GW Bush-the backstory.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The 24 hour news cycle is awash with the greatness of George HW Bush. This will probably last for at least a week maybe longer. When someone dies we like to focus on the good things about them. But US presidents are different. They have profound effects on the lives of many people and they are public figures. Bush’s greatness has a backstory.

To review let’s go back to a meeting on July 25, 1990. Saddam Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Iraq had a long standing dispute with Kuwait over debts owed that it used to finance its war with Iran. In addition Kuwait was producing petroleum at high levels which was driving Iraq’s oil revenues down. Saddam was at the end of his rope and he fully intended to annex Kuwait under a pretense it was stealing his oil through slant drilling.

This is where HW enters the picture. He dispatched April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, with a message for Hussein. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily; it said something quite different. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and were curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam made his case to Glaspie and she essentially responded by saying that what happens between Arabs stays between Arabs and is of no concern to the US. This was printed in the New York Times Sept. 1990. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US didn’t care which Arabs it was getting oil from as long as it was getting it. He promptly attacked Kuwait eight days later.

After a global outcry Bush realized his fatal mistake and initiated the Gulf War to try to save face. On witnessing the slaughter and carnage imposed on Saddam’s troops as they tried to escape on a highway to hell, Arab hatred of the US escalated and the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in 1993.

Saudi Arabia attacked it again in 2001 utterly destroying it and George W. Bush responded by attacking Iraq which had no part in it. Saving face is important and blood is thicker than water. 3,000 innocent American citizens died for that blood.

The flags drop, the legacy is safe and the Kool Aid is served. Don’t worry, it never runs out.
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President Bush Sr. Once Ordinary Now Extraordinary

I don’t think this piece is an effort to belittle HW. It’s a commentary on how the media tries to inflate itself by reporting on the death of the president.

He was indeed a WWII hero.

He served this country faithfully for his entire life. He didn’t fall back on his father’s wealth but tried to make a life for himself and his family on his own skills.

But that didn’t make him the greatest president of all time.

Former President George Herbert Walker Bush will be universally praised in the wake of his death because it is always the policy of liberals to celebrate the dead Republicans they formerly defamed, as a means to impugn the living Republicans they currently defame. Those of us old enough to remember how liberals hated Bush when he was president (and before that, as vice-president under Ronald Reagan) will not be deceived by their panegyrics to his “civility” and “bipartisanship.”

The country will remember President Bush in a solemn fashion for the next few days and that’s extremely proper.

For myself I’d say the reminder that Mr. Bush’s way of life, once so ordinary in his youth is now at the time of his death, extraordinary to America is the real reason for this country to mourn.

Much more @ President Bush Sr. Once Ordinary Now Extraordinary
Some people say Bush #41 was not a hero because he let his crew die. But did the incident really happen or was it staged? No footage of the plane, just of Bush #41 floating in some kind of pool raft. The USS Finback is not moving, the crew does not throw a life line and Bush #41 is wearing boots (there is no way to swim onto a raft - or swim at all for that matter - wearing boots) and his cloths appear to be relatively dry. Just seems like a similar pattern with this and McCain and the strong ties they each had to The Swamp.

The 24 hour news cycle is awash with the greatness of George HW Bush. This will probably last for at least a week maybe longer. When someone dies we like to focus on the good things about them. But US presidents are different. They have profound effects on the lives of many people and they are public figures. Bush’s greatness has a backstory.

To review let’s go back to a meeting on July 25, 1990. Saddam Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Iraq had a long standing dispute with Kuwait over debts owed that it used to finance its war with Iran. In addition Kuwait was producing petroleum at high levels which was driving Iraq’s oil revenues down. Saddam was at the end of his rope and he fully intended to annex Kuwait under a pretense it was stealing his oil through slant drilling.

This is where HW enters the picture. He dispatched April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, with a message for Hussein. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily; it said something quite different. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and were curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam made his case to Glaspie and she essentially responded by saying that what happens between Arabs stays between Arabs and is of no concern to the US. This was printed in the New York Times Sept. 1990. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US didn’t care which Arabs it was getting oil from as long as it was getting it. He promptly attacked Kuwait eight days later.

After a global outcry Bush realized his fatal mistake and initiated the Gulf War to try to save face. On witnessing the slaughter and carnage imposed on Saddam’s troops as they tried to escape on a highway to hell, Arab hatred of the US escalated and the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in 1993.

Saudi Arabia attacked it again in 2001 utterly destroying it and George W. Bush responded by attacking Iraq which had no part in it. Saving face is important and blood is thicker than water. 3,000 innocent American citizens died for that blood.

The flags drop, the legacy is safe and the Kool Aid is served. Don’t worry, it never runs out.

How many lies did you squeeze into that post?

