Guess which demographic approval #'s of Trump are the highest?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Trump claims ‘a great relationship with the blacks,’ but his appeals to nativism tell another story

As Trump has galvanized the anti-immigration movement, seizing control of a primary process that was supposed to be about traditional Republican economic and foreign-policy issues, he has begun attracting support from some of the more unsavory elements on the right-wing fringe: neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white-power advocates. The Daily Stormer, described by the New Yorker as “America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site,” endorsed his run within weeks of his announcement. Craig Cobb, who gained national attention in 2013 over a failed plan to set up a whites-only town in North Dakota, has resurrected the idea, and said he would name the place after Trump. And as was widely reported, Trump’s huge rally in Mobile, Ala., last week was greeted with a shout of “white power” from someone in the crowd — a remark that Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, suggested the candidate might not have heard.

Trump claims ‘a great relationship with the blacks,’ but his appeals to nativism tell another story

As Trump has galvanized the anti-immigration movement, seizing control of a primary process that was supposed to be about traditional Republican economic and foreign-policy issues, he has begun attracting support from some of the more unsavory elements on the right-wing fringe: neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white-power advocates. The Daily Stormer, described by the New Yorker as “America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site,” endorsed his run within weeks of his announcement. Craig Cobb, who gained national attention in 2013 over a failed plan to set up a whites-only town in North Dakota, has resurrected the idea, and said he would name the place after Trump. And as was widely reported, Trump’s huge rally in Mobile, Ala., last week was greeted with a shout of “white power” from someone in the crowd — a remark that Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, suggested the candidate might not have heard.

Since our resident white nationalists love him this comes as no surprise.
Trump claims ‘a great relationship with the blacks,’ but his appeals to nativism tell another story

As Trump has galvanized the anti-immigration movement, seizing control of a primary process that was supposed to be about traditional Republican economic and foreign-policy issues, he has begun attracting support from some of the more unsavory elements on the right-wing fringe: neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white-power advocates. The Daily Stormer, described by the New Yorker as “America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site,” endorsed his run within weeks of his announcement. Craig Cobb, who gained national attention in 2013 over a failed plan to set up a whites-only town in North Dakota, has resurrected the idea, and said he would name the place after Trump. And as was widely reported, Trump’s huge rally in Mobile, Ala., last week was greeted with a shout of “white power” from someone in the crowd — a remark that Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, suggested the candidate might not have heard.

Since our resident white nationalists love him this comes as no surprise.
I know right?
Wait, you mean to tell me Hispanic women aren't his biggest supporters?
Trump claims ‘a great relationship with the blacks,’ but his appeals to nativism tell another story

As Trump has galvanized the anti-immigration movement, seizing control of a primary process that was supposed to be about traditional Republican economic and foreign-policy issues, he has begun attracting support from some of the more unsavory elements on the right-wing fringe: neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white-power advocates. The Daily Stormer, described by the New Yorker as “America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site,” endorsed his run within weeks of his announcement. Craig Cobb, who gained national attention in 2013 over a failed plan to set up a whites-only town in North Dakota, has resurrected the idea, and said he would name the place after Trump. And as was widely reported, Trump’s huge rally in Mobile, Ala., last week was greeted with a shout of “white power” from someone in the crowd — a remark that Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, suggested the candidate might not have heard.

I tip my hat to him every weekend morning as I raise my stars and bars to my four foot high flag pole (so as not to be seen from the street) and fire off my tiny toy cannon.
Trump really should reconstitute the Know Nothing Party. His rhetoric is so similar, I swear he's lifting material from them.
Trump really should reconstitute the Know Nothing Party. His rhetoric is so similar, I swear he's lifting material from them.
Well, the know nothings were inherently anti-tolerant and hateful to immigrants, which is sort of amusing since those immigrants won the civil war and fueled the industrial revolution.

But, honestly, I think the Donald is a bit more. Facts don't interest or dissuade him. But, there are deep currents in mainstream America that immigration is out of control and the very rich do not have our interests at heart. He's tapped into that, while the gop establishment cannot go there because citizens united and the superpacs have hemmed in "mainstream" candidates ... really are not of the mainstream.
The Know Nothings said the source countries of the wave of immigrants were sending their worst and poorest people. They said the source countries were sending criminals and vermin and job stealers and that party bosses were using them to get votes. They said the immigrants were destroying freedom and liberty and would end the greatness of America. They complained about the immigrants kids, and there is even a cartoon of "The Last Yankee" surrounded by immigrant kids who were going to make him extinct in the 20th century by out-breeding real Americans.

