GSA Tells Biden Transition Team to Pound Sand;There is NO President Elect

how can you read what they are filing as we speak???
Courts are public records. They’ve been filing cases for the last week.

They’ve also been having their cases thrown out for the last week. Trump has a habit of over promising and under delivering. The next big thing is always coming up.
you mean the birther thing that hilary started???
Not worth arguing over whether Hillary did or didn’t start it.

Were you aware that Trump said he sent investigators to Hawaii? Nothing ever came of it. He promises big, often comes up short.
you mean the birther thing that hilary started???
Not worth arguing over whether Hillary did or didn’t start it.

Were you aware that Trump said he sent investigators to Hawaii? Nothing ever came of it. He promises big, often comes up short.
be better to start a separate thread on that than derail this one,,,

wouldnt want you to get reported,,,
A sad bitter epitaph of a never proud administration.

LOMAO A very proud administration that should be proud for all they accomplished.

Sure hope Biden can do half of what Trumps administration did.
Gotta wake him up first

80,000,000 votes....he's awake and will be sworn in. Turns out the Biden Rally was at the ballot box.

:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

Oh and just how many of those ballots weren't supposed to be counted?? The investigators will find out. Trump was leading in one state by 700.000 votes and lost?? If that doesn't sound fishy to you then you are just a biased hack.

You'd have to actually look at the stats yourself to see what've never done that. You rely on whatever media suits your silly conspiracy theory.

Who do you think you are kidding? If Biden were in the place Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Again, you're ignorant of the stats relative to the night of 11/3. Inform yourself for a change.

Stats?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You know only what is spoon fed to you. IF you examined the stats, you'd have to disagree with your feeders. You have no self esteem so you won't do it.
Blind love for Trump has inured you to his lies.
This issue is not about trump

Or at least not directly

its about democrats cheating 71 million voters out of their choice for president
But accusing teams of cheating and actually proving the cheating are two different things.
So you’re demanding that repubs have the evidence BEFORE we begin the investigation?

thats backwards
A sad bitter epitaph of a never proud administration.
Biden and the lib news media are trying to put the bum’s rush on this election

they are like a football team that just made a questionable catch and want to run another play before the challenge flag comes out

Your football analogy is weak at best. Biden just completed a blow out of a game and Trump is complaining that his loss is "unfair".

It's been a WEEK already. Four years ago today, President Elect Donald Trump was meeting with Barrack Obama in the White House, so stop saying Trump is being given the "bum's rush".

Given that Trump has totally screwed the pooch throughout his four years, and done little but sign executive orders, undoing damage done will be relatively easy since most of it was done by executive order, and not legislation.

The "Muslim Ban" will be gone the first day. The internment camps on the border - gone on the first day. Attempts to end DACA - gone. All of the EPA regulations which Trump changed by EO - gone. The USA will be rejoining the WHO, and the Paris Accord.

The big job will be repairing the economic damage done: the 200,000 small businesses lost, and the millions of jobs that aren't coming back. Then there's infrastructure, education, and innovation - all of the things that Trump has either ignored or destroyed.

Trump only passed two bills in 4 years - the tax cut and the crime bill, so undoing his leag
Buzz off

you are only a canadian
A sad bitter epitaph of a never proud administration.

LOMAO A very proud administration that should be proud for all they accomplished.

Sure hope Biden can do half of what Trumps administration did.
Gotta wake him up first

80,000,000 votes....he's awake and will be sworn in. Turns out the Biden Rally was at the ballot box.

:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

Oh and just how many of those ballots weren't supposed to be counted?? The investigators will find out. Trump was leading in one state by 700.000 votes and lost?? If that doesn't sound fishy to you then you are just a biased hack.

You'd have to actually look at the stats yourself to see what've never done that. You rely on whatever media suits your silly conspiracy theory.

Who do you think you are kidding? If Biden were in the place Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs.

Again, you're ignorant of the stats relative to the night of 11/3. Inform yourself for a change.

Stats?? Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You know only what is spoon fed to you. IF you examined the stats, you'd have to disagree with your feeders. You have no self esteem so you won't do it.

Oh blow your self esteem out your lefty loon ass. No one spoon feeds me anything but they sure spoon feed you.

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