Greg Popovich on Trumps Victory


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Gregg Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Donald Trump was elected
ā€œIā€™m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,ā€ Popovich began. ā€œI live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. Thatā€™s the scariest part of it to me.ā€
It leaves me wondering where Iā€™ve been living and with whom Iā€™m living,ā€ Popovich said. ā€œThe fact that people can gloss that over and start talking about the transition team and weā€™re all going to to be Kumbaya now and making the country good without talking about it and any of those things.ā€
At the end, he said ā€œWe are Rome,ā€ a sentiment he expressed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Popovich wore a ā€œVote for Pedroā€ shirt in the Spursā€™ locker room, a nod to Napoleon Dynamite. That was a more playful way of expressing his displeasure with the election. This time, he was much more direct.
Many other NBA figures have spoken out about the results of the election, including LeBron James, Stan Van Gundy, and Steve Kerr. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers expressed a similar view of Trump, but encouraged those protesting to ā€œgo do somethingā€ to make a difference.
Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Trump was elected

This blows me away that Pop got so emotional on this. Typically, he quite low key and tries to stay away from the spotlight.
He hits the nail on the head.
Gregg Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Donald Trump was elected
ā€œIā€™m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,ā€ Popovich began. ā€œI live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. Thatā€™s the scariest part of it to me.ā€
It leaves me wondering where Iā€™ve been living and with whom Iā€™m living,ā€ Popovich said. ā€œThe fact that people can gloss that over and start talking about the transition team and weā€™re all going to to be Kumbaya now and making the country good without talking about it and any of those things.ā€
At the end, he said ā€œWe are Rome,ā€ a sentiment he expressed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Popovich wore a ā€œVote for Pedroā€ shirt in the Spursā€™ locker room, a nod to Napoleon Dynamite. That was a more playful way of expressing his displeasure with the election. This time, he was much more direct.
Many other NBA figures have spoken out about the results of the election, including LeBron James, Stan Van Gundy, and Steve Kerr. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers expressed a similar view of Trump, but encouraged those protesting to ā€œgo do somethingā€ to make a difference.
Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Trump was elected

This blows me away that Pop got so emotional on this. Typically, he quite low key and tries to stay away from the spotlight.
He hits the nail on the head.

Yes we know you far left drones are upset that you lost and that America is rejecting your religion!
I know that when I am looking for good political analysis, the first place to look to is sports figures making 7 figures per year for playing or coaching a sport......not.
Gregg Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Donald Trump was elected
ā€œIā€™m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,ā€ Popovich began. ā€œI live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. Thatā€™s the scariest part of it to me.ā€
It leaves me wondering where Iā€™ve been living and with whom Iā€™m living,ā€ Popovich said. ā€œThe fact that people can gloss that over and start talking about the transition team and weā€™re all going to to be Kumbaya now and making the country good without talking about it and any of those things.ā€
At the end, he said ā€œWe are Rome,ā€ a sentiment he expressed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Popovich wore a ā€œVote for Pedroā€ shirt in the Spursā€™ locker room, a nod to Napoleon Dynamite. That was a more playful way of expressing his displeasure with the election. This time, he was much more direct.
Many other NBA figures have spoken out about the results of the election, including LeBron James, Stan Van Gundy, and Steve Kerr. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers expressed a similar view of Trump, but encouraged those protesting to ā€œgo do somethingā€ to make a difference.
Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Trump was elected

This blows me away that Pop got so emotional on this. Typically, he quite low key and tries to stay away from the spotlight.
He hits the nail on the head.

You are really clueless, you know that?

Here, this is from a VERY LIBERAL author. This will help explain how and why Trump won.

It doesn't have a whole lot to do with racism, sexism, or xenophobia. If you don't wake up to reality, the left and the Democrats are going to be on the short end of the stick for a much longer time than they think they will be. Identity politics will not work any longer.

Americans are sick of that shit.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

I'm going to explain the Donald Trump phenomenon in three movies. And then some text.

There's this universal shorthand that epic adventure movies use to tell the good guys from the bad. The good guys are simple folk from the countryside ...

Lionsgate Films

... while the bad guys are decadent assholes who live in the city and wear stupid clothes:

Lionsgate Films

In Star Wars, Luke is a farm boy ...


... while the bad guys live in a shiny space station:


In Braveheart, the main character (Dennis Braveheart) is a simple farmer ...

