Happiness in Islam

Heart-Mind Relationship in Islam

Sheikh Hamza reflects on this topic

(6 minutes)

Hamza flunked His attempt to describe the embryology of the heart and brain and their physiology is BEYOND IDIOCY. In fact even the ideas presented have nothing to do with islam-------the musings precede islam by
thousands of years, such as they are.
Context is key.

Fact Check: Does the Bible Really Condone Stoning?

"...“Any Biblical death penalty procedure had to be accomplished in one instantaneous stroke,” he explained. “For while the death penalty may have been administered, it was not done in a way to prolong agony or suffering, nor in a manner of public humiliation that degraded the human being created in the image of God.”

This in mind, Spero said that there was no humiliation or entertainment value imbued by the stoning process.

Theologian R.P. Nettelhorst added that capital punishment is seen in the Bible for a variety of offenses: Murder, adultery, rape, Sabbath breaking, disobedience to parents, witchcraft, and idolatry. While the codes were similar to other legal constructs in the Ancient Near East, he agreed that there were some notable differences...."

“The laws are applied equally to all members of society. There are not different laws for different classes,” he told TheBlaze. “Second, the laws were intended to be proportional. The lex talionis ‘eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ was designed to limit punishments to being no worse than the offense.”

At the time, this was actually considered lenient, Nettelhorst argues, compared to what was practiced by many of the other cultures of the time.

Adding to the apparent leniency, Spero also claims that stoning was likely not rampant and that ancient rabbis attempted to abolish its use by making capital punishment a rarity.
C'mon admit it, Christians are just as barbaric as muzzys.

only sometimes in the 1700 year history of Christianity------mostly because
the ROMANS got their hands on it and still liked LION LUNCH
entertainment. Christians have been recovering over the past few hundred
years. Muslims BOAST that islam never changes...... imagine----its like
a severely mentally deficient child------it never grows up and remains a heartache
to its parents
Context is key.

Fact Check: Does the Bible Really Condone Stoning?

"...“Any Biblical death penalty procedure had to be accomplished in one instantaneous stroke,” he explained. “For while the death penalty may have been administered, it was not done in a way to prolong agony or suffering, nor in a manner of public humiliation that degraded the human being created in the image of God.”

This in mind, Spero said that there was no humiliation or entertainment value imbued by the stoning process.

Theologian R.P. Nettelhorst added that capital punishment is seen in the Bible for a variety of offenses: Murder, adultery, rape, Sabbath breaking, disobedience to parents, witchcraft, and idolatry. While the codes were similar to other legal constructs in the Ancient Near East, he agreed that there were some notable differences...."

“The laws are applied equally to all members of society. There are not different laws for different classes,” he told TheBlaze. “Second, the laws were intended to be proportional. The lex talionis ‘eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ was designed to limit punishments to being no worse than the offense.”

At the time, this was actually considered lenient, Nettelhorst argues, compared to what was practiced by many of the other cultures of the time.

Adding to the apparent leniency, Spero also claims that stoning was likely not rampant and that ancient rabbis attempted to abolish its use by making capital punishment a rarity.
C'mon admit it, Christians are just as barbaric as muzzys.
If that's how you want to see it, go right ahead.
Good, you don't dispute it.
No. I don't mind if you see it that way.
Science in a Golden Age - Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine

We explore the links between medical research in the Golden Age of Science and the modern practice of medicine today.

Standing in one of the largest neo-natal units in the world at Hamad Hospital in Qatar, you would not immediately be able to draw a link between the pioneering medical research being conducted and the work of physicists from the 9th century.

In this episode of Science in the Golden Age, theoretical physicist Jim al-Khalili guides us through a journey of discovery where he highlights the links between medical research in the Golden Age of Science during the 9th and 14th centuries and the modern practice of medicine today...

Science in a Golden Age - Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine

(25 minutes)
Science in a Golden Age - Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine

We explore the links between medical research in the Golden Age of Science and the modern practice of medicine today.

Standing in one of the largest neo-natal units in the world at Hamad Hospital in Qatar, you would not immediately be able to draw a link between the pioneering medical research being conducted and the work of physicists from the 9th century.

In this episode of Science in the Golden Age, theoretical physicist Jim al-Khalili guides us through a journey of discovery where he highlights the links between medical research in the Golden Age of Science during the 9th and 14th centuries and the modern practice of medicine today...