For example, 9/11 was in 2001. We did not invade Iraq until 2003. Would you care to explain that little inconsistency in your story?
Some people say Bush #41 was not a hero because he let his crew die. But did the incident really happen or was it staged? No footage of the plane, just of Bush #41 floating in some kind of pool raft. The USS Finback is not moving, the crew does not throw a life line and Bush #41 is wearing boots (there is no way to swim onto a raft - or swim at all for that matter - wearing boots) and his cloths appear to be relatively dry. Just seems like a similar pattern with this and McCain and the strong ties they each had to The Swamp.

Are you for real?

I liked when he was called a WIMP in 1992.

Fucking POS Soulless cvnt Liberals.

Dude was a WWII ace and he went skydiving on his 90th birthday.
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George Herbert Walker Bush is dead and buried with full honors as the 41st president of the United States. What we are told to remember about him is circulating on television, radio, newspapers and social media. Apparently he was great man who did great things like say we needed a kinder, gentler nation and no new taxes. I voted for Ross Perot to try and save the company pensions and affordable health insurance you no longer get.

The official narrative is awash with quaint references of bush being the “quiet”, unappreciated president who did no harm. The problem is I don’t have amnesia. An article in the New York Times on Sept. 23, 1990 pointed out that the invasion of Kuwait which resulted in the Gulf War began with Bush and his kinder, gentler approach to a menace named Saddam Hussein.

Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Bush dispatched April Glaspie, US Ambassador to Iraq on July 25, 1990 to meet with Hussein where she delivered a message. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and was curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam was at the end of his rope because he was heavily in debt to Kuwait and Kuwait was producing oil at a high level cutting into Iraq’s revenues. Saddam was testing the waters when he announced to Glaspie that he fully intended to annex Kuwait under the pretext of it stealing his oil through slant drilling unless a solution could be reached.

Incredibly, Glaspie responded by saying that the US has no opinion on border disputes between Arab nations. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US would not interfere or intervene if he attacked. He promptly took Kuwait eight days later.

Students of history may recognize that this is the kind of lethal diplomatic incompetence that starts major wars and the Gulf war ensued ending with Saddam’s retreating troops being slaughtered on the highway to hell which enraged Arabs everywhere.

In 1993 the World Trade Center was attacked and then utterly destroyed in 2001 by agents of Saudi Arabia. Bush’s son then attacked Iraq which had no part in the attacks but was a black mark on his father’s legacy.

For those who don’t have government amnesia.
The 24 hour news cycle is awash with the greatness of George HW Bush. This will probably last for at least a week maybe longer. When someone dies we like to focus on the good things about them. But US presidents are different. They have profound effects on the lives of many people and they are public figures. Bush’s greatness has a backstory.

To review let’s go back to a meeting on July 25, 1990. Saddam Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Iraq had a long standing dispute with Kuwait over debts owed that it used to finance its war with Iran. In addition Kuwait was producing petroleum at high levels which was driving Iraq’s oil revenues down. Saddam was at the end of his rope and he fully intended to annex Kuwait under a pretense it was stealing his oil through slant drilling.

This is where HW enters the picture. He dispatched April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, with a message for Hussein. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily; it said something quite different. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and were curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam made his case to Glaspie and she essentially responded by saying that what happens between Arabs stays between Arabs and is of no concern to the US. This was printed in the New York Times Sept. 1990. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US didn’t care which Arabs it was getting oil from as long as it was getting it. He promptly attacked Kuwait eight days later.

After a global outcry Bush realized his fatal mistake and initiated the Gulf War to try to save face. On witnessing the slaughter and carnage imposed on Saddam’s troops as they tried to escape on a highway to hell, Arab hatred of the US escalated and the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in 1993.

Saudi Arabia attacked it again in 2001 utterly destroying it and George W. Bush responded by attacking Iraq which had no part in it. Saving face is important and blood is thicker than water. 3,000 innocent American citizens died for that blood.

The flags drop, the legacy is safe and the Kool Aid is served. Don’t worry, it never runs out.

There was another backstory in which 50,000 americans died.
The 24 hour news cycle is awash with the greatness of George HW Bush. This will probably last for at least a week maybe longer. When someone dies we like to focus on the good things about them. But US presidents are different. They have profound effects on the lives of many people and they are public figures. Bush’s greatness has a backstory.

To review let’s go back to a meeting on July 25, 1990. Saddam Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Iraq had a long standing dispute with Kuwait over debts owed that it used to finance its war with Iran. In addition Kuwait was producing petroleum at high levels which was driving Iraq’s oil revenues down. Saddam was at the end of his rope and he fully intended to annex Kuwait under a pretense it was stealing his oil through slant drilling.

This is where HW enters the picture. He dispatched April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, with a message for Hussein. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily; it said something quite different. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and were curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam made his case to Glaspie and she essentially responded by saying that what happens between Arabs stays between Arabs and is of no concern to the US. This was printed in the New York Times Sept. 1990. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US didn’t care which Arabs it was getting oil from as long as it was getting it. He promptly attacked Kuwait eight days later.

