Guy registers guns online, gets raided by cops and charged with felony in California


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2015
Here is this guy from a prominent farming family who wanted to comply with California's new gun law requiring gun registration. He is a good law abiding citizen and goes online to register his guns. Next thing you know, he gets raided and charged with multiple felony possession. Hahaha... that's what you get when listening to gun grabbers. "We don't want to confiscate your guns, just register them to prevent shootings." GTFO

"According to court documents, the California Department of Justice raided Jeffrey Scott Kirschenmann's home last month, after he tried to register an illegally modified gun online through the state's website. [...]
According to court documents, the DOJ began investigating Kirschenmann when he electronically submitted photos of an illegally modified AR-15-style firearm. [...]
Retired KCSO Commander Joe Pilkington is a court recognized firearms expert. He could not speak directly to Kirschenmann's case but says the laws are changing so frequently, it's often hard to keep up with the latest regulations.
"Just in the last few years, there have been lots of changes in gun laws," he said. "Making an effort, a good faith effort to comply with these really complicated laws, should count for something." [...]
"There is this self-registration application on the Department of Justice website, but it may be better to talk to an FFL. Someone who has a license, to talk through whatever these complications are.""

Member of prominent farming family faces felony weapons charges
Here is this guy from a prominent farming family who wanted to comply with California's new gun law requiring gun registration. He is a good law abiding citizen and goes online to register his guns. Next thing you know, he gets raided and charged with multiple felony possession. Hahaha... that's what you get when listening to gun grabbers. "We don't want to confiscate your guns, just register them to prevent shootings." GTFO

"According to court documents, the California Department of Justice raided Jeffrey Scott Kirschenmann's home last month, after he tried to register an illegally modified gun online through the state's website. [...]
According to court documents, the DOJ began investigating Kirschenmann when he electronically submitted photos of an illegally modified AR-15-style firearm. [...]
Retired KCSO Commander Joe Pilkington is a court recognized firearms expert. He could not speak directly to Kirschenmann's case but says the laws are changing so frequently, it's often hard to keep up with the latest regulations.
"Just in the last few years, there have been lots of changes in gun laws," he said. "Making an effort, a good faith effort to comply with these really complicated laws, should count for something." [...]
"There is this self-registration application on the Department of Justice website, but it may be better to talk to an FFL. Someone who has a license, to talk through whatever these complications are.""

Member of prominent farming family faces felony weapons charges
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?

She illegally transmitted classified emails to non secure servers. Ignorance of the law is not a defense. Remember that? That being said, the person involved in this fiasco hopefully has enough money (and it sounds like he does) to take this absurd case all the way to the Supreme Court. He can take the CA laws apart if he so chooses. They are poorly written, and enforced by imbeciles.
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.

No, sorry. The BATFE is kind of funny about modifications to firearms, especially ILLEGAL ones, and if this guy was stupid enough to do illegal mods, takes pictures of them then post the pictures to the website, I can't feel too sorry for him. He's not too bright. Good intentions or not, when it comes to guns, know the laws. The Fed has ZERO tolerance of the slightest infraction by lawful citizens------ it helps them make up for the millions of criminals out there REALLY breaking the laws that are MUCH harder to track down!
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?

She illegally transmitted classified emails to non secure servers. Ignorance of the law is not a defense. Remember that? That being said, the person involved in this fiasco hopefully has enough money (and it sounds like he does) to take this absurd case all the way to the Supreme Court. He can take the CA laws apart if he so chooses. They are poorly written, and enforced by imbeciles.
And dOnald tRump is a walking talking violation of the emolluments clause.

What's your point?
Here is this guy from a prominent farming family who wanted to comply with California's new gun law requiring gun registration. He is a good law abiding citizen and goes online to register his guns. Next thing you know, he gets raided and charged with multiple felony possession. Hahaha... that's what you get when listening to gun grabbers. "We don't want to confiscate your guns, just register them to prevent shootings." GTFO

"According to court documents, the California Department of Justice raided Jeffrey Scott Kirschenmann's home last month, after he tried to register an illegally modified gun online through the state's website. [...]
According to court documents, the DOJ began investigating Kirschenmann when he electronically submitted photos of an illegally modified AR-15-style firearm. [...]
Retired KCSO Commander Joe Pilkington is a court recognized firearms expert. He could not speak directly to Kirschenmann's case but says the laws are changing so frequently, it's often hard to keep up with the latest regulations.
"Just in the last few years, there have been lots of changes in gun laws," he said. "Making an effort, a good faith effort to comply with these really complicated laws, should count for something." [...]
"There is this self-registration application on the Department of Justice website, but it may be better to talk to an FFL. Someone who has a license, to talk through whatever these complications are.""

