Has Hillary Lost New Hampshire?

Okay, reality check. Remember in 2004, when Howard Dean was leading in NH for weeks and weeks.

And then the primary rolled around, Kerry came in first, Edwards came in second and the rest is history.
Howard Dean was done in by his scream.
Hillary's downfall is entirely due to democrats. Republicans are bystanders.

What downfall?

Sanders is getting better... He started when no one really knew him, he could only go up... I think Sanders is a fine man and fine politician but he might be a bit too left for America.
Clinton still has a 24 point lead on RCP. It will probably settle around the 20. The real insight is that even after Sanders claiming 30% share Clinton only lost less than 15%.

Still nothing to worry about... It is so early days at this stage... Lets get some snow on the ground for few weeks before the real action kicks off.

At the moment it is about money and Clinton is nice and safe on that front.

A new Quinnipiac poll of swing states Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania shows that Vice President Joe Biden would do better than Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton in certain 2016 general election matchups.

Clinton is still beating Biden handily in polls of Democratic primary voters. But in certain hypothetical general election matchups Biden has a stronger lead against potential Republican challengers -- or beats them where Clinton cannot.

In Florida, Biden would beat Republican frontrunner Donald Trump 45 to 42, whereas Clinton would lose to Trump 43 to 41
Biden outperforms Clinton against Trump in some swing states - CBS News

Republicans don't control the Justice department. Obama and his hand-picked AG do......just as Obama has hand-picked Biden to carry on his 'legacy'.
Hillary will fall victim to Obama's Chicago-style politics and Biden will benefit.
The GOP won't have to dig deeper than a half inch of topsoil to air all his gaffes and creepy behavior.
Walker/Rubio will easily stroll onto the White House
Hillary's downfall is entirely due to democrats. Republicans are bystanders.

What downfall?

Sanders is getting better... He started when no one really knew him, he could only go up... I think Sanders is a fine man and fine politician but he might be a bit too left for America.
Clinton still has a 24 point lead on RCP. It will probably settle around the 20. The real insight is that even after Sanders claiming 30% share Clinton only lost less than 15%.

Still nothing to worry about... It is so early days at this stage... Lets get some snow on the ground for few weeks before the real action kicks off.

At the moment it is about money and Clinton is nice and safe on that front.

She'll need that money for her defense fund
The majority of the problems from Katrina were caused by the utter incompetence and criminality of Nagin.

That doesn't really excuse Bush's incompetence. Keep in mind, he spent billions of dollars creating this new Department, Homeland Security - that would be to respond to disasters.

And along comes a disaster, and you had case of EPIC FAIL.
Yeah and that's why Dan rather made up a story about Bush? Trying to help him?

He didn't make up a story. Bush't neglect of his National Guard Duties was well known.

He made the mistake of confirmation bias about a fake memo.

I would also argue that Bush's supporters put the issue on the table by attacking Kerry's war record.
Rather lied about Bush. Kerry's traitorous actions were well known. All of a sudden liberals called Kerry a war hero, from a war they protested and treated our great soldiers like shit.
Rather lied about Bush.

That would assume that he knew the document was a fake. Otherwise, by that standard, Bush lied about Iraq.

Kerry's traitorous actions were well known.

Speaking out against government policy is "treason"? What does that make the Tea Party, then?

All of a sudden liberals called Kerry a war hero, from a war they protested and treated our great soldiers like shit.

Okay, buddy, a reality check here. no one ever spit on returning soldiers (that was a myth) and if anyone treated our soldiers like shit, it was the government that didn't get them good jobs when they got back.
Rather lied about Bush.

That would assume that he knew the document was a fake. Otherwise, by that standard, Bush lied about Iraq.

Kerry's traitorous actions were well known.

Speaking out against government policy is "treason"? What does that make the Tea Party, then?

All of a sudden liberals called Kerry a war hero, from a war they protested and treated our great soldiers like shit.

Okay, buddy, a reality check here. no one ever spit on returning soldiers (that was a myth) and if anyone treated our soldiers like shit, it was the government that didn't get them good jobs when they got back.

no one ever spit on returning soldiers (that was a myth

Been thru that, not a myth.

and if anyone treated our soldiers like shit,

it was assholes at airports, and other places, 'greeting' them when they returned home.

But then, that's just a personal observation I got when I returned from overseas between 1969 and 1972
Really? So where is the contemporary news accounts of these events. Not what you or other people "remember" after you saw "First Blood".

Where is a link to a contemporary news account like "Hippy spits on returning Marine" or "Hippy in Critical Condition after Spitting on Returning Marine."?
Really? So where is the contemporary news accounts of these events. Not what you or other people "remember" after you saw "First Blood".

Where is a link to a contemporary news account like "Hippy spits on returning Marine" or "Hippy in Critical Condition after Spitting on Returning Marine."?

Like I posted, we've been thru this before.

I posted a video of a MoH recipient stating he had been spat on at a campus.

I'll take his word over yours.

Like I posted, we've been thru this before.

I posted a video of a MoH recipient stating he had been spat on at a campus.

I'll take his word over yours.


I'll take the lack of contemporary documentation over some nut who lived in a cave for two years because he couldnt deal with society.

Besides, I thought you said this happened to you personally...
Like I posted, we've been thru this before.

I posted a video of a MoH recipient stating he had been spat on at a campus.

I'll take his word over yours.


I'll take the lack of contemporary documentation over some nut who lived in a cave for two years because he couldnt deal with society.

Besides, I thought you said this happened to you personally...

Being spat on, no.

Being 'greeted' with signs and verbal insults, yes.

You're only going to win this argument in your own mind.

Were you in the service?

if you had 2 weeks leave, would you rather spend them with family, or sit in a jail cell for putting some idiot in a hospital?

and then face even MORE jail time when you returned to base.
Being spat on, no.

