Hannity Demands Seniors, Disabled Vets, and Children with Cancer be put to work

Hannity is a fucking lunatic! He should be water-boarded for a solid week and then shipped off to one of Putin's concentration camps forever.

in the end these self entitled white christian parasite pricks who produce nothing like hanity will be swinging by their own entrails, time isn't on their side

I like this comment on the article
"So, Sean, are you saying that all of the lower ranked military members in my community who receive government assistance because their pay scale is so low should clean the streets, too? Way to support the troops"

I know the atmosphere and have seen it what sean was raised in on Long Island, there is a small segment of the irish population know as donkeys who come from low education families where heavy drinking and wife beating is the norm ,sean has no formal education beyond high school an never served in the military so he has to play the clown for his puppet masters as this is the only way he can make the money he does

So, in other words, you are racially stereotyping. How racist of you.
Where in the 3:46 period did he demand this of seniors, disabled vets or children with cancer?
He was referring to people able to work.

So you want more Big Government Jobs? This is exactly why Republicans Explode Government, Debt & Tank the US Dollar.
Could you please translate that into peoplespeak?
Where in the 3:46 period did he demand this of seniors, disabled vets or children with cancer?
He was referring to people able to work.

So you want more Big Government Jobs? This is exactly why Republicans Explode Government, Debt & Tank the US Dollar.
Could you please translate that into peoplespeak?

Do you agree with Hannity's view that government should employ the unemployed?
You know to me I don't think Hannity believes everything he says. I mean he would have to be a complete lunatic. In my honest opinion he is just Fox News' puppet. Roger Ailes is just pulling the Hannity strings way up high and the diabetic mall zombies of Fox News' audience just nods their heads in agreement at every word.
Where in the 3:46 period did he demand this of seniors, disabled vets or children with cancer?
He was referring to people able to work.

So you want more Big Government Jobs? This is exactly why Republicans Explode Government, Debt & Tank the US Dollar.
Could you please translate that into peoplespeak?

Do you agree with Hannity's view that government should employ the unemployed?
Hannity didn't say that. He said that people who are on government benefits should work if they're able. Seniors and disabled vets receive entitlements and are not required to work. Best if you listened to the clip and then ask questions.
You know to me I don't think Hannity believes everything he says. I mean he would have to be a complete lunatic. In my honest opinion he is just Fox News' puppet. Roger Ailes is just pulling the Hannity strings way up high and the diabetic mall zombies of Fox News' audience just nods their heads in agreement at every word.
Another genius who didn't listen to the clip and makes educated statements.

There are times that I agree with you, but your Title is a lie. Hannity never said that the disabled, seniors and children with cancer should be put to work. Why would you lie about that? As for those on government assistance cleaning the streets, he made it clear that he wasn't talking about the disabled and retirees. I agree that those on welfare should give back in some way by doing some type of work, whether that be cleaning the streets or something else. When you post shit like this, you prove that you are nothing more than a troll.

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