Hamas Drops The Fascade: They Want All Of Israel, Not Just Statehood


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

by Ben Shapiro 22 Nov 2012

"Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, announced today that they would not support Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority attempt to unilaterally declare Palestinian statehood. Hamas isn’t opposing the PA’s attempt because they agree that negotiations with Israel should be primary, of course; they oppose it because it would assume that the Palestinian state would not embrace Tel Aviv, Haifa, and every other inch of Israeli land."​

Well, I guess their true purpose finally came out.

They didn't want their own state.......they want to kill every Jew in Israel and take their land.

Guess they're gonna find it hard to convince anyone but a Democrat that they mean well.


Hamas Rejects Palestinian Authority Statehood Bid
They've shot themselves in the foot before by not compromising, and that's why Israel is now their landlord.

They keep making the same mistake, over and over. I'm so sorry they didn't agree to the compromise offered them post WWII, and just decided to live in peace with Jewish folk.

Now, it's shelling and counter-shelling with casualties.
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Hamas has never hidden this. You just have left wing sissies making excuses for them. I was listening to the BBC all last week and they found the most moderate palestinians they could find to talk to and even they refuse to recognize israel.

by Ben Shapiro 22 Nov 2012

"Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, announced today that they would not support Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority attempt to unilaterally declare Palestinian statehood. Hamas isn’t opposing the PA’s attempt because they agree that negotiations with Israel should be primary, of course; they oppose it because it would assume that the Palestinian state would not embrace Tel Aviv, Haifa, and every other inch of Israeli land."​

Well, I guess their true purpose finally came out.

They didn't want their own state.......they want to kill every Jew in Israel and take their land.

Guess they're gonna find it hard to convince anyone but a Democrat that they mean well.


Hamas Rejects Palestinian Authority Statehood Bid

Well if they're able to take it by force then all the righties who ignore the American genocide of the native Americans should have no problem with it because might makes right in their view.
Gaza and the West Bank being recognized as a sovereign Palestinian nation, is none of Israel's god-damn business! They don't need permission from Israel to become a state.

Israel needs to end the occupation, illegal blockade, over 700 checkpoints and get those fucking jewish insurgents out off land that isn't theirs. Then they need to mind their own god-damn business and stop demonizing everyone that objects to their naziesque foreign policies.
This is a switch....It is reported that Hamas is now backing Abbas'. "The Islamist group Hamas said on Monday it was backing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's attempt to win more clout for Palestinians at the United Nations, the latest sign of a rapprochement between the political rivals."

However, there goals are still the same, "the decision by Hamas was unexpected. It does not recognize Israel's right to exist and has dismissed previous attempts by Abbas to promote the Palestinian cause on the diplomatic stage."

Hamas lends support to Abbas's UN statehoo... JPost - Middle East
um...who didnt know this?

That's always been their position.

Here's another thing the right doesn't know.

Israel was started by terrorists.

It was the only surrebuttal Israel had to the monsters in the Middle East that Hitler and his SS at Auschwitz fluffed and encouraged. Please read this, Mr. Sallow. We must never forget these historical things, or history will repeat itself, and it will not reflect well on what this Republic has stood for for over two hundred years--refuge for the downtrodden. Please read: Hitler's Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection. You owe it to yourself to be fully educated as to why our involvement in the European theater was inevitable and earnest in its winning. If you're disinterested in the plight of the Jews, I will be very sad, with the thought that if we let bullies terrorize the planet, that will be our inevitable fate. I cannot, because my mother taught me at a young age "do not under any circumstances EVER let a bully push you around. You fight back!" She went on to say how cowardly bullies really are, and that standing up to them is the only way to get them out of your hair. I've never met a more compassionate nor wiser woman than my mother. Her grace and goodness lit up every room she ever entered in her short life. Just sayin'. ;)
Gaza and the West Bank being recognized as a sovereign Palestinian nation, is none of Israel's god-damn business! They don't need permission from Israel to become a state.

Israel needs to end the occupation, illegal blockade, over 700 checkpoints and get those fucking jewish insurgents out off land that isn't theirs. Then they need to mind their own god-damn business and stop demonizing everyone that objects to their naziesque foreign policies.

hush, terrorist supporter.


by Ben Shapiro 22 Nov 2012
"Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, announced today that they would not support Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority attempt to unilaterally declare Palestinian statehood. Hamas isn’t opposing the PA’s attempt because they agree that negotiations with Israel should be primary, of course; they oppose it because it would assume that the Palestinian state would not embrace Tel Aviv, Haifa, and every other inch of Israeli land."​
Well, I guess their true purpose finally came out.

They didn't want their own state.......they want to kill every Jew in Israel and take their land.

Guess they're gonna find it hard to convince anyone but a Democrat that they mean well.


Hamas Rejects Palestinian Authority Statehood Bid

Well if they're able to take it by force then all the righties who ignore the American genocide of the native Americans should have no problem with it because might makes right in their view.[/quote]

all the righties who ignore the American genocide of the native Americans

<giggle, sputter, lmao>

Doctor Doh, I am living proof that Americans did not commit genocide on native Americans. Please stop slandering my country.

The great-great granddaughter of Quanah Parker, whose father was Nocona, a native American warrior and chief of his tribe.

I seem alive to me, which would be hard if there truly had been an all-out genocide of native Americans as you claim. Also, in my life, I've met many other Americans who are very much mainstream Americans with that little genetic thread from native American ancestors that runs so true.


aka Princess Prairie Flower III
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by [B]Ben Shapiro[/B] 22 Nov 2012

[INDENT]"Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, announced today that they would not support Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority attempt to unilaterally declare Palestinian statehood. Hamas isn’t opposing the PA’s attempt because they agree that negotiations with Israel should be primary, of course; they oppose it because it would assume that the Palestinian state would not embrace Tel Aviv, Haifa, and every other inch of Israeli land."[/INDENT]

Well, I guess their true purpose finally came out.

They didn't want their own state.......they want to kill every Jew in Israel and take their land.

Guess they're gonna find it hard to convince anyone but a Democrat that they mean well.


[url=http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/11/22/Hamas-Rejects-PA-Bid-For-Statehood]Hamas Rejects Palestinian Authority Statehood Bid[/url][/quote]

And why is this my problem again?

Two groups are fighting over whose Magic Man in the Sky loves them the bestest.

Just not seeing how this is my problem.​

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