Happy New Year with Killer Enterovirus D68

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Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England
Here's hoping the educated guess is wrong .

For the Cabal would surely never fold after just one partial overall defeat , with several lost battles .

Possibly the MSM noise for Mpox and latterly RSV was only thrown at the Sheeple to keep them anxious and stressed but was never meant to be taken too seriously -- both narratives were very sub standard and flaw infested .

But that could have been a clever way of keeping the Sheeple" virus hysterical" so that the " big one" is more quickly swallowed by the Gullible and Compliant ( The Stupids )

See the full report at Dr Mercola's site

  • Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. Table top pandemic simulations, for example, are a form of dress rehearsal
  • In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario. In October 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201
  • As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies
  • October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization co-hosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25), which primarily affects children and teens
  • Enterovirus D68 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes. The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse
Over time, it's become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they're about to do. They hold dress rehearsals in the form of tabletop exercises, and they've revealed their plans in various reports and white papers through the years.
I have been subscribed to the channel that posted the video above for some time now. She only has 10K subscribers but really gets some amazing content. I have no idea how she was able to secure this video as it is not widely circulated. Even more surprising is that her channel is not being taken down.

COVID Dress Rehearsals​

For example, in 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario.1 Importantly, the exercise highlighted and stressed "communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures that could plausibly emerge" in a pandemic scenario.
In October 2019, less than three months before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201.
As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, this exercise involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep "misinformation" in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies.
Social media censorship played prominently in the Event 201 plan, and in the real-world events of 2020 through the present, accurate information about vaccine development, production and injury has indeed been effectively suppressed around the world, thanks to social media companies and Google's censoring of opposing viewpoints.

We now know this censorship was illegally directed by U.S. government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was recently deposed2 about his role in the online censoring of COVID information.
Both of these simulations, SPARS and Event 201, foreshadowed what eventually occurred in real life during COVID, so, when Gates hosts yet another pandemic exercise, it's worth paying attention to the details.

'Catastrophic Contagion' Exercise​

October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted "a global challenge exercise" dubbed "Catastrophic Contagion,"3,4 involving a novel (and as of now fictional) pathogen called "severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025" or SEERS-25 for short.
Enterovirus D685 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it's also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes in one or more extremities.
The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.
Enteroviruses A71 and A6 are known to cause hand, foot and mouth disease,6 while poliovirus, the prototypical enterovirus, causes polio (poliomyelitis), a potentially life-threatening type of paralysis that primarily affects children under age 5. So, the virus they modeled in this simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.

Training African Leaders to Go Along With the Narrative​

Tellingly, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise focused on getting leadership in African countries involved and trained in following the script. Participants included 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India and Germany, as well as Gates himself.
African nations just so happened to go "off script" more often than others during the COVID pandemic, and didn't follow in the footsteps of developed nations when it came to pushing the jabs. As a result, vaccine makers now face the problem of having a huge control group, as the COVID jab uptake on the African continent was only 6%.7
Not surprisingly (for those in the know), Africa has fared far better than developed nations with high COVID jab rates in terms of COVID-19 infections and related deaths.8
Now, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise predicts SEERS-25 will kill 20 million people worldwide, including 15 million children, and many who survive the infection will be left with paralysis and/or brain damage. In other words, the "cue" given is that the next pandemic will likely target children rather than the elderly, as was the case with COVID-19.
This is an interesting coincidence, seeing how rates of toddlers and young children hospitalized with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is already spiking.

COVID Jabs Are Destroying People's Immune Systems​

Coincidentally, over the past year, researchers have been warning that the COVID jabs may be dysregulating and destroying people's immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to all sorts of infections. According to a study9 posted on the preprint server medRxiv in May 2021, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab "reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses, causing immune depletion."
In August 2021, a French group of pediatric infectious disease experts also warned that "immunity debt" caused by a lack of exposure to common viruses and bacteria during COVID lockdowns and school closures might predispose children to suffer more infections in the future.10
They predicted the decrease in viral and bacterial exposure that train your child's immune system may result in a rebound of a variety of infectious diseases, including influenza and RSV) which is precisely what we're now seeing. If a modified enterovirus gets added into the mix, it's not difficult to see how parents might get spooked enough to start lining their kids up for more shots — including parents in African nations.