After a global outcry Bush realized his fatal mistake and initiated the Gulf War to try to save face. On witnessing the slaughter and carnage imposed on Saddam’s troops as they tried to escape on a highway to hell, Arab hatred of the US escalated and the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in 1993.

Saudi Arabia attacked it again in 2001 utterly destroying it and George W. Bush responded by attacking Iraq which had no part in it. Saving face is important and blood is thicker than water. 3,000 innocent American citizens died for that blood.

The flags drop, the legacy is safe and the Kool Aid is served. Don’t worry, it never runs out.

Glaspie fuked up, but I don't think you or anyone has any direct connection to Poppy telling her to give Saddam a tacit OK. In fact, everything in Poppy's past would indicate that Saddam would NOT get a tacit OK. Even in Panama, Poppy made his case why the Panamian govt's actions justified military action to retake the Canal.
The 24 hour news cycle is awash with the greatness of George HW Bush. This will probably last for at least a week maybe longer. When someone dies we like to focus on the good things about them. But US presidents are different. They have profound effects on the lives of many people and they are public figures. Bush’s greatness has a backstory.

To review let’s go back to a meeting on July 25, 1990. Saddam Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Iraq had a long standing dispute with Kuwait over debts owed that it used to finance its war with Iran. In addition Kuwait was producing petroleum at high levels which was driving Iraq’s oil revenues down. Saddam was at the end of his rope and he fully intended to annex Kuwait under a pretense it was stealing his oil through slant drilling.

This is where HW enters the picture. He dispatched April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, with a message for Hussein. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily; it said something quite different. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and were curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam made his case to Glaspie and she essentially responded by saying that what happens between Arabs stays between Arabs and is of no concern to the US. This was printed in the New York Times Sept. 1990. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US didn’t care which Arabs it was getting oil from as long as it was getting it. He promptly attacked Kuwait eight days later.

After a global outcry Bush realized his fatal mistake and initiated the Gulf War to try to save face. On witnessing the slaughter and carnage imposed on Saddam’s troops as they tried to escape on a highway to hell, Arab hatred of the US escalated and the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in 1993.

Saudi Arabia attacked it again in 2001 utterly destroying it and George W. Bush responded by attacking Iraq which had no part in it. Saving face is important and blood is thicker than water. 3,000 innocent American citizens died for that blood.

The flags drop, the legacy is safe and the Kool Aid is served. Don’t worry, it never runs out.

Glaspie fuked up, but I don't think you or anyone has any direct connection to Poppy telling her to give Saddam a tacit OK. In fact, everything in Poppy's past would indicate that Saddam would NOT get a tacit OK. Even in Panama, Poppy made his case why the Panamian govt's actions justified military action to retake the Canal.

Uh, we didn't retake the canal. Where are you getting this alternative history?
I am surprised and heartened by this outpouring.He was the last President before politics went to shit.
Your critiques are welcome and appreciated. I rewrote the piece:

George Herbert Walker Bush is dead and buried with full honors as the 41st president of the United States. What we are told to remember about him is circulating on television, radio, newspapers and social media. Apparently he was great man who did great things like say we needed a kinder, gentler nation and no new taxes. I voted for Ross Perot to try and save the company pensions and affordable health insurance you no longer get.

The official narrative is awash with quaint references of bush being the “quiet”, unappreciated president who did no harm. The problem is I don’t have amnesia. An article in the New York Times on Sept. 23, 1990 pointed out that the invasion of Kuwait which resulted in the Gulf War began with Bush and his kinder, gentler approach to a menace named Saddam Hussein.

Hussein was rattling a sabre with 30,000 troops amassed on the Border of Kuwait. Bush dispatched April Glaspie, US Ambassador to Iraq on July 25, 1990 to meet with Hussein where she delivered a message. The message did not say, if you attack Kuwait we will intervene militarily. Glaspie delivered Bush’s message that the US wanted to maintain friendly relations with Iraq and was curious as to Saddam’s intentions.

Saddam was at the end of his rope because he was heavily in debt to Kuwait and Kuwait was producing oil at a high level cutting into Iraq’s revenues. Saddam was testing the waters when he announced to Glaspie that he fully intended to annex Kuwait under the pretext of it stealing his oil through slant drilling unless a solution could be reached.

Incredibly, Glaspie responded by saying that the US has no opinion on border disputes between Arab nations. Clearly Saddam understood this to mean that the US would not intervene; he promptly took Kuwait eight days later.

Students of history may recognize that this is the kind of lethal diplomatic incompetence that starts major wars and the Gulf war ensued ending with Saddam’s retreating troops mixed with civilians in Volkswagens being slaughtered on the highway of Death which enraged Arabs everywhere.

1993: Arab revenge attack # 1 on World Trade Center. 2001: attack #2 by agents of Saudi Arabia utterly destroys it. 2003: Bush’s son attacks Iraq which had no part in 9/11 obscuring a black mark on his father’s legacy.

Arabs still hate us; more attacks coming.

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