Harry Reid, Latino vote Man-Whore

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
Last Tuesday, here in Las Vegas, Harry Reid pandered for Latino votes, promising to deliver amnesty to illegal immigrants who have violated Federal law, stating: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK."

20 years ago, when Reid introduced a bill to strengthen, not weaken, the countrys' immigration laws, stated in a news release:
"Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools, and social programs. ...Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits without paying any taxes...These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world. Even worse, americans have seen heinous crimes committed by individuals who are here illegally."

In 1994, Reid in a commentary for 'Roll Call' stated: "Lax immigration oversight is generating fiscal and social chaos....No country could afford to be the world's benevolent caretaker."

What'd you say, Harry?

(quotes taken from Sunday, 8/15/10, Las Vegas Review-Journal)

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