HAHA. Jesse jackson demands foreign tech workers be fired to increase DIVERSITY!!!

Bringing in foreign tech workers isn't creating diversity? I would think that some of those being brought in are from a variety of non European backgrounds I.E. India and Asian. What good old Jesse is saying is he wants it all black up in there. Sorry dude, this is the tech field, they want the elite in the field to remain competitive. If that doesn't include blacks,sorry for ya. Then again by Jesse's way of thinking maybe whites,asians,latino's and native americans should start demanding diversity in football and basketball and other black dominated sports in the name of diversity. It works both ways J/S. Some Blacks can go play hockey and curling and non blacks can get some court time. Then everybody will be happy, right?

First, Jesse Jackson is a clown.

Second, he's got a valid point. Companies aren't bringing in Pradip because they can't find an American they can train to do the job.

They are bringing in Pradip because they can hold his green card over his head for five years.

Third- yes, we need to reconfigure our educational system to produce more graduates who excel in technology.

Fourth - our policies first and foremost need to be employing Americans.
How do you know that it's to hold a green card over their heads and not because they are the best in the business? Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. We're not talking about something like car manufacturing, we are talking about cutting edge tech. While our people use know how to use the tech, making and creating new tech takes a much higher caliber of employee. As far as black people I'm sure if one is outstanding in the field he will get hired, this isn't a race thing,it's an ability thing. If no blacks are or whites for that matter are a cut above Asians then what do you want the companies to do, hire inferior people in the name of diversity? Couple years back we had this issue in the fire department. They took the high scorers none of which were black. A big stink was made in the name of ethnic diversity. Here's the thing, if your family is on the third floor of a burning building and need to be rescued, who would you want to do the job? They guy who got the A+ on the test or the guy who got the D? IDK about you but I want the guy with the A+ who knows WTF he's doing. It's just common sense. Now if Jesse can prove that Americans just as good or better who want the job (with the same pay) were passed over for the foreign guys he might have a point. I'm not sure he can though.
Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. ...

Not so.
Do you have a kid in the public school system? We are lucky if they grow up to flip burgers. What they are doing in 12 th grade my mother was doing in 8th and her father did in 6th. Spend a day on face book. The kids today can't spell,can't make change and probably can't fine the USA on a map.
Very few blacks can read. They graduate from HS solely because of affirmative action grading.

Come on, coward, tell us about your advanced degree.
Knowledge acquired by teaching yourself is worth far more than a degree acquired with the aid of student loans which will enslave one for decades after graduation.
Tell that to someone with a PHD in computer science earning $400 K a year while you earn $16K a year working at a McJob b/c you figured the (cough) "knowledge" you acquired being "self taught" was "worth more".
Wise up pal.
BTW. The PHD pays back on average about 3% against the student loans yearly. This 3% any tax consultant can write off. At year's end the PHD pays the government 3% and writes off about 6%. He's actually MAKING MONEY!!!!!!
Ask any tax consultant and they'll verify this simple concept.
It's like the PHD buys into a struggling restaurant. The aim is for the restaurant to lose money every year. That's how the PHD makes money.

No, he's absolutely right.

First off, if your idea of 'teaching yourself', is to sit at a Mc-Job... then you failed to grasp what he said.

Teaching yourself, involves doing something that actually teaches you a valuable skill.

Abraham Lincoln
Albert Einstein
Walter Cronkite
Walter Pitts
Benjamin Franklin
George Bernard Shaw
Charles Dickens
George Washington
Peter Jennings

All of them were self-taught.

I worked at a company called Vanner Power Systems, and one of their engineers was self taught. He was the highest paid, and most productive of all the engineers there. And by the way, he was also an immigrant who could only barely speak English. The majority of all the patents the company held, were his patents.

Henry Ford was self taught.
Milton Hersey was self taught

There are actually thousands on thousands of people who are self taught, and highly successful.
Autodidactic Profiles - AUTODIDACTIC PRESS - lifelong learning advocate

That's one such list.

Being self taught, is not "I hate college, so I'm going to read a book". If you are doing self-taught, just to avoid work at a college.... avoiding work..... doesn't work.

You have to teach yourself something that both... you intend to use, and has value to the market place.

I can teach myself everything there is to know about Mario Cart, or Star Wars, but unless there is some method of making that profitable, it's a waste of time.

