Gun ownership explodes

I would never have a gun in my home. Before we were married my wife had a couple of bouts with depression and I wouldn't vouch all that much for my sanity as well. I figure the chances of one of us blasting ourselves away is the higher risk
Your promiscuity and recreational drug use are not an excuse to destroy my life and deny my rights in court.

My recreational drug use? You're the one hallucinating things. can call the police and they do show up.
Yep...they stop by to collect evidence and draw the chalk outline around your body.

Usually not. I support the police. You? Not so much.
and if you live in the county and it's a large county with a small department and depending on the time you needed assistance response times could take to the next day.
Furthermore, Police are not legally obligated to protect you.

Oh...that shit again.
Truth is going to kill you no correction your ignorance is going to kill you.

You're the same rent-a-cop who thinks police can't enter your home to save someone's life...what you allege is irrelevant and often funny.
Rent a cops aren't sworn law enforcement officers I've never have been a rent a cop
AS for the rest of your blather, your dodge is noted when you start making shit up it's a fucking dodge from what was said.
Trump has made every effort to strip Americans of the right to criticize him or even to disagree with him. Senator Burr issued a Report that said the Russians hacked the DNC. Senator Burr is now being investigated by the FBI for Insider Trading.

He has tried to ban reporters from White House press briefings, attacks reporters, insults, attacks and threatens everyone who dares say he's lying or wrong.

A couple of days ago, he had the army fire on peaceful protestors in violation of their First Amendment rights to protest.

Donald Trump is endangering the freedom of free speech and the right to criticize the government or to seek redress for your grievances. At the same time, he's releasing his criminal friends and cronies from jail.

He didn't have the army fire on peaceful protestors.. You're lying. Trump has done more for free speech than any president in modern times.

Did Trump tell you that? He was lying. Since Trump was elected, the USA's ranking in freedom of speech rights has dropped like a stone. The USA is ranked 45th in the world for Freedom of the Press. That's down 3 places since just last year.

As for personal freedoms, the USA is sinking fast there too:

Stop believing Trump. He's almost always lying.
Trump has made every effort to strip Americans of the right to criticize him or even to disagree with him. Senator Burr issued a Report that said the Russians hacked the DNC. Senator Burr is now being investigated by the FBI for Insider Trading.

He has tried to ban reporters from White House press briefings, attacks reporters, insults, attacks and threatens everyone who dares say he's lying or wrong.

A couple of days ago, he had the army fire on peaceful protestors in violation of their First Amendment rights to protest.

Donald Trump is endangering the freedom of free speech and the right to criticize the government or to seek redress for your grievances. At the same time, he's releasing his criminal friends and cronies from jail.

He didn't have the army fire on peaceful protestors.. You're lying. Trump has done more for free speech than any president in modern times.

Did Trump tell you that? He was lying. Since Trump was elected, the USA's ranking in freedom of speech rights has dropped like a stone. The USA is ranked 45th in the world for Freedom of the Press. That's down 3 places since just last year.

As for personal freedoms, the USA is sinking fast there too:

Stop believing Trump. He's almost always lying.
You're retarded to believe the lie from that Leftists manipulated bullshit
It says it’s a right. Let me restate since you’re stuck in this. It is our privilege to have that right. Better? You’re too literal. This is not a courtroom

Who grants the privilege that we should have that right?
Dude, I have explained this several times. Just as free speech is a privilege for us because many don't have that right, so is the right to bear arms, so is being an American. What is your issue with these statements? Are we going to start playing verbal gymnastics?

Who doesn't have the right to free speech?

Like you said, words count.

I have the right to keep and bear arms. People in South Chicago have the right to keep and bear arms. People in China have the right to keep and bear arms.
Your life would be destroyed if you couldn’t own a gun? Poor fragile snowflake.

Yet more proof that the left, even women on the left, hate women.

How many woman have had their lives destroyed by being raped because they didn't have the tools to defend themselves against a larger, stronger, male attacker? Yes, lives are destroyed because people couldn't own guns.

Hopefully I don't have to post the stories of the millions of women whose lives are ruined each year because they don't have a gun. Here are some stories of the women whose lives were not ruined because they had guns:

This woman shot what turns out to have likely been a serial killer, saving many women's lives from being ruined:

Did Trump tell you that? He was lying. Since Trump was elected, the USA's ranking in freedom of speech rights has dropped like a stone. The USA is ranked 45th in the world for Freedom of the Press. That's down 3 places since just last year.

As for personal freedoms, the USA is sinking fast there too:

Stop believing Trump. He's almost always lying.
Pure bullshit. Reporters without borders is an anti-American hate group determined to destroy all nations, in particular the United States.

