Hard Right Evangelical Radio Host; The CO Massacre Was Caused By "The Liberals"

Where was Black_Loser's outrage when ABC said the shooter was a TEA Partier?

Why are you deflecting and not addressing the topic? Because you condone it?

Why are you not addressing your selective outrage? Because it would make you acknowledge your hypocrisy?

I dont know that anyone that supports him blaming politics. The issue is cultural. And I think the focus of his remarks were on the cultural. Unfortunately, people are more worried about blame then actually addressing the issue.
Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

So the left does support violence and there is credibility to blaming the left for the recent act. Thanks for playing.

What does fictional theatrics have to do with supporting real life violence? Beyond epic fail.

It's going to be part of the defense for the mass murderer in the OP dimwit.
Sure....and the lefty news station that immediately came out and said he was a Tea Party member??? What about that? Listen, we have wacko's on both sides, until everything comes out about this guy we won't know for sure. Seems to me that EVERYTIME something big like this happens, the first ones to come out and blame the other is the democrats, before there's even any proof!

ABC News and Brian Ross are apologizing for an "incorrect" report that James Holmes, the suspect in the Colorado theater shooting, may have had connections to the Tea Party.

"An earlier ABC News broadcast report suggested that a Jim Holmes of a Colorado Tea Party organization might be the suspect, but that report was incorrect," ABC News said in a statement. "ABC News and Brian Ross apologize for the mistake, and for disseminating that information before it was properly vetted."

James Holmes 'incorrect' tea party report: ABC News apologizes - POLITICO.com

Now when will Fox issue an apology for the lying "you didn't build that" attack or the barrage of other lies they have perpetuated?

You expect Fox to issue an apology for playing Obama saying that "if you own a business, you didnt build that"? He said it. That's a fact. Nothing to lie about there.
BL posted about 3 threads when this happened accusing the right of being responsible for the massacre.

He's a propagandist, and probably earns money for his douchebaggery.

Another hired Goon for Obama? A 'Summer Of Recovery' job? :badgrin:

ahh, the fake special ops man complains (truth be told, he is scared shitless) about the great Black President again...:lol:

There is nothing Great about Barack Obama. He's been one of the most corrupt Presidents in the past 70 years. and that's saying something.
Did you even read the thread topic about the right wing radio host saying the massacre was caused by "the liberals"? How about breitfart saying the shooter was a registered democrat which turned out to be a complete lie? Politicizing tragedies is a staple among the right wing trash like yourself.

By deflecting, and not calling them out, you appear to condone these actions,...

He didnt say it was caused by liberals, but by their teachings namely evolution. I dont agree with the evolution position. Nor do i think it's exclusively a liberal position
Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

Odd. I dont remember you objecting when ABC falsely claimed that James Holmes was a Tea Party member.

I've never heard of this person before, and I dont agree with him blaming liberals. But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

Of course, that's not really a political issue as teaching the Ten Commandments is a parents responsibility and not the governments.

What I think would be more appropriate conversation is focus not on who to blame and what are the issues contributing to the problem and practical solutions to the problems. Teaching and living the Ten Commandments, certainly would be a good start.

This is completely absurd to suggest we should be implementing huge government by forcing religion on people. That is highly anti-freedom and anti-constitution.
But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

OK, i keep saying I dont know if I will cry or laugh, but I think I will start crying.

The most ANTI and NON xtian people on the planet is YOU

Y O U and all your idiot religious rightwing asshole friends.

Brigham Young in your sig? jesus help us

I also read somewhere that you dont know what Obama says when he says it, you believe and repeat the puke lies you hear on Fox

dont you dare ever pretend for one GOD DAMN SECOND that you have the remotest idea what Jesus or anyone like him would ever do or say, not for one god damn second.

I mean my god man, you are an enemy of the human race, you do realize the rest of the planet agrees with me?????????
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Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

Odd. I dont remember you objecting when ABC falsely claimed that James Holmes was a Tea Party member.

I've never heard of this person before, and I dont agree with him blaming liberals. But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

Of course, that's not really a political issue as teaching the Ten Commandments is a parents responsibility and not the governments.

What I think would be more appropriate conversation is focus not on who to blame and what are the issues contributing to the problem and practical solutions to the problems. Teaching and living the Ten Commandments, certainly would be a good start.

This is completely absurd to suggest we should be implementing huge government by forcing religion on people. That is highly anti-freedom and anti-constitution.

No, it's not. Teaching the ten commandments isn't forcing religion on anyone. It's teaching the ten commandments, which are the foundation for our constitution anyway.

Forcing religion upon people is forcing them to adhere to a religous ideology. Not teaching them about it.

Anti-American, anti-Christian scum.
So the background check prevented Aurora?

No, what would have prevented it would be NO GUNZ

we need much greater gun laws

You are absolutely delusional if you think you are going to uninvent the gun.

If you want more laws, you need to repeal the Second Amendment.
I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

Do you have OCD? Seriously, you are incapable of posting on any topic without whining about Romney. But... you'd still be a rabid rightwinger if only Gingrich had won. Loser.