I have an article out of Hot Rod Magazine from years ago, that's about this master drag race engine builder. The dude was working at a bank, earning just under six figures. But he hated it.

So he quit his job, and worked at a machine shop... literally as a clean up crew. He swept the floors. From under six figures, to under $10/hr. But after his shift every single day, he would work with one of the Engine guys, working on engines. Now he's making over six figures, building high end racing engines.

That's what we're talking about, when we say self taught.

That guy is easily making far more than any college degree student.
Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. ...

Not so.

Well.... "education" is a broad term. Our higher education is pretty good. Our public education, ranges from average, to crap, depending on where.

Also, we have a problem with bad students. A student who does not wish to learn, will not be taught no matter what we do. Unfortunately, that reflects on the education system itself.

However, on a cost-result level, we spend far more than any other country, and end up with marginal results.

So, something..... somewhere.... is wrong. Personally, I think we need to end mandatory education. Get the people who are not going to learn anything by choice, to reap the results of that choice, and be kicked out.
Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. ...

Not so.
Do you have a kid in the public school system? We are lucky if they grow up to flip burgers. What they are doing in 12 th grade my mother was doing in 8th and her father did in 6th. Spend a day on face book. The kids today can't spell,can't make change and probably can't fine the USA on a map.

When I was in 10th grade, I went to an inner city school. We were doing some simple math. 11 divided by 2. Obviously I don't remember the exact math problem now 20+ years later. But it was simple division like that.

The kid next to me had a calculator......... and could not figure out the problem. He asked me how to do it... so I started writing with my pencil.... no no... how do you do it on the calculator?

I remember..... sitting there being stunned.... A math problem that would take 5 seconds to do with ink and paper.... he couldn't figure out how to do it..... on a calculator....... in 10th grade.......

The people who think our education system is fine, are those whose only experience has been in the upper class schools, where they still achieve marginally acceptable results. The problem is, the rest of the schools are so vastly worse, it's ridiculous.

They also seem to think it's about money. But it's not.

I've done per student spending comparisons. Comparing three schools, Columbus Academy (elite private school), Upper Arlington (upper middle class school: where I was from), and Columbus Public Schools (inner city: where how do I work the calculator guy was from), guess which school spent the most and least?

Columbus Public spent the most, and had the worst results. Columbus Academy, spent the least and got the best results. UA Schools were in between on both.
We are lucky if they grow up to flip burgers. What they are doing in 12 th grade my mother was doing in 8th and her father did in 6th....

Not so.

American universities are by far the best in the world. American public schools are improving, despite the fact that we really do attempt to educate every school-aged kid, unlike many countries with whom we are often compared less than favorably. Can we do better? Hell yes. There is too much fear of testing and rote learning in American education, but there are strengths and there is hope. Get off the panic button or you're going to break it.
I doubt it's a lack of intelligence or ability. But stereotypical black culture tends to vilify blacks who strive to achieve anything outside their narrow views. Blacks who work to better themselves are too frequently called "Uncle Toms", "Oreos", and considered shills for white cultural standards. .

That's stupid, even for you. If it was just an american culture thing, then blacks in africa would do ok. But in fact they do even worse than american blacks. Blacks are just dumb world-wide and the evidence is overwhelming. THINK
Wow! Thanks.
Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. ...

Not so.
Do you have a kid in the public school system? We are lucky if they grow up to flip burgers. What they are doing in 12 th grade my mother was doing in 8th and her father did in 6th. Spend a day on face book. The kids today can't spell,can't make change and probably can't fine the USA on a map.

When I was in 10th grade, I went to an inner city school. We were doing some simple math. 11 divided by 2. Obviously I don't remember the exact math problem now 20+ years later. But it was simple division like that.

The kid next to me had a calculator......... and could not figure out the problem. He asked me how to do it... so I started writing with my pencil.... no no... how do you do it on the calculator?

I remember..... sitting there being stunned.... A math problem that would take 5 seconds to do with ink and paper.... he couldn't figure out how to do it..... on a calculator....... in 10th grade.......

The people who think our education system is fine, are those whose only experience has been in the upper class schools, where they still achieve marginally acceptable results. The problem is, the rest of the schools are so vastly worse, it's ridiculous.

They also seem to think it's about money. But it's not.

