growing Islamophobia

Half of the French national team are Muslims, and almost half of the supporters were Muslims and a Muslim policeman died so did other Muslims....but you don't see that do you?

I suggest you go to Syria or Lybia to fight them terrorists, here in the US we Muslims are busy with everyday life tasks. Unless if you wanna show up at my 9 years old girls scouts meeting to tell us how horrible we are
And how we plotting to kill you with a peanut butter cookie box.

Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.

I agree with you the last election both parties failed miserably. Although I think that trump is the worst candidate that have ever run for president. I didn't vote for any, because none wete fit to be president, I would've voted for Biden or Sanders on a heart beat.

I meant religious Christians that consider themselves conservatives and republicans.
As fAR as Muslims I might be biased.

Might be biased? I have found 99% of Christians to be wonderful people, funny that is the same percentage I find Muslims to be. Same holds true for whites, blacks, orientals, hispanics, conservatives and liberals. I must live in a different world from you because I find 99% of all people honest, peaceful, and wonderful. I will also say, 100% of all people are bigoted and hold prejudice, we are after all human and that we don't understand, we form bigotry and prejudice, race, color, religion and politics doesn't matter. It is who we all are, human.
What is good in the united states is that we can be against terrorist Muslims without fearing to decide by ourselves and here in France we do not express ourselves, we can not decide for ourselves, we can't be against terrorist Muslims.
Maybe I should move to the US and there I could be myself.
But I fight it here in France, I am for the FN but the French who are stuck by the government and their stupidity can not fight the terrorist.
Before the football ( soccer)match France against Germany on 13 November 2015 (you know about the attacks in Paris?) Well they had a speech against racism and what happened 10 minutes later well at the entrance of the stadium one Muslim terrorist explodes ... makes sense?
What you mumbling??!!
Issa is an Arabic for Jesus the son of mirgin Mary one of the greatest man kind. Questions?

Americans talk shut about the French and same goes the other day, all day long. All of sudden you inviting them in, to tell how they don't shower, ND how arrogant and PS they are?

We'd be Glad to have you here.

Issa knows a country where NO ONE has any biases--------I am intrigued----anyone know WAT DA HELL
I don't think he's from here..............

what is the name of the UTOPIA OF HIS BIRTH?
Isa (name) - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.

What a load. What country?

I agree with you the last election both parties failed miserably. Although I think that trump is the worst candidate that have ever run for president. I didn't vote for any, because none wete fit to be president, I would've voted for Biden or Sanders on a heart beat.

I meant religious Christians that consider themselves conservatives and republicans.
As fAR as Muslims I might be biased.

Good for you but as minorities we are less likely to vote republican...simply because they don't like us.
20% some Latinos vote republican less than 10% blacks ect....not to count those eligible to vote.
Republicans have no future if they don't change their racial ideology.

So religious people would include Muslims?

I have yet to meet anyone that doesn't have a hint bigotry or prejudice against a person of race, religion, or politics. I don't care if it is a Democrat, a Catholic, a white person, Muslim, or whoever it is people dealing with people.

I found if I am nice to people they are nice to me. Just get along and it works.

Vote for whoever you want, I don't vote Republican all the time, this last election I voted third party because the Republicans and Democrats failed to run a candidate that had character or integrity. I can't believe that anyone would vote for either candidate.

So when you say religious people are the most intolerant, does that also mean Muslims?

Might be biased? I have found 99% of Christians to be wonderful people, funny that is the same percentage I find Muslims to be. Same holds true for whites, blacks, orientals, hispanics, conservatives and liberals. I must live in a different world from you because I find 99% of all people honest, peaceful, and wonderful. I will also say, 100% of all people are bigoted and hold prejudice, we are after all human and that we don't understand, we form bigotry and prejudice, race, color, religion and politics doesn't matter. It is who we all are, human.
Last edited:
A country where there are no black and white neighborhoods, a country that doesn't provide forms and ask you to indicate your ethnicity, a country where you don't get treated based on your color.
Is there racism yes sure, is it systematic in the US it's and it's epedemic it took one fool in the Oval Office to bring the worst off it out.
Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.

What a load. What country?