Paramount Pictures

... and the dastardly Prince Shithead lives in a luxurious castle and wears fancy, foppish clothes:

Paramount Pictures

The theme expresses itself in several ways -- primitive vs. advanced, tough vs. delicate, masculine vs. feminine, poor vs. rich, pure vs. decadent, traditional vs. weird. All of it is code for rural vs. urban. That tense divide between the two doesn't exist because of these movies, obviously. These movies used it as shorthand because the divide already existed.

We country folk are programmed to hate the prissy elites. That brings us to Trump. . . .
Gregg Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Donald Trump was elected
ā€œIā€™m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,ā€ Popovich began. ā€œI live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. Thatā€™s the scariest part of it to me.ā€
It leaves me wondering where Iā€™ve been living and with whom Iā€™m living,ā€ Popovich said. ā€œThe fact that people can gloss that over and start talking about the transition team and weā€™re all going to to be Kumbaya now and making the country good without talking about it and any of those things.ā€
At the end, he said ā€œWe are Rome,ā€ a sentiment he expressed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Popovich wore a ā€œVote for Pedroā€ shirt in the Spursā€™ locker room, a nod to Napoleon Dynamite. That was a more playful way of expressing his displeasure with the election. This time, he was much more direct.
Many other NBA figures have spoken out about the results of the election, including LeBron James, Stan Van Gundy, and Steve Kerr. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers expressed a similar view of Trump, but encouraged those protesting to ā€œgo do somethingā€ to make a difference.
Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Trump was elected

This blows me away that Pop got so emotional on this. Typically, he quite low key and tries to stay away from the spotlight.
He hits the nail on the head.

You are really clueless, you know that?

Here, this is from a VERY LIBERAL author. This will help explain how and why Trump won.

It doesn't have a whole lot to do with racism, sexism, or xenophobia. If you don't wake up to reality, the left and the Democrats are going to be on the short end of the stick for a much longer time than they think they will be. Identity politics will not work any longer.

Americans are sick of that shit.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

I'm going to explain the Donald Trump phenomenon in three movies. And then some text.

There's this universal shorthand that epic adventure movies use to tell the good guys from the bad. The good guys are simple folk from the countryside ...

Lionsgate Films

... while the bad guys are decadent assholes who live in the city and wear stupid clothes:

Lionsgate Films

In Star Wars, Luke is a farm boy ...


... while the bad guys live in a shiny space station:


In Braveheart, the main character (Dennis Braveheart) is a simple farmer ...

Paramount Pictures

... and the dastardly Prince Shithead lives in a luxurious castle and wears fancy, foppish clothes:

Paramount Pictures

The theme expresses itself in several ways -- primitive vs. advanced, tough vs. delicate, masculine vs. feminine, poor vs. rich, pure vs. decadent, traditional vs. weird. All of it is code for rural vs. urban. That tense divide between the two doesn't exist because of these movies, obviously. These movies used it as shorthand because the divide already existed.

We country folk are programmed to hate the prissy elites. That brings us to Trump. . . .

What you Trumpsters don't get, is that Trump did not get a mandate, it's not even close. 52.7% of the voting public did not vote for Trump.
Trump alienated million and millions of people and is probably will be the most unpopular president to be sworn in.
Popovich is right, Trump has to address some of the offensive things he said or he will have a very rough time governing.
Trump through his actions has demonstrated that he is aware of that. An example is that he changed his response to the protesters to a more conciliatory response.
Secondly, is approach to Obamacare is also conciliatory.
Since his victory speech, he has displayed presidential behavior. That is the trend he should continue.
Look, Trump was my least favorite presidential candidate, followed closely by Hillary (voted McMullin) and I wasn't happy at all that he won. But, I am willing to give him a couple years to govern, just like I have every new president. But that could change if he reverts back to his campaign style of bulling and bigotry.
Gregg Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Donald Trump was elected
ā€œIā€™m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,ā€ Popovich began. ā€œI live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. Thatā€™s the scariest part of it to me.ā€
It leaves me wondering where Iā€™ve been living and with whom Iā€™m living,ā€ Popovich said. ā€œThe fact that people can gloss that over and start talking about the transition team and weā€™re all going to to be Kumbaya now and making the country good without talking about it and any of those things.ā€
At the end, he said ā€œWe are Rome,ā€ a sentiment he expressed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Popovich wore a ā€œVote for Pedroā€ shirt in the Spursā€™ locker room, a nod to Napoleon Dynamite. That was a more playful way of expressing his displeasure with the election. This time, he was much more direct.
Many other NBA figures have spoken out about the results of the election, including LeBron James, Stan Van Gundy, and Steve Kerr. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers expressed a similar view of Trump, but encouraged those protesting to ā€œgo do somethingā€ to make a difference.
Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Trump was elected

This blows me away that Pop got so emotional on this. Typically, he quite low key and tries to stay away from the spotlight.
He hits the nail on the head.

