Guys, do we really need a failed state like Ukraine?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Can somebody explain, does the West need Ukraine for what?The state is bankrupt, all politicians corrupt, there is no law, no industry, almost nothing except whores, lazy drunken workers and thieves.It is difficult to believe that Putin needs it too.For what we must pay our taxes?
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine is damaged at least for hundred years, Ukraine will be neither EU nor NATO member, the average monthly wage is $30.
And how idiotic the West was completely destroying this relative stabile state and damaging the relationship with Russia for ever.Now we are teetering on the verge WWIII.For what?
Are we completely morons?
Ukraine holds the key to Russian gas supplies into Europe.
America has opened up a new market in fracking gas, with sights on the European market.
Ukraine holds the key to Russian gas supplies into Europe.
America has opened up a new market in fracking gas, with sights on the European market.

Who will purchase in Europa our gas which is four times more expensive as Russian one?That's silly.
And everybody knows that Russia will stop supplying of Europa with gas though Ukraine within couple of years.

I can see no one benefit, hopefully Donald will get things right.
Who will purchase in Europa our gas which is four times more expensive as Russian one?That's silly.
And everybody knows that Russia will stop supplying of Europa with gas though Ukraine within couple of years.

Did you just answer your own question?
Now, why will Russia stop supplying gas via Ukraine, and how can they since the alternative pipeline was politically spiked?
The US sponsored coup in Ukraine gave America the keys to the pipeline.
Who will purchase in Europa our gas which is four times more expensive as Russian one?That's silly.
And everybody knows that Russia will stop supplying of Europa with gas though Ukraine within couple of years.

I can see no one benefit, hopefully Donald will get things right.
But Trump’s newly named team of foreign advisors includes one expert who may bring USA and Russia closer.

Carter Page is a Russia specialist highly critical of the US role in Ukraine, and with a long history of skepticism toward what he regards as unnecessarily antagonistic US policy toward Moscow.

Trump has called Russian president Vladimir Putin “a bright and talented person” with whom he would “get along very well.” Even if Page might not use the same words, that attitude would not differ materially from his own general view of Putin as someone with whom the West can do business.

When Page was with Merrill Lynch, he formed lasting relationships with his counterparts at Gazprom, the Russian natural gas giant, and has expressed the belief that the US could accomplish more in Russia relations by seeking a partnership than with threats.

In the Post meeting, Trump pondered why Europe is not more active in attempting to resolve Ukraine’s standoff with Russia. “Why are we always the one that’s leading, potentially the third world war with Russia?” Trump asked.
Donald Trump finally names his foreign policy advisers—including one who thinks the US can do business with Putin

Trump questioned the United States’ continued involvement in NATO and, on the subject of Russian aggression in Ukraine, said America’s allies are "not doing anything."

"Ukraine is a country that affects us far less than it affects other countries in NATO, and yet we’re doing all of the lifting," Trump said. "They’re not doing anything. And I say: 'Why is it that Germany’s not dealing with NATO on Ukraine? Why is it that other countries that are in the vicinity of Ukraine, why aren’t they dealing? Why are we always the one that’s leading, potentially the third world war with Russia.' "

Trump questions need for NATO, outlines noninterventionist foreign policy
But Trump’s newly named team of foreign advisors includes one expert who may bring USA and Russia closer.
It is about fucking time! We do business with every fucking communist country in the world why not Russia who abandoned communism?
If you knew how dirty Russia plays with US trade and commerce, you'd understand why..

How does Russia play dirty with U.S. trade and commerce? You are just spouting nonsense, you haven't a clue.
But Trump’s newly named team of foreign advisors includes one expert who may bring USA and Russia closer.
It is about fucking time! We do business with every fucking communist country in the world why not Russia who abandoned communism?
Kerry in Moscow (for the third time during last 10 months):
By Danielle Ryan, an Irish freelance journalist and media analyst:

In an election year where it seems that each candidate for the US presidency has been trying to one-up the other in terms of how much hatred and contempt they can express for Russia’s president, the fact that Kerry and Lavrov made a point to note the importance of cooperation on all fronts yesterday was a welcome change from the escalation in tensions that have marked the past two years.

The US has “plenty of partners who do not agree with them” but that “does not mean that differences on one particular issue should stop them from talking at all,” Lavrov said. Kerry on the other hand, used the example of Russian-American cooperation on the International Space Station to highlight the benefits of close cooperation in the earthly realm. Listening to American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko recount their 340 days together in space, he said, emphasized “what nations can do when they work together, whether it’s on the International Space Station or in international diplomacy.”