I agree with you the last election both parties failed miserably. Although I think that trump is the worst candidate that have ever run for president. I didn't vote for any, because none wete fit to be president, I would've voted for Biden or Sanders on a heart beat.

I meant religious Christians that consider themselves conservatives and republicans.
As fAR as Muslims I might be biased.

Good for you but as minorities we are less likely to vote republican...simply because they don't like us.
20% some Latinos vote republican less than 10% blacks ect....not to count those eligible to vote.
Republicans have no future if they don't change their racial ideology.

So religious people would include Muslims?

I have yet to meet anyone that doesn't have a hint bigotry or prejudice against a person of race, religion, or politics. I don't care if it is a Democrat, a Catholic, a white person, Muslim, or whoever it is people dealing with people.

I found if I am nice to people they are nice to me. Just get along and it works.

Vote for whoever you want, I don't vote Republican all the time, this last election I voted third party because the Republicans and Democrats failed to run a candidate that had character or integrity. I can't believe that anyone would vote for either candidate.

So when you say religious people are the most intolerant, does that also mean Muslims?

Might be biased? I have found 99% of Christians to be wonderful people, funny that is the same percentage I find Muslims to be. Same holds true for whites, blacks, orientals, hispanics, conservatives and liberals. I must live in a different world from you because I find 99% of all people honest, peaceful, and wonderful. I will also say, 100% of all people are bigoted and hold prejudice, we are after all human and that we don't understand, we form bigotry and prejudice, race, color, religion and politics doesn't matter. It is who we all are, human.
A country where there are no black and white neighborhoods, a country that doesn't provide forms and ask you to indicate your ethnicity, a country where you don't get treated based on your color.
Is there racism yes sure, is it systematic in the US it's and it's epedemic it took one fool in the Oval Office to bring the worst off it out.
Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.

What a load. What country?

I agree with you the last election both parties failed miserably. Although I think that trump is the worst candidate that have ever run for president. I didn't vote for any, because none wete fit to be president, I would've voted for Biden or Sanders on a heart beat.

I meant religious Christians that consider themselves conservatives and republicans.
As fAR as Muslims I might be biased.

Good for you but as minorities we are less likely to vote republican...simply because they don't like us.
20% some Latinos vote republican less than 10% blacks ect....not to count those eligible to vote.
Republicans have no future if they don't change their racial ideology.

Vote for whoever you want, I don't vote Republican all the time, this last election I voted third party because the Republicans and Democrats failed to run a candidate that had character or integrity. I can't believe that anyone would vote for either candidate.

So when you say religious people are the most intolerant, does that also mean Muslims?

Might be biased? I have found 99% of Christians to be wonderful people, funny that is the same percentage I find Muslims to be. Same holds true for whites, blacks, orientals, hispanics, conservatives and liberals. I must live in a different world from you because I find 99% of all people honest, peaceful, and wonderful. I will also say, 100% of all people are bigoted and hold prejudice, we are after all human and that we don't understand, we form bigotry and prejudice, race, color, religion and politics doesn't matter. It is who we all are, human.

What is the name of the country?
Here you go..........AFTER MANCHESTER. They don't let up. (concealed in a water delivery truck). Drive right on in........right this way. What a bunch of luncatics. Islamophobia.........uh.....yeah. If it looks like a duck?

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)A huge suicide bomb ripped through a secure area of Kabul at the height of the Wednesday morning rush hour, killing at least 90 people and wounding 400, Afghan officials said.

The blast, which came a few days into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was one of the deadliest to hit the capital in recent years.
The bomb exploded in the diplomatic quarter near the German Embassy and the Afghan presidential palace. The streets were packed with commuters, women shopping and children going to school, and the blast appears likely to result in a high civilian death toll.

Kabul bombing: 90 killed in attack near diplomatic area in Afghanistan -

I agreed with your post to Pogo...time to let up.

But consider this. Afghanistan is in war with the Taliban, an insurgent force we once supported. It's been going on how long now? This was horrific. But you are using it to score anti Muslim points. This wasn't a fight over religion but who gets to control Afghanistan.
Last edited:
Americans talk shut about the French and same goes the other day, all day long. All of sudden you inviting them in, to tell how they don't shower, ND how arrogant and PS they are?

Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.

Might be biased? I have found 99% of Christians to be wonderful people, funny that is the same percentage I find Muslims to be. Same holds true for whites, blacks, orientals, hispanics, conservatives and liberals. I must live in a different world from you because I find 99% of all people honest, peaceful, and wonderful. I will also say, 100% of all people are bigoted and hold prejudice, we are after all human and that we don't understand, we form bigotry and prejudice, race, color, religion and politics doesn't matter. It is who we all are, human.
What is good in the united states is that we can be against terrorist Muslims without fearing to decide by ourselves and here in France we do not express ourselves, we can not decide for ourselves, we can't be against terrorist Muslims.
Maybe I should move to the US and there I could be myself.
We'd be Glad to have you here.

Issa knows a country where NO ONE has any biases--------I am intrigued----anyone know WAT DA HELL
Rosie that is not what he said. He mentioned racism specifically not biases or other isms.
Trying to imply we are saying things we never said.



The girls who were attacked were just 16 or 17....they must have been terrified. Corbin is over 6 ft tall, 235 lbs. iI can't find anything stating that girls "started" it or that the knifer was some kind of misunderstood guy who was jumped by drug ridden punks.

From Corbin's family:
“We offer our deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased; to the young women harassed; and to everyone who tried to protect these young women,” the statement said, according to the newspaper. “We cannot begin to understand this senseless act. We abhor violence, racism, and bigotry. We are praying for healing for everyone affected by the horrible actions of our son.”

Incidents like these have multiple victims: those who died, those who were the targets, the families, and the family of the perpetrator. And sometimes the perpetrator. Corbin was pretty clearly mentally ill, he was a transient with no fixed address.

Apparently they arrested the man who stole a backpack and a wedding ring from one of the victims - as he lay dying. He was a veteran. Thhis was caught on surveillence video.

The girls didn't start the conflict, from Portland Stabbing Victim Micah Fletcher Says City Has 'White Savior Complex'

Court documents describe a chaotic scene on the train from the moment Christian boarded.

He was drinking sangria from a large, bladder-style bag and began shouting anti-Muslim slurs once he spotted the two young women, according to a probable cause affidavit signed by Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Ryan Lufkin.

One passenger tried to intervene and was not hurt. The women moved away from Christian.

Surveillance video then shows Christian turn his attention to Namkai-Meche, who was seated. It wasn't clear if he said something to draw Christian's attention, but he stood up as Christian began shouting at him.

Fletcher then stood up and pushed Christian hard enough to make him stumble, the affidavit said.

Christian pulled a folded knife from his pocket and concealed it in his hand, prosecutors say. As a shoving match ensued, Christian first stabbed Fletcher, then Namkai-Meche, the documents say. Best then tried to come to their aid and was stabbed.

"He was drinking sangria from a large, bladder-style bag" Warning sign #1. don't mess around with somebody drinking wine from a hot water bottle or goat-skin flask (during daytime hours on a train, who does that?). So you got a drunk crazy man on a train yelling and screaming? Sounds like a regular day up to here?

Surveillance video then shows Christian turn his attention to Namkai-Meche, who was seated. It wasn't clear if he said something to draw Christian's attention, but he stood up as Christian began shouting at him.

Warning sign #2 don't stand up and try to intimidate crazy man drinking wine from hot water bottle or goat-skin. This guy may be living on the streets, nothing to lose. Skilled in dealing with strangers and fighting.

Fletcher then stood up and pushed Christian hard enough to make him stumble" Warning sign #3, don't shove crazy man on public transportation. Don't gang up on crazy man unless he attacks you (defend yourself or others only).

Tilly, you don't have to call him Mr. Christian.
Coyote called him Corbin? huh? Now I am confuse.
Poor Poor little girls got yelled at. How about the girls in Manchester? un-provoked muslim attack.
Pogo when I want to post to you I will. warning#4 is on the table.

Do you have daughters?