Member of prominent farming family faces felony weapons charges
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
Only in crazy Cali
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?
Progressives like yourself don’t know shit about firearms... So shut the fuck up
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?
Progressives like yourself don’t know shit about firearms... So shut the fuck up
Kid I made a living carrying them for over a decade. Don't make assumptions, they almost always but you in the ass.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?
Progressives like yourself don’t know shit about firearms... So shut the fuck up
Kid I made a living carrying them for over a decade. Don't make assumptions, they almost always but you in the ass.
From what you post you don’t know jack shit about firearms… So shut the fuck up
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Did she own an illegally modified gun in California too?
I don't see any difference in this than a guy who robs a bank, and then reports that on his income tax return in "good faith", and then gets arrested. Frankly, I think that this guy is practicing for his part in proving the Darwin principle, someday.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. A responsible gun owner should be familiar with the laws pertaining to his firearms.

Would you expect leniency if you didn't see the speed limit sign?

Funny how that didn't apply to the shrilary. Hypocrite much?
Not a Clinton fan. When did she register illegally modified firearms?
Progressives like yourself don’t know shit about firearms... So shut the fuck up
Kid I made a living carrying them for over a decade. Don't make assumptions, they almost always but you in the ass.
From what you post you don’t know jack shit about firearms… So shut the fuck up
I got nuthin' to prove to you kid. Wipe your chin and get to bed.
Here is this guy from a prominent farming family who wanted to comply with California's new gun law requiring gun registration. He is a good law abiding citizen and goes online to register his guns. Next thing you know, he gets raided and charged with multiple felony possession. Hahaha... that's what you get when listening to gun grabbers. "We don't want to confiscate your guns, just register them to prevent shootings." GTFO

"According to court documents, the California Department of Justice raided Jeffrey Scott Kirschenmann's home last month, after he tried to register an illegally modified gun online through the state's website. [...]
According to court documents, the DOJ began investigating Kirschenmann when he electronically submitted photos of an illegally modified AR-15-style firearm. [...]
Retired KCSO Commander Joe Pilkington is a court recognized firearms expert. He could not speak directly to Kirschenmann's case but says the laws are changing so frequently, it's often hard to keep up with the latest regulations.
"Just in the last few years, there have been lots of changes in gun laws," he said. "Making an effort, a good faith effort to comply with these really complicated laws, should count for something." [...]
"There is this self-registration application on the Department of Justice website, but it may be better to talk to an FFL. Someone who has a license, to talk through whatever these complications are.""

Member of prominent farming family faces felony weapons charges
Huh... I was thinking about registering my poppy farm, my child labor force, and my pet Rhinoceros,....

...are you telling me that's a bad idea?
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
He registered them in good faith. Did not hide the "fact." He may have been unaware of the legality because of the ever changing gun laws as it is pointed out by an ex police chief.

If he honestly thought a machine gun was legal to register online, he should be arrested for being stupid.
Here is this guy from a prominent farming family who wanted to comply with California's new gun law requiring gun registration. He is a good law abiding citizen and goes online to register his guns. Next thing you know, he gets raided and charged with multiple felony possession. Hahaha... that's what you get when listening to gun grabbers. "We don't want to confiscate your guns, just register them to prevent shootings." GTFO

"According to court documents, the California Department of Justice raided Jeffrey Scott Kirschenmann's home last month, after he tried to register an illegally modified gun online through the state's website. [...]
According to court documents, the DOJ began investigating Kirschenmann when he electronically submitted photos of an illegally modified AR-15-style firearm. [...]
Retired KCSO Commander Joe Pilkington is a court recognized firearms expert. He could not speak directly to Kirschenmann's case but says the laws are changing so frequently, it's often hard to keep up with the latest regulations.
"Just in the last few years, there have been lots of changes in gun laws," he said. "Making an effort, a good faith effort to comply with these really complicated laws, should count for something." [...]
"There is this self-registration application on the Department of Justice website, but it may be better to talk to an FFL. Someone who has a license, to talk through whatever these complications are.""

Member of prominent farming family faces felony weapons charges
"Illegally modified gun"

Registered or not that will get you arrested.
Illegally modified in the country or just according to new CA laws?

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