Grenell will be acting DNI


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Trump also thanked outgoing acting director Joseph Maguire "for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!"
News of the pick, which was first reported by the New York Times, comes as Trump faces a March 11 deadline to nominate a new director of national intelligence or name a new acting spy chief as federal law prevents Maguire from serving beyond that date.

Grenell will retain his ambassadorship to Germany while he is acting DNI, according to a senior administration official.

I'm sure Pence hated swearing in Grenfell.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Why did he "have to go" just because he gave the Intel Committee a heads up on another round of Russian interference to help Don? That's called doing his job.

More to the point, Grenell is an unqualified hack who was picked for his loyalty to Trump, not his intel expertise since he has none.
The "Acting DNI" isn't optimum. There are better candidates for that position. I hope Trump picks one soon.

I doubt anyone of any worth would take the job, if you mean Collins he is member of the tramp cult.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Doug Collins on Friday said he still plans to run for the U.S. Senate, despite President Donald Trump’s remarks that he was a leading candidate to head the nation’s intelligence agencies.
Republican U.S. lawmaker Collins says he's focused on Senate run, not intelligence post
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrsts.
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrsts.

Yes that is why so many of tramps admin are not vetted by the senate. Kavanaugh deserved what he got.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Why did he "have to go" just because he gave the Intel Committee a heads up on another round of Russian interference to help Don? That's called doing his job.

More to the point, Grenell is an unqualified hack who was picked for his loyalty to Trump, not his intel expertise since he has none.
Why did the article say that federal law prevented McGuire from serving beyond March 11? It is a Trump plot?
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrsts.

Yes that is why so many of tramps admin are not vetted by the senate. Kavanaugh deserved what he got.

He got appointed to the Supreme Court, despite the smear attempt.
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrsts.

Yes that is why so many of tramps admin are not vetted by the senate. Kavanaugh deserved what he got.
Democrats should have little to no say in the running of the government. This is an ideal way of stopping Democrat dog and pony shows.
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrats.

Yes that is why so many of tramps admin are not vetted by the senate. Kavanaugh deserved what he got.

He got appointed to the Supreme Court, despite the smear attempt.

I'm waiting for RBG (87) to retire and Amy Coney Barrett to be nominated to fill her seat. Amy - Barrett | The Law School | University of Notre Dame

Then Stephen Breyer (81) to retire and his seat to be filled by a young conservative justice. Stephen Breyer - Wikipedia

Finally, Clarance Thomas (72) to retire during Trump's term just to poke the dems for their crap. Stephen Breyer - Wikipedia
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrsts.

Yes that is why so many of tramps admin are not vetted by the senate. Kavanaugh deserved what he got.
Democrats should have little to no say in the running of the government. This is an ideal way of stopping Democrat dog and pony shows.

Yet the Democrats will probably take over the Senate in 2020 and remain in charge of the house, and possibly the Presidency, but tramp has an 80% chance of being re-elected, a lame potus. LOL.
Trump also thanked outgoing acting director Joseph Maguire "for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!"
News of the pick, which was first reported by the New York Times, comes as Trump faces a March 11 deadline to nominate a new director of national intelligence or name a new acting spy chief as federal law prevents Maguire from serving beyond that date.

Grenell will retain his ambassadorship to Germany while he is acting DNI, according to a senior administration official.

I'm sure Pence hated swearing in Grenfell.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.

Unlike progressives Pence can interact with people he disagrees with on politics and morality, and not feel the need to destroy them, insult them, or cancel them.

That is tolerance, unlike what progressives and SJW types want, which is unequivocal acceptance.
7-2 Conservative SCOTUS when Trump leaves in 2024?


We need 9/9 American SCOTUS. The way it was intended.

They need to read and understand the American law, not try to make it up.

No, left wing lunatics want to change our founding document as they see fit and if they can’t pass laws, they just legislate through the courts.

Notice how they cry about immigration reform, but they won’t pass anything? They have the fucking house, but they won’t pass immigration reform....just impeachment.

Feckless c-words.
Trump also thanked outgoing acting director Joseph Maguire "for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!"
News of the pick, which was first reported by the New York Times, comes as Trump faces a March 11 deadline to nominate a new director of national intelligence or name a new acting spy chief as federal law prevents Maguire from serving beyond that date.

Grenell will retain his ambassadorship to Germany while he is acting DNI, according to a senior administration official.

