Grocery prices in July had largest price increase since 1979 — with one food staple rising by 38% on the year

You will say anything to lick Joe's ass. You are pathetic. Are you Liz by chance?

Yes, all those chicken operations killed their own birds just to help out Biden!

Fuck, you people are so stupid you should not be allowed to breed.
Yes, all those chicken operations killed their own birds just to help out Biden!

Fuck, you people are so stupid you should not be allowed to breed.

That was in 2020 and it is sad. There were lots of things like this going on in 2020.

I had dairy farmers I work with dumping their milk in their fields as the price was so low it cost more to ship it off.
You are joking right?
Cause if you are actually being serious... wow... your opinion on nearly anything is immediately in question.


Did Jimmy invade a sovereign nation that was not threat to the US costing the lives of more than 4000 service members and 50 times that many injured ones, costing the US tax payer more than a trillion dollars and still counting?

Did Jimmy push through a bill to "fix" our medical system that ended up fucking things up even more and we are still paying the price for it?

Did Jimmy ignore a pandemic causing more harm to the country? Did Jimmy try and overturn the legal certified election that he lost?
Also in the auto industry. I need anew transmission. Called in June…was told next available appointment was mid September. Short on parts and techs to replace them.

Also appliances. Went to buy washer, dryer and fridge. 30 to 90 day wait on most models. Three times the price of the last one I purchased 5/6 years ago.
Yup. The auto repair parts are really hit hard. I had a car accident, and we were waiting on one part for months. Everything is completely messed up.
That was in 2020 and it is sad. There were lots of things like this going on in 2020.

I had dairy farmers I work with dumping their milk in their fields as the price was so low it cost more to ship it off.
You just said people were stupid to believe farmers were killing their own chickens. Now you are blah blahing about milk being dumped.

We had to change garbage companies. We let the non-pickups go during the winter when there was so much publicity about not enough employees for anything, and riding the back of a garbage truck in the winter, I can see the problem. But it got much worse this summer! Whole streets just left for days, repeatedly. They don't call about it, they don't come ---- we'll see how the new bunch do.
Yeah, what’s happening is that people won’t work, so companies are hiring any warm bodies they can find out of desperation. It is really showing up in the level of service.
You just said people were stupid to believe farmers were killing their own chickens. Now you are blah blahing about milk being dumped.


I said they were stupid to think they were doing it so purposefully make prices go higher. These people make a living by the smallest of margins, they are not going to kill off their flocks if they can avoid it at all

Do try and keep up.
Yeah, what’s happening is that people won’t work, so companies are hiring any warm bodies they can find out of desperation. It is really showing up in the level of service.
Truck drivers of any kind are in shortage here in Maryland. It was painful watching that garbage pickup company the last week they came --- they had a woman truck driver, clearly new, and so were the pick-up guys, and I thought she was going to back over them, or drive off without them. Lots of awkward stops and starts.
I said they were stupid to think they were doing it so purposefully make prices go higher. These people make a living by the smallest of margins, they are not going to kill off their flocks if they can avoid it at all

Do try and keep up.

Shortages and supply chain issues were created by the democrats insisting on mandated lockdowns. Which was why they were killing chickens. You run in here to plop down your…noooo it’s bird flu BS to prop up Biden. Sure bird flu didn’t help but that’s not what started the problem. Get lost liar.
Truck drivers of any kind are in shortage here in Maryland. It was painful watching that garbage pickup company the last week they came --- they had a woman truck driver, clearly new, and so were the pick-up guys, and I thought she was going to back over them, or drive off without them. Lots of awkward stops and starts.
Yes, we are having trouble with our garbage company as well. They’ve missed days without an explanation, and when they do come, they leave the cans all strewn about, blocking the road and driveways. These are obviously “desperation” hires.

Did Jimmy invade a sovereign nation that was not threat to the US costing the lives of more than 4000 service members and 50 times that many injured ones, costing the US tax payer more than a trillion dollars and still counting?

Did Jimmy push through a bill to "fix" our medical system that ended up fucking things up even more and we are still paying the price for it?

Did Jimmy ignore a pandemic causing more harm to the country? Did Jimmy try and overturn the legal certified election that he lost?
Who ignored the ChiCom Flu Bio WMD attack?

Did Jimmy invade a sovereign nation that was not threat to the US costing the lives of more than 4000 service members and 50 times that many injured ones, costing the US tax payer more than a trillion dollars and still counting?

Did Jimmy push through a bill to "fix" our medical system that ended up fucking things up even more and we are still paying the price for it?

Did Jimmy ignore a pandemic causing more harm to the country? Did Jimmy try and overturn the legal certified election that he lost?
Obama was worse than Carter - I give you that. Obama was a corporatist/globalist/elitist
But, like I said, virtually every single way to measure a nations health became worse under Carter.
The same thing is certainly happening now.
Obama was worse than Carter - I give you that. Obama was a corporatist/globalist/elitist
But, like I said, virtually every single way to measure a nations health became worse under Carter.
The same thing is certainly happening now.

Bush II was worse than Carter

Obama was worse than Carter

Trump was worse than Carter, if you do not ignore 2020

Biden has been worse than Carter so far, and that is not likely to change.

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