Greta Thunberg Alert: "We will put world leaders up against the wall"

While both adults and children still line up against walls for all sorts of school and sports purposes. No one expects them to be shot for it. Counted or made accountable perhaps..
Is that the context you think Greta Thunberg meant when she talked about lining up world leaders with their backs to the wall?
Like for a game of dodgeball? Say, you really are a gullible dumb fuck, aren't you.
dude - get real.

obviously, she just wanted to measure their height!
So everyone's favorite poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome is calling for mass execution of politicians now? She is truly following in the footsteps of her fellow Time Person of the Year recipients, Stalin and Hitler.

You go, girl.

"Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.

The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy.."

Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' | Daily Mail Online

When floods and famines start happening everywhere (not just in mega-poor countries) what do you think the people will do to the leaders who did nothing but take care of their own profits? Congratulate them?
And when they dont?

aka when doomsday does not arrive?

The idiot leftrads have been predicting doom and gloom ever since the noxious weed of "environmentalism" sprung up in the early 1970's.

Hasn't happened yet, has it?

Idiots. :21:
For greenies the end is always 20 plus years away
You are now backtracking.
Not at all though it suits your dishonest purposes to say so.

AOC travels by plane all the time. If high speed rail were available to her, she’d choose to ride that instead.
So YOU claim. When did you become the voice for this woman?

You might choose to fly. The option would be yours.
I don't think there would be any "choice" at all if
ideologues like Alexandria Occasional Cortex got her way. I think flights would be taxed out of existence for the average passenger and airlines would become about as plentiful as steam ships.

Try being honest about things. It isn’t hard when the facts are on your side.
I don't know how you would ever know that.
We could almost discount ANYTHING she says as a cry of pain from a mentally disturbed child who does not know what she’s saying
And you do? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:This coming from the guy who couldn't debate with a paper sack. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
since at least the russian revolution people have been put against the wall to be shot

I have provided the truth to you, the young lady has explained her comments fully. It is clear to the world that she is not a person who would advocate violence of any sort.

You are unable to meet her on an intellectual level, so you speak lies about what she has said and what her positions are.

"Up against the wall, mxxxxxfxxxxx!!" was a common expression when I was young. It was NOT meant figuratively then, and it isn't now. It's leftists wanting to kill the rest of us. Somebody taught that child the expression: she is being manipulated and coached (and those pix of her mother!! Pure child exploitation.) by the hard left.

Why is anyone paying attention to this total crapazuma? Child exploitation, faked science designed to keep elites in power, violent threats of assassination of world leaders --- Time magazine has come down a long, long way if they are putting that sort of person on their cover.

Time also idolized Hitler and Stalin, so their credibility in pretty much non-existent.





It's his birthday day. 11 years ago today, 2008, dinbat Mr Carbon footprint himself declared "the polar ice caps will be ice free in 5 years" This in a speech in Germany. 2009 he said it again. Happy eat crow day Al.
It's his birthday day. 11 years ago today, 2008, dinbat Mr Carbon footprint himself declared "the polar ice caps will be ice free in 5 years" This in a speech in Germany. 2009 he said it again. Happy eat crow day Al.

Can you imagine what this country would be like now, had Al Gore actually won his presidential run? We dodged a moon-sized meteor when that idiot lost.

"Up against the wall, mxxxxxfxxxxx!!" was a common expression when I was young.

BTW, up against the wall MF'er is what the pigs used to say to the hippies when they cuffed them for smoking pot and protesting the Viet Nam war, not the crap you made up!
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How many times are you worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascists going to mindlessly post the same
FAKE time cover?????
The REAL cover from 2007, not 1977:

Even the original 2007 issue of Time was packed full of the same lies the Greenies and Climatards are mindlessly parroting today: Polar Bears drowning from the melting ice, the need for more levees along the coastlines to prevent the rising seas from destroying the cities, the same bullshit lies we've been hearing from you people since the 70's.

Except, nobody's buying your crap these days.
So wrong cover. Fine admission.

Doesn't matter and personally, I don't give a crap.

You Leftrads have been using agitprop, lies, and propaganda against us for decades. It's time you got a full helping of your own nasty-tasting medicine.

Hope you don't choke on it but if you you, oh well. Sucks to be you.
So everyone's favorite poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome is calling for mass execution of politicians now? She is truly following in the footsteps of her fellow Time Person of the Year recipients, Stalin and Hitler.

