Gun free zones

Here's a little factoid for you . States wh tougher gun laws have less gun crime . That's a fact .

Now gun nuts will play a shell game and bring up Chicago for the 1000th time . Or Vermont . Here's the deal, Chicago and DC are just cities and they have big gang problems . And no one lives in Vermont .

But if you want to compare similar gun nut vs gun control state, it's on bitch!!!
That's utter nonsense.
What "northern plains " states are u talking about ? Cause I'll check the stats and not just rely on the stuff u make up.
Whatever states are in question have a higher murder rate than the rest of the 1st world (outside of the U.S. of course). I've already looked it up.
Like Finland? Switzerland? All those >95% white homogenious populations?
The inconvenient truth here is that half of our gun crimes are committed by 1/8 of the population.
If we moved that 1/8 of the US population to Luxembourg tomorrow, US gun murders would be cut in half and Luxenbourg's would rise 1000%.
Hence, these shootings happen to be where?? .... Wait for it........

Ummm I actually agree with ..... allowing guns in schools, ect. is putting a band-aide on where the deep wound of mental heath is being ignored.

“Preventing any adult at a school from having access to a firearm eliminates any chance the killer can be stopped in time to prevent a rampage,” Jim Kouri, the public-information officer of the National Association of Chiefs of Police

Read more at: The Facts about Mass Shootings | National Review Online

The mental health system has failed us Big Time , mental health has been on the chopping block for years..... a person has to be suicidal before they can be admitted to a hospital, then they kick their buttes out in 48 hours..
Most mental heath hospitals have been closed, due to tax cuts, the ones remaining are packed like sardines.
Perhaps if these sick people had a better access to get help some of these shootings could have been prevented.

First, the mental-health issue. A lengthy study by Mother Jones magazine found that at least 38 of the 61 mass shooters in the past three decades “displayed signs of mental health problems prior to the killings.”

Read more at: The Facts about Mass Shootings | National Review Online

What "northern plains " states are u talking about ? Cause I'll check the stats and not just rely on the stuff u make up.
Whatever states are in question have a higher murder rate than the rest of the 1st world (outside of the U.S. of course). I've already looked it up.
Another deflection, considering the preeminence of guns in the northern plains states there should be killings every day and mass shootings every week...
It's not the gun that is the constant, the most violent country's on the planet prefer bombs...
Looks like the plains ain't so great when it comes to gun deaths after all .

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Do Strict Firearm Laws Give States Lower Gun Death Rates?

Notably, "gun-related deaths" include not only homicides but suicides, accidents, and "legal intervention involving firearms." In fact, suicides account for three-fifths of gun-related deaths in the United States, twice as many as homicides do. That breakdown is obviously relevant to the question of whether particular laws can be credited with reducing gun-related deaths. Making it harder to buy a handgun might affect suicides, for instance, while making it harder to carry a handgun in public or easier to beat homicide charges with a self-defense claim probably would not.

Focusing on homicides can have a dramatic impact on a state's rank. Wyoming, for instance, has a high suicide rate but a low homicide rate. The District of Columbia, by contrast, has a low suicide rate but a high homicide rate.
It was brought up in last nights debate.
Does anyone still believe these killing grounds are still safe??

Here in the northern plains there are very few gun free zones, guess what no shootings.
Pretty obvious that is what happens when people encounter potential pushback, who knew?? Anyone with common sense. Duh!!

Buy more guns and ammo
New Jersey is a gun free zone.
One the most insidious crimes which State authorities cannot get a handle on is the black market for expensive and exotic cars. The vehicles are being stolen at gun point by thieves employed by international car fencing rings. They take the vehicles( think of any exotic car) and then it is taken to the nearest port, placed in a container and shipped to a buyer willing to pay as much as three times the actual value of the vehicle. Often the cars are "stolen to order".....
The thieves know full well that due to NJ's extremely restrictive gun laws, the drivers are not armed and thus defenseless against the criminals.
One man has already been shot to death. This happened in the very affluent community of Short Hills. a place where crime is almost non-existent.
Again the one constant, it's the people causing the crimes not the guns...
They have officially left the shark tank...
The suicide rate on the Indian reservations in the northern plains is 150% higher than the rest of the country, that skews the numbers on the little map presented earlier...
It was brought up in last nights debate.
Does anyone still believe these killing grounds are still safe??

Here in the northern plains there are very few gun free zones, guess what no shootings.
Pretty obvious that is what happens when people encounter potential pushback, who knew?? Anyone with common sense. Duh!!

Buy more guns and ammo
If there is a sign or an advertisement or any kind of announcement of a store, business, festival, etc that states GUN FREE ZONE...I refuse to go there. Like they said last night on the's STUPID.

You may as well walk around with a sign on your head that says RAPE ME, KILL ME, ROB ME, BEAT ME. I AM UNARMED.

It was brought up in last nights debate.
Does anyone still believe these killing grounds are still safe??

Here in the northern plains there are very few gun free zones, guess what no shootings.
Pretty obvious that is what happens when people encounter potential pushback, who knew?? Anyone with common sense. Duh!!

Buy more guns and ammo
This fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy.

There is no evidence that 'gun free zones' facilitate mass shootings or violent gun crimes, just as there is no evidence that citizens allowed to carry a concealed firearm make people 'safer' in any given venue.