Only because you see in limited terms of "left" and "right", which is kind of hard to follow when the "left" suddenly discovers it like pre-emptive wars in the middle east and the "right" suddenly decides it hates private sector health care solutions.

On other points, I've been completely consistant. My dislike of religion in general and Mormonism in particular.

I'm against Romney because I think he's an unethical, evil person with no moral or political center. It's not whether I agree with him or not, the way that guy has flip-flopped, I can honestly say I've agreed with him at least 50% of the time.

My point is that Fischer is a complete troll and scumbag, essentially blaming the teaching of evolution for Holmes' rampage.

And this guy says "Jump", and Romney says "how High?"

And yet you supported Gingrich... not only unethical, but corrupt, self serving and a total bastard. Go figure... you're just a butthurt child.... in fact, that's insulting to the child. Kids are smarter than you. Hack.
But he is right that if the Ten Commandments were taught to the people as they should be and written on our hearts, this wouldn't have happened.

OK, i keep saying I dont know if I will cry or laugh, but I think I will start crying.

The most ANTI and NON xtian people on the planet is YOU

Y O U and all your idiot religious rightwing asshole friends.

Brigham Young in your sig? jesus help us

I also read somewhere that you dont know what Obama says when he says it, you believe and repeat the puke lies you hear on Fox

dont you dare ever pretend for one GOD DAMN SECOND that you have the remotest idea what Jesus or anyone like him would ever do or say, not for one god damn second.

I mean my god man, you are an enemy of the human race, you do realize the rest of the planet agrees with me?????????

Still mad? :lol:
Better ban drills, grinders, metal lathes and some other tools too then, because some of us can make a gun at home.

This is a good point but i also want to stress "where does it end?"

my personal argument has been "where do u draw the line" and some people have responded as such with the follow argument:

ME: U wish to ban guns?

Them: Yes guns kill people or help people kill people or give the pyschological advantage to kill people (last one i argued with a pysch professor)

Me: Okay u are right guns kill people, i kill you with my car.

Them: We should ban cars.

Me okay than i kill u wiht a knife

Them: Knives are bad, we can ban them or restrict them.

Me U have a point i kill u with my hands, when do amputations start?

THem: (silence)
Not a chance, the left embraces freedom unlike the right wingers, especially in media. Bush 1 made his presidency on censorship and going after the music industry.
Not to mention gore, guns, and violence is A-OK, but show a pair of titties, and the evangelical and other hard right loons go on a complete rampage.

teh left embraces freedoms much like freedom of speech "you have the right to say what u want, but it better agree with me"

Freedom of speech is left's great enemy

No one with even a single functioning braincell uses an ultra-right wing propaganda link to state any kind of point. Epic fail.

:lol::lol: You are very funny. Such an enormous amount of butthurt when it's right wing propaganda... and such blind acceptance of ultra left wing propaganda.

Am I being 'vial'? :lol:
So the background check prevented Aurora?

No, what would have prevented it would be NO GUNZ

we need much greater gun laws

He wired his apartment with explosives do you really thing he wouldn't have found another way if guns weren't available? Even if they were illegal, he still would have got one, or could have made one.....

who knows

maybe he would have, we will never know, will we...what we know is gun violence is out of control and there is simply no way to argue against that

isnt violence by definition "out of control" and chaotic?
Better ban drills, grinders, metal lathes and some other tools too then, because some of us can make a gun at home.

Better ban all porn, dresses above the ankle, unwed intercourse, makeup, and other "suggestive" items because they are to tools of the devil.
He wired his apartment with explosives do you really thing he wouldn't have found another way if guns weren't available? Even if they were illegal, he still would have got one, or could have made one.....

who knows

maybe he would have, we will never know, will we...what we know is gun violence is out of control and there is simply no way to argue against that

isnt violence by definition "out of control" and chaotic?

mayhem, but violcen can be controled and engineered. our public defintions get gray in a hurry. disclaimer im just trying to help out not correct u persronally.
So the background check prevented Aurora?

No, what would have prevented it would be NO GUNZ

we need much greater gun laws

A gun can always be obtained, regardless of laws. The way to stop a mass murderer like this Joker is to shoot him. If there had been one cowboy in the audience, most of those people who were murdered would be alive.

your brain is damaged with propaganda and therefore you are not able to make an observaton about this or any other issue...sorry

Calling someone brain damaged is the extent of your argument? What exactly is invalid about anything he said? Criminals can get guns regardless of the laws. My clients always manage it.
There's only ONE more river to cross.

No, it's not the River Jordan.

And as tempted as I am to say it's the River Styx which is the river between Earth and Hades (even though the Greek Hades had a TOTALLY different connotation than the Christian one), it's not the River Styx either.

It's the Rubicon. That is, so to speak, to pass the point of no return.

When, I wonder, will RW conservative Christians accuse liberals of killing Jesus?

Considering Christ was killed for the sins of the world, and we all sin, im pretty sure liberals, conservatives, and everyone who has ever lived is responsible for killing him in part.

But then, His death was His choice. So the sacrifice is ultimately made by Christ.

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