Can you imagine what it would be like to be 16, minding your own business and be verbally assaulted by a huge man like that? You have no idea what he might or might not do.
I'm fluent in French my grandfather helped fight the nazis half of my family are French, I've visited dozens of times....I guess I might have a glimpse of what the French think about the Americans and vise versa....
Climate accord and so many other issues France is on a different path than the US now.
And no France didn't just go to Mali to liberate them, but more to protect its economical interest in the country and their exploitation of the resources of MalI and so many other countries around the world.
The French hate your president and hate those who voted for him that's a fact, except the FN supporters.

Americans talk shut about the French and same goes the other day, all day long. All of sudden you inviting them in, to tell how they don't shower, ND how arrogant and PS they are?

Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.
What is good in the united states is that we can be against terrorist Muslims without fearing to decide by ourselves and here in France we do not express ourselves, we can not decide for ourselves, we can't be against terrorist Muslims.
Maybe I should move to the US and there I could be myself.
We'd be Glad to have you here.
They way you said that makes it sound like you aren't American..........Like you are looking in and not out.............Why is it that I get the feeling you aren't from here..................hmmmm.................

We joke about the French...............sometimes we do.........sometimes we don't..........I imagine there they do the same thing.........

Yet in the fight against Radical Islam............France has played a role and helped save Mali from being overthrown by Radical Islam that came over from Libya...........

France is in the are many countries that happen to be............OMG MUSLIM...............Your propaganda is a joke and nothing more....................

Trying to imply we are saying things we never said.
The news articles I read said otherwise............They fought with the Mali army to hold the place from a group that was later driven into the mountains to the North........been a while since I looked but that is what happened when I look there.

How are you to speak for all of are one person.....perhaps many don't like Trump or our policies but I highly doubt you speak for them all. Nor do I speak for all Americans.

At least here you can't get jailed for speaking your mind........there.......not so much as they classify free speech as hate speech and lock your ass up.

I again state, by your own comments, that I doubt you are from America............
Here you go..........AFTER MANCHESTER. They don't let up. (concealed in a water delivery truck). Drive right on in........right this way. What a bunch of luncatics. Islamophobia.........uh.....yeah. If it looks like a duck?

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)A huge suicide bomb ripped through a secure area of Kabul at the height of the Wednesday morning rush hour, killing at least 90 people and wounding 400, Afghan officials said.

The blast, which came a few days into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was one of the deadliest to hit the capital in recent years.
The bomb exploded in the diplomatic quarter near the German Embassy and the Afghan presidential palace. The streets were packed with commuters, women shopping and children going to school, and the blast appears likely to result in a high civilian death toll.

Kabul bombing: 90 killed in attack near diplomatic area in Afghanistan -

I agreed with your post to Pogo...time to let up.

But consider this. Afghanistan is in war with the Taliban, an insurgent force we once supported. It's been going on how long now? This was horrific. But you are using it to score anti Muslim points. This wasn't a fight over religion but who gets to control Afghanistan.
We supported a group of fighters of which the Taliban were a part of it.............while it came back to bite us in the ass later........the Northern Alliance was also part of that group who have been fighting on our side for quite some time now.

That's the rest of the story............not just the Taliban
Even the French President who was voted in in a land slide is trolling the orange man. I have tons of French friends been to France and the general feeling, is that American are stupid to elect a man like trump. One they her I live in the US, first question how did you guys elect a guy like that. I not make that stuff up, same goes for all countries I've been too. Heck I'm in Cali and we still think it's a nightmare.

Free speech my ass, when you threaten others, so why y'all jumped on cathy Griffith then? Wasn't that free speech?

I'm fluent in French my grandfather helped fight the nazis half of my family are French, I've visited dozens of times....I guess I might have a glimpse of what the French think about the Americans and vise versa....
Climate accord and so many other issues France is on a different path than the US now.
And no France didn't just go to Mali to liberate them, but more to protect its economical interest in the country and their exploitation of the resources of MalI and so many other countries around the world.
The French hate your president and hate those who voted for him that's a fact, except the FN supporters.

Americans talk shut about the French and same goes the other day, all day long. All of sudden you inviting them in, to tell how they don't shower, ND how arrogant and PS they are?

