork and payoff to his cronies and producing none of the benefits promised. He didn't.

7. He could be pushing Congress to relax every possible regulation that doesn't really need to be there to free up domestic energy production in the private sector to achieve more energy dependence. He didn't.

8. He could have put Cap & Trade on the shelf and assured American businesses that all unnecessary regulation would be set aside and no new oppressive regulation would be initiated. He didn't.

9. He could have assured American business that no new taxes were in the works at least until the economy was up and running and the deficit was eliminated. He didn't.

10. He could have been pushing Congress to implement a complete overhaul of Fannie and Freddie and reinstate sound, sensible lending practices. He didn't.

11. He could have left the 800 billion proposed tax increase, proposed massive new stimulus spending, and other stupid comments out of his speech yesterday instead of helping to crash the market today. He didn't.

Instead we have him appointing a jobs 'czar' whose mega corporation pays no U.S. corporate taxes but makes most of its income overseas and is shipping hundreds more American jobs overseas when it moves its Xray division to China in the near future.

We have him blaming and demonizing Republicans, George Bush, tea partiers, Fox News, rednecks, and democracy for all problems he 'inherited' and accepting responsibility for nothing and offering absolutely no coherent plan to put anything back on track.

If we don't get this guy out of office we are screwed.
So in other words you have NOTHING specific either. Thanks for the worthless talking points.

Specific on Obama-care?
how specific is it being against the peoples will do you want?
and that the claim that a savings 500 billion in Medicare was going to help pay for it? (more debt than forecasted)
How specific
is the loss of 6 million jobs sense 2008 while our president spending about 800 billion dollars to prevent it (more than the Iraq war) and as far as bailing out the UAW to start with the way he did it by passed so many contract laws I do not know where to start
*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics
you really want more of this?
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524
you missed this one I guess
*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics

Repeating something that has already been responded to as it was read instead of waiting on a response does nothing but make you look ridiculous.

Good job but spamming the board doesn't validate your arguments and OPINIONS.

you responded to that?
bull shit
I can.

So much money spent and unemployment still at 9.2%

Any other questions?

So in other words you have NOTHING specific either. Thanks for the worthless talking points.

those are specifics.

We spent 100's of billions of dollars
and we have 9.2% unemployment.

Sounds to me we made no gains.

Nice deflection you fucking moron.

The OP blamed obama's POLICIES you "fucking moron" and you haven't shown anything of susbtance to explain how any of obama's POLICIES have done anything that was claimed.

The fact that you lack the intelligence to follow the thread says a hell of alot more about you than it does me.
Well, let's review. As a matter of policy. . . .

1. He could have taken a cue from almost ALL the competent fiscal experts and pushed to make the Bush tax cuts permanent for at least another five to ten years. He didn't.

2. He could have explained that the ultra rich are contributing far more to society than they take out and we need to find a way to make more 'rich' people and a lot fewer 'poor' people. He didn't.

3. He could have led by example by paring back his staff to bare bones, encouraging all of Congress to do the same, and implementing strict austerity measures during the financial downturn. He didn't. Instead he has increased the staff/aides,czars etc. to unprecedented numbers and increased their salaries and benefits to unprecedented heights, held lavish party after party, and taken cadillac vacations every chance he gets.

4. He could have kept his promises about open, participatory government instead of ramming a deeply unpopular job killing healthcare reform through in the dark of night and without anybody reading the damn thing. But he didn't.

5. He could have voted against the original TARP and he could have refused to spend the second half of TARP that he had to spend and he could have returned repaid monies to the treasury. He didn't.

6. He could have taken a cue from previous successful presidents, including Democrat presidents, and not pushed through a stimulus package filled with pork and payoff to his cronies and producing none of the benefits promised. He didn't.

7. He could be pushing Congress to relax every possible regulation that doesn't really need to be there to free up domestic energy production in the private sector to achieve more energy dependence. He didn't.

8. He could have put Cap & Trade on the shelf and assured American businesses that all unnecessary regulation would be set aside and no new oppressive regulation would be initiated. He didn't.

9. He could have assured American business that no new taxes were in the works at least until the economy was up and running and the deficit was eliminated. He didn't.

