Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

You're saying the 'gun free zone' didn't work, one imposed by the US military? How did disarming the members of the military working in that building work out? About as well as it did at Ft Hood?

There is no excuse for those that expect their feel good rules will be obeyed by criminals. None.

There are both military AND private security on that base.

They carry guns.

Umm I wouldnt consider this a gun free zone. Plenty of people on bases have guns...Believe me I have lived on many .. we had guns..


I was staitoned in Fort Gordon, Ga.

Firearms were locked up in the armory . MP's were the only ones allowed to carry them. Neither members of the military nor civilians could bring guns to the base.

The VA Hospitals will not even allow guns into the properties

So what the fuck are you talking about.


You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.
Washington Navy Yard shooting: Active shooter sought in Southeast D.C. |

Police search for active shooter on grounds of Washington Navy Yard in Southeast D.C. - The Washington Post

Once again, a nut case with a gun has shot people and is now at large. As with Boston, people are being advised to "shelter in place" and schools are on shut down.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

Yes, the only way to stop that guy is to take my gun away,

You can't argue with unassailable logic like that.

Show me one post in any thread, where I have said I think guns should be "taken away" from citizens. I have no intention of giving up my guns and you're a liar if you say differently. PROVE YOUR LIES OR STFU.

The FACT is, its the nutters who want to make sure these shooters have free and easy access to any gun they want.

yea thats why everyone of your anti gun threads prove that.....maybe you should learn to express yourself different.....and people would not have that opinion of you....
Trash is exactly the right word and they'll have several pages of garbage before noon.

You started this thread about guns you stupid fuck

Is there some reason why I should not have started a thread about a mass shooting?

Or are you just pissed because I called it what it is - At least one nutter with a gun.
And, as I rightly called it - other nutters have lined up with pages and pages of garbage.
I think he forgot to put the link up so that we know what he is talking about.

No link needed, this is common sense. There are 5+ shooters on the loose in DC. IMPOSSIBLE

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

There are 2 shooters that they are looking for, not 5.
Where are you getting information that it's 5?
This is just reports and maybe there really are no other shooters. Chances are pretty good that it is two more people. It's pretty easy to get into the base when you are wearing military style uniforms.
They got the one and maybe that is the only one.
Lanier said that security believed that another two gunmen were involved.
Just because they believe it does not make it correct. It is still on going and facts always come later.
Washington US Navy Yard Shooting: Police Launch Manhunt for Two More Suspects [VIDEO] - IBTimes UK
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Yes, the only way to stop that guy is to take my gun away,

You can't argue with unassailable logic like that.

Show me one post in any thread, where I have said I think guns should be "taken away" from citizens. I have no intention of giving up my guns and you're a liar if you say differently. PROVE YOUR LIES OR STFU.

The FACT is, its the nutters who want to make sure these shooters have free and easy access to any gun they want.

yea thats why everyone of your anti gun threads prove that.....maybe you should learn to express yourself different.....and people would not have that opinion of you....

Another victory for our right to bear arms



So, Gun nuts break the laws and that is your justification for not having laws

We still have murders, is that your justification for repealing murder laws?

Your stupidity continues to grow. A gun is a tool. Nothing more and nothing less. Should we take wrenches away from mechanics because they have, on occasion, beaten customers to death with a wrench?

If there were no guns, they would have used explosives. If there were no explosives they would have used rocks. If rocks were outlawed they would have used spears.

Stop blaming the damned tool and begin blaming the criminal, will you?
Umm I wouldnt consider this a gun free zone. Plenty of people on bases have guns...Believe me I have lived on many .. we had guns..


I was staitoned in Fort Gordon, Ga.

Firearms were locked up in the armory . MP's were the only ones allowed to carry them. Neither members of the military nor civilians could bring guns to the base.

The VA Hospitals will not even allow guns into the properties

So what the fuck are you talking about.


You could have them in your Housing Quarters.

I was married and an E5 at Fort Devens and lived in a Military-Assigned House. A nice one, too.

A lot of people had guns in their Housing.

A lot of people had guns in their cars.

But yeah, the actual Military issue weapons were kept under lock and key in the CONUS.

End Clinton-era military base gun ban

Among President Clinton’s first acts upon taking office in 1993 was to disarm U.S. soldiers on military bases. In March 1993, the Army imposed regulations forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms and making it almost impossible for commanders to issue firearms to soldiers in the U.S. for personal protection. For the most part, only military police regularly carry firearms on base, and their presence is stretched thin by high demand for MPs in war zones."

(insert rolling eyes smiley here) We all know when the OP says "nutters" he's refering to pro-gun Americans.

I am a pro-gun American and I did not self-identify with the term "nutters".

Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.
I think he forgot to put the link up so that we know what he is talking about.

No link needed, this is common sense. There are 5+ shooters on the loose in DC. IMPOSSIBLE

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

I can guarantee if a regular person like, or myself, even let off a blank in Washington DC, we' be swarmed by military grade helicopters and APC, roads, skies and sewers --- and rightfully so.

What do your bowel movements have to do with it?

If you meant normal, then FAIL. You're a nutter.
Thank you for serving our country.

I don't believe in killing innocent children. That would be you godless liberals who believe in killing children before/during birth and any time after. Maggots. :mad:

You guys crack me up. Instead of ever, just once, trying to understand or converse, you immediately attack.

Just fyi for Surfer cockroach - Harry Dresden is a professional rw troll who goes from thread to thread, posting really idiotic attacks on me. He's on your side. :cuckoo:

I cannot believe you can say this with a straight face!
Go back and read your own OP and then let's see you complain about others immediately attacking !

or go read any of his other anti-gun threads....and then he says he is not for getting rid of guns....his threads sure dont give one that impression....
I am a pro-gun American and I did not self-identify with the term "nutters".

Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.

I'm afraid that's WAY too complicated for some posters to understand.
Thank you for serving our country.

I don't believe in killing innocent children. That would be you godless liberals who believe in killing children before/during birth and any time after. Maggots. :mad:

You guys crack me up. Instead of ever, just once, trying to understand or converse, you immediately attack.

Just fyi for Surfer cockroach - Harry Dresden is a professional rw troll who goes from thread to thread, posting really idiotic attacks on me. He's on your side. :cuckoo:

Just a started the name-calling not Surfer. :eusa_hand:

he forgot.....when you are in your 80's....things happen....
I am a pro-gun American and I did not self-identify with the term "nutters".

Oh jesusfucking christ, what the hell is the matter with some of you?

If you've paid any attention to the OP's politics, you should easily be able to see that when he uses the term "nutters" in this context, he's refering to us on the board who are pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment, etc.
I'm pro-gun, pro-2nd.

That doesn't mean I believe citizens should have military weaponry.

You a socialist scumbag .

I do not give a shit whether or not you approve of "military weaponry" , whatever that means.

Bring on the nutters with their lame ass excuses.

You're saying the 'gun free zone' didn't work, one imposed by the US military? How did disarming the members of the military working in that building work out? About as well as it did at Ft Hood?

There is no excuse for those that expect their feel good rules will be obeyed by criminals. None.

There are both military AND private security on that base.

They carry guns.

And how'd that work out? Thousands of disarmed people that can't defend themselves flee for their lives or cower in the a gun free zone corner while they're murdered. Once again, the criminals didn't care about your rules and people died. Their blood is on the hands of those that support laws that give an edge to crazies by disarming law abiding citizens. Shame on you.

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