I've done per student spending comparisons. Comparing three schools, Columbus Academy (elite private school), Upper Arlington (upper middle class school: where I was from), and Columbus Public Schools (inner city: where how do I work the calculator guy was from), guess which school spent the most and least?

Columbus Public spent the most, and had the worst results. Columbus Academy, spent the least and got the best results. UA Schools were in between on both.
I can relate. I still remember how to use a slide rule. Today's students don't even know what a slide rule is, let alone how to use one.
When I started teaching at UAA, most of the students were retired military or other folks looking to change their careers. Median mean age was about 35 years. Now, I have about a third of my students who are recent public school graduates. They expect at least an 'A' just for sucking oxygen from the same space as the instructor. In reality, you should worry...at lot. These kids will be maintaining the airplanes you fly on. Good luck with that...
Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. ...

Not so.
Do you have a kid in the public school system? We are lucky if they grow up to flip burgers. What they are doing in 12 th grade my mother was doing in 8th and her father did in 6th. Spend a day on face book. The kids today can't spell,can't make change and probably can't fine the USA on a map.

When I was in 10th grade, I went to an inner city school. We were doing some simple math. 11 divided by 2. Obviously I don't remember the exact math problem now 20+ years later. But it was simple division like that.

The kid next to me had a calculator......... and could not figure out the problem. He asked me how to do it... so I started writing with my pencil.... no no... how do you do it on the calculator?

I remember..... sitting there being stunned.... A math problem that would take 5 seconds to do with ink and paper.... he couldn't figure out how to do it..... on a calculator....... in 10th grade.......

The people who think our education system is fine, are those whose only experience has been in the upper class schools, where they still achieve marginally acceptable results. The problem is, the rest of the schools are so vastly worse, it's ridiculous.

They also seem to think it's about money. But it's not.

I've done per student spending comparisons. Comparing three schools, Columbus Academy (elite private school), Upper Arlington (upper middle class school: where I was from), and Columbus Public Schools (inner city: where how do I work the calculator guy was from), guess which school spent the most and least?

Columbus Public spent the most, and had the worst results. Columbus Academy, spent the least and got the best results. UA Schools were in between on both.
I can relate. I still remember how to use a slide rule. Today's students don't even know what a slide rule is, let alone how to use one.

Is a slide rule better than a calculator? What exactly could you do with a slide rule that you can't with a calculator...
Our education sucks and has sucked for decades. ...

Not so.
Do you have a kid in the public school system? We are lucky if they grow up to flip burgers. What they are doing in 12 th grade my mother was doing in 8th and her father did in 6th. Spend a day on face book. The kids today can't spell,can't make change and probably can't fine the USA on a map.

When I was in 10th grade, I went to an inner city school. We were doing some simple math. 11 divided by 2. Obviously I don't remember the exact math problem now 20+ years later. But it was simple division like that.

The kid next to me had a calculator......... and could not figure out the problem. He asked me how to do it... so I started writing with my pencil.... no no... how do you do it on the calculator?

I remember..... sitting there being stunned.... A math problem that would take 5 seconds to do with ink and paper.... he couldn't figure out how to do it..... on a calculator....... in 10th grade.......

The people who think our education system is fine, are those whose only experience has been in the upper class schools, where they still achieve marginally acceptable results. The problem is, the rest of the schools are so vastly worse, it's ridiculous.

They also seem to think it's about money. But it's not.

I've done per student spending comparisons. Comparing three schools, Columbus Academy (elite private school), Upper Arlington (upper middle class school: where I was from), and Columbus Public Schools (inner city: where how do I work the calculator guy was from), guess which school spent the most and least?

Columbus Public spent the most, and had the worst results. Columbus Academy, spent the least and got the best results. UA Schools were in between on both.
I can relate. I still remember how to use a slide rule. Today's students don't even know what a slide rule is, let alone how to use one.

Is a slide rule better than a calculator? What exactly could you do with a slide rule that you can't with a calculator...
I wouldn't have to worry that my batteries might fail.
Is a slide rule better than a calculator? What exactly could you do with a slide rule that you can't with a calculator...

Calculators are far far better. Though if the world collapsed and calculators were no longer being made, a slide rule would be a good thing to have. No way to fix a calc and nothing goes wrong with a slide rule.

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