So, in the final analysis, we already have a pseudo-one world government, in the form of Gates' NGOs. They are making health care decisions that should be left to individual nations and/or states, and they're making decisions that will line their own pockets, regardless of what happens to the public health-wise.
They coordinate and synchronize pandemic communication during these simulated practice runs, and then, when the real-world situation emerges that fits the bill, the pre-planned script is simply played out verbatim.
African nations failed to follow the script during COVID, which is why they're focusing on African leaders in the latest simulation. They need to get rid of the African control group by getting them onboard with mass injection and all the rest. It's basically a recruitment effort.
Lastly, between the G20 declaration to implement an international vaccine passport under the auspice of the WHO, and the WHO's pandemic treaty, everything is lined up to take control of the next pandemic, and in so doing, further securing the foundation for a one world government.

Where have you been the last three years ?

Everybody who even questioned official narratives was subjected to delisting from all MSM sites and social platforms. Doctors have had their license revoked as well as more senior experts and specialists .
Science has been bastardised .

List JC's alleged misinformation with full evidence data for support . You will find nothing that supports Covid existing as a novel virus or the inoculations being safe or effective . Rather , they can and do injure, maim and kill .

Learn to DYOR because at the simplest level Google , Facebook are CIA fronts with a controlled and bought MSM and including the Agencies , Reuters and AP.

If you do not know these simple start points , you are totally " out of the game "and as far as I am concerned you are walking blind and in blissful ignorance .

Where have you been the last three years ?

Everybody who even questioned official narratives was subjected to delisting from all MSM sites and social platforms. Doctors have had their license revoked as well as more senior experts and specialists .
Science has been bastardised .

List JC's alleged misinformation with full evidence data for support . You will find nothing that supports Covid existing as a novel virus or the inoculations being safe or effective . Rather , they can and do injure, maim and kill .

Learn to DYOR because at the simplest level Google , Facebook are CIA fronts with a controlled and bought MSM and including the Agencies , Reuters and AP.

If you do not know these simple start points , you are totally " out of the game "and as far as I am concerned you are walking blind and in blissful ignorance .

That inconsequential toad is just a weak contrarian. Pay him no mind.
OP: "noise for Mpox." The mistake here is to pretend not to notice the monkeypox vector Malacomys (African Big Ear Swamp Rat) also is reservoir for a coronavirus. Because this coronavirus has not been sequenced, we fail to see how the Hunter Biden investigation should not continue: Metabiota, UC Davis and California epidemiologist Anne Rimoin are connected to the Malacomys story, and the Chinese military coronavirus, ZC45, is neurotropic in rats.
OP: "noise for Mpox." The mistake here is to pretend not to notice the monkeypox vector Malacomys (African Big Ear Swamp Rat) also is reservoir for a coronavirus. Because this coronavirus has not been sequenced, we fail to see how the Hunter Biden investigation should not continue: Metabiota, UC Davis and California epidemiologist Anne Rimoin are connected to the Malacomys story, and the Chinese military coronavirus, ZC45, is neurotropic in rats.

A. Rimoin--- a new name for me but I have now studied her CV and watched her chatting about mPox .
Nothing there that looks hugely concerning to me yet ,though you can frighten anybody with the catch phrase ,
"an infection anywhere today is one that can soon be everywhere ".

Am interested to hear anything which indicates any links to more virulent viruses or mutations . But so far , so good, unless you know different .

I just pray that Marburg is one we never hear about as travelling and spreading ..
A. Rimoin--- a new name for me but I have now studied her CV and watched her chatting about mPox .
Nothing there that looks hugely concerning to me yet ,though you can frighten anybody with the catch phrase ,
"an infection anywhere today is one that can soon be everywhere ".