You go, girl.

"Greta Thunberg told cheering protesters today 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' if they fail to take urgent action on climate change.

The Swedish teen activist was addressing the crowd at a Fridays for Future protest in Turin, Italy.."

Greta Thunberg tells cheering crowd 'we will make sure we put world leaders against the wall' | Daily Mail Online

She's such a good little Nazi wonder the Dimwinger Party loves her.
How many times are you worthless lying scum POS CON$ervoFascists going to mindlessly post the same
FAKE time cover?????
The REAL cover from 2007, not 1977:

Even the original 2007 issue of Time was packed full of the same lies the Greenies and Climatards are mindlessly parroting today: Polar Bears drowning from the melting ice, the need for more levees along the coastlines to prevent the rising seas from destroying the cities, the same bullshit lies we've been hearing from you people since the 70's.

Except, nobody's buying your crap these days.
You lying scum POS, you never read the article!!! There was no mention of polar bears in the article. This is why you deniers are the lowest lying scum on the face of the Earth!

If the article was full of lies, as you lying scum TrumpNazis claim, you wouldn't have felt the need to FAKE the cover to support your lies!!!!!
You are the STUPID FOOL who BOUGHT the LIE of the FAKE COVER!!!!
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And the Right cages them....and purposely loses records of them...and sells/uses them in child sex trafficking...and encourages mass shootings of them...and defends pedophiles and pedophile enablers.
Yes, that's good. Get all of the lies out of your rotting system at once.
Doesn't matter and personally, I don't give a crap.
Oh, why start this topic then, Tourettes?

By the way, if you and others had even bothered to read what Greta actually said from your OP Daily Fail link:
She said: 'Unfortunately, we probably already know the outcome. World leaders are still trying to run away from their responsibilities but we have to make sure they cannot do that.

'We will make sure that we put them against the wall and they will have to do their job to protect our futures.'
Still confused about what she really meant? Reading The Daily Fail is like watching Faux Noise. No wonder you're such a mess.
So wrong cover. Fine admission.

Doesn't matter and personally, I don't give a crap.

You Leftrads have been using agitprop, lies, and propaganda against us for decades. It's time you got a full helping of your own nasty-tasting medicine.

Hope you don't choke on it but if you you, oh well. Sucks to be you.
And there it is, when caught lying the worthless lying scum POS Right simply accuse others of what they just got caught doing (see my sig) to rationalize that they are justified in being worthless lying scum POS.
Trump went light on Greta, actually giving her good advice to get anger mgmt. counseling.

As she is such a nasty child.
Triggered by sixteen year old girl speaking truth to power, butt hurt Trumpette snowflakes project themselves upon anything that moves.
LOL. There is a reason adults make decisions, and a reason that children are left out of political nonsense.

This child only speaks what she has been told to speak by the parents........They are the ones making these statements and not the little girl.

Pretty crappy that the left uses little children to push their narrative. Done so for political reasons. So if anyone disagrees with the kid.............people like you go LOOK A REPUBLICAN PICKING ON A CHILD. Dems playing the victim card like clockwork.
The Dirty little secrets of the Green Money making machine.

1. Most of our panels to save the planet comes from China. India is also becoming a major player.

2. In China and India there are LITTLE to NO OSHA standards for the worker.

3. Given the massive populations of these countries, the people go to the Silica mines to work for PEANUTS.

4. These workers get Silicosis, Tuberculosis, and etc. from STRIP MINING the Silica.

5. When these workers are dying from it.........they are ignored by their Governments and basically told to go
die somewhere. We have plenty of others to replace you.

6. The process to make Solar Panels produces Gases in the process that the Green Machine wants to end.

7. There are toxic materials in Solar Panels. At end of life, these toxic materials are in most cases being thrown
into land fills to leach out into the ground water.

How about this ...........the PARENTS of this CHILD go to China or India to a hospital near a Silica Mine..........AND EXPLAIN TO THOSE DYING FROM SILICOSIS.......HOW GREAT THE SOLAR PANELS ARE FOR THE WORLD.

Reality is missing from the LEFT............They USE LITTLE CHILDREN WHO SHOULD BE PLAYING for their Narrative.............AND THEY SHOULD BE ASHAMED.

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