What is good in the united states is that we can be against terrorist Muslims without fearing to decide by ourselves and here in France we do not express ourselves, we can not decide for ourselves, we can't be against terrorist Muslims.
Maybe I should move to the US and there I could be myself.
We'd be Glad to have you here.
They way you said that makes it sound like you aren't American..........Like you are looking in and not out.............Why is it that I get the feeling you aren't from here..................hmmmm.................

We joke about the French...............sometimes we do.........sometimes we don't..........I imagine there they do the same thing.........

Yet in the fight against Radical Islam............France has played a role and helped save Mali from being overthrown by Radical Islam that came over from Libya...........

France is in the are many countries that happen to be............OMG MUSLIM...............Your propaganda is a joke and nothing more....................

Trying to imply we are saying things we never said.
The news articles I read said otherwise............They fought with the Mali army to hold the place from a group that was later driven into the mountains to the North........been a while since I looked but that is what happened when I look there.

How are you to speak for all of are one person.....perhaps many don't like Trump or our policies but I highly doubt you speak for them all. Nor do I speak for all Americans.

At least here you can't get jailed for speaking your mind........there.......not so much as they classify free speech as hate speech and lock your ass up.

I again state, by your own comments, that I doubt you are from America............
The US supported AL qaeda also, Isis as well....and same scenario.....Ooopsss!!!! We didn't know they were evil. Wake up and smell the coffee it's all premeditated to have a foot where the natural resources and be well positioned in the world.

Here you go..........AFTER MANCHESTER. They don't let up. (concealed in a water delivery truck). Drive right on in........right this way. What a bunch of luncatics. Islamophobia.........uh.....yeah. If it looks like a duck?

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)A huge suicide bomb ripped through a secure area of Kabul at the height of the Wednesday morning rush hour, killing at least 90 people and wounding 400, Afghan officials said.

The blast, which came a few days into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was one of the deadliest to hit the capital in recent years.
The bomb exploded in the diplomatic quarter near the German Embassy and the Afghan presidential palace. The streets were packed with commuters, women shopping and children going to school, and the blast appears likely to result in a high civilian death toll.

Kabul bombing: 90 killed in attack near diplomatic area in Afghanistan -

I agreed with your post to Pogo...time to let up.

But consider this. Afghanistan is in war with the Taliban, an insurgent force we once supported. It's been going on how long now? This was horrific. But you are using it to score anti Muslim points. This wasn't a fight over religion but who gets to control Afghanistan.
We supported a group of fighters of which the Taliban were a part of it.............while it came back to bite us in the ass later........the Northern Alliance was also part of that group who have been fighting on our side for quite some time now.

That's the rest of the story............not just the Taliban
Even the French President who was voted in in a land slide is trolling the orange man. I have tons of French friends been to France and the general feeling, is that American are stupid to elect a man like trump. One they her I live in the US, first question how did you guys elect a guy like that. I not make that stuff up, same goes for all countries I've been too. Heck I'm in Cali and we still think it's a nightmare.

Free speech my ass, when you threaten others, so why y'all jumped on cathy Griffith then? Wasn't that free speech?

I'm fluent in French my grandfather helped fight the nazis half of my family are French, I've visited dozens of times....I guess I might have a glimpse of what the French think about the Americans and vise versa....
Climate accord and so many other issues France is on a different path than the US now.
And no France didn't just go to Mali to liberate them, but more to protect its economical interest in the country and their exploitation of the resources of MalI and so many other countries around the world.
The French hate your president and hate those who voted for him that's a fact, except the FN supporters.

Americans talk shut about the French and same goes the other day, all day long. All of sudden you inviting them in, to tell how they don't shower, ND how arrogant and PS they are?

We'd be Glad to have you here.
They way you said that makes it sound like you aren't American..........Like you are looking in and not out.............Why is it that I get the feeling you aren't from here..................hmmmm.................

We joke about the French...............sometimes we do.........sometimes we don't..........I imagine there they do the same thing.........

Yet in the fight against Radical Islam............France has played a role and helped save Mali from being overthrown by Radical Islam that came over from Libya...........

France is in the are many countries that happen to be............OMG MUSLIM...............Your propaganda is a joke and nothing more....................

Trying to imply we are saying things we never said.
The news articles I read said otherwise............They fought with the Mali army to hold the place from a group that was later driven into the mountains to the North........been a while since I looked but that is what happened when I look there.