Being 'greeted' with signs and verbal insults, yes.

You mean people were actually practicing the freedoms you were supposedly defending? Oh, the horror of it all.

You're only going to win this argument in your own mind.

Were you in the service?

Yes, I was. And I never had anyone treat me with anything but respect when I was in my uniform.

if you had 2 weeks leave, would you rather spend them with family, or sit in a jail cell for putting some idiot in a hospital?

and then face even MORE jail time when you returned to base.

I don't think you are asking the right question. I asked if there was any report ANYWHERE of protesters spitting on soldiers. Contemporary Accounts from 1965-1973, not what you remember after watching First Blood and not what some batshit crazy guy who moved into a cave because no one gave him a parade.

Yeah, most people wouldn't have beaten up a hippy, but more than a few guys would have. So where are the reports on beaten hippies?
Rather lied about Bush.

That would assume that he knew the document was a fake. Otherwise, by that standard, Bush lied about Iraq.

Kerry's traitorous actions were well known.

Speaking out against government policy is "treason"? What does that make the Tea Party, then?

All of a sudden liberals called Kerry a war hero, from a war they protested and treated our great soldiers like shit.

Okay, buddy, a reality check here. no one ever spit on returning soldiers (that was a myth) and if anyone treated our soldiers like shit, it was the government that didn't get them good jobs when they got back.
Rather admitted he lied.
If Bush lied, so did Hillary.
Kerry, made up lies about our soldiers while they were over seas fighting a war. Yes, that is treason.
Soldiers were treated like shit by liberals when they came home.
Being spat on, no.

Being 'greeted' with signs and verbal insults, yes.

You mean people were actually practicing the freedoms you were supposedly defending? Oh, the horror of it all.

You're only going to win this argument in your own mind.

Were you in the service?

Yes, I was. And I never had anyone treat me with anything but respect when I was in my uniform.

if you had 2 weeks leave, would you rather spend them with family, or sit in a jail cell for putting some idiot in a hospital?

and then face even MORE jail time when you returned to base.

I don't think you are asking the right question. I asked if there was any report ANYWHERE of protesters spitting on soldiers. Contemporary Accounts from 1965-1973, not what you remember after watching First Blood and not what some batshit crazy guy who moved into a cave because no one gave him a parade.

Yeah, most people wouldn't have beaten up a hippy, but more than a few guys would have. So where are the reports on beaten hippies?

Yes, I was

During Nam?

Wonder how you got around during that time without seeing what I saw?

You mean people were actually practicing the freedoms you were supposedly defending

Being called a 'babykiller' by those people taking that 'right' a tad far.

Considering what Mr Beikirch went thru in Nam, and then the 'gauntlet' he had to pass thru after leaving the hospital, I don't have a problem with his using the skills he learned to leave 'civilization' behind, while he got his head together.

I'm surprised he's not still living in his cave, or that he didn't go postal on those that disparaged his heroism.

BTW, he doesn't consider himself a hero, Congress and the President decided to label him that.

He considers the teenager that protected his body with his own, giving his life that Mr Beikirch would live, more of a hero than he was.

You don't want to believe military was spat on at the time?

Your prerogative.

I, and a good portion of the military at the time will disagree with you, long past time you are dust.

Our prerogative.

Because some of us were there, and know the facts.
Rather admitted he lied.

Actually, Rather still thinks his story was correct. He admited the documents weren't reliable.

If Bush lied, so did Hillary.

Not really. Hillary wasn't the one who sent our boys into a needless war. Bush was.

Kerry, made up lies about our soldiers while they were over seas fighting a war. Yes, that is treason.

First, while what he said might not have sat well, he was hardly making things up. 3 million Vietnamese died during the Vietnam war.

Soldiers were treated like shit by liberals when they came home.

I agree, but who treated them like shit? Not the protesters, they didn't have institutionalized power. It was the businesses and politicians who didn't give them jobs when they got back, who didn't provide services to treat things like PTSD, etc.

Being called a 'babykiller' by those people taking that 'right' a tad far.

Why? Were babies not being killed in Vietnam?

You don't want to believe military was spat on at the time?

Your prerogative.

I, and a good portion of the military at the time will disagree with you, long past time you are dust.

Our prerogative.

Because some of us were there, and know the facts.

But guy, the thing is, you haven't presented "Facts". Where's the film of a hippy spitting on a soldier? Where's the contemporary news account? You know, things we like to call "Evidence". Not the fading memories of old men.
Rather admitted he lied.

Actually, Rather still thinks his story was correct. He admited the documents weren't reliable.

If Bush lied, so did Hillary.

Not really. Hillary wasn't the one who sent our boys into a needless war. Bush was.

Kerry, made up lies about our soldiers while they were over seas fighting a war. Yes, that is treason.

First, while what he said might not have sat well, he was hardly making things up. 3 million Vietnamese died during the Vietnam war.

Soldiers were treated like shit by liberals when they came home.

I agree, but who treated them like shit? Not the protesters, they didn't have institutionalized power. It was the businesses and politicians who didn't give them jobs when they got back, who didn't provide services to treat things like PTSD, etc.

Being called a 'babykiller' by those people taking that 'right' a tad far.

Why? Were babies not being killed in Vietnam?

You don't want to believe military was spat on at the time?

Your prerogative.

I, and a good portion of the military at the time will disagree with you, long past time you are dust.

Our prerogative.

Because some of us were there, and know the facts.

But guy, the thing is, you haven't presented "Facts". Where's the film of a hippy spitting on a soldier? Where's the contemporary news account? You know, things we like to call "Evidence". Not the fading memories of old men.

Not the fading memories of old men.

Men who were there at the time, suffered the indignities, and not that much older when they made their statements.

You've wasted enough of my time on this.

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