You are really clueless, you know that?

Here, this is from a VERY LIBERAL author. This will help explain how and why Trump won.

It doesn't have a whole lot to do with racism, sexism, or xenophobia. If you don't wake up to reality, the left and the Democrats are going to be on the short end of the stick for a much longer time than they think they will be. Identity politics will not work any longer.

Americans are sick of that shit.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

I'm going to explain the Donald Trump phenomenon in three movies. And then some text.

There's this universal shorthand that epic adventure movies use to tell the good guys from the bad. The good guys are simple folk from the countryside ...

Lionsgate Films

... while the bad guys are decadent assholes who live in the city and wear stupid clothes:

Lionsgate Films

In Star Wars, Luke is a farm boy ...


... while the bad guys live in a shiny space station:


In Braveheart, the main character (Dennis Braveheart) is a simple farmer ...

Paramount Pictures

... and the dastardly Prince Shithead lives in a luxurious castle and wears fancy, foppish clothes:

Paramount Pictures

The theme expresses itself in several ways -- primitive vs. advanced, tough vs. delicate, masculine vs. feminine, poor vs. rich, pure vs. decadent, traditional vs. weird. All of it is code for rural vs. urban. That tense divide between the two doesn't exist because of these movies, obviously. These movies used it as shorthand because the divide already existed.

We country folk are programmed to hate the prissy elites. That brings us to Trump. . . .

What you Trumpsters don't get, is that Trump did not get a mandate, it's not even close. 52.7% of the voting public did not vote for Trump.
Trump alienated million and millions of people and is probably will be the most unpopular president to be sworn in.
Popovich is right, Trump has to address some of the offensive things he said or he will have a very rough time governing.
Trump through his actions has demonstrated that he is aware of that. An example is that he changed his response to the protesters to a more conciliatory response.
Secondly, is approach to Obamacare is also conciliatory.
Since his victory speech, he has displayed presidential behavior. That is the trend he should continue.
Look, Trump was my least favorite presidential candidate, followed closely by Hillary (voted McMullin) and I wasn't happy at all that he won. But, I am willing to give him a couple years to govern, just like I have every new president. But that could change if he reverts back to his campaign style of bulling and bigotry.

I'm not sure there is much Trump can do.

Hillary used Identity politics as much as he did. She played up ties to voting demographics, where evidence showed she had once showed disdainful or prejudicial attitudes toward, i.e. blacks, victim's of her husband, Catholic's, etc. Any one that never saw the verified evidence either didn't read or was living in an echo chamber.

Trump OTH never tried to distance himself from xenophobes and racists, all the while, his oafish and demagogic campaign style made it easy for the media to portray him in a most divisive manner. Not that he necessarily did anything much to discourage that in the primaries, he used it to great advantage, for coverage and for votes. Once the campaign was underway, he would whine about how the media portrayed him in print and on TV, but do nothing to explicitly repudiate hate groups.

They both played identity politics, and now the population will suffer, b/c the establishment has them pissed at each other instead of the very problems they associated with Hillary to begin with, the establishment and the corruption. Trump will become that establishment and corruption. None of those institutions that are causing the problem will change, we will only get some trinkets to distract his base and cause more division. Otherwise, policy will remain the same.

Reckoning with a Trump Presidency and the Elite Democrats Who Helped Deliver It
Reckoning with a Trump Presidency and the Elite Democrats Who Helped Deliver It

"When a presidential candidate is elected and they start to receive these briefings from the intelligence community, this is where the dark world of the kind of parallel national security apparatus in the United States thrives. Once someone comes in, particularly someone like Trump, never been in the military, never held elected office. They are going to overwhelm him ā€” intentionally ā€” with all sorts of dark scenarios of what can happen if he doesnā€™t renew this program or expand this program.