Science in a Golden Age - Al-Razi, Ibn Sina and the Canon of Medicine

(25 minutes)
You guys couldn't even invent toilet paper. We had to do it for you. :lol:
Love of Jesus

Amazing song by "Abo Ali"

( 6-minute song - English subtitles)
I "believe" in muhummad too----he was the son of a whore in mecca and he liked to
to rob, murder and rape------I BELIEVE that he existed as a rapist, murderer and thief
Love of Jesus

Amazing song by "Abo Ali"

( 6-minute song - English subtitles)

Isn't music outlawed by you rock ass wiping barbarians?

ANY action that GLORIFIES the stench of islam is allowed in islam----
it's the INTENTION that counts. You have much to learn-----feel free
to ask questions----I learned about islam from muslims -----and even more
from "kaffirin" who survived it
Helping the needy

One day, when the Prophet (pbuh) was sitting in Medina, members of a miserable tribe came.
They had no shoes. Their skin was stuck to their bones because of hunger.

The Prophet became very sad upon seeing their condition and his color changed.

He had Bilal give the call to prayer and gathered his companions. He asked everyone to give charity and took the collection for the tribe, generously helping them to improve their socioeconomic status.

( Muslim,Musnad)
Helping the needy

One day, when the Prophet (pbuh) was sitting in Medina, members of a miserable tribe came.
They had no shoes. Their skin was stuck to their bones because of hunger.

The Prophet became very sad upon seeing their condition and his color changed.

He had Bilal give the call to prayer and gathered his companions. He asked everyone to give charity and took the collection for the tribe, generously helping them to improve their socioeconomic status.

( Muslim,Musnad)
Is it charity to kill infidels just because they don't follow a pedophile rock ass-wiper?
I read the Koran and have no recollection of the idiot fairy tale cited in the OP
-the real name of the city called "medina" today was Yathrib. It was populated
by jews whom the thief of mecca attacked, murdered, raped, and pillaged. -----
the jewish presence there (for more than 1000 years) was obliterated----the schools
torn up and the cemeteries and temples desecrated by the sehabah dog pack.
The place SHOULD be DUG UP by archaeologists. It is very likely (virtually
assuredly) chock full of buried writings that could elucidate the history of that
ravaged town
Helping the needy

One day, when the Prophet (pbuh) was sitting in Medina, members of a miserable tribe came.
They had no shoes. Their skin was stuck to their bones because of hunger.

The Prophet became very sad upon seeing their condition and his color changed.

He had Bilal give the call to prayer and gathered his companions. He asked everyone to give charity and took the collection for the tribe, generously helping them to improve their socioeconomic status.

( Muslim,Musnad)

Never mind the charity, The Quran also says believers who die in battle will be richly rewarded in heaven.

Muhammad incites silly Arabs fight and die for him, and they fell for it.
Explaining the first ayah from Quran

Surah al-Fatihah

"The Meaning of Al Hamdu Lillah"

(19 minutes)
although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus

I can respect that.

I can even respect wearing head gear whilst in their countries, or whatever cultural norms they have, in their country. "When in Rome..." as the saying

/---- Does that include beheading infidels?
Thank God for the knowledge you have.

Look at the crucial lesson the Prophet (peace be upon him) told us(Al-Bukhari):

Once Prophet Moses/Musa stood up and addressed Bani Israel.
He was asked: “Who is the most learned man amongst the people?”
He said: “I am the most learned.”
God admonished Moses as he did not attribute absolute knowledge to Him (Allah).
So God inspired to him, “At the junction of the two seas there is a slave of mine who is more learned than you.”
Musa said: “O my Lord! How can I meet him?


There is no one who knows everything. Allah gives certain knowledge to whoever He wills. Moses didn’t link his knowledge to Allah. All the knowledge that we have is from Allah and we need to thank Him.

Tip: Half of wisdom is the ability to say I don’t know”.
So by saying “I don’t know” you’re actually saving yourself!
Here's what Islam is:














^This is the real face of Islam. Deal with it.
My first experience with Islam was a young woman frantically banging on my door in the middle of the night. Her doctor father was trying to behead her with a sword for not marrying who he had arranged. She made it out of the country the next day.

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