Am interested to hear anything which indicates any links to more virulent viruses or mutations . But so far , so good, unless you know different .

I just pray that Marburg is one we never hear about as travelling and spreading ..
The point is that not all of monkeypox science has been published, which includes the mpox link to the Netherlands for the African rat, Malacomys. UC Davis and Rimoin are in neck-deep with Metabiota collections of pathogens all over the world.

So does Hunter know Anne, or not? If the anal retentives in The Netherlands resolved the esoterica about mpox, it would prove that mpox and coronaviruses are vectored by the same African rat. This would by default reflect on what Metabiota knows about coronaviruses, and since the Chinese military virus, ZC45 is neurotropic in rats, Metabiota's sequences from the Malacomys coronavirus are directly applicable to comparison with ZC45, which is a dangerous virus, as the Twitterists have shown us.
Here's hoping the educated guess is wrong .

For the Cabal would surely never fold after just one partial overall defeat , with several lost battles .

Possibly the MSM noise for Mpox and latterly RSV was only thrown at the Sheeple to keep them anxious and stressed but was never meant to be taken too seriously -- both narratives were very sub standard and flaw infested .

But that could have been a clever way of keeping the Sheeple" virus hysterical" so that the " big one" is more quickly swallowed by the Gullible and Compliant ( The Stupids )

See the full report at Dr Mercola's site

  • Over time, it’s become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they’re about to do. Table top pandemic simulations, for example, are a form of dress rehearsal
  • In 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario. In October 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201
  • As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, Event 201 involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep “misinformation” in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies
  • October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization co-hosted “a global challenge exercise” dubbed “Catastrophic Contagion,” involving a novel pathogen called “severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025” (SEERS-25), which primarily affects children and teens
  • Enterovirus D68 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it’s also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes. The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse
Over time, it's become clear that the globalist cabal seeking to implement a one world government repeatedly tell us what they're about to do. They hold dress rehearsals in the form of tabletop exercises, and they've revealed their plans in various reports and white papers through the years.
I have been subscribed to the channel that posted the video above for some time now. She only has 10K subscribers but really gets some amazing content. I have no idea how she was able to secure this video as it is not widely circulated. Even more surprising is that her channel is not being taken down.

COVID Dress Rehearsals​

For example, in 2017, Johns Hopkins Center of Health Security held a coronavirus pandemic simulation called the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 scenario.1 Importantly, the exercise highlighted and stressed "communication dilemmas concerning medical countermeasures that could plausibly emerge" in a pandemic scenario.
In October 2019, less than three months before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201.
As in the SPARS Pandemic scenario, this exercise involved an outbreak of a highly infectious coronavirus, but the primary (if not sole) focus of the exercise was how to control information and keep "misinformation" in check, not how to effectively discover and share remedies.
Social media censorship played prominently in the Event 201 plan, and in the real-world events of 2020 through the present, accurate information about vaccine development, production and injury has indeed been effectively suppressed around the world, thanks to social media companies and Google's censoring of opposing viewpoints.

We now know this censorship was illegally directed by U.S. government officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was recently deposed2 about his role in the online censoring of COVID information.
Both of these simulations, SPARS and Event 201, foreshadowed what eventually occurred in real life during COVID, so, when Gates hosts yet another pandemic exercise, it's worth paying attention to the details.

'Catastrophic Contagion' Exercise​

October 23, 2022, Gates, Johns Hopkins and the World Health Organization cohosted "a global challenge exercise" dubbed "Catastrophic Contagion,"3,4 involving a novel (and as of now fictional) pathogen called "severe epidemic enterovirus respiratory syndrome 2025" or SEERS-25 for short.
Enterovirus D685 is typically associated with cold and flu-like illness in infants, children and teens. In rare cases, it's also been known to cause viral meningitis and acute flaccid myelitis, a neurological condition resulting in muscle weakness and loss of reflexes in one or more extremities.
The virus they modeled in the Catastrophic Contagion simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.
Enteroviruses A71 and A6 are known to cause hand, foot and mouth disease,6 while poliovirus, the prototypical enterovirus, causes polio (poliomyelitis), a potentially life-threatening type of paralysis that primarily affects children under age 5. So, the virus they modeled in this simulation appears to be something similar to enterovirus D68, but worse.

