Hard Right Evangelical Radio Host; The CO Massacre Was Caused By "The Liberals"

Right, because you can't dislike Obama for his in ability to get the economy going, you can't dislike Obama for his despising small business, you can't dislike Obama for the terrible health care program, you can't dislike Obama for sending stimulus jobs overseas, you can't dislike Obama for is pitting the us vs. the rich, us vs. the banks, us vs. the doctors, us vs. insurance companies, Republicans vs. women, blacks vs whites, us vs. small business, us vs. and the list goes on.

Nut jobs that think race or religion are the main issues are lacking intelligence and discernment. That said, nut job bigots on both sides seem to be abundant so I guess there are those that digress to stupid.

YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.
Do you have OCD? Seriously, you are incapable of posting on any topic without whining about Romney. But... you'd still be a rabid rightwinger if only Gingrich had won. Loser.

Only because you see in limited terms of "left" and "right", which is kind of hard to follow when the "left" suddenly discovers it like pre-emptive wars in the middle east and the "right" suddenly decides it hates private sector health care solutions.

Obamacare is a "private sector health care solution?" No wonder everyone thinks you're a moron.

A private sector healthcare solution doesn't require a 2700 page bill. It only requires government to get out of the way. That means state governments should get out of the way and allow insurance companies from other states to do business in their state.

A public sector one would have only taken a hundred pages. It's because ObamaCare made all these allowances for Big Pharma and Big Insurance and Big Health Care is this bill so large.

And frankly, "Getting government out of the way" usually means, "Let them poor people die, especially if they ain't White."

SOrry, sane people know that's a bad idea.
Absolutely disgusting, though expected to see the hard right politicize the CO tragedy.

Evangelical radio host blames Colorado shooting on ‘the liberals’ way’ | The Raw Story

I like how he was unsure if "Thou shall not kill" is the 6th or 7th commandment.

The funny thing, this is Bryan FIscher, the same jerkwad who told Romney he had to fire his gay foriegn policy spokesman, and Romney did.

Actually, I think the proper translation is " don't commit murder" not the same thing as "kill"

Quite right. The bible is for killing all sorts of people, because it's such a "good" book.
Obamacare is a "private sector health care solution?" No wonder everyone thinks you're a moron.

A private sector healthcare solution doesn't require a 2700 page bill. It only requires government to get out of the way. That means state governments should get out of the way and allow insurance companies from other states to do business in their state.

A public sector one would have only taken a hundred pages. It's because ObamaCare made all these allowances for Big Pharma and Big Insurance and Big Health Care is this bill so large.

ROFL! You kill me Joe. A private sector bill doesn't "make allowances" for private corporations. You don't throw a few crumbs to private business and call it a "private sector bill." In a real private sector bill, the government isn't even in the picture. Government is the reason healthcare in this country is so screwed up. The solution is to get it out of healthcare.

And frankly, "Getting government out of the way" usually means, "Let them poor people die, especially if they ain't White."

Well, we certainly know that liberals are never going to lift a finger to help them.

SOrry, sane people know that's a bad idea.

You mean no one was sane before Medicare and Medicaid?
The theater should be sued for allowing an armed madman inside after preventing patrons from their constitutional right to have a weapon to defend themselves. The theater was responsible for their patrons safety since they removed their patrons right to self defense.

There is no reason to sue the movie theatre. Our society is litigious enough with out encouraging questionable lawsuits.
Right, because you can't dislike Obama for his in ability to get the economy going, you can't dislike Obama for his despising small business, you can't dislike Obama for the terrible health care program, you can't dislike Obama for sending stimulus jobs overseas, you can't dislike Obama for is pitting the us vs. the rich, us vs. the banks, us vs. the doctors, us vs. insurance companies, Republicans vs. women, blacks vs whites, us vs. small business, us vs. and the list goes on.

Nut jobs that think race or religion are the main issues are lacking intelligence and discernment. That said, nut job bigots on both sides seem to be abundant so I guess there are those that digress to stupid.

YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.

I wasn't for RomneyCare. Bush got the economy going early in his Presidency when it start out in a recession. So your shit isn't flying.
Right, because you can't dislike Obama for his in ability to get the economy going, you can't dislike Obama for his despising small business, you can't dislike Obama for the terrible health care program, you can't dislike Obama for sending stimulus jobs overseas, you can't dislike Obama for is pitting the us vs. the rich, us vs. the banks, us vs. the doctors, us vs. insurance companies, Republicans vs. women, blacks vs whites, us vs. small business, us vs. and the list goes on.