Now isn't that identical to what we are hearing today?

"They aren't sending their best people." "They bring crime. They're rapists." "Anchor babies."

Except the Know Nothings were talking about the Irish, and the Italians, and Germans, and other Europeans.

So I ask you Trump supporters and haters of anchor babies and Mexicans some questions. Were your ancestors vermin? Were they criminals? Were their children animals? Did they destroy America and freedom and liberty?

Or did they leave the squalor of their home countries to make life better for themselves and their families? Did they leave the squalor of their home countries to come here and work their asses off?

If the rhetoric about your own ancestors was just so much BULLSHIT and fearmongering, then you can be pretty sure your own rhetoric is just so much more BULLSHIT and fearmongering.
The Know Nothings said the source countries of the wave of immigrants were sending their worst and poorest people. They said the source countries were sending criminals and vermin and job stealers and that party bosses were using them to get votes. They said the immigrants were destroying freedom and liberty and would end the greatness of America. They complained about the immigrants kids, and there is even a cartoon of "The Last Yankee" surrounded by immigrant kids who were going to make him extinct in the 20th century by out-breeding real Americans.

Now isn't that identical to what we are hearing today?

"They aren't sending their best people." "They bring crime. They're rapists." "Anchor babies."

Except the Know Nothings were talking about the Irish, and the Italians, and Germans, and other Europeans.

So I ask you Trump supporters and haters of anchor babies and Mexicans some questions. Were your ancestors vermin? Were they criminals? Were their children animals? Did they destroy America and freedom and liberty?

Or did they leave the squalor of their home countries to make life better for themselves and their families? Did they leave the squalor of their home countries to come here and work their asses off?

If the rhetoric about your own ancestors was just so much BULLSHIT and fearmongering, then you can be pretty sure your own rhetoric is just so much more BULLSHIT and fearmongering.
I think the know nothings were fueled dually by anti-Catholicism and a fear by the lower working class, and even skilled manual labor class, of wage competition. So, yeah Trump is pandering and engaging in racial fears and stereotyping, but I'm convinced there's a direct comparison in motivations.
Trump claims ‘a great relationship with the blacks,’ but his appeals to nativism tell another story

As Trump has galvanized the anti-immigration movement, seizing control of a primary process that was supposed to be about traditional Republican economic and foreign-policy issues, he has begun attracting support from some of the more unsavory elements on the right-wing fringe: neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white-power advocates. The Daily Stormer, described by the New Yorker as “America’s most popular neo-Nazi news site,” endorsed his run within weeks of his announcement. Craig Cobb, who gained national attention in 2013 over a failed plan to set up a whites-only town in North Dakota, has resurrected the idea, and said he would name the place after Trump. And as was widely reported, Trump’s huge rally in Mobile, Ala., last week was greeted with a shout of “white power” from someone in the crowd — a remark that Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, suggested the candidate might not have heard.

Since our resident white nationalists love him this comes as no surprise.

Yes, they are salivating and frothing with joy over his whiteness.
The Know Nothings said the source countries of the wave of immigrants were sending their worst and poorest people. They said the source countries were sending criminals and vermin and job stealers and that party bosses were using them to get votes. They said the immigrants were destroying freedom and liberty and would end the greatness of America. They complained about the immigrants kids, and there is even a cartoon of "The Last Yankee" surrounded by immigrant kids who were going to make him extinct in the 20th century by out-breeding real Americans.

Now isn't that identical to what we are hearing today?

"They aren't sending their best people." "They bring crime. They're rapists." "Anchor babies."

Except the Know Nothings were talking about the Irish, and the Italians, and Germans, and other Europeans.

So I ask you Trump supporters and haters of anchor babies and Mexicans some questions. Were your ancestors vermin? Were they criminals? Were their children animals? Did they destroy America and freedom and liberty?

Or did they leave the squalor of their home countries to make life better for themselves and their families? Did they leave the squalor of their home countries to come here and work their asses off?

If the rhetoric about your own ancestors was just so much BULLSHIT and fearmongering, then you can be pretty sure your own rhetoric is just so much more BULLSHIT and fearmongering.
Our greatgrandparents came here legally.
Most arrived before Social Security. They worked for what they got. It wasn't just handed to them. Their children built our cities, our railroads, did the shitty jobs. The only reason slavery became common was a because so many of our ancestors died of disease or from the hardships common to that period.