Training African Leaders to Go Along With the Narrative​

Tellingly, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise focused on getting leadership in African countries involved and trained in following the script. Participants included 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India and Germany, as well as Gates himself.
African nations just so happened to go "off script" more often than others during the COVID pandemic, and didn't follow in the footsteps of developed nations when it came to pushing the jabs. As a result, vaccine makers now face the problem of having a huge control group, as the COVID jab uptake on the African continent was only 6%.7
Not surprisingly (for those in the know), Africa has fared far better than developed nations with high COVID jab rates in terms of COVID-19 infections and related deaths.8
Now, the Catastrophic Contagion exercise predicts SEERS-25 will kill 20 million people worldwide, including 15 million children, and many who survive the infection will be left with paralysis and/or brain damage. In other words, the "cue" given is that the next pandemic will likely target children rather than the elderly, as was the case with COVID-19.
This is an interesting coincidence, seeing how rates of toddlers and young children hospitalized with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is already spiking.

COVID Jabs Are Destroying People's Immune Systems​

Coincidentally, over the past year, researchers have been warning that the COVID jabs may be dysregulating and destroying people's immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to all sorts of infections. According to a study9 posted on the preprint server medRxiv in May 2021, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab "reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses, causing immune depletion."
In August 2021, a French group of pediatric infectious disease experts also warned that "immunity debt" caused by a lack of exposure to common viruses and bacteria during COVID lockdowns and school closures might predispose children to suffer more infections in the future.10
They predicted the decrease in viral and bacterial exposure that train your child's immune system may result in a rebound of a variety of infectious diseases, including influenza and RSV) which is precisely what we're now seeing. If a modified enterovirus gets added into the mix, it's not difficult to see how parents might get spooked enough to start lining their kids up for more shots — including parents in African nations.

So, in the final analysis, we already have a pseudo-one world government, in the form of Gates' NGOs. They are making health care decisions that should be left to individual nations and/or states, and they're making decisions that will line their own pockets, regardless of what happens to the public health-wise.
They coordinate and synchronize pandemic communication during these simulated practice runs, and then, when the real-world situation emerges that fits the bill, the pre-planned script is simply played out verbatim.
African nations failed to follow the script during COVID, which is why they're focusing on African leaders in the latest simulation. They need to get rid of the African control group by getting them onboard with mass injection and all the rest. It's basically a recruitment effort.
Lastly, between the G20 declaration to implement an international vaccine passport under the auspice of the WHO, and the WHO's pandemic treaty, everything is lined up to take control of the next pandemic, and in so doing, further securing the foundation for a one world government.
At what point do we declare the WEF a terrorist organization?
Dr. Mercola.... :auiqs.jpg:

I’m so old I remember when St. Science himself, Lord Fauxi said it was perfectly safe for unmasked people INFECTED WITH EBOLA to board commercial airliners bound for US cities and, further, that lockdowns were DETRIMENTAL
I’m so old I remember when St. Science himself, Lord Fauxi said it was perfectly safe for unmasked people INFECTED WITH EBOLA to board commercial airliners bound for US cities and, further, that lockdowns were DETRIMENTAL
Fau Chi's Marionetten Theatre
Fau Chi got the viruses mixed up. Lockdowns seriously affect civets themselves, the very animal that harbors SARS1. Note the obesity mentioned in the report: USMB search 'Paradoxurus.'
I am struggling with the sheer volume of new research springing from our/ your posts .

