Hard Right Vs. Easy Wrong (Left)


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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
As any adult is aware there are a lot of times when you're faced with making tough choices and often times making an ethical or moral choice causes people to sacrifice something. Sometimes it's a minor set back. Sometimes it's a catastrophic result. When that result is due to the deliberate actions of people who were committing crimes, such as deliberately wasting government labor resources, the penalties should be so severe to those who caused your catastrophe that it serves as a warning to the rest of society.

The sociopaths in DC who persecuted Garret O'Boyle are criminal scum that has infiltrated the "most prestigious" LEO in the world apparently and made it look like a pathetic haitian stazi. You know everyone of them were leftwing political hacks, because in any matter where ethics or morality is involved, a leftist will always go with self aggrandizement first. It's a pattern of behavior we have seen in the democrook party since 1860.

The punishment should be severe. I'm not talking about anything lethal, painful, or medieval as the bed wetters would certainly do. THAT WOULD BE WRONG. I mean something utterly humiliating and very well advertised on their way to a permanent prison sentence.

As any adult is aware there are a lot of times when you're faced with making tough choices and often times making an ethical or moral choice causes people to sacrifice something. Sometimes it's a minor set back. Sometimes it's a catastrophic result. When that result is due to the deliberate actions of people who were committing crimes, such as deliberately wasting government labor resources, the penalties should be so severe to those who caused your catastrophe that it serves as a warning to the rest of society.

The sociopaths in DC who persecuted Garret O'Boyle are criminal scum that has infiltrated the "most prestigious" LEO in the world apparently and made it look like a pathetic haitian stazi. You know everyone of them were leftwing political hacks, because in any matter where ethics or morality is involved, a leftist will always go with self aggrandizement first. It's a pattern of behavior we have seen in the democrook party since 1860.

I'm not talking about anything lethal, painful, or medieval as the bed wetters would certainly do. THAT WOULD BE WRONG. I mean something utterly humiliating and very well advertised on their way to a permanent prison sentence.


it is very easy to be a brainless libturd and group think....it is hard being a conserv because you do the right thing
it is very easy to be a brainless libturd and group think....it is hard being a conserv because you do the right thing

Can you provide a single example where conservatives have “done the right thing” and put country over party?

The last one that comes to mind was Richard Nixon’s creation of the Evironmental Protection Agency, which today’s conservatives are trying to dismantle.
We already knew that the FBI has become a criminal enterprise wholly controlled by the far left. That's a given. We know of their countless crimes. But depriving an entire family of the necessities of life is an all-time low for them. That, all by itself, should send FBI leadership to prison for long time.
Like I said, it's a pattern of behavior with bed wetters. Even when they're promoting something that sounds lofty and noble, they're only doing it for selfish reasons. They're not involved with Law Enforcement because they want to punish the wicked, THEY ARE THE WICKED. They want to punish those they've been programmed to hate, their fellow citizens.

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