Happy Birthday Devil Dogs.

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
So a kid is washing his hands in the bathroom at a nice restaurant in North Carolina, when in walks a Marine wearing his dress uniform.

"Wow," says the kid,"Are you a real live Marine from Camp Lejeune?"

"Yes I am, kid," says the Marine, "Here, son, I'll even let you wear my hat."

So the Marine lets the kid try on his hat, and he leaves the restroom.

As the kid is checking himself out in the mirror, in walks an Army paratrooper with his red beret on.

"Wow!" says the kid, "Are you a real live Army paratrooper from Ft. Bragg?"

"Yes I am," says the paratrooper, "Why? You wanna suck my dick?"

"Oh no," says the kid, "I only borrowed this hat."

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