Freedom of speech is suffering in the United States, that's for sure. But the thought and speech police are all on the left - and there's no statute of limitations on exercising free speech that they don't like:

It says it’s a right. Let me restate since you’re stuck in this. It is our privilege to have that right. Better? You’re too literal. This is not a courtroom

Who grants the privilege that we should have that right?
Dude, I have explained this several times. Just as free speech is a privilege for us because many don't have that right, so is the right to bear arms, so is being an American. What is your issue with these statements? Are we going to start playing verbal gymnastics?

Who doesn't have the right to free speech?

Like you said, words count.

I have the right to keep and bear arms. People in South Chicago have the right to keep and bear arms. People in China have the right to keep and bear arms.
People in Muslim countries, people in China, people in North Korea. I am talking globally. Are you drunk? How are you not following along? can call the police and they do show up.
Yep...they stop by to collect evidence and draw the chalk outline around your body.

Usually not. I support the police. You? Not so much.
and if you live in the county and it's a large county with a small department and depending on the time you needed assistance response times could take to the next day.
Furthermore, Police are not legally obligated to protect you.

Oh...that shit again.
Truth is going to kill you no correction your ignorance is going to kill you.

You're the same rent-a-cop who thinks police can't enter your home to save someone's life...what you allege is irrelevant and often funny.
Rent a cops aren't sworn law enforcement officers I've never have been a rent a cop
AS for the rest of your blather, your dodge is noted when you start making shit up it's a fucking dodge from what was said.

You’ve also never been an officer.
People in Muslim countries, people in China, people in North Korea. I am talking globally. Are you drunk? How are you not following along?

They all have the right to life and the right to defend their lives and the lives of their families. They have the right to have the tools of defense from their governments killing them. They all have the right to keep and bear arms.

Are you suggesting that, in any and every country, a person's rights are only what the government allows them and they have no right to object or expect anything other than what government allows? Rebellion is always wrong because there is nothing about which to rebel. Government is not restricting your rights because they come from government. You have no right to expect or ask for anything else. How can you rebel to ask for a thing that is not yours anyway?

Of course that's completely stupid because people do have inherent, God or nature - choose your own higher power - given rights. They recognize when those rights are violated and, after enduring it to their limits, they begin to protest and, if satisfaction is not received, eventually to rebel.

From the Declaration of Independence we learn that tolerating an abuse does not mean accepting the abuse or surrendering our rights. The abuses are accumulative over time and number. They are not forgotten and are not surrendered to.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Words are important. Calling a right a privilege changes the discussion and, over time, the right is viewed as a privilege and, like the other leftists, we no longer view it as our right but, instead, accept it as if it had always been a privilege.
People in Muslim countries, people in China, people in North Korea. I am talking globally. Are you drunk? How are you not following along?

They all have the right to life and the right to defend their lives and the lives of their families. They have the right to have the tools of defense from their governments killing them. They all have the right to keep and bear arms.

Are you suggesting that, in any and every country, a person's rights are only what the government allows them and they have no right to object or expect anything other than what government allows? Rebellion is always wrong because there is nothing about which to rebel. Government is not restricting your rights because they come from government. You have no right to expect or ask for anything else. How can you rebel to ask for a thing that is not yours anyway?

Of course that's completely stupid because people do have inherent, God or nature - choose your own higher power - given rights. They recognize when those rights are violated and, after enduring it to their limits, they begin to protest and, if satisfaction is not received, eventually to rebel.

From the Declaration of Independence we learn that tolerating an abuse does not mean accepting the abuse or surrendering our rights. The abuses are accumulative over time and number. They are not forgotten and are not surrendered to.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Words are important. Calling a right a privilege changes the discussion and, over time, the right is viewed as a privilege and, like the other leftists, we no longer view it as our right but, instead, accept it as if it had always been a privilege.
I see. You’re crazy.
Noted. can call the police and they do show up.
Yep...they stop by to collect evidence and draw the chalk outline around your body.

Usually not. I support the police. You? Not so much.
I certainly support police. But police are reactive. You are the first line of defence. When seconds count the police are just minutes away became a cliche because it is worth repeating.

It isn't a slight against is the reality of the reactive nature of all policing in a free society.

But you knew that.

If you live like that, why put your gun in the holster, always have it in your hands. When miliseconds count...the gun is seconds away! You guys are just paranoid losers if you think that you have to take the law into your own hands.