Nut jobs that think race or religion are the main issues are lacking intelligence and discernment. That said, nut job bigots on both sides seem to be abundant so I guess there are those that digress to stupid.

YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.

I wasn't for RomneyCare. Bush got the economy going early in his Presidency when it start out in a recession. So your shit isn't flying.

And Besides? What Romney did was in a STATE, and not foisted on the Country like what Obama and the Statist Democrats did to us.
YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.

I wasn't for RomneyCare. Bush got the economy going early in his Presidency when it start out in a recession. So your shit isn't flying.

And Besides? What Romney did was in a STATE, and not foisted on the Country like what Obama and the Statist Democrats did to us.

I realize that, I have spoke to that on numerous occasions, but their minds can't handle that fact. It was a bad idea in liberal state and it will be worse on a national level.
ROFL! You kill me Joe. A private sector bill doesn't "make allowances" for private corporations. You don't throw a few crumbs to private business and call it a "private sector bill." In a real private sector bill, the government isn't even in the picture. Government is the reason healthcare in this country is so screwed up. The solution is to get it out of healthcare.

Sorry, I don't want my health care dictated by "the ability of rich douchebags to make money". Not sure why you do.

And frankly, "Getting government out of the way" usually means, "Let them poor people die, especially if they ain't White."

Well, we certainly know that liberals are never going to lift a finger to help them..

You mean other than the vast progress they've made since then? Another one who learned his history at "home skule".

SOrry, sane people know that's a bad idea.

You mean no one was sane before Medicare and Medicaid?

Well, actually before Medicare and Medicaid, the average life expectency was 60. Today it's 78. And we STILL have the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized World compared to all those countries that have single payer government health coverage.

The problem with private sector health care is that there's no real incentive to treat people after they run out of money.
Right, because you can't dislike Obama for his in ability to get the economy going, you can't dislike Obama for his despising small business, you can't dislike Obama for the terrible health care program, you can't dislike Obama for sending stimulus jobs overseas, you can't dislike Obama for is pitting the us vs. the rich, us vs. the banks, us vs. the doctors, us vs. insurance companies, Republicans vs. women, blacks vs whites, us vs. small business, us vs. and the list goes on.

Nut jobs that think race or religion are the main issues are lacking intelligence and discernment. That said, nut job bigots on both sides seem to be abundant so I guess there are those that digress to stupid.

YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.

I wasn't for RomneyCare. Bush got the economy going early in his Presidency when it start out in a recession. So your shit isn't flying.

When Bush took office we had unemployment of less than 4% and 200 billion dollar surpluses. If you hated your job, you could send out your resume and get a better one in a week.

Bush managed to screw that up pretty quickly. Then it recovered a little bit because he spent a shitload of money on wars and stuff, but then it crashed again. I know that you all hope we all suffer from some amnesia about this...
YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.

I wasn't for RomneyCare. Bush got the economy going early in his Presidency when it start out in a recession. So your shit isn't flying.

When Bush took office we had unemployment of less than 4% and 200 billion dollar surpluses. If you hated your job, you could send out your resume and get a better one in a week.

Bush managed to screw that up pretty quickly. Then it recovered a little bit because he spent a shitload of money on wars and stuff, but then it crashed again. I know that you all hope we all suffer from some amnesia about this...

Exactly. Bush took one of the most booming economies this nation has ever see, and took it to the worst by going back to the epically failed hard right wing fiscal policies that never work.
Right, because you can't dislike Obama for his in ability to get the economy going, you can't dislike Obama for his despising small business, you can't dislike Obama for the terrible health care program, you can't dislike Obama for sending stimulus jobs overseas, you can't dislike Obama for is pitting the us vs. the rich, us vs. the banks, us vs. the doctors, us vs. insurance companies, Republicans vs. women, blacks vs whites, us vs. small business, us vs. and the list goes on.

Nut jobs that think race or religion are the main issues are lacking intelligence and discernment. That said, nut job bigots on both sides seem to be abundant so I guess there are those that digress to stupid.

YOu jokers had no problem with the inability to get the economy going when it was BUsh's economy, and you had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called Romneycare.

So this whole, "Obama done a bad thing" shit isn't flying.

It's racism, pure and simple, animating the Mormon Zombie like some weird energy.