I'm sure Pence hated swearing in Grenfell.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Maguire's major mistake: telling truth to (corrupt) Power?

Warnings of Russian interference in 2020 election infuriate Trump

"Washington (CNN)The intelligence community's top election security official delivered a briefing to lawmakers last week warning them that the intelligence community believes Russia is already taking steps to interfere in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump win, three sources familiar with the matter tell CNN."

Russia is looking to help Trump win in 2020, election security official told lawmakers - CNNPolitics
Trump also thanked outgoing acting director Joseph Maguire "for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!"
News of the pick, which was first reported by the New York Times, comes as Trump faces a March 11 deadline to nominate a new director of national intelligence or name a new acting spy chief as federal law prevents Maguire from serving beyond that date.

Grenell will retain his ambassadorship to Germany while he is acting DNI, according to a senior administration official.

I'm sure Pence hated swearing in Grenfell.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Maguire's major mistake: telling truth to (corrupt) Power?
Warnings of Russian interference in 2020 election infuriate Trump

"Washington (CNN)The intelligence community's top election security official delivered a briefing to lawmakers last week warning them that the intelligence community believes Russia is already taking steps to interfere in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump win, three sources familiar with the matter tell CNN."

Russia is looking to help Trump win in 2020, election security official told lawmakers - CNNPolitics

They say how Russia "intends" to interfere in the 2020 election but don't provide any examples or details.
I'm still calling bullshit on the deep state intel agencies until they can provide examples how any votes could be affected.
I know the gullible leftists on this USMB would all change their votes to Trump when they see Russian propaganda.
Acting DNI means no senate confirmation hearing. No Kavanaugh type character assassination. Trump may never make a permanent appointment again as he outsmarts and outfoxes the enemy democrats.

Yes that is why so many of tramps admin are not vetted by the senate. Kavanaugh deserved what he got.

He got appointed to the Supreme Court, despite the smear attempt.

I'm waiting for RBG (87) to retire and Amy Coney Barrett to be nominated to fill her seat. Amy - Barrett | The Law School | University of Notre Dame

Then Stephen Breyer (81) to retire and his seat to be filled by a young conservative justice. Stephen Breyer - Wikipedia

Finally, Clarance Thomas (72) to retire during Trump's term just to poke the dems for their crap. Stephen Breyer - Wikipedia

I'd wager that one of those seats might be filled by
Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod, who sits on the 5th Circuit (GWB appointee in 2007). She's young, smart as a whip, and she's an incredibly shrewd jurist. She was recognized as the Appellate Judge of the Year in 2017. Most recently, she made news as one of the 5th Circuit panel members that struck down Obamacare in the decision that was issued late last year. I had the pleasure of appearing before that same 5th Circuit panel for oral argument in one of my cases the day after the Obamacare oral argument, and I cannot express enough how impressive Judge Elrod was. I'm sure she's on the short list.
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Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Why did he "have to go" just because he gave the Intel Committee a heads up on another round of Russian interference to help Don? That's called doing his job.

More to the point, Grenell is an unqualified hack who was picked for his loyalty to Trump, not his intel expertise since he has none.
His fealty to Lord Trump is unquestioned. He is eminently qualified. Most qualified, in fact. Hail Trump.
Trump also thanked outgoing acting director Joseph Maguire "for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!"
News of the pick, which was first reported by the New York Times, comes as Trump faces a March 11 deadline to nominate a new director of national intelligence or name a new acting spy chief as federal law prevents Maguire from serving beyond that date.

Grenell will retain his ambassadorship to Germany while he is acting DNI, according to a senior administration official.

I'm sure Pence hated swearing in Grenfell.
Maguire had to go since he spoke to the House on the Russian interference once again in the upcoming election.
Maguire's major mistake: telling truth to (corrupt) Power?
Warnings of Russian interference in 2020 election infuriate Trump

"Washington (CNN)The intelligence community's top election security official delivered a briefing to lawmakers last week warning them that the intelligence community believes Russia is already taking steps to interfere in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump win, three sources familiar with the matter tell CNN."

Russia is looking to help Trump win in 2020, election security official told lawmakers - CNNPolitics

They say how Russia "intends" to interfere in the 2020 election but don't provide any examples or details.
I'm still calling bullshit on the deep state intel agencies until they can provide examples how any votes could be affected.
I know the gullible leftists on this USMB would all change their votes to Trump when they see Russian propaganda.
So you were in the briefing.

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