These invaders who snuck in are eating up our entitlements, taking our entry-level jobs, driving down wages, and sending our money back home to their relatives in Mexico and Central America. It makes up 30% of their native country's GNP.
The Know Nothings said the source countries of the wave of immigrants were sending their worst and poorest people. They said the source countries were sending criminals and vermin and job stealers and that party bosses were using them to get votes. They said the immigrants were destroying freedom and liberty and would end the greatness of America. They complained about the immigrants kids, and there is even a cartoon of "The Last Yankee" surrounded by immigrant kids who were going to make him extinct in the 20th century by out-breeding real Americans.

Now isn't that identical to what we are hearing today?

"They aren't sending their best people." "They bring crime. They're rapists." "Anchor babies."

Except the Know Nothings were talking about the Irish, and the Italians, and Germans, and other Europeans.

So I ask you Trump supporters and haters of anchor babies and Mexicans some questions. Were your ancestors vermin? Were they criminals? Were their children animals? Did they destroy America and freedom and liberty?

Or did they leave the squalor of their home countries to make life better for themselves and their families? Did they leave the squalor of their home countries to come here and work their asses off?

If the rhetoric about your own ancestors was just so much BULLSHIT and fearmongering, then you can be pretty sure your own rhetoric is just so much more BULLSHIT and fearmongering.
Our greatgrandparents came here legally.
Most arrived before Social Security. They worked for what they got. It wasn't just handed to them. Their children built our cities, our railroads, did the shitty jobs. The only reason slavery became common was a because so many of our ancestors died of disease or from the hardships common to that period.

These invaders who snuck in are eating up our entitlements, taking our entry-level jobs, driving down wages, and sending our money back home to their relatives in Mexico and Central America. It makes up 30% of their native country's GNP.
By God, we have a Know Nothing!
The Know Nothings said the source countries of the wave of immigrants were sending their worst and poorest people. They said the source countries were sending criminals and vermin and job stealers and that party bosses were using them to get votes. They said the immigrants were destroying freedom and liberty and would end the greatness of America. They complained about the immigrants kids, and there is even a cartoon of "The Last Yankee" surrounded by immigrant kids who were going to make him extinct in the 20th century by out-breeding real Americans.

Now isn't that identical to what we are hearing today?

"They aren't sending their best people." "They bring crime. They're rapists." "Anchor babies."

Except the Know Nothings were talking about the Irish, and the Italians, and Germans, and other Europeans.

So I ask you Trump supporters and haters of anchor babies and Mexicans some questions. Were your ancestors vermin? Were they criminals? Were their children animals? Did they destroy America and freedom and liberty?

Or did they leave the squalor of their home countries to make life better for themselves and their families? Did they leave the squalor of their home countries to come here and work their asses off?

If the rhetoric about your own ancestors was just so much BULLSHIT and fearmongering, then you can be pretty sure your own rhetoric is just so much more BULLSHIT and fearmongering.
Our greatgrandparents came here legally.
Most arrived before Social Security. They worked for what they got. It wasn't just handed to them. Their children built our cities, our railroads, did the shitty jobs. The only reason slavery became common was a because so many of our ancestors died of disease or from the hardships common to that period.

These invaders who snuck in are eating up our entitlements, taking our entry-level jobs, driving down wages, and sending our money back home to their relatives in Mexico and Central America. It makes up 30% of their native country's GNP.
By God, we have a Know Nothing!

Please specify.....
The Know Nothings said the source countries of the wave of immigrants were sending their worst and poorest people. They said the source countries were sending criminals and vermin and job stealers and that party bosses were using them to get votes. They said the immigrants were destroying freedom and liberty and would end the greatness of America. They complained about the immigrants kids, and there is even a cartoon of "The Last Yankee" surrounded by immigrant kids who were going to make him extinct in the 20th century by out-breeding real Americans.

Now isn't that identical to what we are hearing today?

"They aren't sending their best people." "They bring crime. They're rapists." "Anchor babies."

Except the Know Nothings were talking about the Irish, and the Italians, and Germans, and other Europeans.

So I ask you Trump supporters and haters of anchor babies and Mexicans some questions. Were your ancestors vermin? Were they criminals? Were their children animals? Did they destroy America and freedom and liberty?

Or did they leave the squalor of their home countries to make life better for themselves and their families? Did they leave the squalor of their home countries to come here and work their asses off?

If the rhetoric about your own ancestors was just so much BULLSHIT and fearmongering, then you can be pretty sure your own rhetoric is just so much more BULLSHIT and fearmongering.
Our greatgrandparents came here legally.
So? The anti-immigrant rhetoric is identical. Allow me to show you.

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