10. He could have been pushing Congress to implement a complete overhaul of Fannie and Freddie and reinstate sound, sensible lending practices. He didn't.

11. He could have left the 800 billion proposed tax increase, proposed massive new stimulus spending, and other stupid comments out of his speech yesterday instead of helping to crash the market today. He didn't.

Instead we have him appointing a jobs 'czar' whose mega corporation pays no U.S. corporate taxes but makes most of its income overseas and is shipping hundreds more American jobs overseas when it moves its Xray division to China in the near future.

We have him blaming and demonizing Republicans, George Bush, tea partiers, Fox News, rednecks, and democracy for all problems he 'inherited' and accepting responsibility for nothing and offering absolutely no coherent plan to put anything back on track.

If we don't get this guy out of office we are screwed.

1) ditto
2) ditto
3) Mega ditto
4) Mega ditto
5) dis agree with 1st 1/2 of tarp. The wheels had came off. 2nd half mega ditto
6) GWB stimulus was simple, payback those who pay. also was part of his great "debt"
7) To include sale oil, Nuclear power, new refineries, natural gas, pipe line construction
8) Ditto
9) mega ditto
10) kill it, re build it
11) Ditto

Thanks for a great post
what is your problem?
to start with being this far in debt and having loss 6 million jobs sense 2008 is enough
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524

*****Obama Administration Tearing Contract Law Apart***** | Market Skeptics
contract law being ignored has not helped

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ADMITS TO FRAUD- Sebelius Tells Committee Dems Double-Counted $500 BILLION DOLLARS in Obamacare | The Gateway Pundit care/
this 500 billion has not been counted yet, yet anyone with a brain knows its debt forthcoming and the dam law is no yet made it thru constitutional law yet

Already responded to it MORON try reading the thread. BTW repeating it doesn't make it valid.


There is the link to my response seeing that you "missed" it and tried to claim that i haven't responded.
Obama could have passed whatever he wanted up to that point due to his super majority in both houses.

You guys keep saying this as if it's true.

If it were true, we'd have a public health care option right now.
So the out number GOP stopped obama single handily even though the democrats had the majority and the unusual voting procedure in 2009?

I would say that 2009 vote was the reason the democrats got the shit kicked out of them in 2010
GDP growth is below half of what it should be coming out of a recession. Obama has managed the Worst Recovery of the modern era.

Threats of higher taxes, disregard of lawful contracts in order to favor cronies, expanded entitlements, and heavy handed regulation do not foster economic growth.

Its that simple really

Only to a simpleton.

Threats of higher taxes? Yes but the job creators have had the taxcuts for years and cut jobs instead of creating them so that argument from the right is worthless. W's taxcuts were extended under that argument last time so where are the jobs?

Specifics on the lawful contract claim please.

expanded entitlements?? I can only assume that you mean the healthcare bill bedause in the midterms the right used the fact that part of the healthcare bill cut waste from medicare as a campaign issue to get votes only to try to destroy medicare as we know it once they came into office.

Heavy handed regulation?? Specifics??

Look, when the people you support came out with proposals to increase taxes for all those making $250,000 and above, pushed for Cap & Trade legislation that would have raised the energy costs of American businesses through the roof, called for Card Check legislation that would have done away with the secret ballot for unionization, used the Gulf Coast oil spill as an excuse to freeze drilling permits putting tens of thousands of people out of work, side stepped Congressional oversight and gave the EPA the authority to determine what allowable carbon emission levels would be, had the Justice Department sue States for trying to enforce illegal immigration law that they themselves were negligent in enforcing, had that same Justice Department sue a corporation simply because they chose to build a new plant in a right to work State, passed a health care entitlement that raises the costs of businesses throughout the country, passed legislation that would have forced businesses to fill out a Federal form every time they purchased goods or services over $300, ignored existing laws governing how creditors should be paid off so that they could take care of the UAW a union that supported them with millions in campaign contributions,

I'm probably missing quite a few of the things this Administration is responsible for but it's been a never ending progression of new legislation that strangles the Private Sector ever since these guys took office. The fact is...they don't like business...and they don't understand business.

What bothers me most about people like you is how oblivious you seem to be about what has occurred and how it impacts our economy.
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