Guns in schools is a good idea


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change.
What are the causes, and what changes do you propose? Save for arming teachers.

Here's a start. Primary causes for mass shootings?

Changes have to occur from within. I have a few thoughts.........

1. Common sense gun control. Somehow there's got to be a comfortable line between our Constitution and the threat to our Constitution. Don't know how much it would help, and I wouldn't expect a lot, but it's better than nothing.

2. Due process needs some adjustment, and the snowflakes need to shut the fuck up about it. For example, the guy who slaughtered children meets 100% guilt. We should hang these people with a week. We need to move these criminals along, and the penalties need to be much harsher.

3. Media and everyone else needs to stop the assault on traditional values, including God and families. Men are not women. We need to stop portraying imitation as reality. You figure they have the dignity to stop? At this point I don't. Unity is a good thing. The Pledge of Allegiance is a good thing. Many liberals feel differently, they're big contributors to the problem.

4. As someone mentioned, better parenting is necessary. I have no idea how to accomplish, but a return to respect might help.

5. Internet and text phones is a huge problem. Honestly, I can't think of a scenario to fix it outside of good parenting. It's that or shut it down, and that's never going to happen.

6. Go to school if you're bored. Tech. school, armed services.................something. Self-sufficiency is natural for all species, but humans lack it more than ever. Take the time to at least try to fix/maintain your own. That's so mother fucking rare now.

7. Bring discipline back into the classroom. In my day misbehaving got you a paddle. Today we're fucking snowflakes (If you touch me I'll alert my mom, the media, an attorney, social entities, yadda yadda yadda. First we built the snowflake, then we built the killer.

8. Go outside and experience God's country. Ride a fucking bike, and other lame-ass primitive shit.

9. Hold-up already with multi-culturism. It's tearing us apart. Same with inciting racism at every turn.

10. Call out the media for fake news. People need to hold people accountable.

11. Demand more from Hollywood. What a shit hole they've become. They make nothing, then celebrate nothing and interject political agenda instead. They suck, it's awful.

12. If you're not responsible, then put a rubber on it.

13. Build infrastructure for kids. No fucking text phones allowed in the play area. Play some kickball or some other primitive game. Wholly shit can you imagine the shock on the kid's faces? Bet your ass they'd appreciate it, and at the end of the day values are the fucking cure to this turmoil.
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
1) How wouid this be paid for?

2) The armed cop already at the Florida school did nothing. What makes you think teachers would be effective in such a scenario?
1. Common sense gun control.
Which is? That's pretty vague. Are you running for office in the South? ;)

Otherwise... I managed to sift maybe a grain or two that I even found to be relevant, because pointing and saying "do better" is not a solution ... it's a NONsolution.

The internet is a problem? ah, but not for you it isn't, apparently.
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
1) How wouid this be paid for?

2) The armed cop already at the Florida school did nothing. What makes you think teachers would be effective in such a scenario?

The "cop" was a coward. All teachers cowards too? I don't know, if I were a cowardly teacher, fucking A I'm going to the safe.
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
1) How wouid this be paid for?

2) The armed cop already at the Florida school did nothing. What makes you think teachers would be effective in such a scenario?

The "cop" was a coward. All teachers cowards too? I don't know, if I were a cowardly teacher, fucking A I'm going to the safe.
Well, I’m guessing whatever firearm these teachers get it would be a hand gun. Do you really think a poorly paid teacher is going to go up against a shooter with a semi automatic rifle? Let’s say one of the teachers has the balls to do it. Can we really expect that in a scene of absolute chaos this untrained teacher will be effective in taking down the shooter?
Psssst I went to schools overseas where no bullet was shot, so did millions of other kids in different countries. I know it's hard to beleive but it's the truth. And yes beleive it or not there are hardly any guns available :).

And you fools here talking about, safes, arming teachers, bullet proof are we at war constantly ?
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
Start by having metal detectors and limited entry access. At the entry, have armed security. I would suggest retired military with time on their hands and want to be of assistance.
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
It’s a truly moronic idea.

The only result will be more dead students shot by teachers who have no experience in such an emergency situation.

As already correctly noted: a trained sheriff’s deputy failed to successfully confront the shooter, a teacher won’t fare any better.
Put a safe and gun in every classroom and the admin. office. Teacher only knows the combo to the safes they're responsible for. Shots fired or stabbing etc.then they pull their gun. Any other reason is cause for discipline. It's that or more REAL police officers, whichever is cost effective.

Try and consider a scenario where this would backfire, and ask yourselves would if there would be another means (i.e., fuck kid forces teacher to open the safe). They could just as well carry to begin with.

This shits not going away until we recognize the true causes and change. At least with a gun, an un-cowardly teacher has the opportunity to protect their classroom against other guns. Honestly it's only a short term solution, but it's better than nothing.
It’s a truly moronic idea.

The only result will be more dead students shot by teachers who have no experience in such an emergency situation.

As already correctly noted: a trained sheriff’s deputy failed to successfully confront the shooter, a teacher won’t fare any better.

Cough.........The teacher locks the doors with a gun in hand. It's not as if they chase the guy down, and if they do so be it. I don't see a downside unless they miss. You're assuming they'd be untrained and honestly, you hold them to the lowest common denominator, a coward and incompetent.
When I was in school they told us to duck and cover. A plywood desk would shield us from a thermonuclear blast and then we would march to the school's General Purpose Room where olive drab colored barrels of drinking water and cartons of saltines would be our fare for eternity.

It was silly, of course. But within a very few years we recognized the folly of the atomic bomb and rallied and marched against them.

I think of the school staff of my elementary school years. I wonder how Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. White would have fared as they tried to calm the frazzled nerves of two dozen eight year old kids while they counter attacked a guy with an AR standing at the classroom door.

And today the kids are marching and rallying to stem the tide of the assault weapon as we marched and rallied to stem the tide of a nuclear exchange. The kids of today will point out the idiocy of the absolute need some think is the assault weapon.

No one has ever explained to me the virtue of the assault weapon. They have said it is merely a tool to defend the life of its user. A ghoulish platitude to be sure. As if that same tool could not be used to take as many lives as possible in the shortest time possible. That is obviously the design use of such weapons.

So I say we rid ourselves of these weapons. Surely your right to defend yourself will not be infringed by using a snub nose .38, the same weapon some are advocating teachers use to defend their classrooms against that guy standing in the classroom door with an AR in his hands.

The good idea is to never have that guy standing in the classroom door with an AR in his hands. The bad idea is to expect Mrs. Hudson to abandon her class and, like some hero of the cinema, engage in a fire fight with that guy in the classroom door holding an AR in his hands.
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Guns in schools is a good idea


Police dont want guns in schools .. no law enforcement team does... NOT ONE.

Teachers trying to save kids dont want guns ... leave the kids alone in a room, grab a Glock ,go outside the room and hunt ..

yeah right.

only F'n idgets want armed teachers.

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