But, in our society, that IS your right I suppose. It often comes with tragic outcomes and jail sentences.
Just like life insurance, fire extinguishers, tools and spare truck tires...I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

I've used my gun defensively...Diffused the situation immediately ...without ever removing it from the holster much less firing a shot. In fact the other fella never saw the gun or the holster...just saw the motion and heard the holster unsnap.

Honestly I never thought I'd need it in my little town...pretty safe here. And maybe this fella just wanted to intimidate me and wouldn't have followed through with his threats...we'll never know.

But now I carry every day...home or on the road.

One thing I learned...carry a distinctive firearm...not a generic black one. I had been out fishing this day and was carrying a Bond Arms Snakeslayer...very very distinctive. Unmistakable. It's double-barreled highly polished derringer with hexagonal barrels. When the guy tried to claim to the police I pulled it on him... the officer asked him to describe it. He hemmed and hawed finally claiming it was a black gun like the officer was carrying. And that was the end of that. Now I carry guns that are highly unusual colors...purple, pink, neon green and blue. can call the police and they do show up.
Yep...they stop by to collect evidence and draw the chalk outline around your body.

Usually not. I support the police. You? Not so much.
I certainly support police. But police are reactive. You are the first line of defence. When seconds count the police are just minutes away became a cliche because it is worth repeating.

It isn't a slight against is the reality of the reactive nature of all policing in a free society.

But you knew that.

If you live like that, why put your gun in the holster, always have it in your hands. When miliseconds count...the gun is seconds away! You guys are just paranoid losers if you think that you have to take the law into your own hands.

But, in our society, that IS your right I suppose. It often comes with tragic outcomes and jail sentences.
Just like life insurance, fire extinguishers, tools and spare truck tires...I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

I've used my gun defensively...Diffused the situation immediately ...without ever removing it from the holster much less firing a shot. In fact the other fella never saw the gun or the holster...just saw the motion and heard the holster unsnap.

Honestly I never thought I'd need it in my little town...pretty safe here. And maybe this fella just wanted to intimidate me and wouldn't have followed through with his threats...we'll never know.

But now I carry every day...home or on the road.

One thing I learned...carry a distinctive firearm...not a generic black one. I had been out fishing this day and was carrying a Bond Arms Snakeslayer...very very distinctive. Unmistakable. It's double-barreled highly polished derringer with hexagonal barrels. When the guy tried to claim to the police I pulled it on him... the officer asked him to describe it. He hemmed and hawed finally claiming it was a black gun like the officer was carrying. And that was the end of that. Now I carry guns that are highly unusual colors...purple, pink, neon green and blue.

Its theater of the absurd but whatever works I guess.
Also read elsewhere that the average gun owner has 8+ guns.

I'd say that's accurate.

And there is a good reason why.

You need different guns for different purposes.

I have:

A deer hunting rifle

A 22lr for plinking and small game

A 410 shotgun for small game.

A 20 gauge shotgun for ducks and geese...and breaking clays.

A 12 gauge set up for ducks and geese. (Long barrel...screw in chokes)

A 12 gauge set up for home defense (18 inch barrel. No choke.)

And AR-15...because I wanted one after I got out of the Army.

A CCW compact 380.

A blackpowder rifle for blackpowder season.

And the aforementioned snake gun for fishing, hunting and camping trips.

That's 10...just about a minimum for a hunter/outdoorsman.

Could you get by with less. Sure. You could have one shotgun with multiple barrels. And the snake gun can go...but for most it would be replaced with a full-sized semi-auto... but why would you?
Last edited: can call the police and they do show up.
Yep...they stop by to collect evidence and draw the chalk outline around your body.

Usually not. I support the police. You? Not so much.
I certainly support police. But police are reactive. You are the first line of defence. When seconds count the police are just minutes away became a cliche because it is worth repeating.

It isn't a slight against is the reality of the reactive nature of all policing in a free society.

But you knew that.

If you live like that, why put your gun in the holster, always have it in your hands. When miliseconds count...the gun is seconds away! You guys are just paranoid losers if you think that you have to take the law into your own hands.

But, in our society, that IS your right I suppose. It often comes with tragic outcomes and jail sentences.
Just like life insurance, fire extinguishers, tools and spare truck tires...I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

I've used my gun defensively...Diffused the situation immediately ...without ever removing it from the holster much less firing a shot. In fact the other fella never saw the gun or the holster...just saw the motion and heard the holster unsnap.

Honestly I never thought I'd need it in my little town...pretty safe here. And maybe this fella just wanted to intimidate me and wouldn't have followed through with his threats...we'll never know.

But now I carry every day...home or on the road.