Putin welcomed Kerry to Moscow with a joke about what he was carrying with him in his briefcase. He surmised that it may have been money to “haggle with” on key issues. In the slightly — okay very — awkward exchange, Kerry informed Putin that he would let him know away from the cameras, but guessed the Russian president would be “pleasantly” surprised. Asked later by a journalist about the briefcase contents, Kerry would only divulge: “That’s a secret between me and Putin.”

For everyone’s sake, let’s hope it was a good one.
Kerry in Moscow: Penny has dropped; isolating Russia was never going to work
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The West shall have friendship with Russia instead of WWIII. Only Trump can reestablish a good relationship to Russia.Better to have Russians as friend as to pay for a corrupted bunch of criminals in Ukraine.
Official Kiev keeps shelling their own people in Donbass and violating all the items of Minsk ceasefire agreement. But West keeps prolonging sanctions on Russia. Looks like official Kiev is even enjoying this situation. As soon as Washington stops supporting official Kiev, it will be "Game Over" for it.

Putin about sanctions
: "Everyone says that the Minsk Agreements must be implemented and then the sanctions issue may be reconsidered. This is beginning to resemble the theater of the absurd because everything essential that needs to be done with regard to implementing the Minsk Agreements is the responsibility of the current Kiev authorities. You cannot demand that Moscow do something that needs to be done by Kiev. For example, the main, the key issue in the settlement process is political in its nature and the constitutional reform lies in its core. This is Point 11 of the Minsk Agreements. It expressly states that the constitutional reform must be carried out and it is not Moscow that is to make these decisions."
Interview to German newspaper Bild. Part 1

Also Russia has a tremendous experience in fighting terrorism and Russia is always open to share it with other countries:

Putin: "Russia has long been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. This is a fight for freedom, truth and justice, for the lives of people and the future of the entire civilization.

International terrorism will never be defeated by just one country, especially in a situation when the borders are practically open, and the world is going through another resettlement of peoples, while terrorists are getting regular financial support."
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

Putin: "Together, and I would like to stress this word, together we need to combat terrorism and extremism of all sorts, primarily in the problem countries.

First, we must efficiently combat terrorism and extremism together.

Second, we need to restore the economy of those countries and their social sphere. Only this way, by showing respect for the history, traditions and religion of these peoples and countries, we can restore their statehood and provide large-scale economic and political support.

If we join our efforts in all these areas, we will have positive results. If we act separately and keep arguing among ourselves over some quasi-democratic principles and procedures on certain territories, this will get us into a greater deadlock. However, I pin my hopes on a positive development and on joining efforts with all our partners."
Vladimir Putin answered Russian journalists’ questions
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Can somebody explain, does the West need Ukraine for what?The state is bankrupt, all politicians corrupt, there is no law, no industry, almost nothing except whores, lazy drunken workers and thieves.It is difficult to believe that Putin needs it too.For what we must pay our taxes?
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine is damaged at least for hundred years, Ukraine will be neither EU nor NATO member, the average monthly wage is $30.
And how idiotic the West was completely destroying this relative stabile state and damaging the relationship with Russia for ever.Now we are teetering on the verge WWIII.For what?
Are we completely morons?
You should visit Ukraine, if for no other reason, just to see how stupid and uninformed your post is.
Can somebody explain, does the West need Ukraine for what?The state is bankrupt, all politicians corrupt, there is no law, no industry, almost nothing except whores, lazy drunken workers and thieves.It is difficult to believe that Putin needs it too.For what we must pay our taxes?
The relationship between Russia and Ukraine is damaged at least for hundred years, Ukraine will be neither EU nor NATO member, the average monthly wage is $30.
And how idiotic the West was completely destroying this relative stabile state and damaging the relationship with Russia for ever.Now we are teetering on the verge WWIII.For what?
Are we completely morons?
You should visit Ukraine, if for no other reason, just to see how stupid and uninformed your post is.
I'm a resident of Ukraine and can only see how stupid your posts are so far. Baron is absolutely right and as soon as Washington stops supporting official Kiev and all the truth about Ukraine comes out (about snipers on Maidan in Kiev, Odessa massacre, shelling Donbass, Malaysian Boeing etc., which Washington and Kiev both are carefully hiding and covering with anti-Russian propaganda), all the world will understand what Baron already understands. May be even you will, Camp.
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