Half Of Student Loan Holders Say They Couldn’t Currently Make A Payment: Survey

That's their problem.

Colleges don't give you a contest to sign that says "we guarantee the education we give you will get you a immediate high paying job that will let you pay back your loan very quickly."

Only a fucking moron takes on debt without a little research and a game plan. My wife and I bought our house, looked at the average interest rate, figured our max loan that we would be able to make payments on after the down payment we had on hand and came up with the maximum we could afford to take on a loan given our current household income.

All you need is to think about something before you do it. What does this education do for me? Can I afford to pay it back in X amount of years? What's the interest rates? Do I really need to do this? Is there somewhere I can work that would give me the training I need instead of going to college? And so on.

Hell my best friend, she got a electrical engineering degree at a community college and ended up working for a major insurance company as a big shot in internet security. I'm a building engineer for a international snack food company and I got that job because of my experience as a maintenance man at a hotel for 5 years. My wife is the benefits manager for a company and she started as a office temp.

Unless you want to be a doctor or a lawyer and so on a lot of people don't need college if you have ambition, a willingness to learn and gain experience. Too many people think all you have to do is go to college and you're just handed a job making a lot of money.

If they can't afford to pay back the debt then they shouldn't have signed the paper. It's no one's fault but there's.

Herr Comrade;

A high school kid has the right skin color, is involved in the right political movements, BLM, ANTIFA, etc. And gets accepted into UC Berkely. The kid applies themself in the ethnic studies program, attends all of the college funded riots, comes out as trans, does EVERYTHING to succeed academically.

After 6 long years, they get their shiny new diploma and $400,000 in debt. They are somewhat qualified to work the drive through at McDondalds, BUT the verbal attacks on "white oppressors" gets them fired.

The question is, did Berkely engage in fraud by making them LESS employable than when they started, and providing ZERO marketable skills?

Look, I have an Sc.D. and it actually serves me - but it's in Logistics, a field that is useful and in demand. For those in liberal arts, gender fluidity studies, or training to be racists can we deny that higher education is a con?

There needs to be a reckoning for the universities in this nation. They simply don't deliver the product they promise.
How many billions gotten written off on mortgages after the great recession? Who paid for that?

We had to save the Obama economy from complete collapse. Remember, the fool came in a destroyed all forward progress under Bush, so he bailed out the big banks.

Lehman Bros. went under due to their incompetence under Bush. Goldman- Sachs was rescued by Obama. Who was the crony?
That's their problem.

Colleges don't give you a contest to sign that says "we guarantee the education we give you will get you a immediate high paying job that will let you pay back your loan very quickly."

Why not?

A plumber does when fixing a clogged drain. Why should the education racket?

Only a fucking moron takes on debt without a little research and a game plan. My wife and I bought our house, looked at the average interest rate, figured our max loan that we would be able to make payments on after the down payment we had on hand and came up with the maximum we could afford to take on a loan given our current household income.

All you need is to think about something before you do it. What does this education do for me? Can I afford to pay it back in X amount of years? What's the interest rates? Do I really need to do this? Is there somewhere I can work that would give me the training I need instead of going to college? And so on.

Hell my best friend, she got a electrical engineering degree at a community college and ended up working for a major insurance company as a big shot in internet security. I'm a building engineer for a international snack food company and I got that job because of my experience as a maintenance man at a hotel for 5 years. My wife is the benefits manager for a company and she started as a office temp.

Unless you want to be a doctor or a lawyer and so on a lot of people don't need college if you have ambition, a willingness to learn and gain experience. Too many people think all you have to do is go to college and you're just handed a job making a lot of money.

If they can't afford to pay back the debt then they shouldn't have signed the paper. It's no one's fault but there's.

Major matters - a LOT. Ethnic and gender studies have no value in society. Those with such majors are not employable.
Herr Comrade;

A high school kid has the right skin color, is involved in the right political movements, BLM, ANTIFA, etc. And gets accepted into UC Berkely. The kid applies themself in the ethnic studies program, attends all of the college funded riots, comes out as trans, does EVERYTHING to succeed academically.

After 6 long years, they get their shiny new diploma and $400,000 in debt. They are somewhat qualified to work the drive through at McDondalds, BUT the verbal attacks on "white oppressors" gets them fired.

The question is, did Berkely engage in fraud by making them LESS employable than when they started, and providing ZERO marketable skills?

Look, I have an Sc.D. and it actually serves me - but it's in Logistics, a field that is useful and in demand. For those in liberal arts, gender fluidity studies, or training to be racists can we deny that higher education is a con?

There needs to be a reckoning for the universities in this nation. They simply don't deliver the product they promise.

My nephew's ex wife had a degree in advertising. After I got to know her enough to ask personal questions, I asked why she chose advertising? She told me the college talked her into it. They lied to her about how advertising was the way of the future and the demand would allow her to make great money. She works at a bank processing loans.
That's their problem.

Colleges don't give you a contest to sign that says "we guarantee the education we give you will get you a immediate high paying job that will let you pay back your loan very quickly."

Only a fucking moron takes on debt without a little research and a game plan. My wife and I bought our house, looked at the average interest rate, figured our max loan that we would be able to make payments on after the down payment we had on hand and came up with the maximum we could afford to take on a loan given our current household income.

All you need is to think about something before you do it. What does this education do for me? Can I afford to pay it back in X amount of years? What's the interest rates? Do I really need to do this? Is there somewhere I can work that would give me the training I need instead of going to college? And so on.

Hell my best friend, she got a electrical engineering degree at a community college and ended up working for a major insurance company as a big shot in internet security. I'm a building engineer for a international snack food company and I got that job because of my experience as a maintenance man at a hotel for 5 years. My wife is the benefits manager for a company and she started as a office temp.

Unless you want to be a doctor or a lawyer and so on a lot of people don't need college if you have ambition, a willingness to learn and gain experience. Too many people think all you have to do is go to college and you're just handed a job making a lot of money.

If they can't afford to pay back the debt then they shouldn't have signed the paper. It's no one's fault but there's.

A solution to all these college related problems is not going to college until you get a little older. Kids out of high school have no Fn idea what they want to be in life. They pin up their possibilities on a dart board and throw a dart to see what they're going to go for.

If it were up to me, the minimum collage age would be 21. Let these kids get out into the work field, see different kinds of professions, talk to a lot of people, get some life experience. If their ambition is to get a college education and the parents are willing to do their part (which I'm sure most would) they'd be able to save enough money living at home in those three years of working to pay for most of their education with cash. The real benefit is by that time they would likely have a good idea what career they wish to pursue.
A solution to all these college related problems is not going to college until you get a little older. Kids out of high school have no Fn idea what they want to be in life. They pin up their possibilities on a dart board and throw a dart to see what they're going to go for.

If it were up to me, the minimum collage age would be 21. Let these kids get out into the work field, see different kinds of professions, talk to a lot of people, get some life experience. If their ambition is to get a college education and the parents are willing to do their part (which I'm sure most would) they'd be able to save enough money living at home in those three years of working to pay for most of their education with cash. The real benefit is by that time they would likely have a good idea what career they wish to pursue.

The thing is, the massive amounts of money the federal government pays to the education racket means that Universities are going to prey on young people looking to succeed in life. It's a national scandal and the solution is to hold the Industrial Education Complex responsible for the massive malpractice they've engaged in.

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