Happy Fiftieth Anniversary Walt Disney World! :D

Disney was the shit in the 90s. Now I don't do anything to support them because they are a shit company and have really gotten terrible with their virtue signaling in the past couple years.
From Hossfly

What DrLove and the rest of the Progressive Socialists refuse to admit is that Disney is the leader of the Hollywood cabal that includes actors, music and entertainment industry, politicians and other prominent figures. Every Disney film and cartoon is a revelation of all the Satanist and evil practices of the cabal. Commonly not understood by the majority of the world is that the cabal is duty bound and required to reveal, in subtle ways, each and every aspect of their evil practices. All the child sex trafficking, child slavery and torture, sacrifices and child cannibalism. The child torture before murdering them is to produce the adrenochrome they exist on. Just look at the physically wrecked features of Pelosi, the Clintons, Feinstein, etc, etc,etc. They all laugh and joke about "Pizzagate" but it is a fact.

Dig into Google, DuckDuckGo and educate yourself about the cabal a movement that is centuries old but is slowly approaching downfall and extinction. That's what Trump is about. Also there many movies revealing the cabal but 2 come to mind that explains how nothing is hidden but must be revealed in such a way that people think it's made up or fantasy. Check out Ghost Rider and Driving Angry.

All these words are mine and if anyone wants to report them to Disney or the authorities they are free to do so. However they fear people like Hossfly and people like LA RAM FAN

Here is a brief introduction to Adrenochrome:

Lots of great memories at Walt Disney World with the family prior to COVID. Wish we could be there to celebrate.
From Hossfly

What DrLove and the rest of the Progressive Socialists refuse to admit is that Disney is the leader of the Hollywood cabal that includes actors, music and entertainment industry, politicians and other prominent figures. Every Disney film and cartoon is a revelation of all the Satanist and evil practices of the cabal. Commonly not understood by the majority of the world is that the cabal is duty bound and required to reveal, in subtle ways, each and every aspect of their evil practices. All the child sex trafficking, child slavery and torture, sacrifices and child cannibalism. The child torture before murdering them is to produce the adrenochrome they exist on. Just look at the physically wrecked features of Pelosi, the Clintons, Feinstein, etc, etc,etc. They all laugh and joke about "Pizzagate" but it is a fact.

Dig into Google, DuckDuckGo and educate yourself about the cabal a movement that is centuries old but is slowly approaching downfall and extinction. That's what Trump is about. Also there many movies revealing the cabal but 2 come to mind that explains how nothing is hidden but must be revealed in such a way that people think it's made up or fantasy. Check out Ghost Rider and Driving Angry.

All these words are mine and if anyone wants to report them to Disney or the authorities they are free to do so. However they fear people like Hossfly and people like LA RAM FAN

Here is a brief introduction to Adrenochrome:


you nailed it. could not have said it any better myself.The real hard reality to deal with is walt disney himself was evil.That in his fims and cartoons he would make sexual references.
Another 50th that was recently celebrated was yesterday during a special night time two hour edition of The Price Is Right game show. This fall starts the show's 50th season. All kinds of old clips were shown. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

for the longest time Hossfly through most of trumps time in office i did not listen to people like you who were telling me that Trump was not part of the corrupt two party system,not another puppet different than Bush and Obama. I figured there was no way Trump was any different cause as we both know,presidential elections have been rigged for decades now,the elite always put in who they want to have put in so i figured trump was just telling the people what they wanted to hear when he would do things like call CNN fake news but he is the first president in my lifetime i can remember who did what he said he was going to do. when he did that,i came around he is indeed different than those two clowns and every clown president we have had sense Johnson. Thats why i dont understand how he ever got elected.

people say that he did not drain the swamp as he said he would and attack him for putting swamp people around him but most people on here as you know,do not have a clue that the fed has been abolished,that both them and the IRS have been turned over to the treasury and the reason he put swamp people around him was to keep tabs on them, to know what they were up to,you know the old saying keep your friends close but your enimies closer.same with the FBI,its all boarded up in washington,you cant go into the building anymore. some here are still stubborn on that though and no matter what i show them,wont look at the evidence trump is not another puppet president there to do the bidding for the elite and bankers as every president sense Lyndon Johnson has done,that he indeed is different.some here STILL wont accept that and still think he is the same as Biden,Bush and Obama.
From Hossfly

What DrLove and the rest of the Progressive Socialists refuse to admit is that Disney is the leader of the Hollywood cabal that includes actors, music and entertainment industry, politicians and other prominent figures. Every Disney film and cartoon is a revelation of all the Satanist and evil practices of the cabal. Commonly not understood by the majority of the world is that the cabal is duty bound and required to reveal, in subtle ways, each and every aspect of their evil practices. All the child sex trafficking, child slavery and torture, sacrifices and child cannibalism. The child torture before murdering them is to produce the adrenochrome they exist on. Just look at the physically wrecked features of Pelosi, the Clintons, Feinstein, etc, etc,etc. They all laugh and joke about "Pizzagate" but it is a fact.

Dig into Google, DuckDuckGo and educate yourself about the cabal a movement that is centuries old but is slowly approaching downfall and extinction. That's what Trump is about. Also there many movies revealing the cabal but 2 come to mind that explains how nothing is hidden but must be revealed in such a way that people think it's made up or fantasy. Check out Ghost Rider and Driving Angry.

All these words are mine and if anyone wants to report them to Disney or the authorities they are free to do so. However they fear people like Hossfly and people like LA RAM FAN

Here is a brief introduction to Adrenochrome:

Bla fuckinG hurl :rolleyes-41:

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