One thing I learned...carry a distinctive firearm...not a generic black one. I had been out fishing this day and was carrying a Bond Arms Snakeslayer...very very distinctive. Unmistakable. It's double-barreled highly polished derringer with hexagonal barrels. When the guy tried to claim to the police I pulled it on him... the officer asked him to describe it. He hemmed and hawed finally claiming it was a black gun like the officer was carrying. And that was the end of that. Now I carry guns that are highly unusual colors...purple, pink, neon green and blue.

Its theater of the absurd but whatever works I guess.
Different strokes for different folks. I'm not proselytizing...just explaining. I'm totally cool that some folks are against it...AND I also understand why. I just don't see a good solution.

When I see a bunch of dumbasses actively and honestly supporting abolishing the you wonder why we don't want the government to have lists of who owns what? Only a fool would...and that's why registrations and universal background checks etc are so fought against.

And the other side sees registration as a prerequisite to keep people honest as to what they own so unscrupulous folks can't sell guns to criminals...which I also get.

But it doesn't change the reality that we will never feel comfortable with the government having that information. And you guys will never feel comfortable without it.

And so we are at an impasse.
Politics is driving these sales. Democrat politics to be precise. Even democrat voters know their governors and mayors will sell them and their family’s safety out in order to pander to riot squads and looters. So what do you do when the people you voted for that promised you that you don’t need a gun, they will protect you. Pull those cops back and start pandering to the crowd that may kill you? You buy guns of course. All of a sudden that asshole you voted in to take other people’s guns away is lining you up to be a victim of people with bricks, Molotov Cocktail’s, knives, bats, etc. How many democrats got red pilled in the last three months? And will they continue to be Democrat’s?

Not everyone should carry a gun, but every home owner should have a weapon to defend their home. It is just a tool and should be used carefully.

I wish gun grabbers lots of luck convincing people that they don't need to be armed for self-protection and owning a gun makes them paranoid cowards, in light of all this in-your-face evidence that such arguments are nonsense.

If the police are disbanded then who will collect the guns? There is actually an answer: Antifa.
Do you really, really think the police in any city will disband their police force or quit paying them. I do not.

No, but the fact that Democratic politicians are even entertaining the thought shows just how ignorant they really are. If the MSM starts pushing it, many lefties will follow right along. Not many lefties have ever learned to actually think for themselves.
Can't see it happening and have only heard about entertainment people and nutballs talking about doing it. Nothing realistic.
I know of a couple of police departments in North Carolina that have been shut down and disbanded but that was a few years ago. and doing a search I noticed other towns have done the same thing
I know of a small burg that had 1 or perhaps 2 police paid by the burg that did not even have a school, typical Tennessee feed store , grain elevator, store, post office and maybe a branch bank, a volunteer fire department and a church and within 5-10 miles in either direction a larger small town and quit funding the two man police department mostly funded by traffic tickets to better fund the volunteer fire service, but this is Tennessee where you do not even have to have a license to have weapon in your car as long as you do not get out with it. County Sherriff takes care of whatever comes up., but as nothing comes up, it works. Somebody here was talking about not funding the Minneapolis police department. Had to chuckle. Won't ever happen.

Might want to go tell the Minneapolis City Council that, since they've collected a veto-proof 9 votes for that very thing.

Of course, they have no clue to offer on how they're planning to enforce the law without a police force.

Considering the blob is threatening to send troops to start cracking heads; it makes sense. Guns are the new Gold for INCELS and other dumb people.

How is it dumb to buy guns if there is a push to defund or reduce funding and resources for Police Departments? Democrats and Liberals are excluding looters, rioters, and attacks on business owners through literal ignorance or outright justifying this behavior so that everyone will “get the message” and that all will be fine when “justice” is in place. What does that Justice look like? Hands off? Let them through?

Liberals have lost the gun debate. I defy them to run on gun restrictions in 2020.
Politics is driving these sales. Democrat politics to be precise. Even democrat voters know their governors and mayors will sell them and their family’s safety out in order to pander to riot squads and looters. So what do you do when the people you voted for that promised you that you don’t need a gun, they will protect you. Pull those cops back and start pandering to the crowd that may kill you? You buy guns of course. All of a sudden that asshole you voted in to take other people’s guns away is lining you up to be a victim of people with bricks, Molotov Cocktail’s, knives, bats, etc. How many democrats got red pilled in the last three months? And will they continue to be Democrat’s?

More proof that the game is not really taking away your guns. They're coming after you. They want you afraid and dependent.

Your guns get in the way.

They want you helpless.


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