Hard Right Evangelical Radio Host; The CO Massacre Was Caused By "The Liberals"

Ultimately the Colorado shooting is the fault of liberals. They are the ones who passed the laws protecting the truly insane from an unfair societal judgment.

Nonsense. If anyone besides the shooter is responsible, it's society as a whole for being corrupt, violent, and accepting it without thinking.
Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

So the left does support violence and there is credibility to blaming the left for the recent act. Thanks for playing.

What does fictional theatrics have to do with supporting real life violence? Beyond epic fail.

I wish the violence on the left was limited to theatrics.
Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

Odd. I dont remember you objecting when ABC falsely claimed that James Holmes was a Tea Party member.

I've never heard of this person before, and I dont agree with him blaming liberals. But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

Of course, that's not really a political issue as teaching the Ten Commandments is a parents responsibility and not the governments.

What I think would be more appropriate conversation is focus not on who to blame and what are the issues contributing to the problem and practical solutions to the problems. Teaching and living the Ten Commandments, certainly would be a good start.

This is completely absurd to suggest we should be implementing huge government by forcing religion on people. That is highly anti-freedom and anti-constitution.

And who said anything about forcing anything on anyone? I know some of you lefties, especially the ones that don't really bother arguing issues don't seem to understand that government isnt the solution to all of life's problems. But thankfully much of the right realizes that much of the solutions to life's problems lie outside of the government by individuals and organizations that willingly make choices that make society better.
So the left does support violence and there is credibility to blaming the left for the recent act. Thanks for playing.

What does fictional theatrics have to do with supporting real life violence? Beyond epic fail.

I wish the violence on the left was limited to theatrics.

All the "leftist violence" is made up by the right wing propaganda machine

The biggest threat to america are radical right wing domestic terror cells.

But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

OK, i keep saying I dont know if I will cry or laugh, but I think I will start crying.

The most ANTI and NON xtian people on the planet is YOU

Y O U and all your idiot religious rightwing asshole friends.

Brigham Young in your sig? jesus help us

I also read somewhere that you dont know what Obama says when he says it, you believe and repeat the puke lies you hear on Fox

dont you dare ever pretend for one GOD DAMN SECOND that you have the remotest idea what Jesus or anyone like him would ever do or say, not for one god damn second.

I mean my god man, you are an enemy of the human race, you do realize the rest of the planet agrees with me?????????

So because I believe and recognize the Restoration of the fullness of Christianity, I am suddenly antiChristian and nonChristian? Or is it because I believe in keeping the government from oppressing people to the greatest extent possible?

Christ's words are written for all to review. More to the point, we can ask and recieve, seek and find, knock so it will be open to us. Anyone who isnt intellectually lazy can learn the words of Christ and the Spirit will confirm that they are true to the honest and humble.

And i doubt anyone of intelligence or compassion aggrees with you.
That's as crazy as liberals saying it could have been prevented by gun control laws.

That is crazy but both sides of this issue have their fare share of crazy people. This is not a liberal or conservative issue and it ticks me off that the politicians are trying to get some political gain from this very unfortunate and rate occurrance. That is about the same as blaming hurricane IKE on Obama.;
And yet you supported Gingrich... not only unethical, but corrupt, self serving and a total bastard. Go figure... you're just a butthurt child.... in fact, that's insulting to the child. Kids are smarter than you. Hack.

He supported Newt because Newt isnt Mormon.

That's the only reason.
Better ban drills, grinders, metal lathes and some other tools too then, because some of us can make a gun at home.

Better ban all porn, dresses above the ankle, unwed intercourse, makeup, and other "suggestive" items because they are to tools of the devil.

Or you can just ban nothing because people can make their own decisions.

I know, no government intervention, crazy idea.
That's as crazy as liberals saying it could have been prevented by gun control laws.

That is crazy but both sides of this issue have their fare share of crazy people. This is not a liberal or conservative issue and it ticks me off that the politicians are trying to get some political gain from this very unfortunate and rate occurrance. That is about the same as blaming hurricane IKE on Obama.;

You can't blame Obama for the huricane. That's just insane.

It's Bush's fault, of course.
That's as crazy as liberals saying it could have been prevented by gun control laws.

That is crazy but both sides of this issue have their fare share of crazy people. This is not a liberal or conservative issue and it ticks me off that the politicians are trying to get some political gain from this very unfortunate and rate occurrance. That is about the same as blaming hurricane IKE on Obama.;

You can't blame Obama for the huricane. That's just insane.

It's Bush's fault, of course.

I have it on high authority that Bush told Cheney to steal the keys to the 'Weather machine' upon thier exodus so Obama couldn't have access to it. :lol:
What does fictional theatrics have to do with supporting real life violence? Beyond epic fail.

I wish the violence on the left was limited to theatrics.

All the "leftist violence" is made up by the right wing propaganda machine

The biggest threat to america are radical right wing domestic terror cells.


I thought Limbaugh was gone in his drug induced world. Didn't know he was still preaching his hate and misery to the dumber than dumb.
What does fictional theatrics have to do with supporting real life violence? Beyond epic fail.

I wish the violence on the left was limited to theatrics.

All the "leftist violence" is made up by the right wing propaganda machine

The biggest threat to america are radical right wing domestic terror cells.


And citing a left wing propaganda organization is really going to provide an accurate source for right/left violence.

Im sure they are still denying Occupy has been violent and called for violence. They tend to ignore facts they dont like.
I wish the violence on the left was limited to theatrics.

All the "leftist violence" is made up by the right wing propaganda machine

The biggest threat to america are radical right wing domestic terror cells.


I thought Limbaugh was gone in his drug induced world. Didn't know he was still preaching his hate and misery to the dumber than dumb.

And what does Limbaugh have to do with anything the previous poster mentioned? And what credibility do you have if you believe that?

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