Greta Thunberg Alert: "We will put world leaders up against the wall"

So. Not one RW nutbag sees the need to correct the OP’s dopey misrepresentation of what this child said?

That’s unfortunate.
She threatened world leaders with execution

or do you think she didnt say it?

She did nothing of the sort. You know that. And you are a shameless liar. Fuck off.
I hope you can handle the truth without becoming more unglued than you already are

but ready or not here it comes

her words are plain enough to understand

That is an innocent comment which refers to putting pressure on leaders to take steps to curb climate change.

You know that.

Unless you think she said that we should execute them and then make sure they do their job.

Dishonest hack moron.

If the comment is innocent its is also uneducated

which may be understandable for a brain-damaged 16 year old

but its not excusable

since at least the russian revolution people have been put against the wall to be shot
So. Not one RW nutbag sees the need to correct the OP’s dopey misrepresentation of what this child said?

That’s unfortunate.
She threatened world leaders with execution

or do you think she didnt say it?

She did nothing of the sort. You know that. And you are a shameless liar. Fuck off.
I hope you can handle the truth without becoming more unglued than you already are

but ready or not here it comes

her words are plain enough to understand

That is an innocent comment which refers to putting pressure on leaders to take steps to curb climate change.

You know that.

Unless you think she said that we should execute them and then make sure they do their job.

Dishonest hack moron.

If the comment is innocent its is also uneducated

which may be understandable for a brain-damaged 16 year old

but its not excusable

since at least the russian revolution people have been put against the wall to be shot

You are a dishonest person.
So everyone's favorite poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome is calling for mass execution of politicians now? She is truly following in the footsteps of her fellow Time Person of the Year recipients, Stalin and Hitler.

You go, girl.

"Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.

The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy.."

Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' | Daily Mail Online

When floods and famines start happening everywhere (not just in mega-poor countries) what do you think the people will do to the leaders who did nothing but take care of their own profits? Congratulate them?
You see, finding these little disabled twits is a favorite tactic of the left. They find them and coach them on what they're supposed to say, but then the catch is, you don't dare ridicule her in any shape, way or form, not even what she's saying, because she's disabled. If you do, you're a hater, you're a bully, you're blah fuckin' blah, because you said something against a little disabled girl.

See how that works? That's how the shit stain left likes to play their games.
Isn't it just said you cannot help yourself....that you have to insult her and it's the Left's fault when you look bad for insulting her. You poor victim you. I haven't seen too many things as pathetic as you and your excuse.
So everyone's favorite poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome is calling for mass execution of politicians now? She is truly following in the footsteps of her fellow Time Person of the Year recipients, Stalin and Hitler.

You go, girl.

"Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.

The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy.."

Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' | Daily Mail Online

When floods and famines start happening everywhere (not just in mega-poor countries) what do you think the people will do to the leaders who did nothing but take care of their own profits? Congratulate them?
And when they dont?

aka when doomsday does not arrive?
Nothing wrong with a kid being autistic or having aspergers….but it is pretty awesome to make fun of them and mock them....

Trump totally owned her on Twitter...….


Most autistic children don't want to burn down your world. You'd look pretty silly sitting in a cold, dark house with no car to go anywhere

I'm just saying.

You'll be dead so you don't care.

Prolly not. I could hole up here forever while your world burns to the ground.
Interesting how you just admitted that there is climate trouble coming.
She threatened world leaders with execution

or do you think she didnt say it?

She did nothing of the sort. You know that. And you are a shameless liar. Fuck off.
I hope you can handle the truth without becoming more unglued than you already are

but ready or not here it comes

her words are plain enough to understand

That is an innocent comment which refers to putting pressure on leaders to take steps to curb climate change.

You know that.

Unless you think she said that we should execute them and then make sure they do their job.

Dishonest hack moron.

If the comment is innocent its is also uneducated

which may be understandable for a brain-damaged 16 year old

but its not excusable

since at least the russian revolution people have been put against the wall to be shot

You are a dishonest person.

You cant accept the truth
She did nothing of the sort. You know that. And you are a shameless liar. Fuck off.
I hope you can handle the truth without becoming more unglued than you already are

but ready or not here it comes

her words are plain enough to understand

That is an innocent comment which refers to putting pressure on leaders to take steps to curb climate change.

You know that.

Unless you think she said that we should execute them and then make sure they do their job.

Dishonest hack moron.

If the comment is innocent its is also uneducated

which may be understandable for a brain-damaged 16 year old

but its not excusable

since at least the russian revolution people have been put against the wall to be shot

You are a dishonest person.

You cant accept the truth

I have provided the truth to you, the young lady has explained her comments fully. It is clear to the world that she is not a person who would advocate violence of any sort.

You are unable to meet her on an intellectual level, so you speak lies about what she has said and what her positions are.