Indeed, the notion of 'gun free zones' with regard to private property is suspect.
It was brought up in last nights debate.
Does anyone still believe these killing grounds are still safe??

Here in the northern plains there are very few gun free zones, guess what no shootings.
Pretty obvious that is what happens when people encounter potential pushback, who knew?? Anyone with common sense. Duh!!

Buy more guns and ammo
This fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy.

There is no evidence that 'gun free zones' facilitate mass shootings or violent gun crimes, just as there is no evidence that citizens allowed to carry a concealed firearm make people 'safer' in any given venue.

Indeed, the notion of 'gun free zones' with regard to private property is suspect.
Nice deflection...

Anyway, think of a crazy shooter as a bully they are going to go where they are not going to be confronted. Perfect target, "gun free zones" common sense... Most all of these recent shooting are at....... Wait for it......... BINGO!!!!!!
Winner, winner who wants an chicken dinner?!?!

...and yes, I conceal carry because I just because I can. You know, for varmints and such... You never know when you will have to take out a coyote or two.

It takes about two minutes to get a concealed carry permit here in South Dakota...
Indeed, the notion of 'gun free zones' with regard to private property is suspect.


According to the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) 92% of mass public shootings between January 2009 and July 2014 occurred in gun-free zones. Presidential candidate Donald Trump saw this point clearly. He stated, referring to this recent catastrophe: “And by the way, it was a gun-free zone. I will tell you — if you had a couple of the teachers or somebody with guns in that room, you would have been a hell of a lot better off.” Precisely. If several students and the professor of that class were carrying pistols, and were shooting back at the vicious perpetrator, he would not have been able to hit as many people as he did. But I go further than The Donald. If Umpqua Community College were not a gun-free zone, and this mass murderer knew that, oh, half of the students were armed, he most likely would not have shown up there to perpetrate his evil deeds.
Has it ever been proven that these shooters even know of gun free zones ? Cause your every day shooting doesn't happen in these places.

Yes…..of the killers who either survived or left journals or notes on their computers…gun free zones do factor into their decision….the Santa Barbara shooter thought about shooting up an outdoor fair but stated he was afraid the armed police would stop him…..the Colorado theater shooter wanted to shoot up an airport, but again, the armed security made him change his target……there was the Canadian shooter who made fun of gun free zones on his social media before shooting the soldier and attacking their parliament…and the kid in Minnesota who was caught before the shooting…he was going to murder the police resource officer first so no one would be armed to stop him….
Has it ever been proven that these shooters even know of gun free zones ? Cause your every day shooting doesn't happen in these places.


Teen made bombs, stockpiled guns in prep for Minnesota school massacre: police

LaDue, according to the notebook of his plan, would kill the school resource officer before continuing to kill other students. He was prepared to be gunned down by a SWAT Team, police said.

Officers busted the maniacal teen Tuesday after someone reported LaDue as a suspicious person at the storage unit where he kept many of his materials.


Vince Vaughn is right about guns (and was brave to be so honest) | Fox News

Last June, Elliot Rodger, who killed six people in Santa Barbara, Calif., explained his own choice. In his 141-page “Manifesto,” Rodger turned down alternate targets because he worried that someone with a gun would cut short his killing spree.

That same month, Justin Bourque shot to death three people in Canada. His Facebook page made fun of gun bans, with pictures of defenseless victims explaining to killers that they weren’t allowed to have guns.

The diary of the Aurora, Colorado, “Batman” movie theater killer, James Holmes, was finally released this past week. It was clear that he was considering both attacking an airport and a movie theater, but he turned down the airport option because he was concerned about their “substantial security.”

Of course, there are numerous other examples such as the Columbine killersopposing the concealed carry law that was then working its way through the state legislature. The bill would have allowed people to carry permitted concealed handguns on school property. The killers timed their attack for the very day that final passage of the law was planned for in the legislature.

If you go to the link for the Colorado theater shooter they have a photo of his journal where he has notes about airports…..he lists one of the items…."Substantial Security"
Here's a little factoid for you . States wh tougher gun laws have less gun crime . That's a fact .

Now gun nuts will play a shell game and bring up Chicago for the 1000th time . Or Vermont . Here's the deal, Chicago and DC are just cities and they have big gang problems . And no one lives in Vermont .

But if you want to compare similar gun nut vs gun control state, it's on bitch!!!

Here's a little factoid for you . States wh tougher gun laws have less gun crime . That's a fact .

That is a lie…….first, please link your source….second…my guess is your source comes from the Violence Policy Center or another anti gun group….and what they do to make that false claim is add suicides to the numbers of gun "homicides" , not gun crime……

All of the states with high gun murder rates have big, democrat controlled cities and almost all of their gun crime is done by criminals and almost all of their victims are other criminals…….
What Sturgis ? Bunch of yuppies on overpriced bikes . How done even know they are packing ?
Open and conceal carry is absolutely legal here, you see guns everywhere.
And no most bikers are not lawyers and doctors, most are just bikers.

See more guns does not = more killings...
So you're saying a bunch of grandpa's on motorcycle's don't shoot at each other, and yet that even has had several shootings. Hmm...
Na, guns don't kill people, that simple.
If guns don't kill people, they don't save people either. That simple.

They do save people…when good people use them to stop bad people….for example…a criminal doesn't commit the crime because he knows the victim is armed….most of he time the victim doesn't even have to shoot the weapon…no gun…and the victim gets attacked….

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