"Palestinian" Arabs Demand Their Welfare Payments


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.

I have been advocating that the UN stop all payments through its many outlets until the Palestinians crawl to the table and start talking peace and mutual borders. Starve them into submission then tell them that the UN will oversee all projects and will handle all aid arriving until such a time as they are able to stand on their own. Any acts of violence, terrorism or belligerence will see Palestinian leaders arrested and charged with war crimes, then their Swiss bank accounts will be closed and the money used to pay for the repairs.
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:
The UN has a dedicated welfare program for the maintenance of Islamic terrorism and for accumulation of fantastic wealth by Islamic terrorist kingpins. There's no reason for that to continue.

When Islamic terrorists use their welfare entitlement to purchase weapons and ammunition to further Islamist gee-had, that's not humanitarian aid.

And yes, the U.S. can send $3 billion to support the Israeli military. If you have a problem with that, write a strongly worded email to your mullah.
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:

No it is making sure that the US has friends they can rely on. Everyone complains about US aid to Israel, and forgets that US aid to Palestine has caused many American deaths.
Islasmonazism and neo Marxism at its very worst
no money left

too many other refugees in the world and there is not enough for them either.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
You Complete CRETIN,you omitted the Billions NO Trillions Israel has received over the years......The more you speak..THE MORE HORRIBLE YOU ARE

You with you ingrained hatreds should not be allowed on here.
Last edited:
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:
The UN has a dedicated welfare program for the maintenance of Islamic terrorism and for accumulation of fantastic wealth by Islamic terrorist kingpins. There's no reason for that to continue.

When Islamic terrorists use their welfare entitlement to purchase weapons and ammunition to further Islamist gee-had, that's not humanitarian aid.

And yes, the U.S. can send $3 billion to support the Israeli military. If you have a problem with that, write a strongly worded email to your mullah.
Go Away
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:

No it is making sure that the US has friends they can rely on. Everyone complains about US aid to Israel, and forgets that US aid to Palestine has caused many American deaths.
Islasmonazism and neo Marxism at its very worst
What Rot..as usual
If their god does not pay them or even their brother arabs, why should the rest of the world pay them?
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:

No it is making sure that the US has friends they can rely on. Everyone complains about US aid to Israel, and forgets that US aid to Palestine has caused many American deaths.
Islasmonazism and neo Marxism at its very worst
So they should,it's all hard working American Tax-Payers money.....The American Government should spend it on Americans.....but they are too frightened of the Israel-Lobby,who have screw America for decades..........If America like they have done sometimes..asked Israel to do something..Israel.when it doesn't suit them..... just tell America to F OFF and ignore them....Zionism hey......the world and Real Jews could well live happily without this Barbaric Cult.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
You forgot to mention the War Crimes America has inflicted in Iraq or the War Crimes Israel has inflicted on the Palestinians......Where there are arrest warrants issued for The Nit and Yarr,who?....So much for RETROGRADE POLITICO-RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT......you are poorly read on world affairs.......but then you couldn't GIVE a Shit could you .......I must say I do like the term you used "RETROGRADE POLITICO-RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY"...Sums up that Banal CULT,the ZIONISTS VERY WELL.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
You forgot to mention the War Crimes America has inflicted in Iraq or the War Crimes Israel has inflicted on the Palestinians......Where there are arrest warrants issued for The Nit and Yarr,who?....So much for RETROGRADE POLITICO-RELIGIOUS BULLSHIT......you are poorly read on world affairs.......but then you couldn't GIVE a Shit could you .......I must say I do like the term you used "RETROGRADE POLITICO-RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY"...Sums up that Banal CULT,the ZIONISTS VERY WELL.
You forgot to offer a meaning comment connected to the thread topic.
Hold on to your wallets, infidels, the Islamo welfare train is approaching.

It's truly a shame that the West has allowed the money grubbing "Palestinians" view their welfare payments as an entitlement.

They've become so dependent and corrupt that we're subjected to the "we can't be held responsible for what may happen if our welfare payments are delayed".


UNRWA Workers in Gaza Threaten to Rebel

Head of Hamas-affiliated teachers union warns UNRWA bankruptcy and service suspension will likely be met by rebellion in Gaza.

Last month, Hamas claimed that UNRWA is "giving up its role" of providing services to "refugees," a status designated to the Arabs who left Israel in the 1948 War of Independence as well as their now roughly five million descendants. That hereditary "Palestinian refugee" status operates in contradiction to all other refugees in the world, who are all handled by the UNHRC.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Palestinian Arabs who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets $100 million annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas? Who knows?

The terror group responded by then threatening the UN group with violence.

Well, what anyone expect from Islamic terrorists / dependent welfare fraud?

Wonderful stuff. Because you know, Palestinian Arabs just don't get enough poisonous, irrational hatred of Israel and the West from their deranged imams at the mosque, from their farcical joke of a print media, and straight out of the children's textbooks at school. They also need loathsome dreck like this from their government-run television to supplement their steady diet of anger, hatred, violence, fake victimhood, and self-imposed misery.

While the UN body was established for the roughly 800,000 "Palestinian refugees" in 1949, separately from the existing UNHRC which deals with all other refugees in the world, the UN took no action to aid the 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Arab lands after the establishment of the state of Israel.

As I watched the first faltering steps of democracy in the Middle East and note how in so many parts of Islam'istan, hateful, armed Islamic killers win sizeable portions of the popular vote, I have conflicting reactions. I feel vindicated in my continued insistence that Islamism and its fascistic, violent program are so deeply ingrained in the psyche of Moslems that they will actually freely vote to be ruled by its totalitarian agenda.

On the other hand, I am beyond caring for the misery that islamics inflict upon themselves for adhereing to such a retrograde politico-religious ideology.
You Complete CRETIN,you omitted the Billions NO Trillions Israel has received over the years......The more you speak..THE MORE HORRIBLE YOU ARE

You with you ingrained hatreds should not be allowed on here.

Just as you forget the trillions of that which was loans that were paid back in full. And the trillions paid to hamas, fatah, Saudi and iran so they could mass murder US citizens.
So, the UN stops humanitarian aid to Palestine...

But the US can still send $3 billion to support Israel's military?

zionism at its very best.... :cuckoo:
The UN has a dedicated welfare program for the maintenance of Islamic terrorism and for accumulation of fantastic wealth by Islamic terrorist kingpins. There's no reason for that to continue.

When Islamic terrorists use their welfare entitlement to purchase weapons and ammunition to further Islamist gee-had, that's not humanitarian aid.

And yes, the U.S. can send $3 billion to support the Israeli military. If you have a problem with that, write a strongly worded email to your mullah.
Go Away


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