How are you to speak for all of are one person.....perhaps many don't like Trump or our policies but I highly doubt you speak for them all. Nor do I speak for all Americans.

At least here you can't get jailed for speaking your mind........there.......not so much as they classify free speech as hate speech and lock your ass up.

I again state, by your own comments, that I doubt you are from America............

Kathy Griffin can say what she wants, she could hold up two severed heads of Trump if she wants, she has that freedom and no one stopped her or will stop her. Every other American has free speech also and we are all allowed to criticize and say what a loser she is for doing so. Free speech is here in the country, the government has not stepped in to stop her from voicing her ugly, disgusting opinion.
Even the French President who was voted in in a land slide is trolling the orange man. I have tons of French friends been to France and the general feeling, is that American are stupid to elect a man like trump. One they her I live in the US, first question how did you guys elect a guy like that. I not make that stuff up, same goes for all countries I've been too. Heck I'm in Cali and we still think it's a nightmare.

Free speech my ass, when you threaten others, so why y'all jumped on cathy Griffith then? Wasn't that free speech?

I'm fluent in French my grandfather helped fight the nazis half of my family are French, I've visited dozens of times....I guess I might have a glimpse of what the French think about the Americans and vise versa....
Climate accord and so many other issues France is on a different path than the US now.
And no France didn't just go to Mali to liberate them, but more to protect its economical interest in the country and their exploitation of the resources of MalI and so many other countries around the world.
The French hate your president and hate those who voted for him that's a fact, except the FN supporters.

Americans talk shut about the French and same goes the other day, all day long. All of sudden you inviting them in, to tell how they don't shower, ND how arrogant and PS they are?

We'd be Glad to have you here.
They way you said that makes it sound like you aren't American..........Like you are looking in and not out.............Why is it that I get the feeling you aren't from here..................hmmmm.................

We joke about the French...............sometimes we do.........sometimes we don't..........I imagine there they do the same thing.........

Yet in the fight against Radical Islam............France has played a role and helped save Mali from being overthrown by Radical Islam that came over from Libya...........

France is in the are many countries that happen to be............OMG MUSLIM...............Your propaganda is a joke and nothing more....................

Trying to imply we are saying things we never said.
The news articles I read said otherwise............They fought with the Mali army to hold the place from a group that was later driven into the mountains to the North........been a while since I looked but that is what happened when I look there.

How are you to speak for all of are one person.....perhaps many don't like Trump or our policies but I highly doubt you speak for them all. Nor do I speak for all Americans.

At least here you can't get jailed for speaking your mind........there.......not so much as they classify free speech as hate speech and lock your ass up.

I again state, by your own comments, that I doubt you are from America............
They are entitled to their opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. If they don't agree so be it. Perhaps they'd rather have seen Hillary who used the Clinton Foundation to make money by helping the Russians with the Uranium 1 deal where Russian investors got control of our Uranium.............which is a definite conflict of interest. Or perhaps that administration using the IRS as a Weapon..................simply because they didn't believe as they did...............That is NOT WHAT THIS COUNTRY IS ABOUT..................add to it all her lies.................Perhaps France would have voted in the Lying Crook here................

They don't live guess what............their dang opinion doesn't matter.........

Kathy Griffin has the right to free speech........but went too dang far............Got her own self fired..........she crossed the line and they could have lost advertisers and money as a result so CNN made a business decision to CAN HER ASS.

She got herself fired...........In regards to her opinion and actions to Trump.........using Free Speech we have the right to call her to the floor for it.............Those that are offended by it.......who the hell cares......whatever floats your boat.
The US supported AL qaeda also, Isis as well....and same scenario.....Ooopsss!!!! We didn't know they were evil. Wake up and smell the coffee it's all premeditated to have a foot where the natural resources and be well positioned in the world.

Here you go..........AFTER MANCHESTER. They don't let up. (concealed in a water delivery truck). Drive right on in........right this way. What a bunch of luncatics. Islamophobia.........uh.....yeah. If it looks like a duck?

