Haiku Moments

Worry aches fever / sickness alone cold self help/
slow old time home cures
zinc, potassium,
vitamins a, c, and d,
an apple a day

one b100 daily
triple berries too

bowl of chicken soup,
Bach Brandenberg Concertos,
book on funny jokes
^^^8 day wellness cure for virus issues^^^
Last edited:
home depot chicks cute
first home was three plastic draw'rs
in upstairs closet

custard bowl feeders
waterers tiny milk caps
better than drowning

yards of chicken wire
for four sides, bottom and top
sewn with iron pliers

handmade chicken coop
four sides, slant top, floor of hay
hen boxes, "ladder"

several months passed
then on one fine summer day
three small eggs appeared

heat lamps and brooder
vertical heater, wire pail
cold snap just ahead

but the best of all,
watching wee chicks growing up
white, gold, black beauties

they love the grape rains
thrown one by one through coop top
funny how they share


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