I wasn't for RomneyCare. Bush got the economy going early in his Presidency when it start out in a recession. So your shit isn't flying.

As usual the teabagging fox tabloid followers refuse to live in reality. Bush created the worldwide depression by throwing Clinton's surplus out the window and then handed the 1% welfare on the backs of the working public and went further to destroy the economy by creating the worlds biggest government an debt in history by borrowing from and supporting communism with our jobs. It was Bush that created the terrorist wars for Exxon and his puppets in Afghanistan when it was proven it was Saudi nationals backed by terrorist Bush that pulled off 9/11.

Koch suckers supporting Romney are the biggest disgrace the country has ever faced.
Thanks we don't get the Booosh blame game around much any more. Most people understand that its crap and past history. Probably should call me a Nazi or bigot right about now. lol
Exactly. Bush took one of the most booming economies this nation has ever see, and took it to the worst by going back to the epically failed hard right wing fiscal policies that never work.

and dont forget, he is ON RECORD saying he wanted to be a war time president, to have the political power to destroy social security



this is who these complete mental midget bagger bigots look up to
As usual the teabagging fox tabloid followers refuse to live in reality. Bush created the worldwide depression by throwing Clinton's surplus out the window and then handed the 1% welfare on the backs of the working public and went further to destroy the economy by creating the worlds biggest government an debt in history by borrowing from and supporting communism with our jobs. It was Bush that created the terrorist wars for Exxon and his puppets in Afghanistan when it was proven it was Saudi nationals backed by terrorist Bush that pulled off 9/11.

Koch suckers supporting Romney are the biggest disgrace the country has ever faced.

I don't know why it's such a difficult concept for the left to understand, but there was never a surplus. Projecting out 10 years with data that is incorrect and which doesnt factor into it the reality of economic cycles doesnt mean there was any real surplus.

This is a huge lie and it's incredibly misleading to continue to spout off like there was one.
Exactly. Bush took one of the most booming economies this nation has ever see, and took it to the worst by going back to the epically failed hard right wing fiscal policies that never work.

and dont forget, he is ON RECORD saying he wanted to be a war time president, to have the political power to destroy social security



this is who these complete mental midget bagger bigots look up to


How does being a war time President give someone power to destroy social security?

How is leaving it in it's current form not sentencing it to death as it is?
ROFL! You kill me Joe. A private sector bill doesn't "make allowances" for private corporations. You don't throw a few crumbs to private business and call it a "private sector bill." In a real private sector bill, the government isn't even in the picture. Government is the reason healthcare in this country is so screwed up. The solution is to get it out of healthcare.

Sorry, I don't want my health care dictated by "the ability of rich douchebags to make money". Not sure why you do.

Well, we certainly know that liberals are never going to lift a finger to help them..

You mean other than the vast progress they've made since then? Another one who learned his history at "home skule".

SOrry, sane people know that's a bad idea.

You mean no one was sane before Medicare and Medicaid?

Well, actually before Medicare and Medicaid, the average life expectency was 60. Today it's 78. And we STILL have the lowest life expectency in the Industrialized World compared to all those countries that have single payer government health coverage.

The problem with private sector health care is that there's no real incentive to treat people after they run out of money.[/QUOTE]

All those countries with single payer health care also have tax rates that are SKY HIGH. They spend next to NOTHING on their own national defense ( because Uncle Sam is covering it for them ), and their debt to GDP ratios are higher than OURS.

No thank you.
All those countries with single payer health care also have tax rates that are SKY HIGH. They spend next to NOTHING on their own national defense ( because Uncle Sam is covering it for them ), and their debt to GDP ratios are higher than OURS.

No thank you.

I think it depends on the country.

File:Income Taxes By Country.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Frankly, we could stand to spend a lot less on defense... to start with.

A few of those countries have a lower tax rate than we do on individuals. Japan for instance, has a lower income tax rate. The highest mean tax rate in Germany with 52%. Hardly crushing, given the fact they have universal health care and excellent government benefits. Even Merkel isn't proposing many cuts in that area.

If you count in your tax rate, what you are paying and what your employer pays on your behalf for health care, you'd probably be close to that 52% figure.

The more telling figure on health care is what percent of their GDP they spend on health care, not who is spending it.

List of countries by total health expenditure (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We spend 17% of our GDP on health care. Germany spends 11%. Japan spends 8.5%.

Guess which country gets the best results in figures like life expectency and infant mortality?

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