President Obama went through this in 2009 and the end result of those briefings was that he outsourced large portions of what they call the counterterrorism policy to the most unsavory, darkest components of the U.S. national security apparatus. Trump is going to be coming in with General Mike Flynn, certainly as one of his top advisers, who knows if Flynn will end up in a cabinet position? Who is General Flynn? Flynn was the intelligence chief for General Stanley McChrystal when he was running murder incorporated as the head of the Joint Special Operations Command ā€” handpicked by Dick Cheney. That is the guy who is guiding Trumpā€™s worldview on counterterrorism. He is a guy that believes that assassination should be the lead policy of the United States combined with kidnapping and torturing people.

Flynn has criticized Obamaā€™s drone program, not because itā€™s somehow unconstitutional, but because itā€™s not as effective as torture. Flynn has said Obama just wants to kill people because he doesnā€™t want to put them in GITMO, ā€œweā€™re losing an opportunity to get great intelligence out of these people.ā€ So the fact that Obama has failed to shut Guantanamo, the fact that he never held anyone accountable for the CIA torture, is going to mean that Trump, who already is going to be a malleable character in the face of a dozen and a half intelligence agencies inundating him with all of this stuff, but his hand-picked top advisor is one of the Hall of Famers of the world of dark ops.

And so you know people that say, ā€œoh well, Trump is sort of anti-war, or heā€™s not going to be interventionist?ā€ Just wait until he gets his twentieth, thirtieth briefing from the generals, the admirals, the unelected non-Senate confirmed national security bureaucracy. We are going to see hellfire with Donald Trump and anyone who thought they were voting for an antiwar candidate is going to be proven mercilessly wrong.

BR: I think the same exact thing is going to be true on trade and economics. I mean heā€™s already staffing up with all of these deregulators, all the very architects of the policies that devastated millions of Americans in 2008.

JS: Glenn what about on the issues of civil liberties ā€” we know that when the PATRIOT Act was passed only one U.S. senator, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin ā€” who just lost for the second time in a row, his Senate race in Wisconsin ā€” he voted against the Patriot Actā€¦ Barbara Lee, the only member of Congress to vote against the Authorization for the Use of Military Forceā€¦ we sort of saw the bipartisan nature of those horrendously dangerous votes in Congress, but lay out what your current or your initial thinking is on how Trump is going to impact civil liberties, surveillance, being in control now of the N.S.A. and other surveillance entities. What do you see coming?

GG: Just to Betsyā€™s point on this issue, sheā€™s one hundred percent right that Trumpā€™s unpredictability on all of these issue is attributable to the fact that he really doesnā€™t have any stable positions; heā€™s a con artist, he says what he needs to say to get you sign on the dotted line to sell you the used car. Thatā€™s who Donald Trump is. There are a couple of stable, cogent positions; he railed against TPP and there was actually a report from C.N.N. [on November 11] saying that TPP is dead, at least in the lame duck.

Who knows whether it will be revitalized, but I think that the best way to deduce whatā€™s likely to happen in the Trump administration is not by looking to what Donald Trump believes because thatā€™s indiscernible anyway, but this is the key to me. He himself said three or four months ago: when Iā€™m president Iā€™m going to allow Mike Pence to run foreign policy and domestic policy. I donā€™t want to be involved in these details, Iā€™m not going to be involved in policy making. And then they said to him I think it was at a New York Times editorial board interview, well if Mike Pence is going to be running foreign policy and domestic policy, what are you going to be doing?"
Gregg Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Donald Trump was elected
ā€œIā€™m still sick to my stomach, not basically because the Republicans won, but because of the disgusting tenor and tone of the comments that have been xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic,ā€ Popovich began. ā€œI live in a country where half the people ignored all that to elect someone. Thatā€™s the scariest part of it to me.ā€
It leaves me wondering where Iā€™ve been living and with whom Iā€™m living,ā€ Popovich said. ā€œThe fact that people can gloss that over and start talking about the transition team and weā€™re all going to to be Kumbaya now and making the country good without talking about it and any of those things.ā€
At the end, he said ā€œWe are Rome,ā€ a sentiment he expressed in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Popovich wore a ā€œVote for Pedroā€ shirt in the Spursā€™ locker room, a nod to Napoleon Dynamite. That was a more playful way of expressing his displeasure with the election. This time, he was much more direct.
Many other NBA figures have spoken out about the results of the election, including LeBron James, Stan Van Gundy, and Steve Kerr. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers expressed a similar view of Trump, but encouraged those protesting to ā€œgo do somethingā€ to make a difference.
Popovich is ā€˜sick to his stomachā€™ that Trump was elected

This blows me away that Pop got so emotional on this. Typically, he quite low key and tries to stay away from the spotlight.
He hits the nail on the head.


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