Perhaps digressing , I am looking at ZC45 and ZCX21 and seeing that they are closely related viruses from the Zhoushan region and that they are natural and novel and first found in the fruit bat and they are zoonotic .
BUT they cause severe respiratory infection and therefore are more virulent than SARS2 Cov19 , regardless whether that is a novel virus or a synthetic bio weapon .

So, ( getting there ), is China locking down on ZC45 and ZCX21 but keeping this secret ?

Shared by many others, I believe that the recent wave of Chinese lock downs make no scientific sense if they are just against SARS 2 Cov19 mutations which are now essentially Omicron mutations ( in the West) and which are much less virulent than the earlier Alpha ,Beta and Delta strains .

If true , this has horrific implications for the rest of the planet and if you now assume that ZC45 /ZXC21 is held by the CCP as a bio weapon and could be be shortly released .
Links between the CCP and WEF are assumed and generally thought to be true .

Are my facts correct and is that events sequence possible and plausible ?

That is all separate from D68 -- just another release option -- and separate from the other areas you identify involving other development routes with other viruses .

Any comments ?
At what point do we declare the WEF a terrorist organization?
Mercola's text should be added to Kennedy's, the Chinese were discovering their nasty military virus, ZC45, in Feb of that year if not mistaken:

'MARS 2017. By mid-2017, the Rockefeller Foundation and intelligence agency planners had passed to Bill Gates their baton as the primary funder and front man for the military/intelligence community's increasingly regular pandemic simulations. In Masy, the health ministries for the world's wealthiest twenty (G20) nations assembled for the first time, gathering in Berlin to participate in a Joint Exercise Scenario with an imagined China responding to a contagion dubbed MARS, for "Mountain Associated Respiratory Virus."

German government institutions collaborated to produce simulation with the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, the WHO, and the Robert Koch Institution (RKI).....The exercises' two moderators also worked closely with the Gates Foundation; David Heymann served simultaneously as chair for UK's Centre on Global Health Security, and as an epidemiologist with the Gates-funded London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Heymann also sits with Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel on the Merieux Foundation USA Board. BioMerieux is the French company that built the Wuhan lab.
SPARS 2017. Five months later, in Oct 2017, Gates convened yet another tabletop pandemic at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the global biosecurity command center.....Gates's working group, which staged the exercise, was a collection of characters with deep connections to intelligence agencies and NIH....Luciana Borio, vice president of CIA's In-Q-Tel, Joseph Buccina, Director of Intelligence Community Support and B.Next Operations at In-Q-Tel. Matthew Shearer, a Senior Analyst at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and Associate Editor of the peer-reviewed journal Health Security, would discover the first US cases of coronavirus in Seattle in Feb 2020.

Walter Orenstein, MD, is a former surgeon general who managed CDC's fraudulent efforts to suppress the science linking autism to vaccines....another working group member was vaccine developer Dr. Gregory Poland, NIH funded since 1991....Building on the Pentagon's anthrax simulation (1999) and the intelligence agency's "Dark Winter" (2001), Atlantic Storm (2003, 2005), Global Mercury (2003), Schwartz's "Lockstep" Scenario Document (2010) and MARS (2017), the Gates-funded SPARS scenario war-gamed a bioterrorist attack that precipitated a global coronavirus epidemic lasting from 2025 to 2028, culminating in mass vaccination of the global population. As Gates had promised, the preparations were analogous to "preparing for war." '
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 412-14)
I am struggling with the sheer volume of new research springing from our/ your posts .

Perhaps digressing , I am looking at ZC45 and ZCX21 and seeing that they are closely related viruses from the Zhoushan region and that they are natural and novel and first found in the fruit bat and they are zoonotic .
BUT they cause severe respiratory infection and therefore are more virulent than SARS2 Cov19 , regardless whether that is a novel virus or a synthetic bio weapon .

So, ( getting there ), is China locking down on ZC45 and ZCX21 but keeping this secret ?

Shared by many others, I believe that the recent wave of Chinese lock downs make no scientific sense if they are just against SARS 2 Cov19 mutations which are now essentially Omicron mutations ( in the West) and which are much less virulent than the earlier Alpha ,Beta and Delta strains .

