Hamas: Fatah Members Are 'Enemies of Allah'


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Another heartwarming episode of internecine Moslem peace, love, and tolerance

Hamas: Fatah Members Are 'Enemies of Allah'

Hamas Fatah Members Are Enemies of Allah - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

The rift between Hamas and Fatah is reaching new heights, after a senior Hamas member on Wednesday referred to members of Fatah as traitors who must be punished.

Speaking to the Palestine newspaper, Khalil al-Haya referred to the security coordination between the Palestinian Authority’s security forces and Israel as "treason".

According to Al-Haya, anyone who reveals the secrets of the Palestinian forces is nothing but a "traitor to Allah and his messenger".

He warned the Palestinian security forces who have been arresting Hamas members that the day will come when the Palestinian people will judge them for their "crimes" and on that day their regret of their actions will no longer help them.


Hamas has in turn accused the PA of executing a plan to "eradicate" the movement from Judea and Samaria, saying that an arrest campaign of over 200 members was carried out by the PA to target reconciliation efforts between the two factions

The motive is, of course, to compromise the closest thing resembling the orderly rule of law in this society on fire.

Did "Palestinian" Arabs give the greenhat Dark Ages killers of Hamas a landslide "election" victory because they were fed up with the corrupt cronyism and ineffectiveness of Fatah, or because they support the virulently hateful, genocidal agenda of Hamas? If you stop to think about it, it doesn't really matter, because Israel—along with all Western nations that politically and materially prop up this invented, bellicose people—loses either way.

I couldn't help but put the term "election" in quotes so as to present the absurdity of electing Islamic terrorists to political office. Because nothing says "democratic elections" like armed terrorist thugs gunning down the rival from the competing islamic terrorist syndicate.

But since the people have chosen the Islamic terrorists over the secular corruptocrats, what Israel still faces is a bitter, hostile mini-khilafa right on its doorstep. Anyone who's bothered to read Hamas' charter, or the Koran, understands that the charade of "Palestinian" Arab democracy and peaceful coexistence with Israel has never been achievable.

Well israel has elected several jewish terrorists to political office.
Well, that's as pointless as so much of your slobbering.

I just find it interesting that democratic elections in the weird, Islamo-freak show version of things involves involves Islamo-loons with AK-47's killing, kidnapping and torturing those from the competing cabal of Islamo-loons.
Well israel has elected several jewish terrorists to political office.

Only in your fantasy world, in the real world they were never even charged with terrorism. Unlike hamas that has been branded a terrorist organisation by their own arab btothers.
the Polish immigrant to Palestine Menachem Begin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia was a
You're spamming the thread. Are your tender Islamo-sensibilities offended?

With refreshed Islamo-hatreds brewing between the two Islamic terrorist groups, maybe we'll see the happy-fun torture and street murders that accompanied the last lovers quarrel between these two groups.

Gaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflict

Hamas forces carried out a brutal campaign of abductions, torture and unlawful killings against Palestinians accused of “collaborating” with Israel and others during Israel’s military offensive against Gaza in July and August 2014, according to a new report by Amnesty International.

Lovely, lovely folks.

And guess what, these fine folks want their own state.
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Hamas and Fatah and the Jewish far right reactionaries are all the enemies of God.

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