You are a shit person. Own it.
I hope you can handle the truth without becoming more unglued than you already are

but ready or not here it comes

her words are plain enough to understand

That is an innocent comment which refers to putting pressure on leaders to take steps to curb climate change.

You know that.

Unless you think she said that we should execute them and then make sure they do their job.

Dishonest hack moron.

If the comment is innocent its is also uneducated

which may be understandable for a brain-damaged 16 year old

but its not excusable

since at least the russian revolution people have been put against the wall to be shot

You are a dishonest person.

You cant accept the truth

I have provided the truth to you, the young lady has explained her comments fully. It is clear to the world that she is not a person who would advocate violence of any sort.

You are unable to meet her on an intellectual level, so you speak lies about what she has said and what her positions are.

You are a shit person. Own it.

Given the level of emotion and hysteria in gretas speeches I dont buy her cover story of innocence

ignorance maybe

but even that is a stretch
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everybody who disagrees with her BS is immediately blamed for "attacking a child" and banned. Just brilliant idea!

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents
Not simply attacking a child, her family as well:
Great! She'll get placed on the "no fly" list and her parent will lose custody.
Her parents should be arrested for child abuse.
All's well that ends well. :banana:

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Sorry, apoplectic losers,... you're done.

Her parents are antifa. Mom sings opera, Dad is an actor and Grandfather is an actor.

Her parents are the climate activists, leave the poor girl alone, let her be a kid like any other and go to school.
Leave them all alone, you perverts. Greta survived her fetushood! So now you don't give a shit. Scientists are a hoax! Trump! Fossil fuels forever!
so, THT's why you are 100% in favor of the cynical exploitaction of autistic children for political gain.

thanks for the explanation.

That's the way with the Left!

They use children as human shields.

:dunno: Sad.
And the Right cages them....and purposely loses records of them...and sells/uses them in child sex trafficking...and encourages mass shootings of them...and defends pedophiles and pedophile enablers.
Well to be factual, "mentally-retarded" is simply the wrong diagnosis, doctor.
Amanda McCarthy of Acton, Massachusetts, thinks back to when she was that age and can barely contain her amazement. That’s a common reaction to watching such a precocious teenager on the world stage, but McCarthy shares a trait with Thunberg that paints a fuller picture.

They both have Asperger’s, a neurological disorder characterized by difficulty with social and communication skills. It’s considered within the range of the autism spectrum, although those with Asperger’s typically have normal language development and normal-to-high IQs, so they’re regarded as “high functioning.’’
Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterised by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.[6] As a milder autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it differs from other ASDs by relatively normal language and intelligence.[10
As though you actually gave a shit .. You're welcome.

Judging by her scumbag parents, I'm still going with fetal alcohol syndrome.

yes....both she has fetal alcohol syndrome and Asparagus Syndrome :04:
Very con-servative republican CHRISTIAN of you.
She needs sexy pics.

Sorry, dude. You'll have to wait a few years. :laughing0301:

But pictures of her slut mother Malena Ernman are all over the internet.


Yeah after checking out the name it's not hard to find the sleazy pictures.
Opera singers are inotorious for jumping in bed after each performance with pretty much the entire cast and crew.
I kind of wonder what little Greta has been exposed to growing up around all that crap.


I wonder about a kid whose mother has porn photos all over the internet or a father that dates porn stars and is accused of child rape.?
Orange cultists have declared that ok....more than ok...FABULOUS.
everybody who disagrees with her BS is immediately blamed for "attacking a child" and banned. Just brilliant idea!

Michael Knowles: Climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists rather that politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who’s been exploited by her parents
Not simply attacking a child, her family as well:
Great! She'll get placed on the "no fly" list and her parent will lose custody.
Her parents should be arrested for child abuse.
All's well that ends well. :banana:

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Sorry, apoplectic losers,... you're done.

Her parents are antifa. Mom sings opera, Dad is an actor and Grandfather is an actor.

Her parents are the climate activists, leave the poor girl alone, let her be a kid like any other and go to school.
Leave them all alone, you perverts. Greta survived her fetushood! So now you don't give a shit. Scientists are a hoax! Trump! Fossil fuels forever!
so, THT's why you are 100% in favor of the cynical exploitaction of autistic children for political gain.

thanks for the explanation.

That's the way with the Left!

They use children as human shields.

:dunno: Sad.
And the Right cages them....and purposely loses records of them...and sells/uses them in child sex trafficking...and encourages mass shootings of them...and defends pedophiles and pedophile enablers.
Those are liberal traits
Makes you wonder who paid the cost of air freight to ship that boat. That had to cost a pretty penny.
Soros and the UN are footing the bill for everything. The left loves to talk about the astroturf of the Tea Party. The global climate change movement (it's not called global warming anymore....hint) is absolutely inundated in funding by leftist NGOs and various governmental agencies.

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