If true , this has horrific implications for the rest of the planet and if you now assume that ZC45 /ZXC21 is held by the CCP as a bio weapon and could be be shortly released .
Links between the CCP and WEF are assumed and generally thought to be true .

Are my facts correct and is that events sequence possible and plausible ?

That is all separate from D68 -- just another release option -- and separate from the other areas you identify involving other development routes with other viruses .

Any comments ?
No, ZC45 is from Rhinolophus pussilus, Zhoushan Island, Zhejiang Province. SARS2, unlike SARS1, sports an RGD motif on its spike protein, as does HCoV-229E. The PLA's military virus ZC45 RGD sequence can be seen on Dr. Quay's Twitter page, though he never mentions it, @ 24 Aug. The RGD sequence is shown there.

China has not kept ZC45 esoteric. It is neurotropic in rats, and we have elsewhere already linked the RGD motif to Parkinson's disease:

Parkinson's RGD Motif
As Huff explains (The Truth About Wuhan), there would already have been developed a way to destroy any bioweapon, ZC45 included.
As for the Metabiota-Rimoin-Biden link to monkeypox and coronaviruses, here is the Malacomys coronaviru post, though they have not published the spike sequence and The Netherlands link has been anal retentive due to the fact that the spike may contain something military, like an RGD motif. If The Netherlands would rectify the lack of verification that monkeypox is also vectored by Malacomys, then one can see where the esoteric danger comes from. We have shown on another thread the PD-1 link to cancer and the RGD motif-based approach. Thus, this post for the Dr. Malone-monkeypox-Wuhan thread also has a cancer link:

Post #54 Dr. Robert Malone Says Monkeypox May Have Been Manipulated
And so it must be said: Gates's imaginary scenario (SPARS) links to the neurotropic Chinese military virus, ZX45:

'Even a casual read pf the Foundation's planning document (for SPARS) makes clear that Gates's preparation had little to do with public health and everything to do with limiting freedom and aggressively marketing vaccines.

The planners tell their audience - "public health providers and pandemic communicators" - that public concerns over worrisome reactions and vaccine side effects can be drowned out by flooding the airwaves with good news about vaccine success: The dismaying role of mainstream media in these exercises is to broadcast propaganda, impose censorship, and manufacture consent for oppressive policies.

In their projections, the social planners project absolute confidence that news media and social media companies will fully cooperate with this coup d'etat. The simulation planners presciently assume their capacity to undermine the Fourth Estate in its role as the gladiatorial champion of free speech and democracy, and their ability to subvert the social media, which once promised to democratize the flow of information.

Both mainstream and social media titans, it turns out, are predisposed to serve globalist elites. Gates and his cronies somehow intuited that these institutions would obligingly shape news coverage so as to manufacture obedience with compulsory vaccination and the dismemberment of the Constitution.

"In the following months....the WHO began developing an enhanced international vaccine program based on the expanded financial support of the United States and other countries. As time passed and more people across the US were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge....Given the positive reaction to the federal government's response and the fact that the majority of US citizens willing to be vaccinated had already been immunized, the negative publicity surrounding adverse reactions had little effect on nationwide vaccination rates."

Gates and his team assure pandemic planners that they will easily avoid culpability for the wave of long-term neurological injuries that they cause by their experimental vaccines:

"While the federal government appeared to have appropriately addressed concerns around the acute side effects of Corovax, the long-term, chronic effects of the vaccine were still largely unknown. Nearing the end of 2027, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge. After showing no adverse side effects for nearly a year, several vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches, and numbness in their extremities. Due to the small number of these cases, the significance of their association with Corovax was never determined."

According to organizers, the purpose of Gates's simulation was to prepare "public health communicators" with a step-by-step strategic playbook for the upcoming pandemic. Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to peruse Gates's detailed 2018 planning document without feeling that we are all being played.'
(Kennedy, op cit, pp. 416-17)
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