Hackschooling: This Is What Happens When A Kid Leaves Traditional Education


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

This is the first video, I've seen on the concept. I thought about this a couple of decades ago, when my daughter was being home-schooled. What if we didn't have to follow a curriculum? What if we could take them outside the box, teach them what interests them, help them understand why they need classes that they might not see the point of? More balance, less rubber-stamping.

Anybody else here heard of 'hackschooling?'
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This is the first video, I've seen on the concept. I thought about this a couple of decades ago, when my daughter was being home-schooled. What if we didn't have to follow a curriculum? What if we could take them outside the box, teach them what interests them, help them understand why they need classes that they might not see the point of? More balance, less rubber-stamping.

Anybody else here heard of 'hackschooling?'

All these years I have been calling myself a school dropout, and now I discover I was home- schooled. In one day from dropout to home-schooled, what a country. It does bring up one question, however, why did it take so long for America to recognize the value of school dropouts? And now for my next educational home-schooled achievement, a PHD diploma in Message Boards.
America is truly the land of opportunity.

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