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)A huge suicide bomb ripped through a secure area of Kabul at the height of the Wednesday morning rush hour, killing at least 90 people and wounding 400, Afghan officials said.

The blast, which came a few days into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was one of the deadliest to hit the capital in recent years.
The bomb exploded in the diplomatic quarter near the German Embassy and the Afghan presidential palace. The streets were packed with commuters, women shopping and children going to school, and the blast appears likely to result in a high civilian death toll.

Kabul bombing: 90 killed in attack near diplomatic area in Afghanistan -

I agreed with your post to Pogo...time to let up.

But consider this. Afghanistan is in war with the Taliban, an insurgent force we once supported. It's been going on how long now? This was horrific. But you are using it to score anti Muslim points. This wasn't a fight over religion but who gets to control Afghanistan.
We supported a group of fighters of which the Taliban were a part of it.............while it came back to bite us in the ass later........the Northern Alliance was also part of that group who have been fighting on our side for quite some time now.

That's the rest of the story............not just the Taliban
Part of the Cold War dummy.............trying to remove Russia from Afghanistan..............yea............some of them bit us in the ass later.............NOT ALL.................which is conveniently left out of the story which is why I posted the Northern Alliance.

Russia invaded for power and control........and getting access to the oil fields there..............which is also left out of the equation..............the enemy of my enemy is my rid of one from there only to have the one we helped still be enemies..................

Why are they are enemy.................because they supported Islamic Terrorists Sanctuary based on their beliefs.........which happens to be Islam.............but that is being phobic.............right.............
A country where there are no black and white neighborhoods, a country that doesn't provide forms and ask you to indicate your ethnicity, a country where you don't get treated based on your color.
Is there racism yes sure, is it systematic in the US it's and it's epedemic it took one fool in the Oval Office to bring the worst off it out.
Look racism in the US is deeply rooted I've never seen anything like it. What boggles my mind people from one city has different accents and they live within few blocks from each other. I'm not even gonna talk about the southern states and red America.
Obama was a mixed kid, they viewed him as a black person, although his mom was Caucasian and he was brought up by his white grandparents.
I love this country but one of the biggest regrets I have moving from a country that race wasn't an issue to a country that people still judge based on the color of the skin.

What a load. What country?

I agree with you the last election both parties failed miserably. Although I think that trump is the worst candidate that have ever run for president. I didn't vote for any, because none wete fit to be president, I would've voted for Biden or Sanders on a heart beat.

I meant religious Christians that consider themselves conservatives and republicans.
As fAR as Muslims I might be biased.

Good for you but as minorities we are less likely to vote republican...simply because they don't like us.
20% some Latinos vote republican less than 10% blacks ect....not to count those eligible to vote.
Republicans have no future if they don't change their racial ideology.

Vote for whoever you want, I don't vote Republican all the time, this last election I voted third party because the Republicans and Democrats failed to run a candidate that had character or integrity. I can't believe that anyone would vote for either candidate.

So when you say religious people are the most intolerant, does that also mean Muslims?

Might be biased? I have found 99% of Christians to be wonderful people, funny that is the same percentage I find Muslims to be. Same holds true for whites, blacks, orientals, hispanics, conservatives and liberals. I must live in a different world from you because I find 99% of all people honest, peaceful, and wonderful. I will also say, 100% of all people are bigoted and hold prejudice, we are after all human and that we don't understand, we form bigotry and prejudice, race, color, religion and politics doesn't matter. It is who we all are, human.

What country? Don't be shy.
Here you go..........AFTER MANCHESTER. They don't let up. (concealed in a water delivery truck). Drive right on in........right this way. What a bunch of luncatics. Islamophobia.........uh.....yeah. If it looks like a duck?

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)A huge suicide bomb ripped through a secure area of Kabul at the height of the Wednesday morning rush hour, killing at least 90 people and wounding 400, Afghan officials said.

The blast, which came a few days into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was one of the deadliest to hit the capital in recent years.
The bomb exploded in the diplomatic quarter near the German Embassy and the Afghan presidential palace. The streets were packed with commuters, women shopping and children going to school, and the blast appears likely to result in a high civilian death toll.

Kabul bombing: 90 killed in attack near diplomatic area in Afghanistan -


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