Gun owner paranoia---

Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.
I think the better question is why are you so paranoid about the Republicans guns?

Because you appear to be unwilling to focus on sentencing laws. You appear to be equally unwilling to tango with the immediate release of those with gun charges, and murder charges, in places like Chicago and Baltimore. You continue to desire some unthinking bail reform laws. You do not want to to put money into the mental health care system but want to demand others to spend about over $2,500 for a psych eval. I'm a liberal and I'm telling you that you people are batshit crazy.

You're a liberal? :heehee:
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The govt people need to be protected from, as Barry and the Democrats have shown the last 12+ years, are Democrats, the CIA, FBI, etc.... The FISA Court exposed the fact that the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES under Mueller and Comey. Former CIA Chief Brennan stood before Congress and confessed to illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC JUSTICES...The Govt barged into the McCloskey's home, charged them for 'illegal use of a firearm' for defending their lives and home on their property from violent terrorists, and confiscated all of their legally-owned weapons....

Cities are now BEGGING the police they demanded be defunded come back and protect them as violence has EXPLODED in their absence, and the military is NOT 'the govt'.
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.


Thank you. I had a neighbor who left his truck unlocked overnight and his Glock was stolen. The perp then used it for three armed robberies before he got caught. Thank God nobody was killed, but the cops kept the gun and fined him a grand.

I had another neighbor in the same hood (Boise ID) who owned 3 AR-15s and about a dozen handguns. Dude was so paranoid that he left a loaded weapon in every room right out in the open - Including one of every coffee table. And he didn't always lock his doors. Incredibly irresponsible.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The govt people need to be protected from, as Barry and the Democrats have shown the last 12+ years, are Democrats, the CIA, FBI, etc.... The FISA Court exposed the fact that the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans for DECADES under Mueller and Comey. Former CIA Chief Brennan stood before Congress and confessed to illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, and USSC JUSTICES...The Govt barged into the McCloskey's home, charged them for 'illegal use of a firearm' for defending their lives and home on their property from violent terrorists, and confiscated all of their legally-owned weapons....

Cities are now BEGGING the police they demanded be defunded come back and protect them as violence has EXPLODED in their absence, and the military is NOT 'the govt'.
Things sure went to shit under trump.
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.


Thank you. I had a neighbor who left his truck unlocked overnight and his Glock was stolen. The perp then used it for three armed robberies before he got caught. Thank God nobody was killed, but the cops kept the gun and fined him a grand.

I had another neighbor in the same hood (Boise ID) who owned 3 AR-15s and about a dozen handguns. Dude was so paranoid that he left a loaded weapon in every room. And he didn't always lock his doors. Incredibly irresponsible.
Lots of legal gun ownership guarantees lots of armed criminals.
I'm a gun owner. Got a bunch of 'em downstairs in the safe. Got my first gun at 11yrs old. Bought it with my chore money. Used to be a member of the NRA. Until they went stupid.

I think American gun-culture is stupid and crazy.
I've long advocated that when a tool of such potential destructive/disruptive potential is brought into our civil society then what comes with it is ----- strict liability.

If there is ANY harm to humans or property after that weapon is fired then the OWNER of the gun bears a significant liability. NOT just the jackass who fired it ....... but also the owner of record.

That means if your Glock is stolen from underneath the seat of your Ford-150 and it is used to shoot somebody's cheatin' wife.....well, the shooter gets arrested and tried, and the owner of the gun gets a whopper of a fine.

It was his gun. He brought it into our society. He failed to secure it adequately. Ergo......he has a share of the responsibility. would see a more serious, responsible, cautious approach to owning those things.

and if someone steals your car, and drives it into a crowd, you're partially responsible for any deaths and damages it causes?

If they left it unlocked with the keys still in the ignition? Yes, possibly.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.
That has got to be the most feeble explanation as to why we need additional gun control I have ever read, congratulations. Your fact regarding the number of guns in circulation and population of the country is a real Bidenesk pile of unsubstantiated crap.
The issue is not those who follow the law it’s those that do not. Maybe it’s time to return to the days that there was backbone in our judicial system instead of this metro sexual feminism that we have today. You liberals just don’t get it, always looking for solutions that only apply to those that follow the law instead of the real problem our judicial system. I for one carry for protection because the last thing I need is to have some estrogen stoked sociologist trying to talk some nut case into not killing me or my family, better yet, waiting for some sheriff or police officer to arrive after the fact. The sad fact you have to face is that restricting the rights of the law abiding individual will not reduce the possession of guns in the hands of criminals. They will get them one way or another. So what’s your sorry ass going to do when you catch one call in the sociologist and let them out back on the street? The NY serial killer used a knife, you going to restrict the right own a knife? Get yer ass out of the sand and enter the real world it’s not what your metro sexually confused teachers taught you.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.


you're referring to the ones that want to ban assault weapons, right?
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
In these cases, illegal gun violence.....proving for all the laws this city that has - some of the most and most strict laws in the nation - more gun laws will not force the law-ignoring criminals to finally obey any of them. Again, the only people whose actions are beinng restricted are the law-abiding citizens who are the victims.

Again, in the McCloskey case, the govt stepped in and seized the weapons of law-abiding citizens who were forced into a poisition of having to defend themselves from foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists. Without their legally-owned weapons they may have suffered the fate of the business owners who businesses were looted and burned by this same mob.
Democrats: "We need to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals, and the mentally retarded"

Republican Translation: Them damn Liberals are gonna take all our shootin irons away!! :mad-61:

Why are Republicans so paranoid about guns? America has more guns in circulation than they have people. A few less guns in the hands of criminals and children seems like common sense to me.

Great post - this BS has been going on for years and to my knowledge, not a single legal gun has been grabbed by a Democrat.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.

The stupidity of the scared and paranoid is something.


you're referring to the ones that want to ban assault weapons, right?
Our worst mass shootings have used those weapons. Why do you want well armed killers?
Any of you stupid chickenshit Moon Bats that are afraid of the right to keep and bear arms can just move to Canada where they don't have the Constitutional right.

You will be safe there. Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Canada expected to pass sweeping gun legislation that includes banning handguns
They have a much lower homicide rate.
in 2017 you had a 99.9953% chance of not being murdered by a person with a gun.

How much safer do you need to be?

More Americans are killed by weapons that are NOT guns each year than those murdered with guns. When is the federal govt going to outlaw knives, hammers, scissors, baseball bats, bricks, etc...?
And our worse mass killings use guns
You know its against the law for a child to own a weapon, for a child to shot up a school and shoot / kill people, right? What new law do you propose to solve this problem?
Sad it’s so easy for angry children to get guns . Most are armed by some legal gun owner.
'Easy'? More people die every weekend in Chicago than in mass shootings, which do not happen nearlyas often, snowflake. Fail - try again. Better yet, DON'T.
And by what means are they dying?
In these cases, illegal gun violence.....proving for all the laws this city that has - some of the most and most strict laws in the nation - more gun laws will not force the law-ignoring criminals to finally obey any of them. Again, the only people whose actions are beinng restricted are the law-abiding citizens who are the victims.

Again, in the McCloskey case, the govt stepped in and seized the weapons of law-abiding citizens who were forced into a poisition of having to defend themselves from foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists. Without their legally-owned weapons they may have suffered the fate of the business owners who businesses were looted and burned by this same mob.
And the guns come from states with weak gun laws.

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