Half the country thinks a civil war is likely

Do you want to know why the majority of Repubs know a civil war is coming? Because we warn the left repeatedly to just leave us alone, but they ignore our warnings.
There will come a point in the not too distant future where we won't budge, so the left will try to force us.

The progressive collectivists will start a war just by continuing down their chosen path.
The right doesn't start the wars, we end the ones started by the left

"The conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others; it will end in a way and at an hour of our choosing."--George Bush
Seriously? That's your retort?

Bitch, sit your monkey ass down and stay out the way...

If you want a retort, then stop being a macho jackass. If you think 32% of the population who own a gun (even a percentage of that will be owned by the frail) will out fight America's army, let alone any other countries army, then you're thicker than my kitchen worktop.
If you want a retort, then stop being a macho jackass. If you think 32% of the population who own a gun (even a percentage of that will be owned by the frail) will out fight America's army, let alone any other countries army, then you're thicker than my kitchen worktop.

What % of "America's army" would turn on their own people? That's not a guarantee by a long shot. For starters.

For seconds, really only China could invade our mainland at this point. Who else is equipped?

If you want a retort, then stop being a macho jackass. If you think 32% of the population who own a gun (even a percentage of that will be owned by the frail) will out fight America's army, let alone any other countries army, then you're thicker than my kitchen worktop.
WTF are you talking about?

No one's going to fight our army, bozo.

As far as other countries, who did you have in mind?
WTF are you talking about?

No one's going to fight our army, bozo.

As far as other countries, who did you have in mind?
Well bozo, who are you gonna fight. Are you gonna go out into the rush hour traffic on the freeway with your guns and shout, "Come fight me"?

Elvis Costello's Oliver's Army would beat you.
Well bozo, who are you gonna fight. Are you gonna go out into the rush hour traffic on the freeway with your guns and shout, "Come fight me"?

No, that's a liberal thing.

They usually don't bring guns, they bring bricks, Molotov cocktails, baggies full of piss, like that ...

Elvis Costello's Oliver's Army would beat you.


Never mind ...
And what percentage of the 32% are willing to fight an army, and how many are actually compos mentis.

It's more like upwards of 40% when you factor in those who live with gun owners. But the part I love is, almost 60% of conservatives either own a gun or live with gun owners. That's 30% for Democrats. I'll take that. Great.

It's more like upwards of 40% when you factor in those who live with gun owners. But the part I love is, almost 60% of conservatives either own a gun or live with gun owners. That's 30% for Democrats. I'll take that. Great.

Most men own a penis but many can't hit the pan. Doesn't matter gun quantity, can they hit a barn door!
We've been in a Civil War since Obozo was put into office.

It's just now getting to the bloody stages. Skirmishes and battles are soon to come, unless the Dems are put in their place and stripped of all of our money they've stolen over the decades and all of the power they have.
Yep the racist just couldn't believe that a black man got elected to POTUS, twice.
If you are a White male you hit the jackpot. Congratulations! 🎉🎁🎊
I love hearing white men complain when I tell them my brother is a VP of HR and he suggests if a white man today wants to become a higher up in business, DON'T choose HR. Because HR is something women are good at. So if a company is trying to diversify, most likely it's going to happen in HR or Accounting or Finance.

So white men are safe, for now, in things like Engineering, IT and Sales.

Computer science was the most popular field of study for CEOs.

I don't understand.

You're trying to equate people who care about election security, with racism?

"My" side is parents. That's what I care about, is my kids.

Don't care about parties, been D, been R, neither, both... right now I'm neither. Right now both parties are on my shit list. A pox on both their houses, I say.

However that's just politics.

The part I HAVE TO care about is randomly directed violence.

I keep trying to make this point. The Trumptards were focused, whereas throwing a Molotov at a cop car in the middle of a residential area is not focused at all, it's dangerously irresponsible - not to the cops (that too), but to ME. As a parent. My kids, who just might happen to live right there.

That kinda shit is fucked up man, it really is. I'm not going to let you disguise that shit as "activism"
Do you believe in man made climate change aka global warming? Then you don't care about your kids.

And did you see the video of the insurrection? If one of those cops were your kids maybe you'd care more about what happened. Bunch of nuts who believed their election was stolen because a liar told them it was.

Trump should never be allowed to run for president again. Then maybe I'd vote for a Republican too.

Yes, the insurrectionists/Trump supporters in this country are mostly racists. The Capitol cops said they couldn't believe how many times that day they were called n*$#rs.
We've been in a Civil War since Obozo was put into office.

It's just now getting to the bloody stages. Skirmishes and battles are soon to come, unless the Dems are put in their place and stripped of all of our money they've stolen over the decades and all of the power they have.
You mean you liked Clinton better than Obama? You treated Clinton better than you treated Obama?

The GOP started the civil war when they swore to make Obama a 1 term president. That day the gloves came off.

Actually, Bush 2 waged the Civil War by stealing 2000 and 2004 and lying us into Iraq.
Do you believe in man made climate change aka global warming? Then you don't care about your kids.

And did you see the video of the insurrection? If one of those cops were your kids maybe you'd care more about what happened. Bunch of nuts who believed their election was stolen because a liar told them it was.

Trump should never be allowed to run for president again. Then maybe I'd vote for a Republican too.

Yes, the insurrectionists/Trump supporters in this country are mostly racists. The Capitol cops said they couldn't believe how many times that day they were called n*$#rs.

That's a mess.

You're all over the map.

You're never going to convince anyone with that kind of logic
The cuck whites in this thread that want a civil war are nothing but cosplayers and cowards. There won't be a civil war because today's racist whites are millennial snowflake versions of a people and culture who used to have balls. They ain't their great grand daddies, they're soft like butter. Their great grand daddies didn't feel the need to hide their racism, those were their grand daddies with the white sheets and its been poor white trash photo copy of poor white trash photo copy ever since. Each generation more cowardly in real life and boastful in their fantasies than the last all while they continue to lose more and more. If you're noticing the fanciful stories growing more outrageous, that's just their fragile psyches retreating more and more from a reality they don't recognize and can't cope with. Some of them might choose violence and they'll get put down quick enough but the rest will retreat to the fringes of the internet, like they retreat to the fringes of society in real life, where they can craft a fantasy world they can escape to so they never have to confront their inadequacies. Truth Social or whatever but in the end they'll isolate themselves until they go culturally extinct.

Marxism and Authoritarian Fascism require economic degrowth and population reduction.
It's going to suck for just about everyone, but which list do you think you are on?

The next Great War will last more than 100 years ...
And by the end of it, the People that survive won't remember now, or even really know why they started fighting in the first place.

But enough of that silly freedom talk, because we have to save the world from itself in the name of Humanity ... :auiqs.jpg:

If you want a retort, then stop being a macho jackass. If you think 32% of the population who own a gun (even a percentage of that will be owned by the frail) will out fight America's army, let alone any other countries army, then you're thicker than my kitchen worktop.

Other countries? You're advocating that we allow other countries onto our soil to fight?

You're deranged.

Also, you should allow for the very real possibility that a good portion of the American military will be quite willing to fight the other portion of the American military in a civil war.

I would tell you to go sit, but that might be painful after all the ass-whuppins you've gotten...

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